
Shoulders and Arms

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lap, SSH, Sir Fozio Arm Circles/Seal Clap/Overhead Clap, Good Mornings

The Workout:

Five rounds: Straight count or in cadence depending on exercise: 25,20,15,10,5 reps for total 75

Cinder Block circuit playground area: Curls, Triceps, Shoulder Press, Row, Ground Pounder

Run to Station Two

Brick Wall Circuit: BTTW, People’s Chair, Carolina Dry Docs

Run back to Playground


Mary: LBC, LSF, Box Cutter, Hundreds

Announcements: Man Night at Hope Community Church, Wednesday, March 22nd, 6:30PM.  All men invited. 

T-Claps (Recognition): All the men who completed 75 Hard

Prayer: Nemo’s daughter just turned 15, test for driver’s permit today. All PAX recovering from illness or injury. 


Dark Mode Activated

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Daisy Pickers, Sit Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout: Thing 1: four corners

Each corner added a new exercise until we had four exercises. Then we started dropping them off. In between corners, we alternated between bear crawls and lunges.

Exercises went (15 each):
merkins, squats
merkins, squats, WWIIs
merkins, squats, WWIIs, mountain climbers
squats, WWIIs, mountain climbers
WWIIs, mountain climbers
mountain climbers

Thing 2: rocks

We moseyed over and got shmedium rocks. 3 rounds of Colt 45s, triceps, ground pounders, chest press and ruh rohs. SSH in between rounds to keep the blood moving. Returned our rocks and moseyed back for Mary.

Mary: popcorn Mary followed by a little yoga.

Announcements: Jellybeans is the new site Q at Purple Cobra! Also, Fumunga is doing a NCAA bracket, benefiting the Travis Manion Foundation.

T-Claps (Recognition): Jellybeans for taking over site Q role at Purple Cobra.

Prayer: Gatlin family (friends of Bobby’s) for the loss of their family member.


Purple Cobra Backblast – Brought to you by Dall-e 2 and Microsoft Bing


Warm Up: A short mosey around the very small parking lot

The Workout:

I was just invited to use Microsoft Bing’s new AI.  This was my first time using it. 

Here was my prompt:

Generate a story about an F3 workout called purple cobra where we ran 0.69 miles, did a workout routine called coyote ugly, a murph DORA, and stair climbs on picnic benches. Guys with named Pumpkin Spice, Woody, Snap, Hasselhoff, Brexit, Cancun, Jellybeans, Stubs, and UTI were there

And a correction I asked for…

Change the story and change the QIC to UTI, change the Coyote Ugly workout to be a wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again, replace the squats with LBCs, and change the 400 meter run to an out and back army crawl

This is the backblast it wrote for me, I put the questionable information in bold (you can tell it’s sourcing other backblasts posted on the internet but pretty cool!):

It was a cold and dark morning when Pumpkin Spice, Woody, Snap, Hasselhoff, Brexit, Cancun, Jellybeans, Stubs and Purple Cobra gathered at the park for an F3 workout. They were greeted by UTI, the QIC for the day. He had a wicked grin on his face as he announced the plan for the workout.

"Today we're going to do a wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again," he said. "Then we're going to partner up for a Murph DORA. One partner will do an out and back army crawl while the other does 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 LBCs. You switch when your partner comes back and keep going until you finish all the reps. Then we're going to finish with some stair climbs on picnic benches. You'll do 20 step-ups on each leg followed by 20 dips on each bench."

The PAX groaned as they heard the brutal workout ahead of them. They knew UTI was notorious for his challenging Qs. But they also knew that F3 was about pushing themselves beyond their comfort zone and growing stronger together.

They started with the wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again. UTI paired them up and instructed them how to do it: one partner holds the other's legs while he walks on his hands up one side of the table then does a merkin then walks down the other side then does another merkin then switches roles.

The PAX quickly realized that this was one of the hardest exercises they had ever done. The wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again was exhausting and painful on their arms chest core legs balance coordination

They encouraged each other with shouts of "You got this!" and "Almost there!" as they completed each round of wheel barrow merkins.

