Time to fly at the Nest
FNGs: N/a
Warm Up: Solo EC run to scout some destinations.
At 05:30 on the dot we circled up for side straddle hops, arm circles, seal claps, arm circles reverse, overhead claps, imperial walkers, arm circles, seal claps, arm circles reverse, overhead claps. Lots of flapping done as we prepared to leave the nest.
The Workout: Time to go! Left the park and made our way over to the big hill on church st. 1 squat jump at the top of the hill, made our way to the bottom for 10 mtn climbers in cadence. Back up the hill for 2 squat jumps, back down for 9 mtn climbers. Continue the trend until we completed 4 squat jumps and 7 mtn climbers. Then we completed 25 squat jumps at the top and 25 mtn climbers at the bottom as time and legs became a factor.
Left the hill and made our way to the school steps. 1 merkin at the bottom, run up and down the steps, 1 merkin at the bottom, 2 merkins on step 1, run up and down the steps, 1 merkin at the bottom, 2 merkins on step 1, 3 on step 2, continue the pattern up the 10 steps but counting back down after 5. We all joined together at the end for 1 merkin at the top, 2 on the first step down, 3 on the next…4,5,5,4,3,2,1.
We then left the steps that made us miss the hill and went over to do rail crawls up both rails.
On to our last destination, the long ramp up to the park. We bear crawled what seemed like forever and whenever a pax stopped they did 10 monkey humpers before crawling again.
Mary: we finally returned to the nest for some Ab(ish) work. 10 monkey humpers, 20 low slow flutter, 20 homer to marge, 20 pickle pounders, 20 reverse LBCs, 10 side crunches each side, and 10 hello dollys before have a nice day.
Announcements: Long run this weekend
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Several requests mentioned and I took us out