Warm Up: FRAM and Sunshine for EC. SSH, Good morning, Daisy pickers, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio, Seal claps
The Workout: Had I consulted my calendar, which had me running 22 miles just two days ago, I wouldn’t have signed up to Q today. But I didn’t, so I did.
Then in a very adult manner of dealing with life, I tried to ignore it, hoping it would go away, so I could get another day of rest. But it didn’t, so I couldn’t.
So, up & at ’em. Having only a vague template in my head of what to do, I, as Sprinkler so succinctly foretold “bullshitted my way through this workout”, and it formed into this:
7’s on the “hill” of burpees and squats. That was it for legs. After that we just ran around in a disorderly pattern, making periodic stops for sets of non-leg exercises. Dips on the picnic tables, WWIIs, merkins, balls to the wall, Carolina Dry Docks.
We got in at least three sets of each (I think), with variations of merkins (derkins on the bleachers, diamond & wide grip) and dips (alternating raised leg), but did get 4 sets of WWIIs just because I decided to hit 100 reps for some reason.
Mary: A P90X favorite, Downward Dog Crunches (DD position, raise right leg, swing it to touch right elbow for 4 count, return. Raise right leg, swing it to forehead for 4 count, return, then swing right leg to left elbow for 4 count – repeat other leg). Then we did some kind of toe touch things until time expired. Good stuff.
Prayers: Fire Chief Tony, battling stomach cancer; FRAM’s coworker Mike, in a car accident.
Announcements: T-Claps (Recognition): Prayer: