
A Rucking Headlock… 9 PAX spring forward at AGS

Pre-blast for AGS called for a main event ruck with a running option. A few Slack posts revealed that Coal Ash would be getting running miles for those not wanting to ruck. With the time difference, YHC didn’t know what to expect, but did expect a few PAX to show. Rolled into Womble around 5:50am to find a few dudes with headlamps fleeing Womble on foot (no cars) getting early miles.  Parked and quickly saw Dauber on the right side of Knight Rider.  Planted the flag and then saw a few trucks started to roll in and quickly had a Sprinkler sighting, then followed by Oboe. Master Shake rolled in as well. I haven’t seen him in several weeks and having missed his appearance last week. It was good to see him back in the gloom.

Double D also came ready to ruck and later discovered that he was the recipient of a Brutus “the Barber” Beefcake-sized headlock\sleeper hold by Sprinkler. Exchanged a few fist bumps with Double D and Sprinkler before Double D inquired, “who’s truck is that?”… “Oh, that’s Vasoline…”

Boy George also came rolling in. This dude was on the second to last leg of a 48hr Goggins challenge. Not sure if he was awake, but his eyes were open and he was responding to visual cues and verbal commands. To round out the field, Midget came rolling in equipped with 3 ruck sacks ready to go. 6am hit and we were ready to go.

Warm Up: Boy George did a solo mission run around the soccer fields, while YHC lead PAX with a light mosey to the opposite end of the parking lot, with alternating lunge walks to the center. Circled up for SSH X10, Imperial Walkers X10, Hillbillies X10, Morocan Night Clubs X10…Midget, nice of you to join us, Fazio Arm Circles 10F\10B. Prisoner Squats X10 on YHC’s up\down. Squat hold for the routes.

The Workout: Only 2 runners. No sign of Coal Ash, unfortunately. Master Shake and Vasoline did the standard loop around the lake, while rucking PAX took the greenway to the lake (bypassing the lake segment) and continued through the backside of Sugg Farm. Lots of great mumblechatter along the way. Did not have an opportunity to get in between Sprinkler and Double D until the end of the ruck as we made our way down Grigsby, but that is when we discovered that Midget’s texts in a group chat got a 1-way ticket to vibrate on Sprinkler’s phone last night. Hopefully, more rucks will be planned in the future at AGS. Great fellowship and a great opportunity to connect with PAX at a different pace than a standard running or high-intensity AO. Arrived back to the flag about 2 min past 7am and performed a series of stretches, while waiting for Master Shake and Vasoline to come in. Great 2nd F followed at Sir Walter, where Oboe, Midget, and YHC got a visit from Skidmark.

Mary: Good Mornings X10 IC, Right over Left\Left over Right. Planked Calf Stretches. Downward Dogs and quad stretches.
Announcements: Mule next Saturday. Tobacco Rd. Half Marathon next week
T-Claps (Recognition): Master Shake and Vasoline holding each other accountable on the run this morning. Boy George completing the Goggins 48 hr challenge. All PAX battling the time change to post this morning.
Prayer: Prayers for Forceps and family. Those battling health issues. Sprinkler’s friend, Laredo, who has battled recent tragedies. YHC took us out.

You get 5 and you get 5!

FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH x10, Frankensteins x10, high knees / butt kickers
The Workout: Ruckers had already started early at 5:30, looking to get 5.5 miles. Went down the greenway and around Bass Lake.

All runners were going for 5 miles. Ended up with 5-6 by picking up the six (good work doing that by all HIM). Went out to Holly Springs Rd, through Sunset and up Bass Lake Rd hill. Yogurt joined us for COT.
Mary: Naaaaah
Announcements: Vote on Tuesday! BRR teams are forming.
T-Claps (Recognition): Coal Ash for going the distance today (over 10 miles).
Prayer: Forceps, Wallaby, Crab Legs

This Looks Like Blue Ridge Relay

FNGs: None today
Warm Up:

SSH x10

Frankenstein x10

Daisy Picker x10

Squat hold while we reviewed the route
The Workout:

Had a bit of a different route for the pax today – something that would highlight some of the hills on this side of town:

When we were coming up cemetery hill Deadbolt stated “this looks like Blue Ridge relay.” I told him it was never too early to start training and our back blast had its title.


