
10 Pointers at Mutiny

First time Q for me at Mutiny. Been there several times over the years but never took lead. Was great to combine with Red October for EC, w/u, Mary and COT.

FNGs: No, but we had an FNG at Red October, welcome Murdoch
Warm Up: combined with Red October
The Workout: Indian Run to get things moving. Selected rocks and started with curls and tris from 20 to 15 to 10 to 5.  Shifted to the 10-pointer. Did 10 on the 10 count. This is full motion move starting with a squat, curl, tri press, back to chest press, curl down and end back down in the squat. Slower count, focus on form. Then we did a Bear Crawl halfway back up the road and jog the rest to a plank hold, 20 SSH IC, and 10 tempo squats. Mosey back to rocks and repeat (I think we ended up doing 4 full sets). Headed over to tennis courts and did a shoulder burn as we waited for Red October.
Mary: A couple quick moves called by YHC and Breach
Announcements: Upcoming picnic, check slack and make plans.
T-Claps (Recognition): Rainmaker coming back out, great work this morning
Prayer: Breach took us out

TUT you say?

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up: Mosey down around roundabout and back to picnic area.  SSH (STD/DBL/SMURF) I/C, Sir Fazio arm circles forward 20 I/C, 20 sec reverse I/C. Windmills, Frankenstein’s, Imperial Walkers & Hillbillies.
The Workout: Time Under Tension (TUT) at every ten second interval the weight moved in motion. Always tension on muscle during exercise. PAX partnered up. 4 groups. First Cycle. Group 1 (Curls For Gurls) Group 2 (Squat hold w/press) Group 3 (Tire Squats) Group 4 (Weighted Merkins) Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 was I/C @ 60 sec doing SSH or Plank hold. Rotated through the stations. 2nd cycle (Tricep Ext), Tricep Kickbacks, Lawnmowers, Weighted Push-ups. 30 sec I/C with SSH and Plank holds. Short side bear crawls / Long Side moving BTTW. Squat hold for the 6.
Mary: Leg climb and two hand heel taps.
Announcements: None
T-Claps (Recognition):  Fonzie & LED EEC and Norm for EC
Prayer: LED Uncle with cancer, two PAX with friends having marriage problems.

It’s Something Alright

7 PAX posted at Something Awesome. Two cotters and two FNG’s. We had some laughs and farts but mainly sweat. Clown car arrived at 5:31 so burpees followed the opening mosey. Here’s what you missed.

Peephole (works on pad locks for doors) and Towelie (he brought a small red towel to wipe his perspiration from his brow)

Warm Up:
Mosey then circle up
Good mornings
Michael Phelps

The Workout:
Bear crawl ring of fire
– bear crawl around the circle. Q calls out various merkins x10 (Reg, diamonds, wide, ranger, knerkins)

The Michigan
– Run 20 yards 10 squats, run back 10 Jack Webb’s
– Repeat 40 yds 20 squats 20 jack webs
– Repeat 60 yds 30/30
– 80 yds 40/40
– 100 yds 50/50

Grab some wall – 3 rds
Seal clap preacher seats x10 IC
BTTW shoulder taps x10 IC

Small wall- 3 rds x15, x12, x10
Side step up & overs on small wall
Chest tap irkens
Box jumps
Dirkens (last set hand release)
Mosey over to mary

Hurricane Hoedown (look it up)
Pretzel both sides
Windshield wipers
Heels to heaven
Boat canoes

AO School House on Wednesday. Breakfast and q-source to follow. SW guys are welcome.

T-Claps (Recognition):
Cotters back in the gloom (Buttwax and Rainmaker)

NM friend Chris chemo battle with leukemia 36 wife two kids
Darby’s friend special ops broke back and Covid-19

Strong work today gents. Appreciate the opportunity to lead.

BS out!

Yo Joe! 13 PAX take on Cobra Commander and Embrace the Suck..

