Things Got Dicey..Cletus backblast
A Pax of 7 for a random roll of the dice Cletus workout on a Friday morning
Slide Rule, Patch, Da Business, Abe, Dirty Pipes and Snap
Breach on the Q
Warm Up: 22 Counts of SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers and squats
The Workout: Indian run across the street from Womble, stop by the stairs to roll the dice. 3 random exercises pop up and pax perform those exercise. There were 3 dice in play so there was no telling what would pop up. Indian run to the front of the hunting center for another roll of the dice. Followed by some up and back tracing of the parking lot lines. Another Indian run to the front parking for a rinse and repeat of dice rolling action.
Pax mosey down to the lower parking lots another roll of the dice and then a jailbreak to the end of the lot, regroup and jailbreak back. Mosy over to the theatre for some 22 counts of step ups followed by peoples chair and balls to the wall. Repeat with box jumps, peoples chair, and Australian mountain climbers.
Indian run to the pavilion for one last roll of the dice undercover and then a final Indian run back to the tennis court.
Mary: Circle up for prisoner squats, plank holds and SSH
Announcements: First responder training on Thurs 4/25 at the HS fire dept, details on slack/FB. Travis Manion Workout of the day up in Durham on Monday 4/29 details on socials
22 Vets kill themselves in this country every day. Let’s not forget that our way of life is not free and there can be a very high cost for us to live the way we do. Please continue to wear red on Fridays to remember our troops that are deployed.
Breath Taker auctioned off to Breach
Prayer: Crab legs, Sheddar remember about the point of Easter, that we are all forgiven and that we need to be light in times of darkness