

Basketball Closed? Modify as Needed.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Mosey to see if basketball court open. Fence locked :/ 10-15 count GM,WMH, Arm Circles, SSH, EW, Hillbillies. Mosey to bleachers. 

The Workout:

Circuit 1: Climbing bleacher merkins: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,2 = 51. Mosey to playground.
Circuit 2: 3×17=51 Step ups/R Bulgarian Squat, L Bulgarian Squats.
Circuit 3: 3×17 alternating Urkins and Inverted Rows. Mosey to cinder blocks. 
Circuit 4: 3×17 Cinder Block Curls/Triceps/Press

Mary: 3×17 American Hammer/LSF/LBC

Announcements: CSAUP June 10th. 

T-Claps (Recognition): @Woody and @Jellybeans EC to U-Turn, then EC to GP.

Prayer: Motor Boatin 29th Wedding Anniversary and mother turns 88 next week. Safe travel for Socrates daughter and son-in-law to Africa, Pumpkin Spice’s M in Israel. 

Ground Pounder 5/6/2023

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Toe touches, Sir fozio arm circles, side stradle hops among others

The Workout: First half: Rocks.  Curls for the Girls, Rut Rows, Overhead Tricep press, Wonder bras, Ground Pounder.  Core work on your six.  Second set of exercises above.  More core work with a plank focus. Second half: Frisbee Golf.  3 holes of frisbee golf with 15 x merkins before each through.  Exercise on the next hole was 15 x squats.  Next hole was star jumps.

Mary: No time for Mary since our golf game went long. 

Ground Pounder 4/8/23

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good mornings, Hillbilly’s, Imperial Walkers, Willie Mays Hays, Sir Fozio Arm Circles, Try to touch your toes, Calf Stretches and Side Straddle Hops

The Workout: Two rounds of rocks while the rain held off.  Moved over to the restroom hut.  4 walls.  exercise on each wall. 5 sets of 45 second mini-workouts of balls to the walls, preacher’s chairs, merkins and planks.  20 exercises in total in 20 min!

Mary: No time for a formal Mary.  Planks were the Mary of the day.


Knockout with Pain Stations

FNGs: None

Warm Up: lap, good morning, arm circles/seal clap/overhead clap, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, WMH.
The Workout:

Rock Work: Sets of 10 in cadence, rotate to your left. Three rounds Curls, Triceps, Rows, Shoulder Press, Ground Pounder. 

Basketball Knockout with 3 pain stations for those knocked out to complete before they jumped back in :

1. Slam Ball x5 (20#)

2. Dumbbell Shoulder press x10 (Two 15# or 30#)

3. Rows x15 (25# or 35# KB) 

Mary: LBC, LSF, FM, Mountain Climbers, Shoulder Tap, T-Pushup each side, Pickle Pounder.

Announcements: April 5th 1st&2nd F breakfast Possum Trot. 

T-Claps (Recognition): Pumpkin Spice completing 75 Hard

Prayer: PAX recovering from illness and injury. 

Soggy GP

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, Hillbillies, imperial walkers, good mornings, WMH, daisy pickers.
 The Workout: Grab a coupon (15-35lb weight plate) Curls, Triceps, Shoulder Press, Rows, Wonder Bra, Bus Driver, Ground Pounder.

dips & Urkins 

basketball around the world w exercises – Frankenstein a, mountain climbers, squats, hallelujah , America Hammers 

Mary: Mosey to the flag

Announcements:Road Pick up today meet Womble, 

T-Claps (Recognition): Socrates VQ

Prayer: Cobbler flies back to Chicago today, Health of several PAX


Crushing It with Rocks

5 PAX worked their summer beach bods with some rocks. We each called an exercise to put in 5 sets around-the-horn:

  1. Biceps
  2. Shoulders
  3. Quads
  4. Triceps
  5. Back
  6. All the Rest

T-Claps for Socrates hanging tough and sticking with F3 the past few months!