Q Tour continues and this week found YHC close to home with a trip to Purple Cobra. Pre-Blast for this week’s workout showed a picture of a contemplative Cobra Commander from the early 80’s GI Joe cartoon. He was sitting on a Cobra throne exploring any one of a dozen highly ‘motivating’ possibilities. This was how YHC was feeling Monday morning, trying to keep with theme of changing things up and keeping the planned workouts on tour unique.

As a product of the 80’s, I used to watch GI Joe religiously. Back in the day Cobra Commander used to put Duke and the boys in compromising situations inflicting his wrath of terror. This dude was a straight up a$$hol3. Not exactly what was trying to lay down this morning for PAX, but it was gonna suck and we were gonna make all 45 minutes count.  Nemo and Pots approached YHC as he was working through the Weinke he put together asking for a heads up about this morning’s plan, the following exchange went something like this…

Nemo- “Hey Mookie, what kind of a pre-blast can you give us about this morning”

YHC- “Did you read the pre-blast with Cobra Commander?”

Nemo- “Yes- I used to love GI Joe”

YHC- “Yeah, Cobra Commander was such a dick, right?”

Nemo- “Yeah he was..”

YHC- “There’s your pre-blast”

At this point a crowd started to form. DawgPound, Redenbacher, and 187 were finishing the last steps of their EC runs. Dumbo fresh off a Disney vacation came rolling in with Pablo. We even got a visit from Rainmaker, who noted he was starting back up to posting again. Both site Q’s-Warbucks and Foghorn showed, along with Bobby Dall.  Lucky Charms was also present and accounted for.

5:30am hit and it was showtime..

Warm Up: YHC lead PAX with a nice brisk jog down the parking lot and up along Sunset Lake Rd via the side walk and back down to the Wells Fargo lot where we circled up for the following exercises.. SSH X25, Imperial Walkers X10, Hillbillies X10, Good Mornings in Cadence X 10, Fazio 10F\10B, Seal Claps X10.. 2 Burpees OYO, mosey to the next corner of the lot 4 Burpees OYO, mosey to the far corner of the lot 6 Burpees OYO, and one more final mosey to the last corner for 8 Burpees OYO back to the start. Mosey’d out of the lot and formed 2 lines, one behind YHC and one behind 187.

The Workout: Led PAX behind Harris Teeter in dual Indian Runs to the loading dock behind the cleaners and pet store. Instructed PAX to grab a rock for each hand similar in weight and ones that they can easily grip. These will be your rocks for the series of exercises YHC had planned. All PAX gathered rocks and remained on plank with rocks in hand while waiting on the six.

Rock Webbs (1:2 Ratio)

YHC called for a series of Rock Webbs, where PAX would perform Merkins with hands over rocks, which were on the ground. After 1 Merkin, we’d rock press to 2 in cadence. YHC took PAX to 5 Merkins and 10 Rock Presses for now, saving the best for last for later. Upon completion, instructed PAX to the walls for a set of Balls to the Wall X20 in Cadence. PAX returned to their rocks and with a “Let’s go… Bring your rocks,” from YHC and we were off to the ramp for some exercises and sprints.

Rock Solid Merkin Sprints 

Partner Up…

Round 1

Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Presses (AMRAP)

Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 5 merkins, sprints back (switch)

Round 2

Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Lateral Raises (AMRAP)

Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 10 merkins, sprints back (switch)

Round 3

Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Front Raises (AMRAP)

Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 15 merkins, sprints back (switch)

Round 4

Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Rows (AMRAP)

Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 20 merkins, sprints back (switch)

Out of all the planned items for this morning, this next decision was the most questionable. YHC instructed PAX to drop their rocks and get back into their lines for another dual Indian Run. This time the lines would flow into the Planet Fitness lot and around all 4 corners. YHC was not planning for the parade of sad clowns rolling in around 5:50 to water their Ferns at Planet Fitness this morning, which detoured our lines slightly to side walks and out of harms way. All still accounted for and back to the rocks. PAX grabbed rocks and mosey’d back to the loading dock with a plank hold for the six.

Finish What We Started..Rock Webbs continued.

