Climbing the Mountain to Paradise City
FNGs: None
PAX: @Pikachu, @Dahmer, @Dumbo, @Breach, @8bit, @187, @Full House, @U.T.I., @Dawgpound, @Skidmark, @Fumunga, @Emeril, @Moose, @Katniss, @Pablo, @Redenbacher, @Woody, @Finkle
Warm Up: Mosey around the tennis courts and down the ramp. We did our stretches on the way back up the ramp stopping at each blue sign. Walking cradles, walking toe touches, walking lunges, walking lateral lunges both sides. At the top we did a round of Good Mornings and then Daisy Pickers and ran back down the ramp to the East Parking lot.
The Workout: Stacking four corners 3 rounds. Round one: Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Side planks all sets of ten. Round two: Squats, sumo squats, lunges, Richard Simons one leg squats. Round three: LBCs, Reverse CBLs, Flutter Kicks, ABCs in capitals.
Climbing the mountain: running the whole length of the parking lot we stopped at major cross walks and completed sets of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 mountain climbers. Thanks @Pikachu for the cadence counts. Very nasty and lots of chatter.
Mary: We finished with a victory lap up the ramp and around the tennis courts.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: @Skidmark’s mother-in-law with covid and family in quarantine, @Pikachu and M looking to start a family, all the 2.0s starting college or getting ready to go back to grade school.