
There are plenty of not stupid people apparently…

PAX: Steamboat, Buford, Dawgpound, Tetanus, Tush, 16 Bit, Pikachu, Wahoo, Koolaid, Spinman, Midget for Life, Moped, Emeril, Pipes, Super Spreader, Chaps, Dahmer, Pots, Pumpkin Spice, Wiggly, Snap

Apparently this one never published, was stuck in Drafts folder.  Oh well, better late than never.

Weather called for rain and cold this morning, Crazy Ivan was the only option with a roof over your head so I decided to make a call to divide the ranks into stupid and not stupid.  21 showed up so I guess there still hope for F3 South Wake.  Or maybe we’re just the weak ones…  Regardless, I was happy to work hard and stay dry this morning!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around the lot and then SSH, Sir Fazio, Frankenstein, daisy pickers, windmills, and mountain climbers.
The Workout:

Stairs and Sharing: We partnered up and one Pax ran up the stairs while the other worked on curls for the girls, triceps extensions, squats, and LBCs with a twist.  Partners switched off until they had combined for 100 of each exercise.

Grumbling Legs: We went halfway down the parking lot with front lunges and finished the lot with side lunges.  Then came back halfway with side lunges the other way and finished it with back lunges.  It wasn’t a popular one especially since the kettlebells came with us.

Tabata: 30 secs on, 10 secs off.  3 sets of halos, figure 8s, deadlifts, and Midget love handles

Mary: Midget cookie pouches, boobity boobity with a 6″ hold, plank rows, pickle pounders and a 90 second plank with shoulder taps, nipplers, and mountain climbers mixed in.
Announcements: Monthly Challenge
Prayer: Fumunga just had surgery, and friends struggling with Covid.

Charmander, the lizard Pokemon

After moving back a week in the Q schedule for Crazy Ivan to support Steamboat’s V Q YHC found himself with three Qs in one week. It lined up close enough to Pokemon’s 25 year anniversary so it only made sense to coordinate the workouts around the original three starters.


Today’s workout celebrated Charmander, the Lizard Pokemon. Charmander is easily the most popular of the original three starters and is the one that YHC likes the least. Therefore there were no Charmander references during the workout – this guy has had enough love over the years, trust me.


Word was received the day before that CarPex was going to arrive in force as they were considering starting a steel mace workout. YHC made sure that we hit the highlight tour of exercises for them to learn from – was great to have the company (even if it did come with an excessive amount of mumble chatter – that’s what burpees are for!).


None today – would’ve been great, we could have named them after a Pokemon.
Warm Up:

SSH x20

Hips in a barrel x5 each direction

Burpees x5 – the mumble chatter was already over the top

Good morning x11 IC

Still too much chit chat so we grabbed our maces and moseyed to the top of the deck

The Workout:

We moseyed to just past the entrance to the upper deck and circled up for a demonstration of the death march. We then performed 1 in cadence.


Moseying the short distance across the deck pax were given a demonstration of the 360. We then did 10 on YHC’s swing.


We gravediggered back to where we started up top for 2 death marches. Mosey back to the other side for 9 360s – Dawgpound figured out what we were doing. Repeato for 11s all the way through.


After finishing the 11s we moseyed back down to the bottom level. Circling up at start YHC demonstrated the ballistic curl – we did 10 and then moseyed halfway down the deck. There we demonstrated the mace deadlift – two legged first then one legged. 1 IC and then a new exercise – we bunny hopped with the mace back to the start. 9 ballistic curls kept our 11s going. Getting short on time we dropped the mosey/bunny hop and did our 11s stationary after the 5 / 6 set.


In the circle pax were instructed to hold their mace vertically overhead. After taking a knee, putting a hand down, and swinging the leg through they realized they were getting a very detailed Turkish Getup demonstration. Following the one getup we performed 5x Side Plank tucks – these were supposed to be the star of another set of 11s but 10 of those wasn’t going to happen and the clock was not being kind at this point. We did another Turkish Getup on the other side followed by 5 more side plank tucks and we moved onto mary.