When all PAX were in, YHC continued his Rock Webb count to 6 Merkins 12 Rock Presses (IC). At 8 Merkins and 16 Rock Presses, instructed PAX back to the walls for Balls to the Wall IC X20 and an extra People’s Chair X10 IC. Back to the rocks and then continued 9 Merkins 18 Rock Presses IC. At that point, YHC got up and hadn’t gotten in 2 steps before Oliver Twist in the form of DawgPound demanded that we couldn’t end that way. “Please sir, I want some more” is what he said although I could be mistaken as I was somewhat hallucinating after that 18 count. That’s the thing about accountability, you’ll have dudes call you out if you don’t finish what you started….Here we go Dawgpound, just for you..10 Merkins 20 Rock Presses (IC). YHC was never so glad to return rocks at an AO in his life. Shoulders at this point were on fire.. I think at one point this last series had affected Dumbo to the point of confusion as his Merkins and Rock Presses looked more like Squats.

2 lines…Let’s Go. Indian Runs to back beyond the flag to the spot where Mary would be performed. Before we got to Mary, we had one more series. Plank hold for the six..

Merkin Tap Jail Break

From plank, PAX performed a series of 10 Merkins, hold, then transitioned to Shoulder Taps X20 IC, mosey 70 yards down the lot. Plank hold for the six. From plank, 10 more Merkins and 20 Should Taps in cadence. YHC usually likes a good jail break at the end of Cobra, so that’s what we did.

Mary: LBC X20, Low Slow Flutter X20, Homer to Marge X20, Pickle Pounders X20, Pigeon Stretches, Downward Dog, one last Shawshank.
Announcements: YHC needs someone to cover Ivan as he had a conflict. Potts later volunteered to cover Q. Check him out on Friday!
T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX pushing each other this morning and holding each other accountable, including YHC. 187, Redenbacher, and DawgPound for getting some EC.
Prayer: Continued Prayers for Forceps and his family. Prayers for Wiggly and his family. First Responders and Military. All Unspoken. YHC took us out!

Always an honor to lead. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity this morning!

Water Fountain in the Bathroom? No, but it smells like someone is dying in the Men’s room…

FNGs: Welcome Fatback- Homicide Detective city of Raleigh, brought out by Rainmaker
Warm Up: Rainmaker was rolling in late with our FNG- PAX did SSH until they arrived and joined the circle. YHC then delivered the pre-workout FNG speech while we did SSH.  (about 4 minutes of SSH) Pax mosey to the top of Ting Park for IW x10 HB x10, Windmills x8, Mountain Climbers x25
The Workout: Pair up based on Speed. Pax went in opposite directions around park. Each time they met Double Merkin Burpees x10. We repeated this four total laps (2 Miles) Burpees were about every 1/4 mile.  Next we mosey to the bottom of Ting Ramp for Merkin Suicides. At each lamp post (12 total) 2 merkins at post and then 2 back at bottom of ramp. 48 total Merkins during suicides.
Mary: We were running short on time, so YHC sang Mary Had a Little Lamb while we did Suicides.  Yoga cool down during COT
Announcements: Tremendous work on coming together for our brother Forceps this past weekend. Memorial Service for his son this weekend at Hope 12-2
T-Claps (Recognition):  A lot of Cotters this morning came out for a good start to their week. Welcome back Bigalo, Particle Board, Rainmaker and our FNG Fatback for pushing hard.
Prayer: Leahy Family, Rainmaker’s fellow officer Chris lost his wife at 41 from a virus. A gentle reminder if your sick, stay home and get well. Even a small virus can turn deadly. Rainmaker to follow up if the family needs any support, other than our prayers.



