
I Love this Place

I’ll admit I’m a little biased. When it comes to workouts in SouthWake this is my absolute favorite. Maybe it’s because it’s Monday morning, maybe it’s because it’s high intensity bootcamp, maybe it’s because of the smell from the dump, but more than likely it’s because of the core group of guys we get there every week, the complaining they do during workout, how they push themselves and then show up the next week and do it all over guys. Exhibit A: Dawgpound and Dumbo. Good work guys.

I promised all 3Fs and all 5 core principles would be on display so let’s take a look.
1st F – Check
2ndF – Panera Check
3rdF – We did a spotlight on the the 6th person in the circle. Asked how they go their name and what F3 meant to them. – Check

1st Core Principle (All workouts are free) – check
2nd Core Principle (Open to all men) – check
3rd Core Principle (Held outdoor rain or shine, heat or cold) – check (there is no shelter at Ting)
4th Core Principle (Member lead, in a rotating fashion, with no certification necessary) – check, the Pax picked all the exercises today
5th Core Principle (All workouts end in a COT) – check

EC: There were a bunch. Pikachu, Full House, ShamWow!, Emeril, Dawgpound, UTI, Lipstick, Pablo, Skidmark

FNGs: None
Warm Up: 1 lap mosey around the complex complete with the standard Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Good mornings

The Workout: Split into groups of 4 randomly. Stack up suicides with 5 stops.
Exercise 1: 5 Star jumps
Exercise 2: 10 Squats
Exercise 3: 15 WWII
Exercise 4: 20 Diamond Merkins
Exercise 5: 25 Monkey Humpers
Go to stop 1 do the exercise, return to the fence. Go to stop 2, do the first 2 exercise, return to the fence. Etc. Go all the way up to doing all 5 exercises. Then unstack them.
Everytime the group returns to the fence they do 2 Peeping Lipstick (A Turkish Get-up with a star jump.).

Mary: Slight mosey to get the HR back down. Finishing with stretching.

Announcements: More 3rdF opportunities coming

T-Claps (Recognition): Dawgpound was our 6 in the count during COT. Thank you for you leadership and sharing what F3 means to you.

Prayer: Praise=Bondo’s Granddaughter will be coming home soon. ShawmWow! took us out.

Soft Knees

It was great to catch up with so many Pax I haven’t seen in a while. There was some uncertainty about the amount of Pax that would show based on previous numbers so I was quite surprised when the amount of cars in lot kept getting bigger. We even managed to get Lipstick out of his holiday slumber over on Melody Lane. My legs were sore this morning so the amount of running and leg work would be minimal which is bad news for shoulders and arms.

EC: Fanny Pack, Skidmark

FNGs: One today thanks to some quality EH Wednesday by Dovetail, Shamwow (who whipped out is goldendoodle), and Skidmark. Plus who doesn’t love a free workout. Welcome Boo-Boo
Warm Up: IW x 10, Hillbillies x 10, Fozio Arm Circles x 10 F/R, SSH x 49 in cadence. Don’t ask.
The Workout: I made sure bring out my some of my favorites this morning. Jack Webbs and Burpees. Oh ya there was an abbreviated merkin clock in there too.
Mosey to the rock pile and the Pax were instructed to grab a rock they could lift over their head about 300 times. We were going to preform these in the grass but a majority of Pax started to mosey into the parking lot so I figured why not. Knee pads were required for some.
Jack Webbs at 1:3 Merkin:shoulder press up to 10 merkin:30 should press
Jacob’s Ladder 1(1 rep up to 7) with burpee rock jumps. So a burpee and when you come up you grab your rock and press it over your head. A variation of mosey to one end of parking lot and back between sets.
Back to Jack Webb’s because of course we have to come back down.  Start with 9 merkins:27 shoulder press and work back to 1:3. I think at this time Mary was requested. Apparently they have never seen how I do Mary.
Finish with 8 and 9 Burpee rock jumps.
Return rock
Mary: We arrived at the tennis courts at 0606. Plank hold with a variation of exercises until 0615. Exercises included Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Peter Parkers, Side Crunches, and a merkin clock at 12, 9, 6, and 3. Quizzed Pax during plank hold on the 5 core principles and the mission of F3 (Fanny Pack led the charge).
Announcements: No mulch, Look for TED talk this week
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Nemo and his family, Dovetail moving to Arizona, Members of the community battling depression, anxiety, and deteriorating mental health.

