Told you I’d get it up…. Possum Trot 3/4
FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, IW/HB, Frankensteins, Cotton Pickers, Indian run with “drop and give me 5 merkins” down to the concession stand. “Musical cones” – bear crawl to cones, whoever is last gets 10 burpees while “winners” get monkey humpers – remove one cone rinse and repeat until final winner is crowned…. with more burpees.
The Workout: Theme of the day was about picking up the six, specifically not letting another PAX struggle with life alone.
So we partnered up and did three workouts where failure was inevitable. Balls to the wall until someone bails, broke back merks until someone bails, and forward facing Bubba/Forrest Gumps (deep squat holds with interlocked hands holding each other in balance). Which ever partner group bailed out first, the other PAX got to do burpees while the “failing” group recovered. The point being for all of us to encourage, cheer on, not allow the others to fail and when they did we pay the price for them to help carry the burden. PAX suffered through two rounds of that only to be greeted by the tennis court marry go round of stomach pain-
starting at one corner, WW2 x 10, bear crawl to next corner, American Hammers x 10, bear crawl to net, low slow flutter x 10, bear crawl to corner, LBC x 10, bear crawl to corner, heel taps side to side x 10, partner carry the long side back to start – rinse and repeat
Mary: we listened to NEEDTOBREATH “hard love” while squat holding. Message is in the song
Announcements: usual
T-Claps (Recognition): all you legends!