Ground Pounder on a perfect morning

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good mornings, Willy Mays Hays, Hill Billies, Imperial Walkers, Sir Foxio Arm Circles forward & reverse, Side Straddle Hops

The Workout:

Rocks: Curls for the Girls, Wonder Bras, Rut Rows, Overhead Tricep Presses, THE Ground Pounder, Rock Squats…… Rock Spanks, Mountain Climbers, Rock Spanks.

Playground: 11 consisting of Pull Ups and Merkins.

Rock wall: Dips, Step-ups, Dips

Mary: Each PAX picked their exercise.  

Announcements:  Hoping we may have a flag building session sometime this year.

T-Claps (Recognition):  Congrats to Bollywood for starting a new job! Congrats to Stubs for keeping his momentum going!

Prayer: Prayers for Stubs and potential new job, Socrates’ brother, Fanny Pack to feel better and get more information on what’s causing him to feel bad, Pumkin Spice’s wife and a potential new job, Motor Boatin’s brother, and HazMat’s wife this morning. 

God gave us the perfect morning this morning.  So thankful.  Time to get out there and lead!

2023 F3SW TownHall

2023 F3 South Wake Town Hall


Ground Rules for the Meeting – Show Respect to everyone, Let each other talk, be kind

F3 Core Principles were reviewed
Everyone asked to remember our WHY
Rough Spots Addressed Up Front – Based on Breach conversations with PAX to this point since becoming Nantan for SW
  • Breathtaker – Seen by some as a measuring contest that was limited to those with the budgets to participate
  • Covid – Division based on and still present since F3 SW AO shutdown
  • June/May Challenge – Competition/Points/Rules – PAX pushing themselves rubbed some the wrong way
Let’s use this opportunity here to discuss our perspectives, work on fixing things, and move on.
What’s the Problem/Solutions?
  • Pre-covid – more comradery, more community, more supportive.  AOs started despite the shutdown
    • Should we have more convergences to bring a larger group of PAX together more often?
    • Growing number of workouts happening at set dates/times weekly that aren’t on the website, not pre-blasted, don’t present themselves as open to all (undisclosed)
      • Concern raised about FNGs going to these undisclosed workouts, are they being introduced to the greater F3 South Wake?
      • Concern raised about a lack of time shared with PAX that only go to undisclosed workouts
    • Point Countered – some have moved away from Social Media including Slack making it harder to share with a wide audience but noted that there are still some that go to 
    • It was discussed that we have ~472 PAX listed on the website, it was estimated that we have ~100 Active PAX in reality with a split of about 20 in FV / 18 “BlackOps” / 40 HS
      • Feeling was that we are losing PAX, folks are falling out, and our division can lead to the feeling that we are lacking in community
      • It was countered that covid or not, this has always been the case.  People decide F3 isnt for them, cold weather, hot weather, life happens, injuries, it’s always in flux
      • The PAX that arent showing up are opportunities for us to continue reaching out and staying in touch – growing 2nd and 3rd F would mean avoiding losing PAX to injury or workout related reasons for not showing up.
      • Lots of good growth and FNGs joining us all the time – great leadership coming from them too.
  • We used to be more grass roots, less structured – No one person calling the shots
    • Lot’s of rules being dictated down from the leadership team, should we remove leadership and be more FREED TO LEAD?
    • Point countered
      • Leadership team is a model that exists throughout the nation.  Part of what F3 is
      • No dictators in the leadership team just FREED TO LEAD PAX trying to help set examples around the Fs
      • Other than Covid there have been no rules or mandates passed down nor should any one F3 person be able to do so.
      • As in Covid, it was suggested that F3 not officially meet in alignment with national and state laws – black ops AOs popped up, no one stopped them.
  • Transitioned to a run club, covid spurred more running for all PAX and it’s continued
    • Bootcamps are pushing 3+ miles, R4TJ is pushing 9-10 miles
      • Was told that if you don’t expect to bring 3 mile minimum to Paradise City, don’t expect to Q by Site Q
    • Point countered re:mileage
      • Strava shows more experienced runners ‘picking up the six’ for greater mileage at AOs
      • Paradise City is listed as a high intensity workout with a 3 mile min expectation every week