Not today

ATT long run February 22nd

Q Swap this week
T-Claps (Recognition):

Oboe and Oyster for getting after the cemetery hill segment.

All pax for picking up the 6 throughout.

Wallaby’s family

R4TJ 5k

EC: Redenbacher

FNGs: None

Warm Up: 10 X SSH, 10 X Daisy Pickers, 10 X Good Mornings all IC

The Workout: YHC had pre-blasted a 3 mile and 5 mile option for this morning. My 3 mile Co-Q was MIA so we called an audible and decided to run an out and back to Holly Springs Road.  We finished up the route with a run up the ramp and a loop around Ting to even off the mileage to around a 5k. Good work this morning men.


Announcements: Check Slack and Facebook.

T-Claps (Recognition): HIM for showing up this morning.

Prayer: Our troops, unspoken.

YHC took us out. Always an honor to lead.

3 Year Mixed Bag

Drove in to see Pablo doing a solo EC run before the workout, nicely done!

FNGs: Nope

3 Years ago on this day, Tonka picked me up and treated me to a workout Q’d by none other than Midget at Disney.  It sucked.  I did every rep of the first set and was quite proud of myself, until I realized we were 10 minutes in to a 45 minute workout and I was quite done.  Sometime in the next 15 minutes as we were doing repeats on the stairs, Midget tapped me on the shoulder and told me to just wait at the top for everyone.  I think he was afraid I was going to fall out and hurt myself going up/down the stairs.  I also think he was right to be afraid of that.

It’s been a great 3 years.  One of my fond memories was training for my first HSHM.  That year, we did hill repeats & track workouts on alternating Wednesdays (“Speed Racer” was the AO) led by Pilgrim, Bernie, and Wrangler.  As a little homage, I brought out one of those workouts for this morning.

The Workout:

There was a lot going on this morning.  The Fritter Goobers + POTS went on a Ruck.  Not sure how far they went.  At some point they stopped for refreshments.  I’ll let them tell that story.

Double D was hoping for just miles, so Mookie mapped out a nice 4-5 mile route for him and he took off solo.

Forceps missed his alarm, but made it for COT & 2ndF 🙂

The rest of us did hill repeats on Stinson.  Starting at the bottom of the hill stop sign:

  • Run hard to Ivan parking lot; recover back to stop sign
  • Run hard to Cletus parking lot; recover back to stop sign
  • Run hard to Grigsby stop sign; recover back
  • Hard to Grigsby; recover
  • Hard to Cletus; recover
  • Hard to Ivan; recover

If you did the whole thing, it was right at 6 miles.

Mary: Pfft

Awesome COT after the run.  One of the best I’ve ever been at.   Too often it’s just “name / age / f3 name; quick announcement; let’s go”.  This morning we actually talked a bit about what we’re doing and why.  I really appreciated the time.
T-Claps (Recognition):  Oboe was a man on a mission this morning.  Awesome job beating down those hills.
Prayer: Running the hills made me think of a Pax I haven’t seen in a long time who used to be out there for these workouts — Princess Cut.  I know life hit him pretty hard for a while.  I wasn’t close enough with him to be there to help, but I know I miss him out in the gloom.  It made me appreciate what we’re doing with the Shield Lock even more.

Thanks for a great 3 years men, looking forward to the next 3.

Turkey Leg or Lil Dipper?

FNGs: Not today

Warm Up: 10 X SSH and 10 X Daisy Pickers, all in cadence. YHC informed the group we would be running the “Turkey Leg” today and named of the streets of the route.  Someone mentioned no Crossway?

The Workout:

By the time we got to the corner by Lowes, I turn to the group and say….yeah this is the Little Dipper route…










Mary: Ran out of time

Announcements: Check Slack and Facebook

T-Claps (Recognition): Yogurt and Maybelline for picking up the 6. Teen Wolf for showing up at a running AO for his second F3 post. Good work getting the 5 miles in!

Prayer: Unspoken.

YHC took us out. Always an honor to lead.

Who picked this route?

FNGs: None

Warm Up:     Light jog to the back end of the parking lot, butt kickers back. Switched to Carioca L\R, R\L back to other end of the lot. Frankensteins with a set of Lunge Walks and circled up for Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Fazio Arm Circles IC all with a 12 count. Michael Phelps to close out the warm up.