We grabbed some call for preacher’s chair with the mace out front horizontally – 10x IC was followed by 10x Homer to Marge IC two legged then 10x IC one legged. We repeated all of those again on the other side.


American hammer w/mace – 20x IC


Freddie Mercury x10 IC


Yoga – downward dog, knee down crescent lunge, pigeon pose


YHC’s TED talk tonight – “So you want to be a runner?”

Long ass run January 30th – sign up form is online

T-Claps (Recognition):

CarPex pax for making the trip to learn the ways of the mace


Saddique for wisdom, Mike for COVID recovery, Fumunga for surgery recovery, our country for a smooth transition this week.

15 seconds is a lot

A 8:30PM text message chain lead to a terrible idea of 7 mile EC at 0430 this morning. Doesn’t take a math genius that that means cutting it close to a 0530 workout, especially having the Q. It got worse once we factored in someone being a minute late and having to make an expected pit-stop along the way. But we got it in and came back to a parking deck with numerous pax despite the F3 rendition of Holly Springs half planned for the next day.


None – a real shame.
Warm Up:

Bounce for 60s

SSH x20 IC

Foot Circles x5 each direction

Fazio Arm Circles x10 each direction

Trunk Twists x10 IC

Daisy Pickers x10 IC

Burpees x5
The Workout:

Tabata – 1 minute on (that extra 15 seconds is a pistol), 15 seconds off. 5 rounds of 6 exercises:

Kettlebell Swings
Clean & press
Figure 8
Turkish Getups


HS Half run Saturday

TED Talk from Breach on Tuesday the 17th
T-Claps (Recognition):

Lipstick for the 7 mile EC run – nice route

187 & his M. Quiver and his family. Build a Bear for surgery and recovery.

Pre- Halloween Revelry with a Heavy Friend

The heavy music was turned up loud, we went “trick or treating” a couple times, burpees were avoided, kettlebells were clanged, and a heavy friend (coupon) joined in the Halloween Hooliganry at the Underworld for Crazy Ivan. 10 PAX played along with YHC’s game of chance for their pre-Halloween beatdown.

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: SSH x 15, the 10 counts of Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Good Mornings, and Daisy Pickers.
The Workout: The workout was simple. YHC brought a bucket of tickets, each with a different classic favorite Halloween candy pic on it. Each pic corresponded to a kettlebell exercise that was to be done AMRAP by the men while 1 pax (the timer) carried the pumpkin themed heavy friend (a 75 lb. cement ball skillfully crafted by Dahmer) down to a parked car and back. Repeato on this sequence a lot!

Exercises were: Reese’s – Horn Squats, Snickers – Bell Merkins, Skittles – Single Arm Shoulder Press, Twizzlers – Figure 8’s, Milky Way – Halos, Baby Ruth – Swings.

One caveat…YHC placed a few “trick or treat” tixx in the bucket. When drawn, the whole pax would travel a bit for short exercises. YHC put 3 such tixx in the bucket…2 were drawn during our time together. When they were drawn…we ran down to do a 30 ct. BTTW. Then next one was about halfway through the workout as we travelled up top to typewriter the parking curbs as a group before returning to the Underworld. As Halloween fortune would have it, the PAX never drew the 3rd “trick or treat” ticket…that would have cost us a short mosey, but 30 burpees. At the end of the workout, there were only 3 tixx left in the bucket that we didn’t get to. Lucky day before Halloween!

Mary: 20 Midget Cookie Pouches, 20 LSF IC. Have a nice day!
Announcements: Holly Springs virtual F3 half coming up…consider running or volunteering at aid station. More info to come this week! Mutiny moves to TING Monday for Ultimate under the lights! No metal cleats. Paradise City pax will still workout at TING that day…plenty on room on the turf for a change!
T-Claps (Recognition): Dahmer for his work on a new coupon for Crazy Ivan.
Prayer: Our brothers Shamwow!/187 and their M’s for some recent health issues they are dealing with. Kool aid just moved to area and his family settling in. Chaps stepped up to take us out. Thanks for playing fellas!

