
An EMOM morning

FNGs: None

Warm Up:


Spinal Rotations

Good Morning


Arm Circles

Seal and Overhead Clap

The Workout:

Cinco Tres Workout : 5 exercises , 3 reps each.

10 min EMOM

R one minute then L one minute

Single Arm Swing

Single Hang Clean

Single Squat

Single Straight Press

Single Reverse Drop Lunge

Mosey one lap in parking lot

10 min EMOM

R & L




Renegade Row

Merkin on Bell

Mosey one lap in parking lot


5 min EMOM




Ground Pounder



LBC, FM, H2M, Lower Back Stretches

Announcements: Celebrate FV sign up. See slack

 T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: PAX who are injured. PAX looking for work. Best in Show’s mother-in-law passed away, Dahmer’s northern in law illness , Fanny Pack’s brother

Five Year Anniversary Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Arm Circles, GM, Mosey to Soccer Field Parking Lot

The Workout: Football Mascot Merkin Workout utilizing scores from last week’s games.  

NCSU’s Tuffy – Merkins (+alternate exercise)

7 (tempo squatsx10), 10 (pulse squats), 17 (lungesx10), 24 (mosey to picnic shelter)

UNC’s Rameses

7(People’s chair 5 count each PAX), 10 (BTTW in cadence to 10), 17 (People’s), 24 (BTTW), 31 Urkins (Mosey to rock pile)

Duke’s Blue Devil

3 (curls & rows x10), 6 (curls&rows), 13 (curls&rows), 21 rock presses (curls and rows), 28 rock presses (curls and rows)

Mary: Around the circle name an ab exercise & closed off with some stretching. 

Prayer: Prayer for PAX’s injured and struggling with illness.  Pray for all PAX BRR. 

0.0 miles

A PAX of 10 slowly arrived during the wet morning for Crazy Ivan. We headed under the intimate shelter at the amphitheater for a cozy and somewhat dry workout with our bells. Absolutely NO running which meant no time for recovers. This lead to a ton of reps.

Warm ups:
Front bend stretch
Sir fozios

Main Event:
Single arm Swings x15 each arm
Rows x15 each arm
Rainbow lunges x15 each leg
Suitcases x15 each side
Rinse and repeat x10 this rd

Shoulder raises to eye level
Goblet squats
2 rds x15 & x10

Single arm snatchs x15 each side
Side bends x15 IC each side
Pull through merkins x15
Halos x15 each direction
R&R x10 this rd

Cookie pouch x10
KB LBC’s x20 IC
LSF x20 IC

Prayers for injured PAX (Fanny Pack and others), PAX struggling to get back out, F3 as a whole.

Been a long time since leading the bells. It makes you push a lot harder and I’m sure I’ll feel it later. Sign up to Q if you plan to workout there on Fridays. Appreciate the opportunity to lead men!

BS out!

After Christmas Meal Burner

I showed up to the parking lot ready to work off the 3 Christmas meals I tore up just hours before. U.T.I. was on his EC and Jellybeans showed up shortly after I did. It was a cold one –  temp was 18 degrees. My beard froze up a few times 🥶


Warm Up:

✴️ Good mornings  x10
✴️ Empieral Walkers x15
✴️ Hill billies x15
✴️ Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10
✴️ ⛰️ climbers x15

The Workout:

✴️ 50 merkin
✴️ 100 LBC’s
✴️ 150 Lunges

Grabbed some 🪨’s:
✴️ Rock Jacks x15
✴️ Curls for the girls x15
✴️ Squats x15


So much fun we🏃 out of time

Cletus Rules!

Lots of chatter the night before Cletus. YHC was inviting everyone to come out for an old school beat down. There were a lot of PAX getting in some early miles before the main event. After 21 PAX showed it was 0530. One more came flying in making it 22 total for the AO. We had a lot of smells coming from multiple guys but we survived. Here’s what was on the menu.

Warm up
Mosey to lower lot area, circle up
Burpees x5
Seal Jacks x20 IC
Burpees x5
Bat wings x20 IC
Burpees x5
Cotton pickers x10 IC
Burpees x5

Mosey to lot near volleyball
7’s Bonnie Blair squat broad jumps
– sea star jump ups
– Curb hand release derkins

Partner carry to ball field entrance
Partner wheelbarrow and switch until reach statue

Circle around statue on six for Guantanamo

Mosey to concession stand
BTTW shoulder taps x10 IC
Wall sit hallelujahs x10 IC

Indian run 2 groups to tennis courts
Stay in groups in corners
Crab bucket corners
1 – crab cakes
2 – crab humpers
3 – crab jacks
Crab walk to each corner
X10 reps IC for all

Sally abs
Side raises
Plank hold to Chillcut hold

COT was interesting as we had a buck walk over in the parking lot. Guess he was an FNG we missed earlier.
Announcements on slack
Pikachu took us out in prayer.

Excellent turnout and strong work from the pax today. As always, it’s an honor and a pleasure to be able to lead a group of HIM.

BS out!

Dumbbells, Kettlebells and YOGA

FNGs:  None – but visitor from Raleigh, Pig Pen – thanks for coming out.

Warm Up:  Lipsync started us off with some SSH and stretching.  YHC added windmills, sir Fazios, seal claps and overhead claps.  Grabbed all the weights and headed for the tennis courts

The Workout:  YHC instructed PAX to line up all the weights from heaviest to lightest.  Each PAX grabbed a coupon (e.g. Kettlebell or two dumbbells) and they decided the exercise.  The time keeper began with YHC executing Bear crawl to the end of the tennis court and backwards jog back to the starting line.  After YHC completed the mosey, each PAX rotated one station just before informing the in-coming PAX the exercise.  PAX were very creative coming up exercises.  40 lb dumbbells – Farmers Cary; 30 lb dumbbells- bench press from our six; 25 lb dumbbells lawn mowers;  25 lb kbell swings; 20 lb db hammer curls, 25 lb kettlebells thrusters; diamond merkins.  RINSE & REPEAT   New exercises were incorporated at each station included shrugs, curls, tricep, O/H press, figure 8…Carolina dry dock and the time keeper drill was crab walk to the end of the court, jog back.

Mary:  20 mins of much-needed YOGA

Announcements:  Support HSPD-Bacon with Goggins challenge, Special Olympic fundraiser; See slack & Fb for additional announcements including JDRF, Blood drives, volunteer opportunities…

T-Claps (Recognition):  Pig Pen for leading VC and hanging out for Thunder

Prayer:  YHC talked about his original plan of simply carrying all of the weight (dumbbells & kettlebells) around Womble and not doing any formal exercises.  I had read about this in a past AO.  Too many of us are carrying baggage. We need to get rid of that baggage or simply ask for help carrying the load.  Prayers for Injured PAX and their family; motorcyclists – watch out for them; unspoken.

Thanks for helping me take out and load up all the gear.


Honored to lead. -Dauber