

Jellybeans set the tone

On my way to the AO, as I continued to work through the details of the workout in my head, I turned onto Holly Springs Rd and was coming up on my turn into Jones Park. Ahead of me, the silhouette of a HIM crossing Holly Springs Rd; Regal, Majestic, Patriotic; this HIM  (later identified as Jellybeans) was rucking to the AO for the workout, with his Shovel Flag in tow, backlit by the light of dawn.  A sight to see, an inspiration to those around him, a proud member of F3. For me, this certainly set the tone for the morning. 

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up: Good mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio Arm circles, Seal Claps, OH Claps, Daisy Pickers

The Workout: Mosey to the rock pile for a medium rock. 

Made our way to Holly Springs Rd via Cusack and Mosey with various rock exercises mixed in (Ruh Rohs, Lunge walk with OH Press, Squat with OH Press, Curls for the Girls)

Circled up in the grass adjacent to Holly Springs Rd for 3 rounds of various rock exercises combining arms, legs, and ab work. Each round was separated by sprints down the new greenway path with a mosey back to the rocks. 

Exercises included ruh rohs, skull crushers, ground pounders, chest press, american hammers, homer to marge, squats, lunges, and a combo 6 inches and overhead rock pull on our six. 

Made our way back to the rock pile mixing in some of the same exercises and modes of transportation along the way.

Finished with a plank hold rock pass down the line of 14 PAX x 2.

Over to the playground we went to complete the June challenge of 20 pullups at every AO. 

Mary: Low Slow Flutter, Freddy Mercuries, Mountain Climbers and finished with some Yoga Stretching


F3 picnic this Sunday.

T-Claps (Recognition): Nada

Prayer: Best in Show’s Uncle Bob, Fedex, Slide Rule, and all unspoken

Turning Heads at the Amphitheater – YOGA

FNGs:  None

Warm-up: Lots of stretching

The Thang:  YOGA. Pax moseyed from parking lot to the amphitheater.  Pull-ups were done while passing the kiddie-area.  PAX rolled out their mats (one PAX decided to fight the ants in the grass after not reading Slack and bringing his mat).  YHC found some soothing music getting us in the right mood.  Lots of stretching from our head to our toes.  Many YOGA moves were included.  Stretching of our lower extremities causing many female walkers to turn and stare, possibly gawk at the maneuvers performed on stage.  Definitely a crowd pleaser.  Lots of laughs for sure.

COT:  Finished with some Jane Fonda-like stretches (she was a beauty in the 80s).  YHC took us out in prayer.  Shared story of my headlock 7 years ago.

Announcements:  Support the Run the Quay this Saturday.

Honored to lead during my 7th year Anniversary with F3.








A bit of rain, lightening, thunder, but no breeze

Good times under the shelter with some rocks for a full body workout featuring the best of counting by Socrates.  Humid and warm and we just wanted a breeze and keep dinner in its proper place.  Good work men.


Rocks and the Three Bears

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Willie Mays Hayes

The Workout: Pax moseyed over to the rock pile and were instructed to get a shmedium rock. We all lined up on one side of the parking lot, where we performed 20 counts of curls for the girls, triceps, rows, ground pounders and squats. We then bear crawled to the other end of the parking lot and moseyed back. We did this another two rounds for a total of three. Returning our rocks and back on the mosey. 

Next stop was the picnic shelter. Pax picked a spot on the wall for People’s Chair. 10 count down the line for a total of 70. Then over to the tables where we did 10 Urkins and 10 French Dips. Rinse and repeat two more times, opting for standard dips on those rounds. Woody did a good job encouraging us to perform People’s Chair properly with our thighs horizontal and to push through. P.S.I. showed us all that he could count to 10 in Estonian! Wrapped things up and moseyed to the tennis courts.

Mary: popcorn Mary followed by some yoga

Announcements: Kosher will join YHC as co-site Q at Cletus. Looking forward to it!

T-Claps (Recognition): Kosher for stepping up and co-site Qing Cletus

Prayer: Woody’s friend Larry and his wife Kim

Death by Dips

YHC took an opportunity to jump back in the Q circle today aboard the Train! Have struggled for months with physical/health issues and I just got cleared a few days ago to work out again, so I figured…”why not?’

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Fazio’s, Imperial Walkers, Frankenstein

The Workout: A short mosey to the hallway between parking deck and Main. 10/15/20 Dips, 10/15, 20 mountain Climbers IC. Then we moseyed on don to the parking garage for some DORA.

DORA consisted of 100 Hand-Release Shoulder Tap Merkins, 200 Monkey Humper IC, and 300 LBC. Partners ran the stairs up to do 10 more dips each pass.

