

A Nest with Four Corners

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Willy Mayes Hayes, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout: Thing 1: Four Corners
Four corners, four exercises, one at each corner. Squats, merkins, WWIIs and mountain climbers. We did a few rounds of that before heading to the picnic shelter for

Thing 2: Urkins, Durkins, Dips, Wall Sits
A few rounds of that and YHC was done.

Mary: A little popcorn Mary.

Announcements: Sign up to Q!!!

Prayer: The family of the founding pastor at Enough’s church, our country

Flocking to the Nest

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lunges, Side Shuffle, Inch Worms, World’s Greatest

The Workout: Balance Lunges, Calf Raise Squats, Single Leg RDLs, People’s Chair, Chin-ups, Step-Back Lunges, Alternating Side Lunges, Pull-ups, Single Leg People’s Chair, 3-Way Lunge, Sneaky Lunge Walks, Chair Broga, Iso-Toe Lunges, Duck Walks, Calf Raises, Max Rep Pull-ups, Single Leg Bobby Hurley’s

Mary: Stretched out the legs after the beatdown that just occured

Announcements: None

T-Claps (Recognition): None

Prayer: Fumunga’s college friend and his family after losing their father to ALS, Carnival’s daughter Nora as she will be starting a immunotherapy regiment tomorrow, H1N1’s 2.0’s as they will be on a mission trip to Costa Rico

Dirty Diamond, PUs, 7’s at the Grave

5 on time PAX started out and the 6 joined 6 mins later for 6 penalty burpees. Mission statement was missed so I owe penalties for that one.

WU lap around parking lot butt kickers, high knees and slide moves

Mtn climbers

Baseball field (3 innings)
Wheelbarrow/bearcrawl to each base x10 Carolina dry docks
BJB to each base with x10 monkey humpers
Inch worm/duck walk each base with x10 star jumps

Pull ups in dugout x20
Wall work – Australian min climber, wall sit hallelujahs, BTTW shoulder taps

Hill 7’s – merkins and squats

American hammers
Boat canoes
Heels to heaven
Freddy Mercury’s

COT and prayer
Kenny’s Grave still looking for a new site Q

Nice push guys.
BS out!

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 2.49.09 PM

52nd Birthday Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, Arm Circles, GM, WMH

The Workout: Choose a coupon (#15 to #45 kettlebell or ball) and added one rock from the rock pile.  

Two columns of exercises. 52 cards + 2 jokers; Cadence given number on card; face cards 10; Ace BTTW 11 count in cadence; Joker Wall Sit each PAX 10 count and change exercises to other column 

Diamonds: Wonder Bra | Rows

Hearts: Ground Pounder | Squats

Clubs: American Hammer | Windshield Wiper over the KB/rock

Spades: Curls | Triceps 

Mary: This one came down to the wire. Return coupons

Announcements: Picnic , Memorial Day Murph, Check slack

Prayer: PAX traveling, recovering from injury, looking for work

5.2.2024 Kenny’s Grave 4 corners

**** @Warbucks was out rucking around spying on us. ****

Warm-Up: Mosey lap, Sir Fazio arm circles, Hillbillies, SSH, Good Mornings, Walkouts

Main Event: Pax got a rock of choice from the rock pile and we went over to the squarish rectangle by the flag pole for a fun time of 4 corners.  We did ab exercises at corner 1 with our rocks, corner 2 was a version of wall exercises, corner 3 was  a leg station, and corner 4 was a push-up station.  Moving around the stations was a real treat.  We did bear crawls, crab walks, lunge walks, and duck walks.

Mary: ABC’s (good choice @Griswold) and Pickle Pounders (a @Haggis special).

COT: Prayers for @Finkle’s brother and family, @H1N1’s daughter.

411 Reps on 4-11

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Disclaimer, Mission Statement, SSH, Frankensteins, Daisy Pickers, SFAC, Micheal Phelps. 

The Workout:

1 – learn one thing about your partner 

10 – Reverse Murder bunnies uphill (each)

20 – Wheelbarrow rock flips (each)

30- American Hammers w/ rock I/C (each)

40 – Rock squats (each)

50 – SB  burpees 80lbs bag (combo) 

60 – Pull-ups (sets of 10 w assist combo) 

200 – Double handed rope slams (combo)

Mary: No time 

Announcements: Everyone said one thing they learned about their partner, Fill up the Q-sheet. 

T-Claps (Recognition): Prayer of Gratitude for Buttermilk Headache went away. 

