
It was another hot humid morning at the Yard. The Warden did not disappoint.

I arrived quite a bit early for to put all the coupons out all over the walking trails.

FNG: Nope

Warm Up: We moseyed to the upper parking lot where we circled up. We did side-straddle hops, imperial walkers, hillbillies, merkins, frankenstiens.

Workout: We moseyed left out of the parking lot onto Shady Greens Drive. While running Breach spotted some fire hose. Continued to Brushy Meadows where we picked up a cinder block. Performed squats here. Turned left onto Brushy Meadows towards Hilltop Needmore Road. Made a left on the red trail where we did more exercises. Moseyed towards the PVA and we located a set of tractor weights. Each PAX alternated taking the coupons. We dropped all the goods off at my vehicle and Indian Run to the lower Red trail (Back 9). Once we made it all the way to the bottom we found a 16’ Treated 8×8.

The PAX paired up with 8×8 and did squats all the way up while the remainder did AB exercises. Once the exercises were completed IC to 15 they ran to the PAX with the 8×8. Rotated and rinsed and repeated 4 times from bottom to top. We did LBC, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Bearcrawls, Burpees and several more.

Mary: We did several stretching exercises.

Annoncements: Check social media

Prayers: Unspoken

Always take the stairs at “The Happiest Place on Earth”

PAX of 15, with quite a few for EC, decided to swallow that red pill and post at Disney, “The Happiest Place on Earth”.  Q was happy to see a strong showing of men this morning, especially when they could have posted at Tiger Blood for 90 minutes of running in circles around the track, boring…

EC: Cupid, Dahmer, UTI, Quiver, Deadbolt, Pablo, 187, [Lipton and Midget with the Murph, which does include 2 miles]

FNGs: None

Warm Up: All exercises in cadence: SSH x20; Imperial Walkers x10; Hillbillies x10; Windmill x 10, Sir Fazio Arm Circles 10F, 10R, Seal Claps and Overhead claps.

The Workout: PAX lined up in two groups for an Indian run that led them through the small parking lot near the community center entrance and then around the back of the school to the ticket booth and entrance area of the MCHS football stadium to do 2 sets of 10 each: Derkins, Irkins, and Dips.  PAX partnered up to complete a triangle circuit of pain that included running over to a large set of steps (abyss’s step sister) and completing a set of Burpees at the bottom, running up the stairs and down the walkway to complete a set of monkey humpers,  then running over to and down a smaller set of stairs back to the beginning to complete a set of Star Jumps.  Reps for each exercise started at a 10 count and reduced by 1 repetition for each completed loop.  Most PAX were able to complete 5-6 loops before Q called time and headed back toward the flag.  On the way to the flag, Q stopped at the back of the school for some additional exercises.  Partner#1 held “Balls to the Wall” while partner #2 did a 10 count IC of an exercise; partners switched places and repeat.  Exercises were mountain climbers, shoulder taps, Merkins, and American Hammers   PAX regrouped into an Indian Runs back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: All exercised done in cadence: Pickle Pounders x20; Homer to Marge: 10 regular, 10 right leg up, 10 left leg up; HAVE A NICE DAY!

Announcements: None

T-Claps (Recognition): All the PAX posting, bringing out new and old faces

Prayer: Countdown’s father’s death anniversary, India, Laettner’s lab work

Sorry folks…Parks (field) closed!

YHC was excited to be back in SW for an old school beat down at the happiest place on earth. There was a plan for the happiest place on turf but at 0529 was told field is closed. No worries…there’s a big @$$ parking lot we can use. Sprinkler came in at 0530 with two PAX in the tailgate. Warbucks about broke an ankle just getting out the truck. Our brother Crab Legs upon YHC’s request. It’s always great to see him out skiing the AO’s. No FNG’s so off we went.

Mosey to school lot since field were closed.
Agility around lot
Circle up for warm-a-Rama
Goofballs x15
Irish Potato pickers x10
Imperial Squat Walkers x10
ATM’s (alternating, tempo, standard) x10

Long @$$ 7’s
Morning wood
Double merkin burpees

Indian run to stairs
Bear crawl down then Al Gore
Hop up
Scout run complete lap with 5 diamond merkins
Repeat stairs
Hop down, bear crawl up

Back to lot
Belly sprints x4 (50%, 75, 90, 100)
Exercise after each sprint
– plank jacks, nipplers, groiners

The Big Sexy
– Homer to Marge
– Rosalita Wip
– Boss Tweeds
– Pickle pounders

No real announcements

Prayers for COVID always, Crab Legs, M4L needs a 3rd job for kids school.