Dawgpound brings music to PT

EC: Dawgpound, Emeril, Dumbo, Pablo, Orphan, Garfield, LED, Lucky, Full House, Cowboy, Borland, Banana Seat

FNGs: Pinto
Warm Up:

Side Straddle Hop
Good Morning
Bat Wing
  Fazio Forward
  Fazio Backward
  Seal Claps
  Overhead Claps
  Ralphe Pulses
Imperial Walker
The Workout:
The Man from the Killers — Jumping Jacks and Burpees
Stack Em Up Suicide Bear Crawl and Crawl Bear.  Bear Crawl to cone.  Crawl Bear to start line.  Up the hill by baseball field
Round 1:
  10 Merkins — Good Form
Round 2:
  Reverse Lunge to Forward Lunge 10 each leg  — /Only do this at cone/
  10 Merkins
Round 3:
  30 Plank Jack — /Only do this at cone/
  Reverse Lunge to Forward Lunge 10 each leg
  10 Merkins
Round 4:
  40 Shoulder taps (20 Each Shoulder — /Only do this at cone/
  30 Plank Jack
  Reverse Lunge to Forward Lunge 10 each leg
  10 Merkins
Round 5:
  10 Absolutions — /Only do this at cone/
  40 Shoulder taps (20 Each Shoulder
  30 Plank Jack
  Reverse Lunge to Forward Lunge 10 each leg
  10 Merkins
Saw Lightning — Plank jack with Catalina Wine Mixer on Saw Lightning

Low Slow Flutter
Homer to Marge
Have a Nice Day

Announcements: Nada
T-Claps (Recognition): Full House with BT
Double D
Injured Pax

Rocks and Donkeys

13 PAX overcame the fartsack and posted at Purple Cobra this AM with 5 for EC. It was a pleasure leading this morning!

EC: Axe, Full House, Redenbacher, Teacher’s Pet, Warbucks

FNGs: Not this time

Warm Up:
5 penalty burpees for a slow circle up. It was extended as New Mexico took his time joining the circle.
SSH x20 IC
Imperial Walker x10 CI
Hillbilly x10 CI
We are not worthy x10 IC
Morrocan night club x10 IC

The Workout:
2 line indian run around Harris Teeter over to loading dock with Pax grabbing 2 rocks along the say. Flair found the biggest rocks in the pile and this led to some grumbling as we were sharing rocks.

Thing 1 – Circle of pain:
Pax circled up and performed exercises x12 IC. After exercise, plank shuffle to next rock and perform merkins, increasing each stop up to 8. Exercises were:
Dodo bird (no history lesson from 187 this week)
Shoulder Press
Ground pounder
Wonder bra
Bus driver
LBCs (just for you Dumbo)

After round 1, a recovery mosey around the Goodwill parking lot and back to our rocks for round 2. Pretty much a rinse and repeat with merkins counting down from 8 this round. New Mexico was overheard asking for a running workout, so over to Lassiter Rd for some leg and hill work.

Thing 2 – Hills and Donkeys
Mosey to bottom of Lassiter Rd hill and partner up. Partner 1 does Donkey Hydrants at bottom while partner 2 runs to guardrail for x3 per leg pistol squats and runs back. Partner switch. Once both partners completed 1 round, both run to guardrail for x10 cliffhanger merkins.
Rinse and repeat for a second round. Mosey back to the flag for Mary.

She wasn’t here, but we found Dolly and Marge.

6” hold for the 6
Hello Dolly x20 IC
Homer to Marge x10 IC, x5 Right, x5 Left
LBCs x20 IC
Hello Dolly x10
Homer to Marge x10

Mudgear order – see slack #southwake-gear channel.
Sign up to Q. #QSheet
Go to a Healing Transitions workout. Tuesday 0530 or Friday 1430
187 is collecting F3 testimonies for an article in Suburban Living magazine. If you have something to share about what F3 means to you, send it by this Sunday, 8/4 to 187.
VQ at the Cobra next week!

T-Claps (Recognition):
Full House with Breathtaker.
Full House and Redenbacher for commiting to VQ’s in the near future.

Wallaby’s broken foot, Full House’ co-worker’s Father passed away quickly, Injured Pax

YHC took us out.

Still hard a year later…

PAX of 18 to celebrate YHC 1 year anniversary by revisiting his first F3 workout. One year ago today, Stark made his triumphant return to South Wake with an epic beatdown at Paradise City. YHC was an innocent victim merloting not once, but twice during the workout. An honor Midget likes to remind me of at least weekly, if not more often.

