
May 14 2021 – KungPOW (Wescott) QIC POTS

May 14 2021 – KungPOW (Wescott) QIC POTS


POTS, Pumpkin Spice, Blue Hen, Labatt, Flanigan, Deadbolt, Mookie





 Warm Up:

Good Mornings


Fazio Arm Circles

 The Workout

 Mosey’d to church parking lot.

Station 1 (3 rounds)

 Curls for the girls (with Rock)

Sprint to Yellow Fire hydrant complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Overhead press (with Rock)

Sprint to Yellow Fire hydrant complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Triceps Extensions (with Rock)

Sprint to Yellow Fire hydrant complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Station 2 (3 rounds)

 Merkins (10)

Side steps (side hustle) complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Squats (10)

Side steps (side hustle) complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Lunges (10)

Side steps (side hustle) complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Station 3 (3 rounds)

 Side step with squat (10)

Lung walk complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Side straddle hop’s (10)

Lung walk complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Step ups on the curb

Lung walk complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

Pledge of Allegiance:

Lead by Double D


Guantanamo’s for all.


 JoCo CSOP coming up soon


Military and First responders.


Simple and affective

9 for EC
18 PAX showed for Purple Cobra
We warmed up.
We did Hindenburg BLIMPS.
We did Mary.

Everyone was tired except 187.

The end!
This BB is dedicated to 16 Bit.

BS out!

The Undertaker

After hearing about Summer Slam for a while YHC decided to pick up one of these Kung Pow Q’s to celebrate his favorite wrestler growing up – The Undertaker.

The pre-blast promised trying to kill pax – thankfully we didn’t accomplish that but we did celebrate accordingly.

FNGs: None today. I hear there’s a free F3 shirt if you bring an FNG to Kung Pow.

EC: YHC, Cupid, Cancun, Deadbolt (great work on 5 pack w/5 ECs!), Roger Roger, and MadDog.
Warm Up:

SSH x20

Daisy Picker x20

Good Morning x10

The Workout:

Pax were warned that The Undertaker attributed good cardio to his many years of success. Many remarks were had about that assuredly being the only thing.

1st Thing – mosey down the street to a nice hill near Bibleview ct. Pax were informed of The Streak – The Undertaker’s 21 match winning streak at WrestleMania, widely regarded as the greatest winning streak in sports history.

Special back blast reading bonus – the first pax to message me directly (Slack or Facebook) with the name of the wrestler that broke The Streak gets a free beer/lunch if you don’t drink)

To celebrate the 21 straight we did 21s on said hill – starting with 1x squat at the bottom and 20x LBCs at the top. It’s like 11s but a lot harder.

After ~15 minutes we audibled – none of us are The Undertaker and this was going to take too long. We had other career highlights to get to.

2nd Thing – we moseyed back to the pool parking lot. Pax were reminded that one of The Undertaker’s signature moves was the chokeslam. Chokeslamming each other seemed like a bad idea (especially on a day with no disclaimer) so instead we could lead with one strong hand. We did this by doing 10x Turkish Getups on one side (don’t worry though – the other side was promised to be fulfilled later). We then moseyed out of the neighborhood and crossed over to the church where we fulfilled our other 10x Turkish Getups (on the other side, unless your name is Cupid and apparently you can only do them on one side).

3rd Thing – one of the storylines most often remembered about The Undertaker was the one with his brother Kane. They frequently fought and partnered with each other. To celebrate this pax were told to partner up with someone of similar spead for a mix of competing and supporting – we raced to opposite ends of the parking lot and back (as in pax went opposite directions from their partners – apparently this was very confusing). Once they got back the winner plank holds until their partner gets back at which point they lift each other up with 5x Patty Cake Merkins. We repeated this 3x times.

4th Thing – Pax were reminded of two things. 1 – The time when “in nineteen ninety-eight when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table” and 2 – The Undertaker loved lightning and even once used it to destroy the ring. To honor these two things we were going to throw outselves on the ground to the tune of Thunderstruck – SSH the entire song and a Burpee everytime you hear Thunder or Thunderstruck.

Pax seemed smoked but we weren’t at the starting point so we moseyed back to the pool parking lot for some very limited Mary.