It was awesome getting to hang with my brothers from another mother this morning. Thanks for showing and putting in strong work.

BS Out!

9/8 Prison Yard Fieldtrip

Warm Up: Quick Run around the parking lot to stop at each corner for a series of 22 counts of the following (SSH, Imperial Walkers, Frankensteins, Good Mornings, Daisy Pickers, Seal claps, and Overhead claps)

The Workout: Partner Pains sticks on deck for a field trip around the Needmorepark with some stops in between

In the tunnel, it was a peoples chair, curls for the girls, overhead press, followed by some partner squats and Rut Rohs

Continuing on to the old driving range for some partner chest presses, overhead low slo flutters, skull crushers, and hip weighted homer to marges.

Back to the tunnel for some 22 count Balls to the wall, in between the leg squats, and Australian Mountain climbers

Down the blue path for some hills work, followed by a merkin and abs stop. The final stop on the journey was a pain stick plank hold while the rabbit runs up the hill and back.

Finished up with a mosy back to the start, a good time had by all.

Announcements: The mulch project still needs some volunteers, Double D is heading back to the App trail if anyone is interested in joining.

T-Claps (Recognition): Fire Chief that DoubleD and Sprkinkler know has made a major recovery and very fortunaete to be alive.

Prayer: Moment of silence for those that are in service, continued prayers for all with the virus, Prayers for New Mexicos buddy Chris, DoubleD ‘s buddy Chris, and another Fire Fighter John..(not sure about that one).

Where the rubber meets the road.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around Clubhouse, SSH IC 20, Imperial Walkers IC 10, Hillbillies IC 10, Daisy Pickers IC, 10, Frankenstein IC 10, Sir Fazio Arm Circles IC 10 forward/backward, Shoulder Stretches.
The Workout: 2 Big Tires 2 man teams on each tire.  4 sets > shoulder press 10x / 25 hop ups, Rotate tires halfway through. (lockout the hold if can’t press) 4 sets > Bench Press while partner holds 15-25 reps / calf raises 25, Rotate tires halfway through. 4 sets tire flip (10 yards) while partner calls exercises. 4 sets of tire drag (10 yards) while partner call exercise.
Mary: Leg climb 10 reps each leg, V-ups 10 reps (holding rep 5 and 10 for a 5 count)
Announcements: Something Awesome AO on Mondays. Trying to grow. Continue to read the Q-source and wanting to exchange “Free to Lead” book for continued Acceleration in all the core quadrants of F3.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: New Mexico’s friend Chris with Leukemia, All faculty, parents and students learning and working through the virtual academy platform for learning. Unspoken.

It’s Something Alright

7 PAX posted at Something Awesome. Two cotters and two FNG’s. We had some laughs and farts but mainly sweat. Clown car arrived at 5:31 so burpees followed the opening mosey. Here’s what you missed.

Peephole (works on pad locks for doors) and Towelie (he brought a small red towel to wipe his perspiration from his brow)

Warm Up:
Mosey then circle up
Good mornings
Michael Phelps

The Workout:
Bear crawl ring of fire
– bear crawl around the circle. Q calls out various merkins x10 (Reg, diamonds, wide, ranger, knerkins)

The Michigan
– Run 20 yards 10 squats, run back 10 Jack Webb’s
– Repeat 40 yds 20 squats 20 jack webs
– Repeat 60 yds 30/30
– 80 yds 40/40
– 100 yds 50/50

Grab some wall – 3 rds
Seal clap preacher seats x10 IC
BTTW shoulder taps x10 IC

Small wall- 3 rds x15, x12, x10
Side step up & overs on small wall
Chest tap irkens
Box jumps
Dirkens (last set hand release)
Mosey over to mary

Hurricane Hoedown (look it up)
Pretzel both sides
Windshield wipers
Heels to heaven
Boat canoes

AO School House on Wednesday. Breakfast and q-source to follow. SW guys are welcome.

T-Claps (Recognition):
Cotters back in the gloom (Buttwax and Rainmaker)

NM friend Chris chemo battle with leukemia 36 wife two kids
Darby’s friend special ops broke back and Covid-19

Strong work today gents. Appreciate the opportunity to lead.

BS out!

