I Love this Place
I’ll admit I’m a little biased. When it comes to workouts in SouthWake this is my absolute favorite. Maybe it’s because it’s Monday morning, maybe it’s because it’s high intensity bootcamp, maybe it’s because of the smell from the dump, but more than likely it’s because of the core group of guys we get there every week, the complaining they do during workout, how they push themselves and then show up the next week and do it all over guys. Exhibit A: Dawgpound and Dumbo. Good work guys.
I promised all 3Fs and all 5 core principles would be on display so let’s take a look.
1st F – Check
2ndF – Panera Check
3rdF – We did a spotlight on the the 6th person in the circle. Asked how they go their name and what F3 meant to them. – Check
1st Core Principle (All workouts are free) – check
2nd Core Principle (Open to all men) – check
3rd Core Principle (Held outdoor rain or shine, heat or cold) – check (there is no shelter at Ting)
4th Core Principle (Member lead, in a rotating fashion, with no certification necessary) – check, the Pax picked all the exercises today
5th Core Principle (All workouts end in a COT) – check
EC: There were a bunch. Pikachu, Full House, ShamWow!, Emeril, Dawgpound, UTI, Lipstick, Pablo, Skidmark
FNGs: None
Warm Up: 1 lap mosey around the complex complete with the standard Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Good mornings
The Workout: Split into groups of 4 randomly. Stack up suicides with 5 stops.
Exercise 1: 5 Star jumps
Exercise 2: 10 Squats
Exercise 3: 15 WWII
Exercise 4: 20 Diamond Merkins
Exercise 5: 25 Monkey Humpers
Go to stop 1 do the exercise, return to the fence. Go to stop 2, do the first 2 exercise, return to the fence. Etc. Go all the way up to doing all 5 exercises. Then unstack them.
Everytime the group returns to the fence they do 2 Peeping Lipstick (A Turkish Get-up with a star jump.).
Mary: Slight mosey to get the HR back down. Finishing with stretching.
Announcements: More 3rdF opportunities coming
T-Claps (Recognition): Dawgpound was our 6 in the count during COT. Thank you for you leadership and sharing what F3 means to you.
Prayer: Praise=Bondo’s Granddaughter will be coming home soon. ShawmWow! took us out.