
Told you I’d get it up…. Possum Trot 3/4

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, IW/HB, Frankensteins, Cotton Pickers, Indian run with “drop and give me 5 merkins” down to the concession stand. “Musical cones” – bear crawl to cones, whoever is last gets 10 burpees while “winners” get monkey humpers – remove one cone rinse and repeat until final winner is crowned…. with more burpees.

The Workout: Theme of the day was about picking up the six, specifically not letting another PAX struggle with life alone.

So we partnered up and did three workouts where failure was inevitable. Balls to the wall until someone bails, broke back merks until someone bails, and forward facing Bubba/Forrest Gumps (deep squat holds with interlocked hands holding each other in balance). Which ever partner group bailed out first, the other PAX got to do burpees while the “failing” group recovered. The point being for all of us to encourage, cheer on, not allow the others to fail and when they did we pay the price for them to help carry the burden. PAX suffered through two rounds of that only to be greeted by the tennis court marry go round of stomach pain-

starting at one corner, WW2 x 10, bear crawl to next corner, American Hammers x 10, bear crawl to net, low slow flutter x 10, bear crawl to corner, LBC x 10, bear crawl to corner, heel taps side to side x 10, partner carry the long side back to start – rinse and repeat

Mary: we listened to NEEDTOBREATH “hard love” while squat holding. Message is in the song

Announcements: usual

T-Claps (Recognition): all you legends!


Ultimate Frisbee

13 PAX  for some fun!

EC: Buttermilk, Norm, Martini, R-22, Beater and Breach

FNG– None

Warm Up:

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies and 5 burpees OYO due to a tardiness

The Workout:

We broke off into teams, light color vs dark color shirts. It was very hard to see the frisbee this morning. I think the dark team won…just saying. Once the frisbee hit the ground…many times these exercises followed: merkins, lunges, diamond merkins, SSH and mountain climbers.

After talking with Yosimite I had the frisbee. Made contact with a few PAX and I had one that had cones…Great, everything was covered. Not exactly, HIM showed but forgot the cones! Not calling any names.

Mary: No time left.

Announcements: Buttermilk’s Church, Hope Community (Mina Project) is having a fundraiser. Selling boxes of cookies home-made. Support this worthy cause by sending Buttermilk message for order. Discussions of the safety of PAX playing ultimate since it’s so dark. Several are exploring some other options. More information to follow.

Prayers: Forceps Family, Armpits brother-in- law has MS/not doing well, Norm travel mercies rest of the week and Unspoken

Seven of Diamonds – The Nest 2/25/2020

When 5:30 rolled around, 11 PAX showed up, responding to the call for a non-stop, challenging workout.


EC: Norm, Marky Mark, Mr. Terrific, Boy George

SSH 20x, Smurf Jack 20x, Red Bull Smurf Jack 10x

GMs 10x

The Thang:

Whenever I Q, I try to maximize the unique features of the site. The Nest has a fantastic loop that’s not too long and not too short and includes a mini version of the ramp at Ting Stadium.

My goal for every Q is to challenge each PAX to do something beyond his ability. The Seven of Diamonds fit the bill for non-stop work. It’s a simple workout conducted on any circuit with four corners. On each circuit, you complete exercises in increasing multiples of seven: 7, 14, 21, or 28. I was impressed by the hard work everyone put in this morning!

Seven of Diamonds

Here’s today’s circuit:

  • Lap 1: 7 burpees each corner (total 28)
  • Lap 2: 14 low slow flutters in cadence each corner (total 56)
  • Lap 3: 21 Merkins each corner (total 84)
  • Lap 4: 28 squats each corner (total 112)

Everyone landed with someone their own pace. Pikachu and Mr. Terrific took turns challenging each other to sprints on the straightaways. Little did they know that I had sprints planned on the mini ramp. Two or three other groups naturally fell out and counted the exercises together. Faster groups circled back and completed exercises with slower groups.

Turns out that one corner is a bus stop. The bus rolled up while we were doing burpees. Pretty sure the kid was afraid to get out of mommy’s car and walk to bus until we were mostly done.