Carpex Surprise!

FNGs: None

Announcements:  Mulch at Bass Lake – limit it to 5 at a time.
T-Claps (Recognition):  Juneteenth.
Prayer:  Families in F3.  BLM.

Wahoo took us out.

Q Swap Week Countinues – Tabata Crush with Ultimate Frisbee at the Mighty SW Thunder

I got the call from HOTY 2018 and 1stF Q Disco Duck asking if I wanted to Q Thunder during Q Swap Week with our SW Brothers. I emphatically said ABSOLUTELY YES!!! The day and time was not an issue with me because I will take every and advantage to Q a workout. I’ve never Q’d at Thunder before so I made it a point to attend a Thunder Q before said date. I went the week prior to my Q and John Deere was the Q. We played with tractor tires that were 220#+, a PVC pipe filled with water, sledgehammer, and some crazy weight stick wrapped in duct tape. Bottom line: It was a blast but tough workout.

Here is my take away with a workout at this time. I get a workout in before hitting the sack at the end of the day.

As I contemplate what I want to do, I pulled out one of my favorite routines … tabata with pain stations. Additionally, I wanted to have some fun with it and since Thunder is held at one of the largest sports parks in Wake County, I also wanted to play one of my favorite F3 sport (Ultimate Frisbee).

Since I Q’d a lot last year and experienced routines and exercises from multiple Q’s since my start of F3, I have made a list of my favorites. Here is what we did:

No FNG. We got the F3-ministration stuff out of the way and we Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory, it was time to get rolling. We moseyed over to the baseball field parking lot, which by the way was without any lighting other than the glow of the already existing lighting from the soccer and baseball fields. It looked alright when I did my walk through to set-up my weinkees. Yes I still do weinkees and you’ll understand why. When you have a tabata routine with 5 stations and multiple rounds, its hard to keep up with all the exercises. So no pride here, a weinkee it is to keep things straight.

Warm-up: SSH, Sir Fazio, seal clap, overhead clap, Moroccan nightclubs, calf stretch, and last but not least, Eskimo merkins to 13.

QIC had the PAX count of 1-5. Each number representing what station to start at in the thang. QIC also had PAX 3 & 5 get an ego rock to take with them to their station. They will leave it at the station upon completion of the time.

Thang: Tabata Crush with 5 pain stations X 2 (1 min 15 secs per station)

Station 1:

R1: Plank Destroyer

R2: Crowd Pleaser

Lunge walk to Station 2

Station 2:

R1: Heels to Heaven

R2: Low slow flutter

Bear Crawl to Station 3

Station 3:

R1: Burpee rock your body with coupon

R2: Wolverine burpee with a rock press

Disco Duck walk to Station 4

Station 4:

R1: Sumo squat jump

R2: Squat palm touch

Karaoke or side step to Station 5

Station 5:

R1: Overhead Press with coupon

R2: Tricep extensions with coupon

After round 1, run around the pickle twice and back to your starting station for round 2.

After round 2, run around the pickle and back to the starting point for thang 2.

Thang 2: Ultimate Frisbee.

Here is the thing about where we played. Womble Park is an extremely busy park which I mistakenly thought a field was going to open up (NOT). I had to figure out a back-up plan. I was not giving up on ending the workout with some Ultimate Frisbee. I found a decent size area right next to the tennis courts which we utilized effectively. It will do. We played Ultimate Frisbee for 23 mins closing out the workout. Rules: Dropped Frisbee (closest PAX calls a 10 count exercise); if a team scores, winners do 10 merkins and losers do 7 burpees. We did lots of stuff and each side scored a touchdown.

No Mary done today.

CoR: 11

NoR: Respect (4), mehs (7)


Q Swap week continues … Theismann will Q Tiger’s Blood Thursday; EarharT will Q Crazy Ivan on Friday, and Triple Lindy will Q Ground Pounder Saturday.