We continued celebrating The Streak with 21x IC of the following:

Low slow flutter


Crab cakes

Homer to marge (with some nice demonstration by Deadbolt)

Picklepounder (it is Mother’s day weekend)

Grasshopper 5k for Sergeant Rick Leach
T-Claps (Recognition):

Deadbolt for 5 pack + ECs

All the pax venturing outside of their norm for Main Event May

Caitlin and Kid Cracker and his team as they beging working to help her.

Dawgpound Celebrates 4 years

EC:There was 22 plus people running EC. So yeah I don’t have the names here.
FNGs:Pile Driver
Warm Up:

Circled Up and bounced while I went over the Disclaimer. Did a count off to have an understanding on how many Pax where there.

Mosey to the field and circle up.
Bat Wing
Fazio Arm circles Forward
Fazio Arm circles Backward
Seal Claps
Overhead Claps
Good Mornings
1 Burpees
2 Burpees
3 Burpees
4 Burpees
5 Burpees

The Workout:

Moseyed to the Bus Drop off. We split up into pairs and then a pair took one of the three islands.

Run in opposite directions around the island. When you met your partner do 7s counting down of Broke Back Shoulder Tap Merkins. Every time you meet you decreased the number. We went down to 1. Once that was wrapped up we did laps around the island. Partner A did bear crawls and Partner B did Lunge walks. When Partner A needed a break Partner B took over the bear crawls and Partner A did lunges. After one lap we switched to Gorilla Walks and Lunges.

Mosey to the wall for mobile balls to the wall. The pax waiting held their Squat Hold. As pax held balls to the wall and moved down the length of the wall.

Moseyed to the playground and split up in three groups. One group went with Emeril to the hill. One group with Flanigan to the play ground and the last group with me to the wall. The hill group was the timer. 5 trips up the hill running backwards. The folks against the wall held squat while lifting up one leg and switching. The playground group did pull ups. Once the 5 trips where completed group one went to the wall. Group 2 to the hill and group 3 to the playground. Repeat until all groups ran the hill.

Then we made our way up the stairs. We then found our original partners and wheelbarrow to the flag pole/stop sign.


Circled up for Mary:
Did a modify Onnit 6 minute Abs:
Plank Hold
Peter Parkers
Mountain Climbers
Big Boy Sit-ups
Freddie Mercuries
Russian Twists

T-Claps (Recognition):

All unspoken prayers

18 STRONG at The TRAIN!!

FNG: Nope

Warm-Up: Good Mornings 15 IC, Side Straddle Hop 30 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, Fazio Arm Circles 10 IC forward & back, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps 15 IC

Workout: Split into 2 groups and Indian Run to Parking Garage and completed a lap around lower level. Split Group 1 & 2 on each side of parking spots. Each PAX was instructed to get on a white line. Started with 1 Merkin on white line and slide over to next space for 2, back to the left for 1, then back right for 3 until we reached 5.

Next was a bad idea Bearcrawl Burpee Indian Run. The Pax in rear had to pass everyone until they got to the front where they completed a Burpee. We did this until we ran out of real estate in parking lot.

Stayed in 2 groups, Group 1 ran the stairs to the top for 5 burpees while group 2 was doing AMRAP big boy sit ups. Repeated 3 times except changed top floor to Merkins and bottom floor to squats.

Then we got out of the stifling parking garage and went to the top floor.  Guantanamo’s 2 rounds and then we split up in groups again. Opposite ends of parking garage PAX was instructed to 30 IC Crab Jacks while the other PAX 30 IC Lunges. Moseyed and swapped ends. Repeated except not IC. Ikachu

Moseyed back to humidity and pollen infested parking garage. We then BTW and peoples chair with each PAX counting to 10 except last round of 20 IC.

Fellowshipped run to parking lot.

Mary: Low-slow-flutter, downward dog, various stretches, superman, Have a Nice Day

Announcements: See Slack

T-Claps: All who EC’ed, to many to name.

Prayers: Quivers Co-workers, Fonzie mother-in-law awaiting on Good News hopefully, Pikachu and his wife trying to have a baby.


Honor to Lead Gents!!

Tiger Blood/Travis Manion WOD 4/29

13 men took on Tiger Blood for the 2021 Travis Manion Foundation Workout of the Day (Wod) 

Warm Up: Mosey down to the track

The Workout: 29 squats with your weight implement of choice, run 400 meters, repeat 7 times

Mary: Quick message about TMF and the importance of carrying on the ethos of “If Not Me, Then Who”

Announcements: May Challenge in a few days

T-Claps (Recognition): FRAM for max effort during the workout.