After completing the first four laps, I converted to an Indian run between corners to keep everyone together. We counted the final lap together, which included all four of the exercises.

Sprints: Finally, with about nine minutes to go, we all lined up for sprints. After all, I really didn’t want to disappoint anyone! In the dark, it was hard to find good markers, but I broke the ramp into thirds.

Three markers: Sprint to first marker, walk back; sprint to second marker, walk back; sprint to third marker, mosey to where we warmed up.

Mary: Low hold 30-60 seconds, Have A Nice Day!

Announcements: Check Slack. Also, look around you. Your F3 brothers are the ones who will make you stronger, both mentally and physically. You’ve tried it on your own, but it’s not sustainable. Enjoy these brothers around you. Keep giving, keep leading, keep motivating.

Prayer requests: Forceps and family, Wallaby and family, Lipstick’s sister

This was a fun Q, always a privilege to lead!

A Pirate’s Life at Mutiny; Zamboni Goalie #90; Welcome Armpit!

FNGs: Welcome FNG Dave Mack, aka Armpit, also known as Doug in some parts.  A career USAF veteran, a fan of Ohio State too.  Gave him disclaimers.  Thanks R-22 for bringing him out!

Warm Up:  Had all 16 PAX run around the gym and circle up in the half circle for the following warmup exercises on this 47 degree clear day:  25 SSH, 10 Don Quixotes, 10 Daisy Pickers, 10 Sir Fazio (F/R), 10 Seal Claps, 10 O/H claps.

The Workout:  PAX split up into two workouts, kettle bell or boot camp.  YHC was inspired by a recent beat down by our very own Pirate, POTS.  Rather than sandbags, we opted for Rocks.  Minnesota was MIA although LipSync tried finding it with his 40,000 lumen headlamp!  Karaoke / jog to the rock pile.  Grab a medium sized rock.  Line up in a straight line on the soccer pitch.  Dauber called out 10 or so rock exercises (20 count or 10 cadence count).  After completing one exercise, PAX dropped their rock and jogged backwards about halfway (some think it was more like 3/4).  5 merkins.  Jog back to their rock.  The exercises included:  Curls for the girls, rut-rows, O/H press, triceps curl, toe taps, bus drivers, SIMBAS, goblet squats, plank hold slap rocks, ground pounders.  Move to the cement sidewalk.  On your six.  Chest presses (multiple).  With rock above chest, hold 6 inches (20 cc), still holding rock, 10 chest presses, still holding rock, 45 degrees on legs (20 cc), 10 chest presses, still holding rock, legs 90 deg (20 cc), 10 chest presses, still holding rock, 6 inches legs off ground.  Arms burning.  Recover.  20 LBCs.  Good ams.  Return rocks to the pile.  Saw some sparks!  Toe taps on the curb.  Bear crawl to an island.  Frankensteins. Open doors for our hips.  Mosey to the wall.  Great mumble chatter re: emergency goalie, #90, Canes hockey game.  Look it up – amazing story!  At the wall, 15 cc BTTW, 15 cc People’s Chair; Runner’s Stretches against the wall.


Mary:  Joined LED and Red October PAX on the tennis courts.  Lots of ab work including pickle pounders, home to marge, LBCs, hello freakin’ dollies, etc.

Announcements:  Saturday service for Jon (Forceps’s kid) – Hope (Apex), 12-2; New updated Q sheet (sign up for every AO in SW)

T-Claps (Recognition):  EC guys; All PAX contributing to a great cause!

Prayer:  First responders, Military, Injured PAX, Relationships at home, Forceps and his family; LED took us out.

2nd F – Panera Bread to follow.

An honor leading you men in the gloom!  Love you guys!  -Dauber


Better late then Never

FNGs: No
Warm Up:  Quick lap around track with SSH, IW/HB, Good Mornings, 5 burpees.
The Workout: Kettle Bell Indian run down town with a stops at the springs: 11s (Turkish get ups/squats), parking lot 1: murkins, diamond murkins, and release murkins, parking lot 2: WW2,  crunches, and a quick stop at the rails on the way back for erkins, derkins, and dips.
Mary: Have a nice day.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Championships don’t count if you weren’t on the field

As I drove from Panera after another morning of recruiting from U-Turn, I realized my own hypocrisy.  Moving forward, I will not recruit for the Saturday double down unless I am doing so myself. 