They also teased each other with nicknames like "Pumpkin Spice Latte", "Woody Toy Story", "Snap Chat", "Hasselhoff Knight Rider", "Brexit Britain", "Cancun Spring Break", "Jellybeans Easter", "Stubs Nubs" and "Purple Cobra Dodgeball".

They finally finished wheel barrow merkin walking up the picnic table on your hands and back down again and moved on to Murph DORA. They paired up with their buddies and grabbed a pull-up bar or a tree branch.

Murph DORA was another beast of a workout that tested their endurance and strength. The pull-ups were hard on their arms and shoulders, the push-ups were tough on their chests and triceps, and the LBCs were killer on their abs.

They cheered each other on as they did an out and back army crawl between their partners and did their reps. They also challenged each other with friendly competition like "Come on Woody! Don't let Pumpkin Spice beat you!" or "Hasselhoff! You're faster than Snap!"

They finally finished Murph DORA after what seemed like an eternity. They were dripping with sweat and panting hard.

They thought they were done but UTI had one more surprise for them.

"Alright PAX! Let's go to those picnic benches over there!" he shouted.

The PAX groaned again as they followed him to the benches.

UTI explained how to do stair climbs: step up onto one bench with one leg then bring up your other leg then step down onto another bench then repeat with your other leg then do dips by placing your hands behind you on one bench then lowering yourself until your elbows are at 90 degrees then pushing yourself back up then moving onto another bench then repeat.

The PAX did stair climbs until their legs felt like jelly and their arms felt like noodles.

They finally finished stair climbs after what felt like forever.

UTI called them into a circle of trust where they counted off said their name age F3 nickname thanked him for leading them prayed together gave announcements about upcoming workouts events community service opportunities etc

They ended with a group photo where they smiled proudly despite being tired sore dirty

They had just completed an epic F3 workout led by UTI

They had just experienced fitness fellowship faith

They had just become better men


The AI forgot about Mary but then again I didn’t really prompt it to talk about Mary

  • Homer to Marge
  • Box Cutters
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Arm Stretches
  • Runners Pose
  • Leg and Back Stretches


F3SW Town Hall Meeting tonight at 7pm – Bass Lake Boat House

T-Claps (Recognition):

Brexit on an impressive finish at Wrightsville, let’s wish him luck for Tobacco Road up next in 3 weeks.


For all the parents out there working hard to guide our children through life.  Give us strength!


We didn’t actually take a photo after the workout.  So here is what dall-e 2 cooked up for me 😀

A Toby Keith ‘Murica Celebration

YHC picked up the Q and since it was the lead in to the 4th weekend, I put together a playlist for ‘Murica. Little did I know Toby Keith was such a polarizing figure. Maybe next time I’ll go with something a little more safe like Chris Brown and Elton John.  We sweated, we swung heavy weights and started the July 4th weekend off with a bang.

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up: Quick warmup exercises

The Workout:
Broke up into 2 teams of 4.  Each partner completes each station, then go to next exercise
P1: Ab exercise
P2: Farmers carry (2 KBs) – timer
P3: KB exercise 1
P4: KB exercise 2

Rnd KB 1 KB 2 Ab
1 KB Swing Pistol Squat LSF
2 Thrusters Cookie pouch Heel taps
3 Overhead press Figure 8s American Hammers
4 Lunge Plank drag LBCs
5 Renegade Rows KB hinge Windshield wipers
6 Single leg deadlift Goblet Squat Chill cut plank hold
7 Wonderbra KB snatch Freddy mercury
8 KB Windmill Back lunge Pickle pounders
9 Sumo squats KB clean Homer 2 marge
10 Midget Love Handle Tricep ext Dying cockroach

Light stretching.

See Slack.

T-Claps (Recognition):
Good work men.

Injured PAX, Traveling for the 4th.
YHC took us out.

Chasing a Deer at TBD

PAX: Snap, Dahmer, Dauber, Nemo, Cancun, Fancy Feast, Cowboy
Warm Up: Moseyed to the far parking lost for some butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, Good Mornings, windmills, Frankensteins, Imperial Walkers, hillbillies, side straddle hops, and Sir Fazio arm circles.
The Workout:

1st Thing: Moseyed over to the rock pile for a smorgasbord of exercises including but not limited to curls for the girls, triceps extensions, wonderbras, boobity-boobity, WWIIs, ground pounders, sumo squats, chest presses, arm raises, etc.