Closed in Prayer:

Ooohhh Yeeeeaah!

Today we celebrated the life and wrestling lore of none other than the Macho Man Randy Savage. Though we didn’t get to nearly as much as YHC had planned, we had a raucous group of PAX making noise all throughout the neighborhood we should be quiet in. But that’s the way the Macho Man lived…insane in the brain, flamboyant, say it if you want to, and badass to the core!

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings x10 IC, 10 Burpees OYO, a mosey down into the hood, and we all know that the Macho Man could party like a rock star so…Moroccan Nightclubs IC x10. Finished with a mosey to the final cul-de-sac.

The Workout: So Macho Man’s first famous feuds were with Tito Santana and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. Back then, the Macho Man was smaller, high-flying, and faster. We circled up for a fast-feet/up-down progression for about 3 minutes.

We then remembered Miss Elizabeth, such an important part of the Macho Man journey,  with Pickle Pounders x20 IC and Hello Dollys x15 IC.

PAX were instructed to return up the hill stopping at every “rope” (intersection) for some exercises, because Macho Man was never afraid to go to the top rope. Street 1: Star Jumps x15, Street 2: Squat Jumps x15, Street 3: Prisoner Squats x15, Street 4: The Top Rope, 15 Burpees OYO. Finished with 15 SSH IC before exiting the hood to go to church.

At the church parking lot, we referenced yet another famous feud with The Ultimate Warrior. If you remember, whenever the Ultimate Warrior would start his “comeback” in any match he would do something like an “airpress to the spirits” or whatever. So we did Jack Webb’s 1:3 ratio up to 5.

Now how did the Warrior always enter the ring? Running. Split PAX into 2 groups. 1 Group would Indian Run around the U at the church, while the other group did a suicide sprint to a series of 6 cones. Then, groups switched roles.

We did not forget that weird period where Macho was all in to Queen Sherri. Homer to Marge x 20 IC.

A quick mosey over to the rock pile for a reminder that Macho Man had also joined forces with, then split with Hulk Hogan…the largest pythons in the world baby! Curls for the Girls x 30.

Macho Man also got married to Miss Elizabeth shortly after the feud with Hogan. A famous scene unfolded in the WWF ring with the Macho lifting up Miss Elizabeth over his shoulders. Alternating Lunges IC x20, Overhead alternating presses with rocks x 20IC.

Unfortunately, YHC started running out of time here. But we didn’t want to forget that Macho Man got SWOLE!!!! in his later years of wrestling. Hand Release Merkins x 20. We finished with a mosey back to the flag.

Mary: 10 Burpees OYO upon return. Then, the entrance song for the Macho Man, Pomp and Circumstance, guided us for 4 minutes through a plank-o-rama, finishing with 20 Good Mornings. Have a Macho Day…Dig It!!!
Announcements: It’s on! May Monthly Challenge is live tomorrow.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: POTS son, going into the Air Force. Police around our country, Delaware Cop and family after tragic incidents. Truth in Nature (Roger Roger), a ministry for boys without fathers/dads. Gillette and shoulder surgery healing, as he walked up to the COT toward the end. YHC took us out!

Cackling and Clucking on the Yard

There are some PAX (POTS) that simply shut down the mumblechatter with burpees. YHC can typically deal with some mumblechatter during the warm ups or even Mary at some point…during the workout…nah. Those that were, according to POTS cackling and clucking (you know who you are) put in some reasonable work on the Yard this morning, so the guest Warden didn’t punish. Apparently, the pain stations equipped with many types of coupons were enough anyways…13 men…a record for Prison Yard…did the crimes and did the time at Hilltop Needmore Prison today.