FNG: Schroeder (courtesy of a DOA Headlock).  Schroeder is full of talent – a musical savant on the piano,  a supervisor at the nuclear power plant.

10 HIMs showed up to GP and mumble chatter started before the clock started.    


10 Good Mornings, 10 Windmills, 10 Daisy Pickers,  20 Fozzie Arm Circles, 10 Imperial Squaters, 10 Hillbillies, 20 3ct SSH, 10 Willy Mays Haze

The Workout

Mosey to the Rock Pile. Rotate around rocks between sets.

  • 3 sets of 20’s – Curls for the girls
  • 3 sets of 20’s  – Overhead Overhead Tri-press
  • 3 sets of 10’s – Ground Pounders
  • 3 sets of 10’s – Trunk Twists
  • 3 sets of 10’s – Bus Drivers
  • 3 sets of 10’s – Rutrows
  • 4 sets of 20 – Standard Bench Press
  • 10 x 3ct – Windshield Wipers
  • 10 x 3ct – 6 inches (arms extended)
  • 10 x 3ct – Box Cutters
  • 10 x 3ct – Rocky’s
  • 10 x 3ct – WWII’s

Mosey to the Wall of Pain

  • 1 set of 50ct Prisoner style Wall Sits and 1 set of 50 ct Al Gore Wall Sits
  • 2 sets of 30 ct Ascending Testicles

Mosey to playground wall:

  • 2 sets of 10 x 3ct Alternating Leg Step Ups
  • 2 sets of 10 Merkins, Derkins, Erkins and Dips  

Mosey to picnic area for some dice rolling

10 Plank Jacks, 8 Burpees, 6 American Hammers, 10 Split Jacks, 7 Diamond Merkins, 4 x 3ct Lunges, 11 Mountain Climbers, 8 x 3ct Rockies, 5 Dips, 9 Mountain Climbers

Mumble Chatter was on full tilt – lots of comments about how size matters, potential concussions, buses being driven into ditches, and we all learned Pikachu practices handless BTWs and that Garner feels high school football championships are more important than teaching students how to count. 

T-Claps for those who doubled down this morning.

Announcements: Play Set Build rescheduled due to weather, no 2.0 workout today.

Prayer Requests:  HIMs that are dealing with injuries especially Aquaman,  DOA’s daughter has broken arm, Sprinkler and his family, R22’s daughters friend dealing with cancer

YHC took us out.

Circle of Broken Cinder Blocks

EC: Norm, Yosemite, Finkle, Dovetail, Martini, Beater

FNGs: one, welcome Depends

Warm Up:  Quick lap with Butt Kickers, L/R skips, high knees, Arm Stretches (R over L, L over R, R elbow, L elbow), Good Morning, Daisy Pickers, SSH, 5 x Burpees

The Workout: YHC brought some broken cinder blocks and bricks from the torn down Gold Leaf building (new Aviator Brewery site) and placed them in a tight circle.  Had 11 Pax so spread them out so everyone had something to use for ascending Circle of Pain.  Each Pax chose a spot, began the 10 exercises starting at 1 working our way up to 11 each, after each round Pax moved to the left.  Count and order was a little off at times (sorry fellas) but we all killed it, great work gents!

Exercises:  Curls for Girls, Wonder Bra (said Jack Web’s but YHC doesn’t know proper exercises, will work on this), Bus Drivers, OH Press, Tri Extensions, Rut Ro’s, Squat, Ext. Squat, OH Squat.  Note: there was one cinder block was partially full of cement…T-Claps for FNG killing it on the last round, hope he comes back.