    • BREACH:
      • Reviewing website listings to ensure clarity on what bootcamps vs running vs high intensity means
      • Conversations with Site Qs around working to maintain a standard depending on the expectation bootcamps should be less than 2mi, shovel flags, Q School, etc
  • Did we grow too fast?  Should we consider shutting down some AOs?
    • Discussion in the room resulted in the idea that AOs should self-govern, Site Qs should take responsibility/decision to officially close it down based on lack of attendance/Qs
  • We need to plant shovel flags more often
    • Site Qs need to take responsibility for planting a flag
    • It was suggested that we should have a 2nd F for making shovel flags – DOC and VIDEO examples – these are all over the internet
  • We need to keep up with BackBlasts
    • These are maybe largely unseen but a valuable resource for FNGs learning about F3 and eventually running their own Qs
    • Can be valuable to PAX going to a new/different AO to get a sense of what typically happens there.
    • Can be valuable to PAX Qing an AO for the first time
    • BackBlast Generator is now available to make it easier – Ask SoftServe for a website login if you dont already have one.
  • 2nd F
    • Is in a good place – Coffee is shared almost daily and regularly
    • It was asked that there be more emphasis on sticking around after COT if possible, 2nd F can be open to more with a few more minutes in the lot
    • More social events?  Rush Hour Karting was suggested recently, talk of a 75 Hard BBQ Celebration
      • Need more leadership in planning events, just like 1st this is a leadership opportunity
      • Doesn’t have to be well thought out or planned – Pick up BB games, Disc Golf, whatever you’re into just invite others if you are looking for people to hang with.
  • 3rd F
    • We have always been great about stepping up and taking care of our own – family hardships, celebrating new 2.0s, moves, etc
    • HS Food Cupboard is still out there but they are getting alot of support from the Boy Scouts, less needs for us at the moment
    • Holly Springs and Fuquay Town partnerships have been good for F3 SW
      • Can we shift our relationship to be less about manual labor?  What else can we offer?  Professional Services?
      • It was pointed out that things like HollyFest have been great for bringing FNGs to Fuquay
      • FV PAX were set to be at CelebrateFV but it was cancelled due to weather in 2022
      • We are listed as a free exercise class in Fuquay Parks and Rec – has brought FNGs and made our workouts officially sanctioned by the town so we won’t be kicked out of parks.
    • School Partnerships to find more 3rd F opportunities, improve our relationships there as well
      • Will likely need to find local school leaders – NutCracker has had the Principal at a workout before 😀
    • Parade Participation?
    • Abe is our 3rd F Q
      • Reach out if you need support with any ideas on 3rd F leadership opportunities.
      • Freed to lead, we need leadership in 3rd F and 2nd F like we have in 1st.  If you see something worth doing go after it.
    • 3rd F is organic and is best limited to 3-5 guys, shared bible study or book study
    • Doesn’t just have to be about doing physical good, it’s about spiritual good as well.  Great examples out there today on this too.
  • We can’t force our way back to the way things were.  Things Change.
  • Intentionality.  We should still figure out who we want to be as a region and individuals and work towards it.
  • Negativity spawns negativity – we need to be mindful of how we talk to one another.  Especially on Slack where inside jokes and playful banter can be taken the wrong way.  
  • Slack – Think your messages through and recognize when in-person, phone, or direct text messages to smaller groups are warranted.
  • If you aren’t adhering to the F3 Core Principles, you aren’t running or attending an F3 workout.

The Return of the King

FNGs: None Warm Up: Why?

 The Workout: run in place followed by 3 count pushups and Spiderman’s in cadence x10. 

Ab work.

Squats n stuff with some stretching worked in the bring heart rates down.

Rince and repeat x3.

Ended with lower body stretches.

Mary: built in Announcements: F3 State of the Union and pushing Brandon. T-Claps (Recognition): AARP for sponsoring Thunder 

Prayer: Kubota’s cousin on the passing of her husband.

Rams’ vagina.

Thunder without the Lightning

We did some TRX and Plyometrics…and stayed dry too!