Thanks to all who came out to support me today. More importantly, thanks to the men of South Wake for the support, encouragement and accountability over the last year. Just showing up was one of the best things I’ve ever done. My life has changed because of and continues to be enriched by you HIM. Thanks to you all, especially 187 and Pablo for the headlock.

FNGs: None – its probably for the best.

EC: Cowboy, Lucky Charms, Dawgpound, Warbucks, Maybelline, Aquaman, Axe, Dahmer, Dumbo, WebEx (EC only)

Warm Up:Quick warmup jog
SSH x20, Windmills x10, Imperials Walkers x10, Hillbillies x10
½ mile jog with warmps – Good Mornings x10, Windmills x10, Fazio Arm Circles x10, Stretches

The Workout: 6 Cones were set up about 10 yards apart.  YHC instructed the PAX to bear crawl (round 1), lunge walk (round 2), Bunny Jump (round 3) and partner wheelbarrow (round 4) to each cone and perform the exercise associated with that cone.

B- Burpees – Cone 1 x5 – Total = 20
L – Lunges – Cone 2 x10 – Total = 40
I – Imperial Walkers– Cone 3 x15 – Total = 60
M – Merkins– Cone 4 x20 – Total = 80
P – Plank Jacks– Cone 5 x25 – Total = 100
S – Squats– Cone 6 x30 – Total = 120

Mary: LBC’s x15, Low slow flutter x15, Homer to Marge x30

Prayer: Child injured in Fuquay this weekend. Coal Ash grandmother.

Original workout –
Thanks for the opportunity to lead you HIM. I’ll do better next time!

Particle Board’s VQ

20 PAX (12 for EC) posted at Purple Cobra to experience a VQ from Particle Board.

EC: Banana Seat, Redenbacher, 187, Pikachu, WebEx, Warbucks, UTI, Skidmark, Dahmer, Pablo, Full House, Lucky Charms

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Started with standard warm-up lap, warm up exercises in cadence: SSH x 30, Good Mornings x 10, Imperial Walkers x15, Hillbillies x 15, Sir Fazio arm circles 10F & 10B, 10 burpees OYO
The Workout: PAX moseyed to the Wells Fargo parking lot and found an accountability partner.  PAX were instructed to complete a Dora 1-2-3 (100 Merkins, 200 Freddie Mercury in cadence, and 300 prisoner squats) splitting the exercises between partners.  Partner 1 started the exercises while partner 2 ran out of the lower entrance to the lot and ran up the sidewalk along Holly Springs Rd to the intersection of Sunset Lake Rd and completed 5 star jumps (adding 2 star jumps for each return visit to the intersection) and then back to the lot to rotate with partner 2.  Once all reps were completed, Q had partners complete a “reverse partner’s chair”?  (pax faced their partner and performed a wall-less peoples chair, but held partners hand for balance).  Pax then moseyed to the  other side of the lot behind the building to perform a few BTW exercises.  Exercise 1: Partner 1 was in BTW while Partner 2 did diamond merkins x20, then switch and repeat.  Exercise2:  Partner 1 was in BTW while partner 2 did mickey mouse merkins x 10, then switch and repeat.  Pax then moseyed back to the circle for Mary.
Mary: Homer-to-Marge IC x 2o, pickle pounder IC x 20, side plank crunches (5 IC on each side), 5 burpees OYO.
Announcements: Check slack and FB, Meg Smile charity auction, Amazon Prime Deal on Garmin Watch for those PAX looking
Prayer: Crab legs, Double D’s family, Dumbo’s Aunt

UTI’s Paradise City Dress Rehearsal – ***Eeeaarkkk*** Is this thing on?