Fitness Test 9/21/2020

Wow!!! What a day! A couple of misses at the Fitness test. I went to bed and there was one more HC then when I woke up. Red must have taken a mental health day and went scuba diving somewhere. Dumbo was fighting the jambalaya early in the morning. Pablo overslept. Emeril kept Midgets bottle and we all got to drink it at Panera Bread.

Congratulation Katniss and Snap for posting at all four fitness tests. The following improvements were made.

Skidmark increased his score from 3.47 to 4.5. I believe though he had breathtaker on the first time.
Snap went up from his last time. 3.79 to 4.16
Dawgpound went up from 3.05 to 3.37

Great first time scores for the following:
Goldilocks: 3.26
Hardy: 3.68
Emeril: 3.89
Pikachu: 4.79

Pikachu set a new record at the fitness test.
Emeril has the record for the Fritter Goobers. If only Pablo posted.

Next Fitness test 12/14/2020

EC: Emeril, Pikachu, Skidmark, Cowboy
FNGs: Nope. It would have been a good one for an FNG
Warm Up:

Quick lap to show the guys what the lap for the test would be.
Circle Up:
30 Side Straddle Hops
10 Hillbillies
10 Imperial Marches
10 Spinal Twist

The Workout:

30 Minutes of Fitness Test

Paradise City Fitness Test: All must be done in order. Each rep is .01 points. Each lap is also .01 points.

15 Burpees
1 Lap
20 Merkins
1 Lap
20 Squats (as close to parallel as you can get)
1 Lap
20 WW II (Non Cadence)
1 Lap
20 Scorpion Dry Docks
1 Lap

1 Lap will be around 2 parking medians.  We left the basketball court and made a left.
Then down past the cars and made a right.  Ran past one aisle then the next aisle turned
right up past the median then right and ran back to the basketball court.



Several stretches were done


Mulch is done!!!!!!!!

T-Claps (Recognition):

All men completing the fitness challenge
Pikachu for hitting 2,000 miles for the year. A goal for Emeril next year.


IPC week 3

Warm Up:some arm stretches and leg stretches OYO
The Workout: ironpax  week 3

timed workout

400m run

10o merkins

400m run
90 squats

400m run

80 merkins

400m run

70 squats

400m run

60 merkins

400m run

50 squats

400m run

40 merkins

400m run

30 squats

400m run

20 merkins

400m run

10 squats

800 m run

Mary: none
Announcements:mulch Saturday ruck and adopt a highway Sunday 6:00 am
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: people affected by sally

No Virtual BRR runners at Paradise City

FNGs: None

Virtual BRR Runners: None

Real BRR Runners: 6

Emeril, Midget4Life, Goldilocks

Warm Up: 1/2 mile jog with stops for Good Mornings, Hillbillies, SSH.

The Workout:

On the ramp.  4’s – Step-ups/Burpees.  To the top perform step-ups.  Back to the bottom 1 burpee.  Repeat decreasing step-ups and increasing burpees.
Back portion of Ting – 7’s – Merkins/LBC’s – Dumpster to Tennis Courts
Tennis Courts side of Ting. 4’s – Absolutions/Dips(in cadence) – Tennis Courts to Guard Rail
BBall Court to bottom of ramp – 7’s – Merkins/LBC’s

Mary: Stretched
Announcements:  Sign up for mulch and form a real BRR team next year.  Lots of fun and gives you a training goal.
T-Claps (Recognition): @pablo and @snap for completing all the 4’s and 7’s.
Prayer: For the Virtual BRR guys that were too sore/tired to join us for the workout today.

Audible Action at The Ballfields

It’s been nearly 3 weeks since YHC took the Q. For me, that’s a pretty long time and a good amount of time to cook up some great plans for beatdowns of all kinds. YHC had a great plan for what we would do at TBD this morning.  With today being the IronPax work out and the usual R4TJ offerings, I knew I had to come up with something quite different.  Just started the EC trek up Stinson when I saw Nemo rolling in, so I did a U-Turn and grabbed him. During our EC on this awful humid morning, YHC scrapped his previous plans in an effort to not kill any pax or himself. Those plans will be a fall workout.  Everything but warm ups were audibles today.

