
In the Wake of Flo Jo

Pax of 24 posted in the Wake of Hurricane Florence (Flo Jo)

Wake of Flo Jo

Lipstick and Yogurt Q’d the main event, filling for regular Q’s Emeril and Chips.

EC: Lipstick, Deadbolt, 187, Roger Roger, Chips, Warbucks, Skidmark, Crosby, and Pablo.

Warm Up: Lipstick led warmups with good mornings x15, side straddle hops x25, dips x15, and mountain climbers—with runs in between.

The Workout: With the Pax warmed up for “running,” Lipstick introduced “Bear Crawl suicides” at the ramp. After partnering up, first partner sprinted in a bear crawl to the third light pole and ran on hind legs back down, while second partner did Merkins. Then the pair switched. Lipstick had the Pax rinse and repeat for at least another two sets of light poles, mixing in squats instead of Merkins at the bottom. Lipstick ended the first half of the workout with a Pax sprint to the top of the ramp.

Yogurt kicked off the second half with dips on the short wall. Some of the 24 Pax kindly adjusted because space was tight. Then, quickly back down the ramp for 21 genuine sit ups, with partner holding feet. Switch. Sprint back to the top like Flo Jo. Yogurt attempted to keep the Pax in cadence with patty-cake Merkins, with limited success. Certainly each pair did at least 20! Back down the ramp. Partner carry half way up, switch. 10 count rest at top.

Mosey to the back straightaway in the park. Shoulder taps x25. Short run down the hill. Crawl bear about 50 feet. Run the long way back to COT area.

Mary: Tight Mary with 21 LBCs

Announcements: HS Police 10k Run on Saturday 9/22. CarPex CSAUP 10/20

Prayers: Brickhouse seeking job, everyone affected by Hurricane Florence, especially Dead Bolt’s family friends who are facing rising waters today. Special thanks to Chips for “volunteering” to lead the COT prayer. Always does good work there.

YHC is on the Board!

Warm Up: SSH x 15, Leg Stretches, Butt Kickers, Frankensteins, Arm Stretches, Downward Dog
The Workout: Pax headed out for anywhere from 3-5 miles.  YHC found the John across from Town Hall and became familiar with it.

Announcements: Next week at R4TJ lookout for some hill repeats
Prayer: All those in the path of the Hurricane and all First Responders

14 PAX for a Humid U-Turn.. Wait.. is that Yogurt?

Another humid, sweaty U-Turn run to start Saturday off right in SouthWake. As we are approaching the Police 10K and HSHM in the upcoming weeks, YHC offered up the opportunity for some extra miles the night before, starting at 5:30am prior to the standard 5 mile U-Turn loop. Pablo, Slide Rule, and YHC took off at the designated time and managed to sneak in a nicely paced 5K prior to meeting another 10 PAX (including Yogurt making his U-Turn debut) loosening up in the Starbucks parking lot for the 6am Main Event.  Banana Seat was seen prior getting in some miles along the EC 5K path and later joined the PAX for the remainder of the U-Turn route.

Warm Up: Light jog around the Starbucks parking lot, alternating butt kickers and high knees. PAX broke into 2 small groups at each side of the lot for 2 sets of carioca up and back. Circled up for some Air Squats X12, Fazio Arm Circles X11 F\B, Hacky Sacks X12, Michael Phelps, Series of Tricep stretches R\L

The Workout: 5+ Mile Scout Run with periodic loop backs to pick up the 6.

Mary: Plank hold R\L calve stretches, R over L\L over R stretches X10 IC, Good Mornings X10, Tricep\Shoulder Stretches alternating R\L.

Announcements: 9/11 Stair Climb

Prayer: Prayers for Roger Roger’s neighbor’s son, Clay. Continued prayers for CrabLegs as well as positive thoughts for our 12 F3 SouthWake brothers currently running the BRR this weekend. May they have continued health and stay safe this weekend.

Lipstick Search Party

Warm Up:  Butt Kickers, Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, random call-outs from the group

The Workout:  Via Facebook the night before, Lipstick had confirmed that he would be attending Running 4 the John.  The PAX began to run but realized Lipstick was nowhere to be found.  Emeril and Chips lead a search party (with Salsa) along the normal 5mi route down Main St, turning at the carwash just past Town Hall and up the greenway.  They checked all of the Johns along the way hoping to find Lipstick.  UTI took a shorter route (~3mi), heading down Main but busting a left at Crossway and heading back down the greenway back towards Ting.  The 3mi group checked Lipstick’s favorite bushes as well and he was still nowhere to be found.  Java and Latte did their own thing, looking where none of us had thought to look and coming up empty handed…