EC:  Buford (2mi), Aquaman (2mi), Yogurt (3mi+Ramps after), Lipstick(3mi), YHC (2mi)

FNGs: Uh Uh… not a one

Warm Up: The nose told the PAX that the garbage was already pretty warmed over from the day before and we were reaping the benefits.  Minus the HIM that had made it out for EC, the rest of the group needed a warming so we got started.  Burpees 3x per car (3 cars) that pulled into the lot right on time but delayed the workout start just enough, Windmills x10, Merkins x20, Side Straddle Hops x20, Fozio Arm Circles (10 forward/ 10 back).

The Workout: 12 PAX counted, broken into 2 lines of 6 for an Indian Run.  The PAX moved quickly without much need for coaching to “keep it tight”, we had some elites on-hand this morning and they were influencing the tempo.  The route was set by YHC to go around the Ting loop moving from the BBall Court, up the ramp, around and past the tennis courts, and back around to the base of the ramp.  Lots of mumblechatter this morning and some dissent in the ranks about the long Indian Run.  YHC extended the Indian run my continuing past the BBall courts and added that little loop onto the main drag and back to the base of the ramp.  A Jail Break broke out after the final turn towards the ramp.

YHC handed out the instructions for what came next.  PAX were asked to use the blue foul ball signs as markers for a modified B.O.M.B.S.  (Burpees, Overhead Claps, Merkins, Big Boy Sit-ups, SSH).  Breaking out into partners for support and accountability, PAX were told to bear crawl up the ramp to each blue sign.  At each sign, do the assigned workout to spell out B.O.M.B.S. staying with your partner along the way.  Once at the top, repeat in reverse down the hill.  Swap out the bear crawl with a crab walk down to the bottom.  Plank at the end for the 6.

A very quick count-off from Aquaman and we were headed up the ramp again.  This time it was a mozy to the back lot near the dumpsters.  Quickfeet down the curb until we reached a natural stop as the curb curved.  Mozy to the next corner.  On the Mozy, more dissent from a troublesome Lipstick.  Handed him 5 Merkins for the trouble.  (I hate to discipline him but otherwise, he’ll never learn…) He answered back with Diamond Merkins.  30x Squats at the corner followed by a mozy down to the tunnel.

Now that we were tired and hot, YHC gave everyone the opportunity to pop-a-squat.  We engaged in a little contest to see who could sit in the People’s Chair the longest.  It became a bit of a spectator sport as we wound down to Aquaman and Yogurt in their respective chairs.  Ultimately, Yogurt won!  Another competition followed.  Balls-to-the-Wall FTW.  Down to two, we had Pablo and Lipstick trying their hardest not to pass out.  Lipstick took the win!

Mozy to COT for Mary.  She never shows up to Run 4 The John but Paradise City is her thang.

Mary:  EC runners were put on the spot to help round out our morning.  Aquaman delivered with Boat Canoe’s (something he picked up in the mountains over the weekend I guess).  Lipstick brought the Pickle Pounders (So predictable :-P).  Buford brought us some Homer 2 Marge (there was some happiness in the mumblechatter for that one).  Yogurt finished it off with some American Hammers.

One last competition… YHC took the win on the biggest sweat puddle.  Aquaman thought he might be a contender but admittedly he might have been a little dehydrated after the weekend.


  • Meg’s Smile Auction.  Check-in on the volunteer opportunities but otherwise make an effort to show up.  It’s a good time with a good cause.
  • Margarita 5k event was mentioned –
  • Chat about form over reps.  It should be cool to have someone point out an issue with form to you, you cant always see these things yourself and its better if you can work to correct it rather than risk injury.  Plus, if you do it right – the workout should be better and better for you too.
  • Some folks are thinking of heading to Atlanta following BRR to meet-up with Crablegs at his final game on the tour.  Hit Slack to dig up more details and to confirm who is going.
  • PAX in attendance – if there was something more that I missed please let me know and I will update the post.

T-Claps (Recognition):  Nothing was put out there today per se…  I’ll send T-Claps to Abe who was getting it done out on the road today.  Great work Abe!

Prayer:  Crablegs on his Baseball tour for ALS, DoubleD – think of him today as he delivers his father’s eulogy