
Jan, 22 2020: 3rd F Leadership Meeting

PAX – I know this is long but please read and look for things you may want to support as we progress through the year.  This leadership team is not exclusive, and we welcome everyone to the table.  If you think you can help with one of these initiatives below please jump in.  If you want to help but dont know where you fit, let us know.

EC:  ShamWow!, SlideRule, YHC

I must have done something to upset ShamWow!, Ended up on my butt less than a mile into the run on a dark uncharted portion of the greenway.  I survived this ordeal and finished up 4.3 miles with these HIM before moving inside for coffee.

FNGs: No

Warm Up:  We all got our coffee and assorted food items and buckled in for the meeting.  YHC started off with some general administrative stuff

  • CALENDAR We have a calendar for South Wake now We’ll use this to centralize all of our 3rd F events so that PAX know what’s coming in advance.
  • CONTACT INFO Our Gmail account has been updated with PAX contact information to make it easier to tag events with specific PAX that may be leading them.
  • PHOTOS The same account has had any/all Google Photos albums from Slack that are still discoverable tied to it. Should help with any future media and archival needs.  Feel free to share your photos with to keep the albums there up-to-date.

The Workout:

For the meeting we welcomed Zombie Bride, she is the South Wake FiA Philanthropy Q.  You may also know her as Crosby’s wife.  Some may ask… “Who’s Crosby?”  Zombie Bride listened in to see where FiA and F3 may be able to find some common ground in the 3rd F space.  We hope to continue having a delegate at our future leadership meetings so we can plan accordingly and perhaps steal some ideas from one another.  We also hope to have some co-branded events in the near future so we can invite entire families out to 3rd F with us and introduce them to F3 and/or FiA.  Stay Tuned.

AO Updates

Heart (YHC) – More detail below but TL;DR? – Monarch School (Event), Food Cupboard Volunteer (Volunteer Reoccurring), Mama’s House (Volunteer Reoccurring), Town of Holly Springs (Volunteer Reoccurring)

Mind (Shredder) – Will aim to assess the needs of our PAX (Survey Monkey early February), expect to introduce facilitated and pointed discussions based on feedback.  Will look to do the work to keep Shield Locks supported and introduced to new PAX.  Will also introduce an MIA program to pull Kotters back out.  Be it the gloom, 2nd F or 3rd F.

Cloud (ShamWow!) – Looking to get together some promo materials in terms of flyers, Videos, and to get more engaged with the social medias.  Meeting in the works with Comms and our Nantan to coordinate.

Accelerator (Abe) – See themselves working closely with Cloud.  #Acceleration channel is moving again.  YHC added that he has put all of his races on the South Wake calendar.  Could show an opportunity for those not racing to provide race support instead.


TL;DR Content

Cause:  Monarch – Fundraising for a new High School for kids battling/overcoming drug addiction

Q: Dahmer



Met with Monarch.  Looking into ways to help with their fundraising.  Golf Tournament, Race, Luncheon, etc.  Currently targeting the race and looking for potential partners.  Working with Monarch and their connections to facilitate where possible.  Future meeting TBD


Cause:  Holly Spring Food Cupboard

Q: Dumbo



  • People that use them sometime come with asks that go beyond food (home repairs)
  • Are in the most need for food in the Spring and Fall, expect F3 Food Drives
  • Expect F3 to get involved in the Garden Club
  • Golf Tournament?  Q will be SlideRule if this one comes to pass
  • Feb 1st, looking for 4ish PAX to support Eagle Scout greenhouse build following our $600 donation for supplies (THANK YOU SOUTH WAKE) –


Cause:  Mama’s House





Cause:  Town of Holly Springs Parks and Rec




  • Looking to give back to the town that hosts our shenanigans.
  • We will look to get involved in the 4th of July and HollyFest events
  • Help clean-up post event, get a tent during the event as well.


More HEART items being worked on and discussed – Truth In Nature, Hope on the Homefront, Meg’s Smile.  Keep an eye on the calendar


View our master “plan” –

Mary: I believe Zombie Bride’s hospital name is Beth…  So…  Nope….
Announcements: Did I mention we have a calendar!? –
T-Claps (Recognition):  3rd F leadership is on point.  Some really exciting stuff happening in 2020 and these guys are really passionate which makes it even easier!
Prayer:  Silence

What is this, a glow run?