Ultimately, we discovered Lipstick was just Fartsacking, getting some extra Zs before Blue Ridge after convincing UTI to show up and Run 4 the Johns…

Mary: The 3mi group did some stretching

Announcements: 9/11 Stair Climb



Pre-school aged Clay has started radiation, kids are “wearing grey for Clay” at school

Blue Hen’s sister-in-law Shelby is going into surgery for thyroid cancer

Sliderule and his wife are going to be taking a trip away for the first time leaving their 2 yr old at home.
BRR – Pray for these 12 idiots!  We run 200+ miles this weekend

Recount at U-Turn…18 PAX for 5-6 miles, humidity, and strong hill work

After a travel week out west, YHC was looking forward to a much needed return to the gloom to kick off Labor Day weekend with some quality miles at U-Turn. As the Wescott clown car traveled down Holly Springs Rd, Boy George and WebEx were seen getting some extra EC miles from Womble. As we approached the Starbuck’s parking lot, we were greeted to a large number of PAX loosening up.  Race season is definitely here.

6 o’clock hit and started with some dynamic stretching as follows:

Warm Up:

Light jog around drive-thru side lot.

Circle up for Fazio Arm Circles (10F\10B), Michael Phelps, Air Squats x10, Butt Kickers x10, split group across the lot for carioca to the dumpster R over L and back L over R, High Knees to the dumpster, Butt Kickers back, Toe walks to the dumpster\Heel walks back. PAX circled back up for a 10 count of Figure-4 stretches to open up the hips.

The Workout: 5+ mile Scout Run with PAX picking up the six periodically throughout the route. PAX were seen pushing hard up Library Hill this morning. Strava later revealed that 7 of the Top 10 times for that segment of the route this year are owned by members of F3-SouthWake. Way to push, Men!

Announcements: 9/11 Stair Climb, BRR next week. Kudos to Norm for posting a 5-Pack.

Prayer: Continued prayers for CrabLegs, Prayers for Darby who lost his friend this week and to his friend’s family. Roger Roger’s neighbor’s son, Clay, who is undergoing treatment for a spinal cord tumor.

Dora lost her panties at Paradise City

23 Pax @ Paradise City.    10 Pax showed up early for EC.  While hanging out in the parking lot after the EC run we noticed there was a pair of panties on the ground that weren’t there prior.  So either one of the PAX has a stalker that left them behind or someone’s M is missing a pair that fell out of someones shorts.   Word is they may belong to Skidmark.

Warm Up:

½ mile jog

½ mile jog w/ Good Mornings, Windmills, Karaoke, Morrocan night club in squat position
The Workout:

Jog to to Guard Rails – Tricep Dips x30

Up to Tennis Court area – Bear Crawl up hill

Up to Dumpster area – Partner Up Dora

Down to Fences – Derkins x20

Down to Guard Rails – Tricep Dips x30


Low Slow Flutter
Homer to Marge
Box Cutters
Dawgpound walked us thru some hip stretching


Weds 5 year anniversary workout at PT

Look for changes to next Monday’s PC workout as it’s a holiday.  May start later in the morning and may change the venue


For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

Gents please keep Crab Legs in your prayers on a daily basis

Prayers for Brandon @ Hope as he continues his recovery from the boating accident

Who has Q?

Warm Up: SSH x 15 IC , Moracin Night Club x 15 IC, Prisoner Squats x 15, Mountain Climbers x 20 IC and Around the Clock Merkins
The Workout: Up Hunt Hill doing 7’s (Burpee and Squats).  Jog to Main Parking Lot – Partner Wheel Barrel down main parking lot.  Jog to East Parking lot – Running around the lot, Patty Cake Merkins and Broke Back Durkins.  Relay x 3 – Bear Crawl w/ Partner doing Star Jumps, Lung Walks w/ Partner doing Squats, Duck Walk w/ Partner doing Lung Jumps.
Mary: Plank-O-Rama
Announcements: 5 year South Wake Anniversary at Possum Trot Wednesday at Action Park 5:30.
Prayer: CrabLegs, DoubleD Family, those Traveling and a Praise for HasselHoff’s mom’s results.

Stairs Together

Disney offers The Abyss. Last week UTI treated us to some serious stair work and with the 9/11 event coming up fast, we took advantage of this spot again to get in some training to prep us to take on the challenge ahead.

EC credit to 187 who did a solo run to keep the Disney EC streak alive and well.  Great to see him getting back to form.