I like big tires and I cannot lie.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey towards rock pile, large circle around the island. SSH IC 20, Imperial Walkers IC 10,  Hillbilies IC 10, Moroccan Night Club IC 10, 5 burpees for late PAX, Mosey back to tires.
The Workout:  YHC explained how the tire exercises would work. There were a few audible mumbles after explaining each exercise…but no questions.  Once the ME starts neither rocks nor tires touch ground.  Only if Q of group calls exercise to include the coupon, was it allowed to touch the ground.  So during the rotation PAX had to pass the coupon to the next group.  5 burpees per drop to be tallied up and done at end…a few more audible mumbles.  After a quick count off in groups of three we sent Group 1 to the Tires. Group 2 to the Rockpile and Group 3 went on an Indian run.  2 Rocks per PAX. This is was a shared leadership experience. Rock exercises from each PAX calls exercise for reps or cadence. Too many to list but the normal staples were done (Curls/press/row/abs/forearm) until Indian run group relieves. Group 1 got 3 rounds of Rocks exercises in. (the goal was 4 but time did not allow) Rock Group sprints up the parking lot and relieves the Big Tire Group.  Big Tire Group. 3 PAX per tire.  For each exercises the tire only touches the ground for #2. 1. Tire press / Squat Jumps (touch tire) 10 reps (modified hold above head or at chin if too heavy to press) 2. Flip & Drag Tire from cone to cone / Abs (2x) One PAX flips tire up to next cone then other man drags it back. The PAX that aren’t flipping or dragging do abs awaiting their turn. We found this one to be very challenging and needed to pick up the six on occasion.  3.Bench Press & Rows / plank hold IC 10 count One PAX benches tire while other PAX rows, odd man out does a plank hold IC.  4. Shoulder shrugs / Derkins 10 reps (not sure if any group got to this one due to time). Indian run group (timer group) middle circle ,stop sign down to main parking lot then down to the rock pile circle.  They replace Rock group, Rock group sprints up a replaces tire group, tire group does Indian Run. Repeat cycle.

Mary: 35 burpees for dropped coupons during the workout
Announcements: Banks Road AO starting back up on Mondays. Continue to sign up for spreading mulch at Bass Lake. Come out to the Nest for continued CO-Q Duel.
T-Claps (Recognition): Those that EC’d. Thanks to Breach and Sprinkler for assisting in the CO-Q. Great work on the clothing drive last week.
Prayer:  Quiver’s Family member dealing with COVID. 1st day of school and families dealing with the new logistics of managing. Pray to God for your objective in life.

Let Me Teach You a Lesson…

It normally doesn’t take this long to squeeze out a backblast, but this one needed to take some time to do it justice. We all joke at the lessons M4L can provide. Sometimes he shows to workouts he commits to, sometimes he doesn’t. Sometimes he does 1/2 of the workout, sometimes he does 1/2 Side Straddle Hops, sometimes he does a full one or just flaps his arms. On that Friday, last week at Kung Pow, he delivered one of the more memorable Q’s I’ve been a part of, and truth be told…when he shows to Q, they always have a lesson.

On an aside, these guys at Wescott are bringing it and I’m not saying it because it is home turf. I have yet to see a duplicated workout and every single one has a signature footprint. Pablo’s manhole merkins, Deadbolt and DoubleD’s Reagan era burpeefest, and who could forget that time where YHC almost killed Fram, DoubleD, Sprinkler, and Fonzie with cardio cul-de-sacs a few weeks ago.

I will say this, anytime I have seen M4L Q, I always come away with something. It could be an exercise routine, it could be something personal he has shared, but more importantly, his Q’s always extend beyond just a workout (hence F3- more than a workout) and have always shown me to appreciate the moment and embrace these great things we have… F3 and each other. Just like we tackle these workouts, we are also going through everything life throws at us together.

On this Friday morning, it was destined that something special was gonna happen. Pre-Blast yielded 8 HC’s, which was a really high number considering none of the regulars were HC’ing the night before. Also, nobody HC’s anymore…anybody else notice that?

Picked up Deadbolt… yes- we drove only being a half 0.4 mi down the road.  Arrived  to a completely full Wescott parking lot, 13 PAX limbering up, representing all areas of SouthWake-some from Fuquay, another from 12 Oaks, even one from Cary and also from Raleigh. 15 total- A new record at Kung Pow.  Full House later shared that he was undecided that morning, but just like Nemo from a few weeks ago, he was drawn by the pre-blast marketing campaign.

What on earth did M4L have planned? Whatever it was, it was about to go down as we were at 5:29 and the mumblechatter was starting to rise above the level that gets us exposed on our neighborhood Facebook page.

Time to mosey. Extended the 15 PAX group across the street to do some warm-ups at the Veterinary clinic across the street.