The Workout:








Mary: Ran out of time today.

Announcements: Check Slack and Facebook

T-Claps (Recognition): PAX that showed up this chilly morning for some miles.

Prayer:  Oboe’s Father in Law, unspoken

YHC took us out. Always an honor to lead.

Preferred Nomenclature

EC:  Kosher, Nemo, U.T.I.

YHC arrived at 5:15 to find a few vehicles already parked at Ting, hopped out of my car to plant the flag and was instantly hit with a fresh breath of ripe air from the adjacent dump…I mean “landfill”. (Edit – Had to provide the preferred nomenclature so that PAX was not confused with the periodic dumping around town done by our very own Lipstick et al) Cars start rolling in and a few light vests arrive from the darkness….5:30 hits and we circle up.

FNGs: Not today

Warm Up:  10 x Frankensteins, 10 x SSH  in cadence. Discussed the routes and got after it.

The Workout:

3 mile route:









5 mile route:









Mary: She was out Christmas shopping

Announcements: Helping with Walby’s Christmas lights and meal signups. Frosty and Christmas Party coming up. Check Slack and FB for details

T-Claps (Recognition): Kosher, Nemo, and UTI for getting in some EC

Prayer:  Diedra and her recovery from surgery, unspoken

YHC took us out. Thank you for the opportunity to lead

The Rain Don’t Matter..6 PAX Get Some Hill Work

Pre-Blast reaffirmed that AGS would be open despite the rain that was scheduled in the forecast. Arrived to Womble via Stinson this morning so that YHC could get a good look at the street name which would serve as an end point for this morning’s hill repeats. Come to find out its Lacombe Court. As I noted this, I began the uphill climb in the Knight Rider and quickly came upon a light up vest in the back drop of a light fog and drizzle. Moving at a decent pace, Pikachu was just finishing up his 5th mile on to what would be a 15mi morning on this rainy and cold morning. What else can be said, the kid likes to run no matter the conditions.

Arrived to the parking lot to see DawgPound make his way to AGS this morning. Grabbed the flag out of the back of my car. As I made my way to the planting zone, Master Shake comes rolling in, along with Deadbolt not far behind. Nemo arrived shortly after that and before YHC knew it, we had 6 PAX on a very rainy and raw morning in the gloom.

On mornings like this, especially on a Sunday, it would be so easy to stay nestled in the fartsack. These 6 HIM made a decision, however, and showed up. To honor that commitment, YHC planned some hill work, being sure to stay close to shelter in the event the rain picked up. As it would turn out, the heavy rain held long enough for PAX to get 4-5ish miles this morning.

Warm Up: Light jog to the back Ivan lot via the left side of the soccer fields. Circled up for Imperial Walkers X12, Good Mornings X12, Fazio Arms F/B X12. During this series, DawgPound expressed his displeasure with the exercise count going to 12 each time. Not sure why there was an issue. We do this every Sunday and is the standard during football season at AGS. I guess Dawg just doesn’t like 12 for some reason. Finished up the the last set of Fazio’s and then mosey’d to around the lot to the back side of the Ivan lot. Circled up for some Hillbillies X12, Frankensteins and alternating lunge walks. Wrapped up the warm up with prison squats on YHC’s cadence down and up X12.

The Workout: With the uncertainty around when the heavy rain would fall, we’d keep close to Womble as mentioned. Decided on some old school Speed Racer for this morning’s workout. PAX ventured out of the Ivan lot to the left up Stinson for a series of 2.5 hill repeats. At the top of Stinson, PAX would perform 6 Burpees (just because 6 came to mind this morning and Dawg didn’t like 12 counts). From the top of Stinson, PAX would then head all the way down to Lacombe Ct, where they would perform 6 star jumps. Rinse repeat twice with PAX picking up the six throughout the hill runs. After the last set of 6 burpees was perfomed, YHC instructed PAX to take a left out of Stinson and onto Grigsby taking the long way around the baseball fields and then head back to the shelter in front of the flag for Mary.

Mary: Planks with alternating calf stretches, cobra stretches, runners pose stretches, downward dogs
Announcements: CSAUP Next week- Dec 7th. Get your Frosty on! F3 Christmas Party at Midget’s on Dec 14th.
T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX who posted this morning putting in work in the cold rain.
Prayer: Prayers for Wallaby and his family. Prayers for Nemo’s brother-in-law. All PAX and family faced with challenges during this holiday season. Continued health as we close out 2019. All unspoken. YHC took us out.