Whether it’s training or Shield-Lock, or the combination of both, there was a strong showing of 34 PAX for U-Turn. After warming up, the group disbanded into a large bobbing body of neon light. A thought come to me, ‘What is this, a glow run’?…. A pretty cool sight!

Warm Up: Mosied around parking lot, side shuffling between lots,  then circled up for SSH 30x IC, mountain climbers 15x IC, Daisy pickers 15x IC, right over left and contra leg stretches, inner thigh stretches(some called it groin stretches).

The Workout: 3 mile, 5 mile, and multiple PAX with more mile routes. Picking up the six and good convos.
Mary: Nowhere to be found
Announcements: Nope
T-Claps (Recognition): Martini for pushing hard with EC and long route ME. To everyone picking up the six.
Prayer: Fumunga prayer request for a friend.

Mamas Houzzzz

FNGs:22-Pax.  2- 2.0 FNGs Dark wing Duck & Lasso
Warm Up:Plant the flag and unload trucks
The Workout:  Paint a garage(food shelter), fill pot holes in driveway.  As the pax arrived we started handing out rollers and paint trays.  A few pax started by sanding and wiping cob webs from the building while the 2.0s began painting in an organized fashion. Ha.  Once we got rolling everything became red. The building, kids, faces, my ride. Once the backhoe showed up with gravel, we lost a lot of 2.0s to spreading rocks but we pushed through.  We got 2 coats of paint on and filled the pot holes. The Girl Scout cookies were opened thanks to Tetanus, and the kids devoured them. We finished painting around 11:15 cleaned up and went to chick fil a for 2ndf.  It was great to see everyone out there and the 2.0s getting some work in.  Thanks everyone for making this successful.
Announcements: help snap move his office, holly springs food cupboard 3rdf event next weekend.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:pray for the organization mamas house, for the opportunity to help the community and for the fellowship the pax and 2.0s got to experience.

Pablo’s Birthday Q at Paradise City

15 PAX, 6 for EC, braved the cold temperatures to come and celebrate Pablo leveling up after another trip around the Sun.  I appreciated all the friendly faces that came out to show their support.  It was good to see Java’s dog, Nespresso, venture out into the gloom until Warbucks decided to hurt the dog (shame on you!! jk).

FNGs: None

Kotter: Particle Board

Notable Absences: Midget4Life

EC: Skidmark, Warbucks, Buford, Dawgpound, UTI, Pablo

Warm Up: started with a mosey the back way around toward tennis courts stopping multiple times for warm up exercises in cadence: SSHx40 (1 extra for good luck), IW x10, HB x10, Sir Fazio Arm Circles 10F&10B, seal claps x10, overhead claps x10

The Workout: Q got a headcount and split the PAX into 3 groups of 5 for small group indian runs to complete stakem-up suicides.  There were 5 pain stations that started at the top of the ramp area and went toward the stop sign on Sportmanship Way.  Pax ran to station 1 and did assigned exercise, then back to the beginning to repeat exercise from station 1.  Then run to station 2 to complete assigned exercise, then back to beginning to repeat station 1 and station 2 exercise, and so on… until all stations were complete and all exercises were repeated and stacked together at the beginning.  Exercises were as follows:  Station 1: 5 Burpees , Station 2: 10 Turkish Get-ups, Station 3: 15 Hand Release Merkins, Station 4: 20 Jump Squats, Station 5: 25 Monkey Humpers.  When completed, PAX moseyed to the box office and split into 2 groups, 1/2 PAX did bulgarian squats x10 each side and the other 1/2 held BTTW x 2 rounds.  Mosey to the flag for Mary.

Mary: The following exercises in cadence: LSF x20, Homer to Marge x10 regular x5 right leg up x5 left leg up, Boxcutter x20, Freddie Mercury x20, Pickle Pounders x10

Announcements: 2nd F opportunity at Wegman’s for lunch followed by Ice Skating at Raleigh Ice Plex, 3rd F opportunity to support family member of Kosher to build a playset (info to be posted on slack)

Prayer: Wallaby, Crablegs, Unspoken, Warbucks took us out.

Q-Swap Week – Disturbing the Peace

YHC hasn’t Q’d in a while and was eager to knock the dust off for Q-Swap. A workout was planned to handle a large crowd and to minimize the mumblechatter. Carpex is a difficult group to slow down. 13 for EC (of course SW PAX went for a run), 38 for the main event.

