A Rucking Headlock… 9 PAX spring forward at AGS
Pre-blast for AGS called for a main event ruck with a running option. A few Slack posts revealed that Coal Ash would be getting running miles for those not wanting to ruck. With the time difference, YHC didn’t know what to expect, but did expect a few PAX to show. Rolled into Womble around 5:50am to find a few dudes with headlamps fleeing Womble on foot (no cars) getting early miles. Parked and quickly saw Dauber on the right side of Knight Rider. Planted the flag and then saw a few trucks started to roll in and quickly had a Sprinkler sighting, then followed by Oboe. Master Shake rolled in as well. I haven’t seen him in several weeks and having missed his appearance last week. It was good to see him back in the gloom.
Double D also came ready to ruck and later discovered that he was the recipient of a Brutus “the Barber” Beefcake-sized headlock\sleeper hold by Sprinkler. Exchanged a few fist bumps with Double D and Sprinkler before Double D inquired, “who’s truck is that?”… “Oh, that’s Vasoline…”
Boy George also came rolling in. This dude was on the second to last leg of a 48hr Goggins challenge. Not sure if he was awake, but his eyes were open and he was responding to visual cues and verbal commands. To round out the field, Midget came rolling in equipped with 3 ruck sacks ready to go. 6am hit and we were ready to go.
Warm Up: Boy George did a solo mission run around the soccer fields, while YHC lead PAX with a light mosey to the opposite end of the parking lot, with alternating lunge walks to the center. Circled up for SSH X10, Imperial Walkers X10, Hillbillies X10, Morocan Night Clubs X10…Midget, nice of you to join us, Fazio Arm Circles 10F\10B. Prisoner Squats X10 on YHC’s up\down. Squat hold for the routes.
The Workout: Only 2 runners. No sign of Coal Ash, unfortunately. Master Shake and Vasoline did the standard loop around the lake, while rucking PAX took the greenway to the lake (bypassing the lake segment) and continued through the backside of Sugg Farm. Lots of great mumblechatter along the way. Did not have an opportunity to get in between Sprinkler and Double D until the end of the ruck as we made our way down Grigsby, but that is when we discovered that Midget’s texts in a group chat got a 1-way ticket to vibrate on Sprinkler’s phone last night. Hopefully, more rucks will be planned in the future at AGS. Great fellowship and a great opportunity to connect with PAX at a different pace than a standard running or high-intensity AO. Arrived back to the flag about 2 min past 7am and performed a series of stretches, while waiting for Master Shake and Vasoline to come in. Great 2nd F followed at Sir Walter, where Oboe, Midget, and YHC got a visit from Skidmark.
Mary: Good Mornings X10 IC, Right over Left\Left over Right. Planked Calf Stretches. Downward Dogs and quad stretches.
Announcements: Mule next Saturday. Tobacco Rd. Half Marathon next week
T-Claps (Recognition): Master Shake and Vasoline holding each other accountable on the run this morning. Boy George completing the Goggins 48 hr challenge. All PAX battling the time change to post this morning.
Prayer: Prayers for Forceps and family. Those battling health issues. Sprinkler’s friend, Laredo, who has battled recent tragedies. YHC took us out.