FNGs: None, but would be alot cooler if there were…
Warm Up: SSH X10, Burpee X10, Uneven Merkins- Right arm extended forward x10\Left Arm extended forward X10. Mumblechatter= more burpee X10, then followed by a mosey back to M4L’s vehicle.

The Workout: Upon arrival, M4L pops the trunk. Strategically stacked where several bricks with the words “No OYO” spray painted on them. Everybody grab a brick- one for each hand. I’ve seen this workout once before, but judging by the other faces they had not and wasn’t sure what they were more surprised by…the possibility that they’d have to carry these bricks the whole workout or what M4L meant by “No OYO.” As suspected, Midget instructed PAX to mosey with bricks in hand down Wescott Ridge. PAX stopped about halfway down among the trees lining what we refer to in Wescott as the ‘fairway.’

As a tribute to New Mexico, PAX performed a series of quick feet with bricks in hands. Recover on the mosey to Bells Walk (oh- if anyone puts the bricks down, 10 burpees with bricks for all PAX). At Bells Walk, M4L calls for a Indian Brick Walk with curls where the trailing PAX double times it to the front curling alongside group of 14 PAX who are also curling in single file. Made it to the end of the cul-de-sac for 31 Monkey Humpers with bricks (31 years since entering the US) . This was also in honor of one of our favorite Wescott residents, bless her heart. She is looking for a gently used Oboe, so if anyone knows a friend of a friend who has one let us know. A real Oboe…not you, Oboe. Really- not kidding.

After those were performed, M4L called for a faster paced Indian Run with bricks, except halfway down the street, Q ended up ‘dropping’ his bricks.. 10 burpees OYO all PAX. Continued to the end of Bells Walk and onto Dumbo’s house. How we were able to fit all 15 PAX in his driveway was beyond me, but we did and its unfortunate he did not have a Ring camera to capture this. There was mumblechatter as to the other cameras he has in his house, but we would need to wait for him to return from vacation to either confirm or deny.

Inside the driveway, all 15 PAX performed 31 tricep extensions , followed by 31 overhead presses. With arms already significantly torched, M4L now reveals the true meaning of the lesson behind the “No OYO” bricks. He instructed PAX to partner up. From here, one member of the unit would give their bricks to the partner, so one carries all 4 on the mosey, while the other stays with him for moral support. Do not leave your partner- He will need you.

Not sure Fram got that memo, even with 4 bricks, he was running a 5K pace and YHC was having trouble keeping up with him as he made his way up Wescott Ridge and down to the Palm City cul-de-sac where M4L used to live. At the cul-de-sac, M4L shared a story of what F3 means to him and specifically how PAX should never do life alone- hence the “No OYO” bricks. We all carry something and should never feel afraid to ask for help and lean on your brothers to help you through difficult times. A message that hit home with everyone that morning.

On the return, PAX mosey’d with their bricks again, making sure that each partner didn’t leave the other behind. At the top of the hill, M4L did a quick check of the lead PAX to ask where their partners were. If they were left behind, he instructed them to apologize for leaving them behind as a reminder that we are all accountable to ensure we are picking up the six.

Mary: Merkins on the “Bring Sally Down”- A tribute to “Gone in 60 Seconds” (67 seconds to be exact-the amount of time remaining in the workout)
Announcements: Q Swap coming in August; New AO- Something Awesome on Monday
T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX getting out there this morning. A great crowd, great workout, great message.
Prayer: Healthcare workers, Bondo’s new grandchild Piper. Continued health for families near and far.

Double D took us out!

What is this….Rikers Island?

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Coupon set up, Arm Stretches (across, over the top), Palm press in front and back,  Fozie arm circles, Pot stirs
The Workout: Objective(s) heavy weight with low reps or light weight with high reps. 3 stations were set up with 3 upper body exercises per station to be completed before rotating to next station. 50 sec per exercise with 25 sec rest in between. We completed two cycles.  Station 1 > 1 or 2 Pain Stick presses, 1 or 2 Water Jug Front Raises, 15lbs Tricep Kickbacks/OH Tricep Press. Station 2 > Curls for the Gurls, Frisbee push-ups (rd 1 slide frisbee hand out for a wide fly, pull back in on upward motion of push-up. rd 2 push frisbee forward and do a staggered push-up.) 50lbs Lawnmowers. Station 3 > Tire rope pull, Sledge swings and abs.
Mary: Boat Canoes slow in cadence 10 count (full body ext/slow), WWII touch the sky (suggested name called Korean Wars) 5 count cadence then cross legs and 5 count cadence. At this point the inmates questioned to which prison the Q came from…Rikers Island?? 10 side raises and 10 side crunches then switch sides, Ball Diamonds 10 count in cadence