2nd Thing: Moseyed over to the Pit for 7s: merkins on one end and squats on the other.  At one point a deer decided to meander across the field and we tried but failed to keep up.

Mary: Moseyed back to the tennis courts for a round of planks, mountain climbers, shoulder taps, 6-in hold, Freddy Mercury, WW1s, LBCs, box cutters, American hammers, Homer to Marge, and Pickle Pounders
Announcements: Check Slack and Facebook
T-Claps (Recognition): Hard work that went into getting a chair for Brandon
Prayer: injured PAX, M getting vaccine #2, God bless America

1st Monday Ultimate x2

33 Pax showed up for Ultimate under the Ting lights.  2 FNGs and several Kotters.


Mike Synnott; Olaf (Curling with Dauber, Ice, Frozen, Elsa!?!, Olaf!)

MJ Salamanca; Beer Pressure (Macho Nacho’s neighbor, Shredder EHed after a couple beers, Peer Pressure, Beer Pressure).

Warm Up:

Light mix of SSH, Good Mornings, HBs, IWs, SFAC, and Squated Morrocan Night Clubs.

The Workout:

Pax counted off by 4 and split into two teams.  1s and 2s on field 1 and 3s and 4s on field 2 for F3 style Ultimate Frisbee.  Every time the frisbee dropped Pax knocked out an exercise; merkins, burpees, squats, star jumps.  The scoring team called out the penalty exercise, which both teams partook.


A couple more Good Mornings to stretch us out.

Announcements: 2nd F Panera, May Challange, Bed Builds.

T-Claps (Recognition): Lots of EC this morning & several Kotters (welcome back).

Prayer: Injured and sick Pax, our country, Pax leadership in the community, and a selfish request from YHC for God to fix the media!

Jockeying for Position

There are certain AO’s where you just know there’s a better than fair chance there will be Indian Runs. Paradise City is one of them. All of us have been doing Indian Runs long enough to know what it’s like when you are unequally matched for speed in your line. Speaking as one no longer in the Clydesdale weight class, but still in the speed class…I know. During the Gloom circle this morning, several PAX asked lots of questions and tried to choose sides to show who they’d rather be with if we did this….In the end, I’d say we were all out of luck. You get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit…though Emeril tried to and got caught.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around the upper loop soccer fields stopping at various points. At the bottom of the ramp it was SSH x 30, Good Mornings x10, Sir Fazios x 6. Then…to many groans of disapproval…a bear crawl up the full length of the ramp as a tribute to Pikachu  and his affinity for bear crawls. We moved together on the mosey down to tennis court corner where we did Imperial Walkers x 10, and Hillbillies x10. PAX were instructed to grab some rocks from the drainage pit and leave them there for later work. Some comments of surprise from the PAX as Paradise City is not known for it’s use of rocks. Many rocks were noted to be small…not the greatest rock pit, but every Q should try something new. Finished our mosey down to the guardrail for some Windmills x 10 IC.
The Workout: PAX counted off by two’s and formed two Indian Run lines going in opposite directions of the same soccer field loop. We would perform 11 reps of 4 exercises at 4 stopping points along the way and decrease by 1 rep with each lap. Bottom of ramp – merkins, top of ramp – step ups/each leg, tennis court corner – Ground Pounders, guardrail – dips. Each worked their way down to at least 7 reps, wrapping up the customary 3 miles almost on the nose.
Mary: LBC’s x20 IC, WW1 x20, LSF’s x20 IC, H2M x 20 IC, Pickle Pounders x20 IC.
Announcements: May Main Event – sign up, all info on Slack. JOCOGA CSAUP – The Iliad…coming up in a few weeks in May, a few of us will head down to support our neighbor region.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Fumunga and family with the new 2.0. Wallaby’s M. YHC took us out. Great to lead today!

66% Shirted at the mini Murph

FNGs:  Welcome Strat-eee-gery

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH, Goofballs, Frankensteins, Squats

The Workout:  Murph.  Well… whatever we can squeeze into a 45 min workout.