R4TJ – Gorging on Turkey with the Family

This Thanksgiving story is a true one.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent…

It’s that time of year again.  Time to be thankful, sit down with your family, make a side-dish, share a feast, and pass out on a couch to football.  You expect that Cousin Red has hosting responsibilities.  He always hosts… Out of nowhere he texts (doesn’t call) and asks me to host just the night before the big day.  I don’t have a plan, what will I make?  I realize Red has no idea who is coming or how many people I have to serve.

Frantically, I send out invitations and ask for RSVPs.  I get a few actual RSVPs – my brother Corey (big help when planning out the meal budget) and cousin Mark (you should see this guy clean-up after dinner).  Otherwise, lots of questions and comments from the peanut gallery. Stephen (always the match-maker at our get togethers) liked this picture I sent in the invitation but he’s not coming, Jaron (the cousin that think’s he’s some sort of comic book character) says he’ll send some of his high quality H2O but he isn’t coming, and my boy Olson says he has a Full House of his own to deal with…

I hope I make enough! … What if I make too much? … Do I have enough chairs? …  Who am I kidding we don’t sit at R4TJ.  Family! Am I Right?

EC: Nemo, Pikachu, UTI

My brother Andrew showed up unexpectedly.  I figured he might turn up on his way out of town but I just wasn’t sure.  As I stepped out to greet him, Chris shot by the door.  (I swear that guys moves like lightning).  The time I had set in the invitation for appetizers arrived so we got started, figured no one else would be coming.  2ish miles of EC was on the menu.  It was something I’d discovered long ago on a visit to Paradise City.  By the time we were done other guests had started to trickle in.

FNGs: Zilch – It would be nice if some of these guys had more friends to bring along to dinner.  The more the merrier I always say…

Warm Up:  Daisy Pickers, Frankensteins, Burpees (Thanks Katniss), Butt Kickers, High Knees

We got started with some light stretching.  Meals at R4TJ are no joke and you really need to stretch things out to make room.  Right as we got started, Brian tore into the driveway.  He said he’d planned on going to Jeff’s get together but put in the wrong address.  Since he was so close to my house… he just made himself at home… Oy!  We added a card table, threw a table cloth on it and let him join us.  It’s Thanksgiving after all and he brought a few cans for sides…

The Workout:

For those of us that came with an empty stomach and a hefty appetite.  YHC served a beautiful whole bird.  If you had to equate the amount of meat to a distance – I’d say it was about 5 miles of Turkey.  If you went back for more (like Chris did – More than a few times I might add – that guy can really dig in) you might get more like 10 miles out of that bird.  Truly a feast!

Guests seeking something on the lighter side opted for the neck and the dark meat.  Chad (we call him Rut – hunters like the gross stuff) was happy to deliver.  Such a long neck on this thing.  3 miles of meat (I know its strange but my family has always measured their meat in miles.)

Mary:  We didn’t invite her.  Always brings up politics at the table.  Gets Corey all bent out of shape.  She winds up drunk and things really get strange after that…  Not worth the hassle.

Announcements: Convergence tomorrow at Tiger Blood, 6AM.  Friendsgiving at M4Ls on Thursday, Frosty, Christmas Party, Oakwood 24, BRR registration opens soon, there was more and I hope its all on Slack.  With all the tryptophan and you just start getting sick of your family… It’s like Blah Blah Blah….

T-Claps (Recognition): These go to Josh and Brian – This was Kosher’s 3rd post in South Wake and he came out for 3 miles at R4TJ.  I’d say its a bit rare for our newcomers to show at R4TJ especially when running hasn’t been their thing recently.  Great work Kosher and welcome to the family.  Katniss delivered the goods, the canned goods that is!

Prayer: Mark lead us in prayer (again, strange family, prayers after the meal).  Great message from Corey about being mindful/grateful for what we have in our families.  Bring all 3Fs to your table this year.  Be great fathers, brothers, husbands, etc. as we always talk about.  Keep Quiver and family in your prayers.  Consider those

2nd F:  Once all the crazies left… Brian, Corey, Chris, Josh, and I (Jon) went over to Panera for some after-dinner coffee.