FNG’s: not today
Warm Up: SSH x25, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Fazio Arm Circles, Daisy Pickers, And 25 Standard merkins.
The Workout: Mosey to the dugouts by the ball fields. Started with a 30 ct. IC Balls to the Wall, then mosey to the poles at the end of the path for 5 burpees. Pax then moseyed to opposite side dugouts for People’s Chair 30 ct. IC, followed by a Mosey to opposite poles for 5 star jumps. We repeated this procedure 3 times with wall exercise counts descending to 20 for round 2, and 10 for round 3. However, exercises at the ends increased to 10 then 15 burpees and same with star jumps. Finished with an every pax 10 count of People’s Chair.

Next did 30 merkins in honor of Bondo’s oldest child. Nemo told Bondo to answer age 2 for fear we would do more burpees. Did 21 squats on the same note for Sprinkler.

Mosey to the rock pile lot for 11’s.  Exercises were Ground Pounders IC and WW1’s. We alternated taking the rock with us or leaving it behind on each pass. Finished up and moseyed back for Mary.
Mary: Not much time, so finished with a 10 ct. each pax plank hold.
Announcements: Mulch, couple weeks to go.  CARPEX CSAUP invite is out there.  Virtual BRR.
T-Claps (Recognition): Bondo! That guy keeps up with everything we do. RESPECT!
Prayer: Tetanus nephew with liver issues and healing.  Healing for Tetanus and back issues right now.  Coal Ash father in law with colon cancer. Moby and his family member now in hospice.  Those that are jobless. Those that are addicted.   Hope and freedom in those places.  YHC took us out.

FML takes over Paradise City

Warm Up: 187 took us through some warmups at the top of the ramp
The Workout: Pikachu started with 4 corner indian runs with 3 burpees and 5 merkins.  YHC then took us to the ramp for 7’s with burpees and merkins. Finished with Suicides on the ramp.
Mary: Skidmark took us out with Yoga

Running the Tables

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  As the Pax were anxious to try their luck at the tables, warm-up was kept to a minimum. SSHx15 IC; Good mornings x 10IC; Imperial walkers x 10IC; Hill billies x 10IC

The Workout: Pax split up into 3 groups and mingled around Casino Royale.  At station 1, Banana Seat treated the Pax to a round of TRX bands and table top work.  At Station 2, YHC dealt out some 11s and finished the round with some blackjack. At Station 3, the Pax ran the tables with Boy George with a mix of merkins (H.I.I.T. group).

Station 1 – various exercises with TRX bands and tabletops

Station 2

Rd 1 – 11s with Curls for the girls and LBCs (ran with coupon between islands).  Finished up with some blackjack. Dealer wins 10 burpees, Pax wins 5 burpees

Rd 2 – 11s with Tricep extensions and squats (ran with coupon between islands). Finished up with some blackjack. Dealer wins 10 turkish getups, Pax wins 5 turkish getups.

Rd 3 – 11s with rut rows and ww1s (ran with coupon between islands).  Finished up with some blackjack.  Dealer wins 20 second plank, Pax wins 10 second plank

Station 3

Using the path around the south end of the park (800m long)

First lap – merkin half mile with appearances by some of Boy George’s favorite characters.

100m runs with stops along the way for 8 different style of “merkins”

5 diamond merkins; 5 mike tysons; 5 wide grip merkins; 5 balls to the all derkins; 5 Peter Parker merkins; 5 Mickey mouse merkins; 5 Makhtar N’Diayes (former basketball player ho spent 2 seasons at Univ of Michigan then transferred to UNC); 5 irkins on the fence

Second lap – burpee pyramid with sprints

100m acceleration (increase speed with every 10 steps or so) followed by 100m mosey recovery

Corner 1 – 4 single merkin burpees; Corner 2 – 3 double merkin burpees; Corner 3 – 2 triple merkins burpees; Corner 1 – 1 quadruple merkin burpees

Mary: Finished up 1 round of blackjack.  Dealer wins 20 second plank, Pax wins 10 second plank

Announcements: Mulch at Bass Lake – signup slots still open for this weekend

T-Claps (Recognition): Nemo for going 10/10 for EC and workout during Q swap; Boy George for going 10/10 for workouts during Q swap.  For all the Pax that contributed to the clothing and hygiene product drive.