FNGs: Nope

ECP: Wahoo, Hamm, The Joker

EC: 2 milers: Warbucks, UTI, Slide Rule, Full House, Kosher, Redenbacher, Lipstick, 187

7.5 miles: Revere, Hanson

Warm Up:
YHC decided to start off on a high note with the slaughter starter (20 burpees OYO) to kill the mumblechatter before it really started. It slowed them for a bit before they were begging for a pledge and some good mornings.

A quick pledge of allegiance at the shovel flag and we were off on a mosey for carioca, side shuffles, butt kickers, etc. Circled up in the lot beside CC Jones park for:

Good mornings (SW style of course)
Sir fazio arm circles
Seal claps

Mosey back to shovel flag.

The Workout:
Thang 1:
Partnered up with PAX from rival territory for Flat tires across long parking lot with each partner working from 4:1 to 40:10 (wheelbarrow steps:merkins). When form broke down, YHC called recover and we mosey’d around to the other side of the church.

Thang 2:
Circled up for Howling Monkeys. 2 rounds were performed with each PAX doing 10 monkey humpers while other PAX held monkey humper starting position. Big circle, so we spawned off 2 active PAX. Slide Rule had enough and tried to stop the howling, but we continued for round 2. PAX then tried to mosey around to the other side of the building. It was at this point that Burt admired YHC’s pants and suggested I went shopping with M4L.

Thang 3:
Evolution of man (crawl, walk, run) x2 rounds

Line up on end of parking lot
Bear crawl to first island
15 merkins
Lunge walk to light pole
15 squats
Sprint to other side of lot
15 shoulder taps
15 WWIIs

Alphabet soup (CAPITAL LETTERS)
American hammers

Mosey back to shovel flag for COT.

Q swap continues at Rush Hour tonight at 1800 (6pm).
New Carpex AO launches tomorrow at Waverly with 3rd F to follow

T-Claps (Recognition):
Carpex PAX for maintaining such a strong level of mumblechatter and living up their reputation.

No prayer requests, YHC took us out.

Thanks for the hospitality Carpex! It was an honor (and a challenge) to lead such a large and chatty group.

Planning on Livin’ 3rd in 2020

You saw the 2020 Leadership update from Pikachu, the 3rd F job desciptions, the pre-blasts about a meeting for 3rd F 2020 planning.  So… what happened?


  • We are going to make 3rd F work like 1st F – Site Qs, Q sheets, AOs, schedules, backblasts, flags, trackers, and shirts
  • We are going to create more opportunities to lead and serve
  • Our goal is to make F3 South Wake synonymous with community outreach and support
  • We aim to rival Fitness as the hook, EHing HIM along the way
  • Site Qs named for our 4 new AOs The Heart, The Mind, The Cloud, and The Accelerator
  • Site Qs are (in order of AOs) YHC, Shredder\Tetanus, ShamWow!\Dovetail, and Dhamer\Abe
  • Next Meeting January 17th, 5:30AM @ Dunkin’ Donuts – feel free to join us!

The Meeting – 12/18/19

Dahmer, Shredder, and Dumbo were the very first to answer the job ads for new 3rd F Site Qs.  We started chatting and figured out that the best time to meet was going to be during the normal operating hours of the gloom.  We set the date, the time, and the place.  I opened the meeting up to the rest of the PAX so that we could get as much brain power and muscle on this as possible.

10 HIM answered the call to sacrifice 1st F and help kick-off 3rd F for 2020.  The same names tagged in this BackBlast.  Others sent their regrets and since the meeting more HIM have approached me with ideas and an eagerness to get involved. :heart warmed:  This crew is astounding!

During the meeting, I threw down the vision that I prepared for the South Wake Leadership team for all in attendance to hear.  I wanted their feedback and to start us off.  This wasn’t a plan set in stone and for us to launch 2020 I needed everyone at the table.  You can page through this awesome and ever-changing PowerPoint OYO – It has changed a bit since the meeting and will likely continue to change as we continue building this thing.