Wall Work consisted of 2 rounds of People’s chair, while the end PAX bear crawled to the end of the line.

We took a quick mosey over to the small rock pile in the main lot. 4 PAX did AMRAP chest press, while the other 3 PAX rotated to complete 3-Man Rows (ie. 2 men stand as the base while the other lies down and does inverted row). 2 rounds of this and more on this later.

Mary: Supermans, shoulder roll stretches, Cobra Stretch.

Announcements: Like the exercise mentioned above, our job as the men of F3 is to pick eachother up when we are down. Many PAX during the last many months for YHC have reached out and have my sincere thanks as YHC has not been the best version of himself for months now. Our job in F3 is to pick up the six, never leave someone behind, and help eachother do things we don’t think we can do.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Woody’s M has some promising job prospects on the line. Pumpkin Spice has kids with need for safe travel. 16-Bit, his family and kids with various things going on. YHC for continued clarity on health situation, good results, and strength to bite down and move forward.


The Return of the King

FNGs: None Warm Up: Why?

 The Workout: run in place followed by 3 count pushups and Spiderman’s in cadence x10. 

Ab work.

Squats n stuff with some stretching worked in the bring heart rates down.

Rince and repeat x3.

Ended with lower body stretches.

Mary: built in Announcements: F3 State of the Union and pushing Brandon. T-Claps (Recognition): AARP for sponsoring Thunder 

Prayer: Kubota’s cousin on the passing of her husband.

Rams’ vagina.

Rocking It Out

Lots of sets with a big rock and two little rocks for a great workout of our arms, shoulders, back, and legs. Great work PAX! 

VC 8/17/22

Warm Up: OYO
The Workout:  See Strava – 7.67 miles. So much fun!
Mary:  none
Announcements: none
T-Claps (Recognition):  All PAX biking tonight
Prayer:  Silent, unspoken.

Honored to lead – Dauber

Lots of Pole and a Fire Hydrant

YHC returned from a minor medical procedure to continue the 75 Hard journey and take the lead at Thunder. I haven’t been to this AO in awhile, so I was stoked to lead these guys. A ridiculously humid night, nobody left dry. The group chalked up over a mile and stopped more times than I can count.

FNG’s: no…but a cool cat visitor from F3 Concord…Yellowcake!
Warm Up: Good Mornings
The Workout: We took the Stinson/Grigsby sidewalk loop the whole way around to the back of Womble. It was roughly a mile and we stopped at every pole (either power or sign) for a series of exercises focused on Legs, Core, or Upper body. At each stop we either did 10 reps or 15 reps. We began each series with burpees. At each stop, we increased burpees from 1-5, then 5-1, then 1-5, then 5-1, giving us 50 burpees total by nights end. Exercises for the night included: Squats, Star Jumps, Donkey Kicks IC, Alternate Lunges IC, Fire Hydrants, Money Humpers IC, Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Curb Dips, Hand-Release Merkins, Nipplers IC, Annies IC, Shoulder Taps IC, Pickle Pounders IC, WW2’s, Freddie Mercury IC, Taps IC, Dying Cockroach, LBC’s IC, Homer to Marge IC. The last couple stops going back into the park featured some rock work including, Curls for the Girls, Triceps, Shoulder Press, Chest Press, Skull Crushers, Rock Merkins.
Mary: Built In
Announcements: Bobby Boucher is taking over as 2nd F Q. Stubs is back!!!!
T-Claps (Recognition): Wild Turkey shaking it out after his whipping of the Missoula Marathon!
Prayer: YHC took us out. UTI and some health issues.

All Aboard the Warbucks Express

FNGs: Welcome Alpo!

Warm Up:
Mountain climbers, merkins, windmills, good mornings, sir fazio arm circles.

The Workout:
Broken wheelbarrow 1:4 merkin:wheelbarrow step ratio up to 10:40 completed by partners. 1 burpee each time PAX switched up to 5. Squats while we waited for the 6.

Circled up for howling monkeys followed by 20 merkins. We did this twice.

Mosey’d to rock pile and grabbed medium rock. Cusacked it to the parking lot passed traffic circle for some rock work. 20 count of rut rows, curls, squat press then pushed rocks while bear crawling across lot. Then did 20 count of rock swings, ground pounders, and rock hinges and lunge walked back for overhead press, tricep ext, squats. Returned rocks and mosey’d back to the flag for Mary.

Heel taps, LSF, homer to marge, plankorama, downward dog, toe touch.

Announcements: Picnic 7/30, 1776 workout next week.

T-Claps (Recognition): strong work by all this morning.

Prayer: UTI, Fanny Pack, Hasselhoff’s mom, Alpine. YHC took us out