2.0 credit to Beast who showed us how it’s done on the stairs

Warm Up: Predictable but we did a lap of the soccer fields and circled up for  Good Mornings, Windmills, SSHs, MT Climbers, leg stretch then we went on the jog directly to The Abyss, with a couple fire hoses in toe compliments of Chips.
The Workout: This was all about just doing stairs. Headed down the stairs we found a few more treats waiting in the form of kettlebells and weights.  The idea was to tackle the stairs and move all the props with us, with each of the PAX taking turns going solo with hose or  weights. 35 kettle was a hold up at chest, 20 was an overhead, the 2 25s were to be each side farmer carry and the hose was just to muscle it up over shoulder.  Here was the rule – after each up we waited for the six on a plank hold at the top and once we were all up we worked a 15 count of merkins, shoulder taps, or nipplers. Ended up getting 2 rounds so 2 sets of each exercise.  If you carried it up, you carried it down.  At the bottom we waited for the six in squat hold then threw down a 15 count tempo squats (picked these up posting at Mad Scientist with Lake Norman).  We worked in two sets of weight-free up/down/up/down with no rest. 10 rounds was the objective and we hit the target.  That’s 10 times up for each of us and at least 3 times with weight.
Mary: Quick set of LBC, Freddy Mercury, Homer to Marge, Pickle #ers and wrapped with LBC
Announcements: 9/11 stair climb, Derek Davis Thu night run and Sat official 5k
Prayer: The Natural has lots of family travelling, Nemo’s daughter tooth surgery today, All those heading out to camp this weekend.  New Mexico took us out in BOM with a moment of silence followed by prayer.

Disney Legwork

Pax of 17 came out to Disney for some cool but humid leg work.  Unfortunately there were no turkey legs to be found 🙁

EC: 187, Nemo, Lipstick, Axe

Warm Up:

It began like many other Disney workouts with a run around the soccer fields.  We circled up for some Good Mornings, Mountain Climbers, Side Straddle Hops, and completed our workout with a nice Indian Run to the STAIRS OF DOOM.

The Workout:

We paired off to take on the STAIRS OF DOOM.  Partner 1 ran down the stairs, completed 20x Star Jumps, and then ran back up the stairs.  Meanwhile, partner 2 completed as many Merkins as they could OYO.  The partners swapped off and exchanged Merkins for LBCs for Planks (one round of each until both got a shot).  Once we got to planks we did a little Plank-O-Rama to keep things interesting and had the remaining stair climbers join in as they finished.

We took a short breather and a 10 count before a Mozy to the “walls”

Partner 1 bellied up to the bathroom wall for some Balls to the Wall while partner 2 completed 20 box jumps at the short wall.  The partners swapped out for 3 rounds.  Again we waited for the 6 with some Plank-O-Rama


Box Cutters, Low Slow Flutters, Diamond Merkins, Burpees, World War I’s, Goofballs


New Running AO “Running 4 the John” started on 8/8 at Ting – Will continue weekly Wednesdays @ 5:30AM – 5 to 6 miles

Convergence to honor Ankle Biter @ Vance Elementary this Friday @ 5:30

Some folks will be out at the Derek Davis 5k on 8/18 – Look to Lipstick to meet-up and warm-up near the shovel flag

9/11 Stair Climb

Lab Rat reported that the prayers for the premature baby in his extended family are working.  Still in the hospital but improving everyday.

5 Pack for Warbucks

2x 5 Pack for Dumbo


Hope Community Church goer and friend to Roger Roger jumped out of a boat and sustained major injuries.

Darby – Ankle Biter unfortunately did not recover.  See Announcements to support Darby at Convergence



NutCracker 8/7


Pablo, Shembeckler, FNG(Manziel), Slide Rule, Foghorn, DaBusiness, 187, Emril, Yogurt, Moby, Flanigan, Harbaugh, Warbucks, Peak Week, Dumbo, Breach

Warm Up:

Jog to side parking lot, imperial walkers, merkins in a 22 count rep

The Workout:

Mosey down to the industrial park, Stop at the street corner for prisoner squats x22, hit the guardrail for dips x22.

At the base of the hill partner up for wheel barrels up to the top of the retaining wall. Run around the lot and switch partners.

Round 2 bear crawl 1/2 up the hill and crawl bear the rest of the way, run around the lot to the rails, everyone grabs a rail 22x top rail merkins

Round 3 partner 1 runs to the top while partner 2 does burpees, then switch, run back around to the rails. Grab a rail last guy bear crawls under the pax down to the end.

Mosey back to the school, Stop for 22 cadence count low, slow, flutter and fast feet off the curb.

Announcements: 5year south wake anniversary at possom trot on Aug 29th
Prayer:  (Peak Weak) pray for Brandon Lawerence, had a boating accident and broke his neck. (Moby) Pray for a neighbor, young woman who was recently diagnosed with cancer