At the conclusion of the slideshow, the conversation started and everyone talked about their ideas.  It became pretty clear where everyone fit in terms of their AOs.  If you don’t recall from the job descriptions there is a slide called “AOs High Level” and one called “Site Q job descriptions” that go into detail.  For this post the quick and dirty is that there are 4 AOs to start.  The Heart (Community Outreach), The Mind (Q Source and Small-group internal reflection), The Cloud (tools of the trade and the media front-end to this operation), and The Accelerator (This group will be finding new ways to push us all in 3rd F and driving focus to things we already do for race support)

New 3rd F Site Qs

These are the guys to look to in key areas of focus as described above and in the slide deck.  I will be supporting all of these efforts but these leaders will own their AOs and drive the agendas as they see fit.  Like any site Q, they won’t do it all.  They will be EHing South Wake PAX to take Q through the course of the year at specific dates and times.  They will be creating the schedules and looking for HIM to help.

  • The Heart – YHC will lead this effort for now but technically the position is still open for someone to come on “full-time”.  I think there are a few interested parties and Dumbo has already said he wants to lead up our efforts around the Food Pantry.
  • The Mind – Shredder and Tetanus will be taking point as Co-Qs.  Good ideas already flowing from these guys and I cant wait to find out more at our next meeting.
  • The Cloud – ShamWow! and Dovetail, ShamWow! is very excited to bring the sales skills that you can’t see on TV to 3rd F.  Dovetail knows his way around the a Cloud and is ready to bring those skills to the 3rd F cause.  Updates will definitely be headed to the website and expect our Social Medias to get a bit more attention.
  • The Accelerator – Dahmer and Abe, Dahmer and Abe are already collaborating and putting up ideas on this one.  One of which includes a charity running event.  Nothing is baked but this is another exciting area of focus for 3rd F in 2020 and one to watch with anticipation.

What’s Next

Everyone is hard at work thinking through what 2020 should look like.  A list is being generated of past and new 3rd F efforts.  We are making an effort to focus on South Wake exclusively but some exceptions will be made.  We’ll aim to build a pre-arranged schedule that will include weekly activities (AO Mind Group Meetings perhaps), monthly activities (service outreach), quarterly (not sure yet) and yearly (race support stuff like CSAUPs or Wrightsville).

We’re going to bring all of that back to Dunkin’ on January 17th and aim to get it on the website around that time.  Our meetings will be open so please join us if you would like to listen-in or contribute.  We’ll be happy to have you.

Week 4 Day 4

EC: Dawgpound, Buford
FNGs: Nope. Once again disappointed
Warm Up:

Onnit Warmup 2

The Workout:

Stand Your Ground 2


Onnit Cooldown 2


Old School Q week

T-Claps (Recognition):

New Baby Winton

Week 2 Day 3

EC: Emeril, Dumbo, Flanigan
FNGs:  Nope
Warm Up:

We went right into Onnit Yoga

The Workout:

Onnit Yoga


We did Onnit Yoga, so no.


CSAUP December 7th
Christmas Party December 14th
Onnit Toy Drive for Holly Springs Fire Station.  Collecting toys until December 16th.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Emeril’s Dad
Pablo’s Dad
Quiver and his Family
Pilgram and his Family

Nutcracker Rock,Rock,Rock

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Mosey, high knees, butkickers, karaoke

tulip pickers x10 sir fascio arm circles 10 forward 10 back, overhead arm circles 5 forward 5 back, SSH x 20
The Workout: Grabbed Rocks and mossied to workout location

Tulip pickers w/rock x10   curls x10   tricep ext x10 3Sets–sprint to 3 light poles in ascending order and mosey back

Bridge press x20  halo x10 lion king x10  3Sets—sprint to 3 light poles in ascending order and mosey back

bridge press x10 curls x10     tricep ext x10    3Sets–sprint to first light pole and mosey back

Mary:  windshield wipers x10   homer to marge x15
Announcements:   Christmas party sign up, Shield lock challenge
T-Claps (Recognition):

Week 2 Day 1

EC: Dawgpound, Buford, Cowboy, Lucky, Emeril
FNGs: Nope… Unless we count the onnit guys
Warm Up:

Onnit kettlebell warm up

The Workout:

Persist and Endure 1 — We get to also do this workout Friday


Onnit Kettlebell cool down


CSAUP December 7th
Christmas Party December 14th

T-Claps (Recognition):

All unspoken.
All pax going through difficult times in the holiday