Bear crawl to Mary spot, roughly 50ft

Mary:  LBC’s, Mary Annette’s {WW1’s L/C/R = 1} (??), Box Cutters, Low Slow Flutter, Boat Canoes, American Hammers

Prayer:  Sprinkler’s family, Norm’s friends (one with miscarriage, another with baby in womb with under developed lungs), unspoken

Q school 2020 KickOff

Mutiny would be the Q school kick off for 2020. We want to try to offer Q school a lot this year and the best way to do that would be to do it during a workout. This was the first attempt to get all points across while still providing a valid workout. Overall it went pretty well for the first go at it. Here are some details to the action.

FNGs: Welcome Pumps!

Quick Overview:
Plant the flag. Site Q’s responsibility
Any FNG’s. 1-2 mins prior to start
Know your PAX. Who needs encouragement. Don’t leave anyone behind. Start on time 0530. End on time 45 mins end workout. Then COT. People can leave if needed at that time. During workouts, respect the Q. If Q needs correcting, do it after the workout. No questions asked today so I guess the PAX got it all. We can have high expectations moving forward with this group of HIM.

Warm Up:
Warm up exercises, try to mix it up. Static stretches should be avoided and Dynamic stretching is recommended.
Short mosey to circle
SSH – cadence count, how to call and how to end
Not too fast
Windmill (give instruction)
Merkins (teach good form)
Daisy Pickers (slow and what the exercise is for)

The Workout:
Choose a few main events and execute
Bearmuda Triangle
1- plank jacks x20IC
2- hand release merkins x20 OMD
3- prisoner squat x20 on my down

1- Mtn. Climbers x20IC
2- Diamond Merkins x15 on my down
3- Monkey Humpers x15IC

Tennis courts
11’s – common go to or a Dora can be used if more material is needed
Bobby Hurley’s and Burpees
Squat hold or plank hold for 6
5 Burpees OYO for good measure

Improv due to time.
Fence walk ups x10IC

Mary – 6 mins is great for core workout. Stretching works as well.
End at 45 mins or sooner.
– Know the difference between each
J-Lo 1 x10 each side (IC slow 4 count on all fours)
J-Lo 2 x15 IC (Hip touch’s)
LBC’s x10IC (ankles above knees)
Reverse LBCs x10IC

Prayers *Either ask PAX to volunteer or take us out in a word*

Try to meet and great anyone new or new to you. Get to know your PAX of brothers.

Travis Manion foundation event
Krispy Kreme race on Sat
Super Bowl squares (16-bit is in charge)

T-Claps (Recognition):
Puddles EH’ed FNG from before moving. His nephew, finally got him out.

Sprinkle lost dad
Breach grandmother passing
R22’s wife lost her cousin
H1N1 having more tests on injury

Thanks to the PAX for allowing me to use this time to conduct Q school while working out. Any feedback is always appreciated. Holly Springs AO will be next on the schedule.

BS Out!

Birthday Q at The Nest

Warm Up: Started the day with a mosey around the parking lot and some line agility work, then circled up for for some side straddle hops, arm stretches (with a warning that they’d need them today), good mornings, and daisy pickers. Then told everyone to partner off for the first main event.
The Workout: I kicked it off with Dora the Explorer. We’d start by needing 100 total reps(L+R=1) from each set of partners of Australian mountain climbers.  One Pax began the reps, while the other ran half a lap around the parking lot, then rotated as needed until all of the six are done. Then it was time to go exploring, we needed to find the sets of 200. It happened to be across the street next to a ramp with handrails. We needed 200 reps of split lunges and the partner would rail walk up  both sets of handrails, then rotate as needed until all of the six were done. Everyone got their 200 and we set off again to find the sets of 300. We found them back in the initial parking lot and were serenaded to the Dora theme song on the mosey there. The sets of 300 were shoulder taps in plank while the partner did the line agility work that we’d started with this morning, then rotate until all of the six were done. Dora was toast but we still had time for more! Line up for main event number 2 – animal 11s.