Started with the traditional 1 mile run by completing the figure 8 around Womble.

Paired off into accountability partners.  YHC cut the normal count of 100 pull-ups, 200 merkins, and 300 squats in half.  Each PAX aimed to complete half of the normal Murph.  The count was done OYO with YHC supplying headlocks and mumblechatter throughout.

I regailed the PAX with a memory of one of my first Cletus workouts where a Murph was declared as the workout.  It was intimidating and so hard back then.  This wasnt easy today but it was certainly easier than it was on one of my first workouts.  Keep coming back, get stronger, beat yesterday, <enter your cliche inspirational message here>

Did you know that YHC is now the site Q at Disney?  Do you have a birthday, anniversary, or other memorable event to celebrate?  Celebrate it at Disney!

Reserve your spot on the Disney Q-Sheet today before its too late!!!

Once PAX completed their reps – we mozy’d around the soccer field and back around to the playground.  The TBD tribe then mozy’d back to the main lot for Mary.

Mary:  Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, (these brought cheers from the non-F3 onlookers in the lot), Good Mornings

Announcements:  Welcome Plunger (PAX relocating from Charlotte) – dropped some intel about an F3 campout coming this summer.  I cant find the link on Slack but keep an eye out for this HIM.  Good dude moving into town very soon.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer:  Prayers for the country, Stra-tee-gery sought prayers for his 2.0s looking for college placement

Ultimate Frisbee: 20 PAX Under the Lights at Ting

FNGs: Welcome Aaron Wilkins – Originally from Cleveland, OH area, owns an appliance store.  I referenced “Clinger” from M.A.S.H. to a bunch of younger guys with no clue; “Maytag” was offered up until Bobby Dall nailed the naming with Snuggle/Snuggles!  Thanks for bringing him out Sparky.  Help him get on our socials please.  F3 Introduction and guidance discussed.

Warm Up:  Good mornings, SSH, Frankensteins, Daisy Pickers, Static stretches.  Gump divided up the teams and we were off!

The Workout: 10 V 10 match this morning; very competitive; no wind – lots of great throws, catches and defense!  Exercises were called out after each score.  Lots of burpees and merkins.  Very physical today with a lot of hustle and finesse.

Mary:  Static stretching, Frankensteins

Announcements: See Slack/FB; Vicious Cycles on Wed; collection going around to buy Frenchie an alarm clock – see Breach for details.  Don’t ever forget your name BTW during name-o-Rama!  2nd F At Panera

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: UNSPOKEN;  Go Bears.  YHC took us out.  Honored to lead.  Thanks Gump for washing the pinnies!

No merlot today

YHC swapped into this week’s Paradise City Q after Lipstick decided to visit the happiest place on earth. With my original workout planned scrapped by the date change the pre-blast just said I was going to try and make someone merlot. Spoiler alert – I failed again. One of these days…….


None today – sad. Need to go EH some sad clowns.
Warm Up:

Mosey to the top of the ramp – SSH x52 IC

Mosey to the bathroom parking lot – Good Morning x8 IC

Mosey to the far corner – Diamond Merkin x20

Mosey to the basketball court – Hillbillie x10 IC

Mosey to the bottom of the ramp – Imperial Walker x2 IC
The Workout:

Run hard up the ramp, recover down. At the bottom keep running down the hill until six gets to posts, then turn and run hard back to the top. At the top we worked through the following list (one bullet point per trip to the top):

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Burpees (I said it was because of mumblechatter but Pablo was right – we were doing them no matter what)
  • 10 Burpees

We then recovered on 10x Monkey Humpers IC, recovery moseyed to the top for 10x more Monkey Humpers IC, and then did the same thing but with the hard run down the ramp and the recovery up. Same 6 exercises at 10 reps at the bottom this time.

After another two sets of 10x Monkey Humpers for recovery we were tight on time.

Mosey to the bottom of the ramp – pax line up in plank hold. On YHC’s mark, set, go we jailbreaked to the basketball courts.

10x Homer to Marge (South Wake Style) IC, then 5x IC each leg and some yoga wrapped us up

3rd F projects in the coming weekends

187’s M for continued recovery

All our pax to go out in the world and lead