Prayer: Boy George

Little bit of this, Little bit of that…

15 HIM chose to workout at Kenny’s Grave today. Here is what we did.

Warm Up:
Mosey around the parking lot with buttkickers, high knees, carioca. Then circle up.
Good Mornings x10 IC
Willie Mays Hayes x10IC
Windmill x10IC
Copperhead Merkins x10
Copperhead Squats x10

The Workout:
Split into two groups.
Group 1 grab a rock.
11’s on the hill next to baseball field
Rock never touches the ground and always face downhill
At the top – Prisoner get-up (right knee down, left knee down, then back up)
At bottom – Wonder Bra’s

Group 2 on the court.
Two lines PAX guy runs the ladder/cone course with a burpee at the end before repeating back.
Next man calls the exercise each time. Do this until group 1 is done

Tabata at the picnic table. AMRAP 20 secs on/10 secs off.
Group 1 upper body on the tables. G2 lower body in the parking lot.
Upper – Chest tap irkens, Dips, Hand release Dirkens (rinse and repeat)
Lower – Reverse Lunges, Bobby Hurley’s, Star Jumps (R&R)
Should be 3 mins per group then switch.

Rapid Mary with only 3 mins. Feet never touched the ground.
Freddy Mercury into Protractor into LSF into Heels to Heaven into Rosalitas

Last day of Q Dual swap tomorrow at Casino Royale. Reach out to cotters.

School teachers aka Parents, CrabLegs and Forceps, Missing PAX

Thanks to 16-Bit for taking a group today.

BS Out!

I like big tires and I cannot lie.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey towards rock pile, large circle around the island. SSH IC 20, Imperial Walkers IC 10,  Hillbilies IC 10, Moroccan Night Club IC 10, 5 burpees for late PAX, Mosey back to tires.
The Workout:  YHC explained how the tire exercises would work. There were a few audible mumbles after explaining each exercise…but no questions.  Once the ME starts neither rocks nor tires touch ground.  Only if Q of group calls exercise to include the coupon, was it allowed to touch the ground.  So during the rotation PAX had to pass the coupon to the next group.  5 burpees per drop to be tallied up and done at end…a few more audible mumbles.  After a quick count off in groups of three we sent Group 1 to the Tires. Group 2 to the Rockpile and Group 3 went on an Indian run.  2 Rocks per PAX. This is was a shared leadership experience. Rock exercises from each PAX calls exercise for reps or cadence. Too many to list but the normal staples were done (Curls/press/row/abs/forearm) until Indian run group relieves. Group 1 got 3 rounds of Rocks exercises in. (the goal was 4 but time did not allow) Rock Group sprints up the parking lot and relieves the Big Tire Group.  Big Tire Group. 3 PAX per tire.  For each exercises the tire only touches the ground for #2. 1. Tire press / Squat Jumps (touch tire) 10 reps (modified hold above head or at chin if too heavy to press) 2. Flip & Drag Tire from cone to cone / Abs (2x) One PAX flips tire up to next cone then other man drags it back. The PAX that aren’t flipping or dragging do abs awaiting their turn. We found this one to be very challenging and needed to pick up the six on occasion.  3.Bench Press & Rows / plank hold IC 10 count One PAX benches tire while other PAX rows, odd man out does a plank hold IC.  4. Shoulder shrugs / Derkins 10 reps (not sure if any group got to this one due to time). Indian run group (timer group) middle circle ,stop sign down to main parking lot then down to the rock pile circle.  They replace Rock group, Rock group sprints up a replaces tire group, tire group does Indian Run. Repeat cycle.

Mary: 35 burpees for dropped coupons during the workout
Announcements: Banks Road AO starting back up on Mondays. Continue to sign up for spreading mulch at Bass Lake. Come out to the Nest for continued CO-Q Duel.
T-Claps (Recognition): Those that EC’d. Thanks to Breach and Sprinkler for assisting in the CO-Q. Great work on the clothing drive last week.
Prayer:  Quiver’s Family member dealing with COVID. 1st day of school and families dealing with the new logistics of managing. Pray to God for your objective in life.