Q Tour continues and this week found YHC close to home with a trip to Purple Cobra. Pre-Blast for this week’s workout showed a picture of a contemplative Cobra Commander from the early 80’s GI Joe cartoon. He was sitting on a Cobra throne exploring any one of a dozen highly ‘motivating’ possibilities. This was how YHC was feeling Monday morning, trying to keep with theme of changing things up and keeping the planned workouts on tour unique.
As a product of the 80’s, I used to watch GI Joe religiously. Back in the day Cobra Commander used to put Duke and the boys in compromising situations inflicting his wrath of terror. This dude was a straight up a$$hol3. Not exactly what was trying to lay down this morning for PAX, but it was gonna suck and we were gonna make all 45 minutes count. Nemo and Pots approached YHC as he was working through the Weinke he put together asking for a heads up about this morning’s plan, the following exchange went something like this…
Nemo- “Hey Mookie, what kind of a pre-blast can you give us about this morning”
YHC- “Did you read the pre-blast with Cobra Commander?”
Nemo- “Yes- I used to love GI Joe”
YHC- “Yeah, Cobra Commander was such a dick, right?”
Nemo- “Yeah he was..”
YHC- “There’s your pre-blast”
At this point a crowd started to form. DawgPound, Redenbacher, and 187 were finishing the last steps of their EC runs. Dumbo fresh off a Disney vacation came rolling in with Pablo. We even got a visit from Rainmaker, who noted he was starting back up to posting again. Both site Q’s-Warbucks and Foghorn showed, along with Bobby Dall. Lucky Charms was also present and accounted for.
5:30am hit and it was showtime..
Warm Up: YHC lead PAX with a nice brisk jog down the parking lot and up along Sunset Lake Rd via the side walk and back down to the Wells Fargo lot where we circled up for the following exercises.. SSH X25, Imperial Walkers X10, Hillbillies X10, Good Mornings in Cadence X 10, Fazio 10F\10B, Seal Claps X10.. 2 Burpees OYO, mosey to the next corner of the lot 4 Burpees OYO, mosey to the far corner of the lot 6 Burpees OYO, and one more final mosey to the last corner for 8 Burpees OYO back to the start. Mosey’d out of the lot and formed 2 lines, one behind YHC and one behind 187.
The Workout: Led PAX behind Harris Teeter in dual Indian Runs to the loading dock behind the cleaners and pet store. Instructed PAX to grab a rock for each hand similar in weight and ones that they can easily grip. These will be your rocks for the series of exercises YHC had planned. All PAX gathered rocks and remained on plank with rocks in hand while waiting on the six.
Rock Webbs (1:2 Ratio)
YHC called for a series of Rock Webbs, where PAX would perform Merkins with hands over rocks, which were on the ground. After 1 Merkin, we’d rock press to 2 in cadence. YHC took PAX to 5 Merkins and 10 Rock Presses for now, saving the best for last for later. Upon completion, instructed PAX to the walls for a set of Balls to the Wall X20 in Cadence. PAX returned to their rocks and with a “Let’s go… Bring your rocks,” from YHC and we were off to the ramp for some exercises and sprints.
Rock Solid Merkin Sprints
Partner Up…
Round 1
Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Presses (AMRAP)
Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 5 merkins, sprints back (switch)
Round 2
Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Lateral Raises (AMRAP)
Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 10 merkins, sprints back (switch)
Round 3
Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Front Raises (AMRAP)
Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 15 merkins, sprints back (switch)
Round 4
Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Rows (AMRAP)
Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 20 merkins, sprints back (switch)
Out of all the planned items for this morning, this next decision was the most questionable. YHC instructed PAX to drop their rocks and get back into their lines for another dual Indian Run. This time the lines would flow into the Planet Fitness lot and around all 4 corners. YHC was not planning for the parade of sad clowns rolling in around 5:50 to water their Ferns at Planet Fitness this morning, which detoured our lines slightly to side walks and out of harms way. All still accounted for and back to the rocks. PAX grabbed rocks and mosey’d back to the loading dock with a plank hold for the six.
Finish What We Started..Rock Webbs continued.
When all PAX were in, YHC continued his Rock Webb count to 6 Merkins 12 Rock Presses (IC). At 8 Merkins and 16 Rock Presses, instructed PAX back to the walls for Balls to the Wall IC X20 and an extra People’s Chair X10 IC. Back to the rocks and then continued 9 Merkins 18 Rock Presses IC. At that point, YHC got up and hadn’t gotten in 2 steps before Oliver Twist in the form of DawgPound demanded that we couldn’t end that way. “Please sir, I want some more” is what he said although I could be mistaken as I was somewhat hallucinating after that 18 count. That’s the thing about accountability, you’ll have dudes call you out if you don’t finish what you started….Here we go Dawgpound, just for you..10 Merkins 20 Rock Presses (IC). YHC was never so glad to return rocks at an AO in his life. Shoulders at this point were on fire.. I think at one point this last series had affected Dumbo to the point of confusion as his Merkins and Rock Presses looked more like Squats.
2 lines…Let’s Go. Indian Runs to back beyond the flag to the spot where Mary would be performed. Before we got to Mary, we had one more series. Plank hold for the six..
Merkin Tap Jail Break
From plank, PAX performed a series of 10 Merkins, hold, then transitioned to Shoulder Taps X20 IC, mosey 70 yards down the lot. Plank hold for the six. From plank, 10 more Merkins and 20 Should Taps in cadence. YHC usually likes a good jail break at the end of Cobra, so that’s what we did.
Mary: LBC X20, Low Slow Flutter X20, Homer to Marge X20, Pickle Pounders X20, Pigeon Stretches, Downward Dog, one last Shawshank.
Announcements: YHC needs someone to cover Ivan as he had a conflict. Potts later volunteered to cover Q. Check him out on Friday!
T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX pushing each other this morning and holding each other accountable, including YHC. 187, Redenbacher, and DawgPound for getting some EC.
Prayer: Continued Prayers for Forceps and his family. Prayers for Wiggly and his family. First Responders and Military. All Unspoken. YHC took us out!
Always an honor to lead. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity this morning!