Prayer: Safe Travels B.S.  Unspoken.

8 Dark Knights conquered the Dragon at the Nest

PAX:  @Firstblood, @Haggis, @K I T T Y L I T T R, @Rico, @H1N1, @Griswold @Enough, @Finkle

Q Extraordinare: @Finkle

Event 1: Batman’s -> a fantastic way to kick off.  We did a short little mosey around the park and stopped at the brick wall behind the dugouts. Started with 50 bat wings, 10 sec hold x8 of balls to the wall, 50 overhead claps, 10 sec hold x8 of balls to the wall, 50 air presses, and 10 sec hold x8 of balls to the wall.  Since @Rico was still smiling I figured we would stay for a round of people’s chair.

Event 2: Welsh Dragons (modified) -> in the center field we did 10 sets of 10 bear crawls followed by 1 merkin & 1 plank jack with increasing in number of exercises.  Meaning ending with 10 merkins and 10 plank jacks (in cadence of course).

Event 3: We finished off the morning with 2 circuits of exercises using some of Finkle’s favorite toys.  Cindy and her big sister, a jump rope, exercise cube, exercise ladder, and 8lb weighted exercise ball.  This completed the trifecta.  Exercises for 1st circuits were timer ran around the parking lot, chest press with big sister, curls for the girls with Cindy, WW1’s with weighted ball, roll the dice for your exercise, jump rope, and squats.  2nd circuit exercises were rut rows with big sister, overhead press with Cindy, American hammers with weighted ball, roll dice for your exercise, jump rope, and lunges.  But alas we ran out of time to complete 2nd circuit.

Mary: none

COT: @FirstBlood and decisions about college to attend in fall, praise that @H1N1 didn’t get kidnapped while across the pond in England.

Push & Pull

FNGs: none

Warm Up: normal Warm o Rama

The Workout: Partner up with a large rock for both PAX. One PAX starts 30 reps of an exercise and the other takes a lap around the community center. They meet after a time and switch off. Curls, overhead press, squat, ground pounder. 

Thing 2: One partner bear crawls and pushes a small rock down the parking lot. Other partner runs to the end and back. Switch spots and repeat. Changes to walking lunges instead of bear crawls after 3 rounds. 

Mary: popcorn

Announcements: Q School, 2nd F opportunities on slack

T-Claps (Recognition): all the hulks smashing rocks

Prayer: PAX traveling

Q School – Session 1 2024

12 PAX for a mixer of Kenny’s Grave and Q school. Here’s a review.

Why Q school? This is to help with F3 formality (uniform) across all regions so if you attend an AO in New York or Texas it’ll still be close to the same structure.

3 main topics to cover – How to Q? Why to Q? (new exciting things) Are you ready to Q?

Sample structure for warm up with some discussion:
Disclaimer, warmup, workout (the thang), Mary, CoT – 45 mins total time, get a watch. Assign a sweeper if you have a large group of FNG’s.
Bring a Flag if you plan to Q. If you don’t have one, ask site Q to bring one.

Conduct WU and have guys take turns with exercises. SSH, Good Mornings, etc.

Be ready for CoT with announcements and prayer requests/praises

Review during workout:
Cadence Count
Form and rep count
Know your PAX limitations if possible
Site Q duties
Q sheet, pre-blast, backblast
Exicon, backblast from other regions, winky, Co-Q

Thang 1: Dora with bear crawl timer. 50 diamond merkins, 100 monkey humpers, 150 groiners,
Thang 2: Basketball court 7’s – burpees and absolutions

Thanks for attending men!

Golfing Graveside

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Variety

The Workout:

  1. Rules: teams of 2 or 3. Must always alternate throws. Must carry your golf bag (rock) with your team at all times.
  2. Land mark target (hole) picked with rules for frisbee to hit. Must stay on South Park Grounds.
  3. At Tee off exercise is called and done I/C until all teams throw.
  4. Modes of Travel  in no particular order but all must be done before repeats. Run /Lunge Walk/Bear crawl/Min of 3 Burpee Broad jump.
  5. Hole completion – score = # of Kraken burpees. 2nd place does their score and half of team in front of them.  Max hole score 10. R/P/S breaks tie (one time)
  6. Winning team picks new hole and tee box. Losing team picks tee off exercise.
  7. Rinse and repeat and have fun.

Mary: Banana Seat

Announcements: Road Clean up, core challenge, Check Slack, Even the Odds 3/22/24

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Health, H1N1 mother-in-law and  Unspoken.