1 monkey humper in cadence, bear crawl 2 spaces then 10 merkins on my down. Duck walk back followed by 2 monkey humpers in cadence, bear crawl 2 spaces, and 9 merkins on my down. Rinse and repeat totaling 11 each time until the final set of 10 monkey humpers in cadence and 1 merkin on my down

Mary: Mary was sounding good but I mentioned she looked like a couple of avengers to me. Circled up and on your 6 for 10 rounds of Captain Thor’s! Those begin with 1 sit-up and 1 American hammer in cadence. Add 1 rep each time until we reached 10 sit-ups followed by 10 American hammers in cadence. I believe all Pax were sufficiently smoked and one mentioned those felt like Captain America punched Thor in the face! Time for have a nice day and Dovetail took us out with several stretches.
Announcements: There is already an Ice Man in South Wake, so Yetis 2.0 is now named Jester after another pilot in Top Gun.
T-Claps (Recognition): Several EC posts this morning
Prayer: Travel, illness, wildfires, and our troops. I took us out and am thankful for the opportunity to lead

Throwback 5 – Day 5 – Riding the Murphy-Go-Round at Cletus

46 PAX IN THE GLOOM!  Way to end the week HIM!

EC: Norm, ShamWow!, Martini, DawgPound, Skidmark, Maybelline, Redenbacher, Pablo, Buford, Cowboy, Mr. Terrific


Warm Up:  YHC felt a little odd Qing the final Throwback of the week.  I wasnt here when these fine AOs were established.  I needed some star power…  I needed CrabLegs!!!

No, not those delicious buttery delicacies… This HIM!

I reached out and luckily enough he was available. CrabLegs was wrapping up some vacation in New England and he made the push to get back and join in on the fun.  Crablegs put the PAX through their paces in the warm-up.

  • SSH
  • Runners Pose
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Overhead Stretches
  • Daisy Pickers
  • Good Mornings

The Workout:

41 PAX were present when we started the workout with an initial count-off.  YHC watched as a few men filed in at various moments but was unable to get the count.  This called for 6 Burpees OYO!

PAX had counted off 1,2,3,4 and broke into 4 groups.  We were headed to the Murphy-Go-Round.  Most Murphs would last about an hour and we would have enough room for everyone to grab some pull-up bars.   We didn’t have that today and with 41 (later 46 PAX) there were some logistical challenges.  YHC had his heart* set on some sort of Murph-like event today so a contingency plan was in place to make it happen.

*One of my earliest memories of attending Cletus was when a Murph was announced instead of the normal workout.  As a new PAX at the time, I was intimidated and I remember being pretty shattered the day after.  It was brutal and humbling and oddly it now made me feel nostalgic and happy…  this F3 really changes a guy.

The Actual Workout  Finally…

We mozy’d to the railing on the greenway between the pond and the baseball fields.  The railing would serve as our pull-up bars, strike that Inverted Row bars.  Group 2 was dropped here and told to get started AMRAP until they were relieved by Group 1.

We mozy’d to the parking lot beyond the baseball diamonds.  As we entered the lot, we dropped off Group 3.  There job was to do AMRAP Merkins until they were relieved by Group 2.

We mozy’d down the lot to give some space and dropped off Group 4 off.  AMRAP Squats until relieved by Group 3.

From there, Group 1 set off on a Run around the Baseball diamonds until they got to Group 2.

The Murphy-Go-Round was set in motion and continued until time was called.


Back to the tennis courts…

  • 6 inch leg holds
  • Boxcutters
  • Superman Ws and Ts
  • LBCs

Announcements:  Check Slack because my memory don’t work so good…  here is a round-up

  • Paradise City starts at 5:30 from now on
  • U-Turn launches from Panera from now on
  • Support a local Eagle Scout and the food pantry.  Donations happening now, building out a greenhouse later
  • Dumbo has setup a FREE CPR class at Hope next week – sign-up and show-up, you could save a life
  • Dad’s Workout 1/4 @9am Womble

T-Claps (Recognition):  To the OGs that set South Wake in motion.  Great representation this week from some of the earliest PAX including Howard.  Amazing leadership and great whetstones to reference as we push forward with the 2020 vision.

Prayer:  Those PAX that are working on physical and mental battles among us.  For our service members that keep us safe and guarantee our freedoms.  CrabLegs took us out.