FNGs: no fresh meat on the Yard today!
Warm Up: After a quick set-up with the help of the inmates, we ran a quick mosey loop followed by SSH x30 IC, Windmills x10 IC, Sir Fazio’s F/R x 12 IC, Frankensteins x10 IC, Standard Merkins x 20.
The Workout: The timer was two men, flipping the large tractor tire up the hill and carrying back to the bottom. Each man flipped up the hill once. During this, the PAX took part in various pain stations including: Kettlebell Swings, Plank Pull Throughs, Steel Mace Warrior Squats, Railroad Iron Bench Press, Pain Stick Squat, Pain Stick Curl, Pain Stick Press, Partner Pain Stick Squat and Press, Tractor Weight Shoulder Shrug, Farmers Carry with the Tractor Weights and Diamond Merkins, 4 cones for a side shuffle Burpee routine. All prisoners got to play with the toys multiple times.
Mary: Put the coupons away, followed by LSF x30 IC and LBC’s x30 IC.
Announcements: May Main Event…only two more days to sign up. Bed build info on Slack. Breach will Q a Travis Mannion workout Thursday at Tiger Blood.
T-Claps (Recognition): Lots of EC this morning…LED, Breach, FRAM, Nemo, Mookie, Deadbolt. Nemo’s first time on the Yard…looked like he’d done time before….good work!
Prayer: Shamwow! injury and hopes he or all injured PAX can get back after it! Motor Boatin’ a prayer of thanks for the accountability. Breach took us out including the moment of silence for our military and first responders on the front lines. Honored to lead this strong group this morning!

Shared pain through accountability

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up: Mosey to bottom of parking lot towards the stop sign. Placed cone for ME reference. SSH, Good mornings, Daisy Pickers, Mosey to right hand side of parking lot with grass hill. Cone #2 explained Frisbee bear crawl station.  Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies I/C.  Mosey to RR and Cone# 3 with battle rope. Explained station while in Squat hold. We grabbed the rest of the coupons and moseyed to the abyss. (2 – 25lbs DB’s, 1- 30 lbs ruck weight, 1-20 lbs phalange, 1 BAT Big Ass tire, and one little tractor tire)

The Workout: Paired off with accountability partner. Cone #1 Frisbee Bear Crawl up the hill and back down, head first both directions and hands stay in frisbees. Partner does whatever exercise they want while waiting. Cone# 2. Battle rope > Double hand OH Smash, Single alternating waves, SSH with rope. (PAX on own cadence) my group 30, 20, 10 reps. Cone #4 DB swings at the abyss, Cone #5 Weighted abs Cone#6&7 > BAT gets flipped up ALL the abyss stairs partner rotate in as needed. Little tractor tire gets pulled up to top of stairs by a strap, partner rotate in as needed. Once you leave the tire station the PAX run to Cone #1 and loop back to Cone #2 and then the stations rotate. We made one complete cycle.

Mary: Freddy Mercury’s, LBC, Reverse LBC, Full LBC.
Announcements: Runners in Wrightsville.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Bobby Bouche’s friend dealing with addiction, Deadbolt’s fraternity brother dying of heart attack, unspoken

Doing Time at Prison Yard

FNGs:  None
Warm Up: Short mosey to side of clubhouse.  Good mornings, Daisy pickers, Frankenstein’s, SFAC, demonstration of Absolution exercise, mosey back to start.
The Workout:  Thang 1: Told the PAX the expectation was to focus on technique and full ROM (Range of Motion). All exercises would be on my count and if they needed a rest to stop or modify but don’t sacrifice form or ROM. At the top and bottom of every rep was a silent 3 count hold by YHC. Rd 1: Standard Merkin, Deep Squats, Single leg lunge and Big Boy situps.  Rd 2: Wide Merkin, Standard Squat, Toe Roll Lunge (hold lunge and do a calf raise with back leg) Freddy Mercury form focus. Rd 3: Diamond or Military Merkin (PAX choice) 80/20 Single leg squat, Alternate deep lunge, LBC.

Thang 2: Mosey under Hill-top to Y intersection at the base of hill.  PAX bear crawl to the top as a group and perform 3 Absolutions hold for the six and then mosey down and around path. Rinse and Repeat but add one more rep to absolutions each time.  (3 rounds performed)

Today’s message was don’t sacrifice form, technique or effort to just hit a number. Quality vs quantity was the name of the game.  Do what you can and don’t keep up with the Jones’s.

Mary: One set of full range LBC. LBC, reverse and full.
Announcements:  Bobby B. taking TBD Q, Fram has Q at Possum Trot on Wed.
T-Claps (Recognition): Mookie for getting after it the past two weeks. Pots for a 5 day post last week. DD and Fram got in EC. Shared stories about time.
Prayer: Pots wife for surgery, Bondo telling his boss he is retiring today, Sprinkler healing from ultimate frisbee and unspoken.  YHC took us out.