Open spot on the Q-sheet and another opportunity for YHC to continue his SouthWake tour. This time through familiar territory. TBD is one of many AO’s that is operated out of Womble, the home of many memorable beatdowns and sunrises.
Though familiar territory, YHC arrived early to mark the back lot beyond the soccer fields. Planted the flag, greeted Deadbolt as he made his way to start EC along with Dahmer, who also arrived early. There were many exercises on the menu this morning. YHC pulled a Maybelline by writing them down in chalk on the pavement along with a series of marks to help PAX know where to start and stop.
Arrived back to the flag to witness a series of cars start to roll in. Pots, Java, Oboe, Cinder, Snap, Fanny Pack, and yes- a Midget sighting. After a series of fartsacks and numerous alarm malfunctions this week, he made it.
At that time, FIA started rolling in. Not sure of their workout this morning, but the amount of gear that was being carried to the picnic shelter was significant. Whatever was planned possibly included a week long trip afterwards. 5:30 FNG’s. Go Time..
Warm Up: Light jog around the lot, leading PAX to the first tennis court on the right for shuffles around the perimeter of the court, alternating lead leg on direction of the shuffle. Exited the first court and proceeded to the next for a rinse repeat and then back out to the lot, leading PAX to the far end of the lot to circle up for the following:
Imperial Walkers IC X10, Hillbillies X10, Good Mornings X10, Prison Squats X10, Bat Wings-Fazio F\B X20, Seal Claps X20, Overhead Claps X20. Mosey to the shelter single file past the FIA workout and to the left around the soccer field Indian Run style.
The Workout:
Brought PAX almost to the backside of the lot, where we converged for some lunge walks back to the speed bump in the center. Instructed PAX to find a parking spot and fill it. With each PAX occupying a parking space, they would sprint to the opposite space directly across and plank hold for the six.
Within this parking space, PAX would perform 1 burpee and mosey back to the start. Sprint back to opposite space and perform exercises in the following pattern
1 burpee, 2 curb merkins- sprint back
sprint forward (plank hold for 6)
1 burpee, 2 curb merkins, 3 derkins- sprint back
sprint forward (plank hold for 6)
1 burpee, 2 curb merkins, 3 derkins, 4 Erkins (in retrospect, pretty much the same as curb merkins)-sprint back
sprint forward (plank hold for 6)
1 burpee, 2 curb merkins, 3 derkins, 4 Erkins, 5 Dips-sprint back
sprint forward (plank hold for 6)
1 burpee, 2 curb merkins, 3 derkins, 4 Erkins, 5 Dips, 6 Nipplers-sprint back
sprint forward (plank hold for 6)
1 burpee, 2 curb merkins, 3 derkins, 4 Erkins, 5 Dips, 6 Nipplers, 7 Shoulder Taps-sprint back
sprint forward (plank hold for 6)
1 burpee, 2 curb merkins, 3 derkins, 4 Erkins, 5 Dips, 6 Nipplers, 7 Shoulder Taps, 8 Squats-sprint back
sprint forward (plank hold for 6)
1 burpee, 2 curb merkins, 3 derkins, 4 Erkins, 5 Dips, 6 Nipplers, 7 Shoulder Taps, 8 Squats, 20 LBC
Group mosey’d back to the speed bump to find the words “BEAR CRAWL” in front of them, so that’s what we did for about 25 yards to the marks YHC had chalked up earlier. At the marks, PAX continued their mosey in single file around the lot where we encountered an “X” along one of the parking spaces, which indicated the entry point for PAX to grab some curb for some curb plank shuffles. PAX proceeded in a single file plank with both hands on the curb shuffling down the line. After about 12 parking spaces, we landed on another “X,” which signified the end of the shuffles. Continued mosey, which transitioned to an Indian Run to the rock pile on the other side of the park. A quick check of the PAX, YHC noticed that we still had some trailing PAX, so instituted an impromptu set of squats while the six came in. With tight formation in tact, continued the Indian Run to the rock pile.
Instructed PAX to pick a rock that will challenge them, but nothing too crazy which would prevent them from performing 20 reps. Circled up for some arm work.
Wonder Bras X10, Curls X10, Triceps X10 (in cadence)
Rinse\Repeat X15 and X20
Indian Run back to the right side tennis court. Lined up along the long side of the court for some Jack Webbs in 1:3 ratio- Merkins and Air Presses in cadence, with a sprint intermission back and forth to the point of origin. Got to a 6:18 ratio before Midget asked when the work out was going to start..That’s when YHC knows he’s done about half the workout and coming off 3 days rest… Did one last sprint intermission and took PAX to the far end tennis courts for some balls to the wall-fence style X20 in cadence.
Circled up for Mary
Mary: Low Slow Flutter X20, LBC X20, Pickle Pounders X20, Homer to Marge X20, Regular Plank, Right Arm\Right Leg up, Left Arm\Left Leg up, Downward Dog, Left over Right, Right over Left with quality hamstring and calf stretches, and one last Good Morning for good measure. Have a nice day.
Announcements: Check Slack for 3rd F opportunities. YHC has your Q at Cletus this week- Happy Valentine’s Day
T-Claps (Recognition): Deadbolt and Dahmer on EC. All PAX for the quality effort in all phases today
Prayer: Continued prayers for Wallaby, Yousef’s son, First Responders and Military.
YHC took us out.
As I’m writing this backblast, I know we are all deeply saddened to hear the news Forceps shared today. Please keep Forceps and his family in your prayers. We are here for you, brother.