
Things Got Dicey..Cletus backblast

A Pax of 7 for a random roll of the dice Cletus workout on a Friday morning

Slide Rule, Patch, Da Business, Abe, Dirty Pipes and Snap

Breach on the Q

Warm Up: 22 Counts of SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers and squats

The Workout: Indian run across the street from Womble, stop by the stairs to roll the dice. 3 random exercises pop up and pax perform those exercise. There were 3 dice in play so there was no telling what would pop up. Indian run to the front of the hunting center for another roll of the dice. Followed by some up and back tracing of the parking lot lines. Another Indian run to the front parking for a rinse and repeat of dice rolling action.

Pax mosey down to the lower parking lots another roll of the dice and then a jailbreak to the end of the lot, regroup and jailbreak back. Mosy over to the theatre for some 22 counts of step ups followed by peoples chair and balls to the wall. Repeat with box jumps, peoples chair, and Australian mountain climbers.

Indian run to the pavilion for one last roll of the dice undercover and then a final Indian run back to the tennis court.

Mary: Circle up for prisoner squats, plank holds and SSH

Announcements: First responder training on Thurs 4/25 at the HS fire dept, details on slack/FB. Travis Manion Workout of the day up in Durham on Monday 4/29 details on socials

22 Vets kill themselves in this country every day. Let’s not forget that our way of life is not free and there can be a very high cost for us to live the way we do. Please continue to wear red on Fridays to remember our troops that are deployed.

 Breath Taker auctioned off to Breach 

Prayer: Crab legs, Sheddar remember about the point of Easter, that we are all forgiven and that we need to be light in times of darkness

Get off of my lawn….

Warm Up:  Daisy Pickers, Frankensteins, High Knees, Butt Kickers, light jog

The Workout: You’d of thought that it would be a little less smelly at R4TJ with certain company off frittering.  The Holly Springs landfill continues to give and give.  One of our newest PAX Snap informed us that he had a place along our route.  To which our man Cowboy quickly replied, “you might want to watch out for this one guy we run with sometimes…”  We were then onto our task of the morning –  The Little Dipper.  We had 5+ miles logged in the end.  Lots of good Picking Up The 6 by Slide Rule and Snap. –

Mary: She knows… She knows…

Announcements:  FREE Safety Training at the fire station next Thursday.  Bring smoke detectors to donate.

T-Claps (Recognition):  Cowboy for setting up the safety opportunity at the fire station – let’s support him and the firehouse next week!!!

Prayer:  Silent Prayers in COT but YHC extended prayers to all PAX over this holiday weekend.  Stay safe and enjoy your families.

Post-EC:  Nemo, Redenbacher, and YHC shared some sprints up Ting ramp in Yogurt’s honor.

5 On The Rocks

Downtown Train is still a work in progress. Parking deck is not done yet, weekly struggle between going run-centric or sticking with boot camp, already had to adjust the EC route due to construction, etc.  That said, every week has proven to deliver a strong group of #HIM for a strong workout. This morning YHC had his first miss of EC since we started, but Warbucks held down the fort on a solo EC and we were glad he had the opportunity in his schedule to join us. Third Cousin was ready to go and let me say this guy has contagious enthusiasm and has had a great first weeks in the gloom.  Snap showed up on the jog and it was a pleasure to introduce him to a non-running AO – great to have you out there with us this morning.  Forceps showed up right on time and was a fitting addition to the 5 as I was stealing some of my favorite parts of his great Qs at Ground Pounder.  As much as I appreciate how much we have grown, and the opportunity to post with so many different #HIM, I really do enjoy the smaller crowds from time to time.

Warm Up: On the 0.4 mile jog around the big block and circled up for SSH, Mt Climbers, Arm Stretch, Fazio Arms, Morocon Night Clubs, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies and a few others I don’t recall
The Workout: On the jog to the rocks and each selected a medium size rock to share.  John Cusak over to what I now refer to as the smile lot behind the library.  Set up in a circle and we worked through sets doing 2 exercises each set, all to a slow ICx10. Do 1st exercise, rotate to rock your left, do 2nd exercise.  Did 4 sets of each exercise.  Recover on the jog around the smile and we did a plank hold 5 count into shoulder taps ICX15 and built it up ICx20 and ICx25 on the next rounds, another 5 count plank hold and then jog back to rocks.  The exercise sets were curls/tris, ground pounder/weighted tempo squats, wonder bras/bus drivers.  After last set we did walking curls to return rocks and then on the jog to start.
Mary: A couple quick sets, keeping the feet off the ground, LBC, 6 hold, low slow flutter into homer to marge.  Did this twice and wrapped with Have a Nice Day.
Announcements: Talked about getting on facebook/slack, talked about some of the ways F3 is more than just a workout
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Forceps mother-in-law for a safe move, unspoken, took a silent 10 count and YHC took us out

Tabata Time

There was a ton of HIM ready for Crazy Ivan workout this morning. YHC was running slightly behind from setting up the action. Planned for 20 max and had 26 (1 that was running solo), so last minute changes were needed. We had 2 FNG’s that were given the low down on how this F3 thing works. YHC put on breath taker for the last time this week. It was 0530 so let’s get to work.

Tons of guys

Fritter Foundation Inductees:
Blue Hen & Brony

Warm Up:
Started out with a quick count to get us in small groups of 4. There was one group of 5.
SSH x20 IC
Small group indian run to opposite side of parking area
Jump lunges x10 IC
Indian run backside of lot, return to start
Shoulder raises front then side x20 IC
Daisy pickers x10 IC
Good mornings x10 IC

The Workout:
Mosey down to playground
Tabata Time – rotate to each station 2:30 of strong work then 0:30 break to rotate
6 stations, 5 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5 (YHC lost a member to the crapper for about the first 10 mins)
1 – Morning wood with kettle bells
2 – Partner lat pulls at bars (partner up and hold legs, keep back straight and pull up)
3 – Kettle squat hops cone to cone with 10 wonder bras at the end of each cone
4 – Jump ropes and rotating battle rope every 30 secs
5 – Agility ladders with a burpee at the end of each pass
6 – Merkins and plank jacks x10, continuous R&R for all the exercises until air horn blows to rotate

We didn’t have enough time for all of Mary so we did a few quick ones.
Obliques with kettle bell x10 IC, switch sides
American hammers with KB x10 IC
Superman (with KB but that failed) x10 IC

Check FB & Slack, link coming for Dad’s camp, Fire Dept training set up by PacMan aka Cowboy

T-Claps (Recognition):
Is it ok for YHC to call himself out? I was battling a cold/pollen blend all week and wearing breath taker. This was the toughest workout week I have had in a very LONG time. BT is a beast and you don’t realize it until you wear it. At each AO I posted this week, there was a 30 sec blurb about Testicular Cancer Awareness. We can donate funds to help the society spread the message of the importance of checking yourself regularly. Key task for the month is for each PAX member to make a habit of checking the jewels for any changes. See slack and FB for details on how or just google it. YHC plans to posts to as many different AO’s this month to spread the message.

Pikachu and his episode at Tapline, Crab Legs, Shredder, BS results from CT scan (all clear)

Great to see so many HIM posting today! Apologies for being a bit flustered to start but wasn’t expecting that turn out. It worked well and hope that you broke a sweat today. Thanks to Sir Dawgpound for allowing me to lead my first Q at Crazy Ivan and my last day in BT. Good luck to Yogurt who gets the enjoyment of wearing BT next week with a winning bid of $120. Welcome Pace and Snap (FNG’s). It was real and it was fun but it wasn’t real fun.

BS Out!