Announcements: Mulch..Mulch..Mulch,  New AO being named at Banks Rd elementary on 7/22, Suggested to come out to School House for great mumblechatter and a free breakfast on Wednesdays.
T-Claps (Recognition):  Appreciated Wallaby posting at the prison yard for the first time. (Lets hope he comes back!)
Prayer: LED family member coming out of surgery recovery, People dealing with addiction, isolation.  Darby working with a fellow PAX that has thoughts of suicide (Double D). Unspoken.

6 Year Anniversary Gala at Cletus

Wow – 6 years.  When I first gave into the 18 month long headlock by Gnard Dogg from Raleigh – I remember telling my M that “maybe this will be good – I can catch a Friday workout a few times a month to change up things for me at the Y (Sad Clown).  Little did I know that 6 years later, I would have accomplished the following:

  • Probably 1,000 posts
  • 7 half marathons completed
  • 2 Blue Ridge Relays
  • Maybe 3,000 miles of running
  • 10+ CSAUPs
  • 100+ Q-ed workouts
  • Hundreds of Clown Car rides
  • Stronger Marriage and relations with my kids
  • Major advances in my career / leadership (I accredit some of this to F3)
  • Countless memories with hundreds of new friends


Rolling into the parking lot at Cletus, Mookie and I got a little concerned.  On the way over in the clown car, we discussed what we would do if we had more than 25 Pax.  I did not want too many in our group(s) given Covid.  I quickly discussed what I had planned to Mookie as we drove over.  I remember him looking at me like “Are you crazy?”

As it became obvious that the Pax count would be near 40 – we decided to go with the Audible and split the pax.  I am very glad we did.  T-Claps to Mookie for the co-Q

FNGs:  None – Shovel flag planted at 5:29
Warm Up: Got things started with a mosie down to the field near the small pavillion.  The one we always warm up in when the crowds are big

  • Hand Release Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Good Morning x 10 (IC)
  • SSH x 20 (IC)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 (IC)  – note:  no one of Moroccan decent was offended with this reference
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC)
  • Hell – it’s time to go

The Workout:

Pax of 38 was split into roughly half.  Mookie too one to the lower field and YHC kept the other half up top at the Soccer field.  It went down like this

Thing 1:  The Elle McPhereson

The Split pax on the soccer field would split again into two groups.  Groups would perform exercises on duct taped sheets in two (2) of the four corners (diagonal from each other).  Group 1 would sprint 50% around the track while Group 2 did the exercises.  Group 2 does AMRAP until all of Group 1 makes it to the opposite corner.  Group 1 would signal with a “yell” for Group 2 to stop the reps and run the same direction (clockwise around the field to them).  This was repeated for 20 minutes while the other Pax was down on the field.  Basically we were looping the 1/2 miles around the soccer field.

Group 1 (Arms and Chest)

  • Burpees
  • Wide Grip Merkins
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Diamond Merkins

Group 2 (Legs and Abs)

  • Jump Squats
  • WW1
  • Star Jumps
  • Mountain Climbers

Thing 2:  “The Michigan”

This workout was from the original scrolls of Southwake.  It was named by a Ohio State fan.  “Because it sux”.  The pax gathered on the end line of the soccer/football field.  All we did was sprints and Jack Webbs.  It went like this

  • Ten – 100-yard dashes +  2 Hand Release Jack Webbs (2 hand release merkins and 8 halleluiahs) 
  • Eight – 80 yard dashes + 4 Hand Release Jack Webbs
  • Six – 60 yard dashes + 6 Hand Release Jack Webbs
  • Four – 40 yard dashes + 8 Hand Release Jack Webbs
  • Two – 20 yard dashes + 10 Hand Release Jack Webbs

That went on for 20 minutes – it was a smoker

The 2 groups converged on the North Tennis Courts for Mary and COT


  • Low Slow Flutter
  • LBC Ladder (IC)
    • 5
    • 10
    • 15
    • 20
    • 10
    • 5
  • Have a nice day


  • Mulch
  • Q Swap in August

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Gump for 5 years of F3!
  • YCH for 6 years
  • Kid Cracker for the Kotters – welcome back brother!


  • Unspoken
  • 1st responders
  • Brony’s friend with Cancer

YHC took us out in prayer

Photos, 2nd F and Busch Latte

I love you all

DB Out!