HFT (finest AO West of 540) Thursday … Sour Mash will be your Q

Prayers / Praises:

Prayers for safe travels for Cauliflower’s family traveling to see them

Prayers for Wolloughby who is recovering.


Do what you love and have fun doing it.

Q Swap with our SW Brothers is absolutely awesome to do. It is an amazing chance to meet other F3 Brothers from another region.

Q #2 or 52 for me. Blessed and honored to be able to Q these awesome HIMs.


A pre-blast was sent to Carpex and South Wake looking for support for the to-be Q at Dazed and Confused.  With the numbers that these two regions have the potential to bring, YHC thought this was an appropriate time to swallow his pride and make the request for a name change.  I know… I know… I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!  But if there was ever a time to get the votes I needed, it would be today.  And hey, I’ve heard some of the mumblechatter about South Wake naming.  Peeping Tom’s name got shortened to PT when he moved to Carpex – Carpex will be sympathetic to my plight…. right?

1000 HCs were requested, the votes came in…

Carpex –

  • 10 HCs
  • 4 Laughed with me (I think)
  • 1 SC
  • 2 “Peeing” emoji – inappropriate!!!  EXACTLY THE SORT OF THING I’M TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM!!!  Calm…  Calm…
  • 1 “No Entry” emoji – I assume this just means no, I’m not trying to enter anything…  Minds in the gutter in this region…


  • 8-ish HCs
  • A whole bunch of protests –  “We Love You UTI… Never change..” stuff like that
  • A threat that I would be “Getting an English Ripping” – Australians… Am I right?

As 187 commented on the pre-blast, “UTI ….. FOREVER MORE….”

***I had no intention of changing my name.  Do we even have 1000 PAX between our 2 regions?  If 1000 had HC’d or shown up I might have had to change my name… I mean that would be some vote!  This exercise was for fun and a mockery of those posts you often see out on the social medias.  I scouted the FB pages of some of my elderly relatives for research and treaded lightly around the ones that focus on serious illnesses.  This was my inspiration 😀


EC: Warbucks, Full House, The Joker, 187, Skidmark, Lipstick, Pikachu

FNGs: Too Scared…

Warm Up: Mozy under the parking deck

Circle Up

1 Burpee

Daisy Pickers

2 Burpees


3 Burpees

Imperial Walkers\Hillbillies

4 Burpees


5 Burpees

The Workout:

Thang 1

Count off 1,2,3

  • Group 1 Top of the Deck, Star Jumps until relieved
  • Group 2 Stairs, run to the top to relieve Group 1
  • Group 3 Bottom of the Deck, WWIIs until relieved

Groups 1, 2, and 3 cycled through this rotation until all 3 groups completed 10 climbs up the stairs

*Flaw in the structure of this, should have created groups of 3 and had them split up into 3 stations, continuing the rotation as a team of 3.  T-claps to Shut-In and other PAX that started calling out group numbers as they got to their new stations to help keep everyone moving.  Lesson learned for next time 😀

Thang 2

All PAX to the top of the parking deck, line up on the half wall

Bear Crawl the long way down the lot stopping at each light pole for 5 Merkins OYO

T-Claps to Theismann for calling out Chill Cut moves (and not Have A Nice Day) while we brought in the 6.  Lucky Charms and Pikachu – you guys are fast on those Bear Crawls!!!

Return to the other side of the lot – this time Lunge Walks, 10 LBCs at each light pole.

Thang 3

Mozy to the opposite stair case and descend.  People’s Chair while we wait for the 6.

Partner-up, Balls 2 the Wall / Sprints Out and Back on the short length of the deck.  AND SWITCH

5x per partner

Mary:  Runners Pose each side, Pigeon Pose each side, Have A Nice Day!


  • Q-Swap Week Continues Saturday – Banana Seat has your Q at Pheonix (Bond Park)
  • 2f2f lunch today at noon, Societa in RTP
  • Yahoo is back and safe
  • M4L, Shout out to the regular HIM that are making the trip to Bergdaw (sp?) – Encourage more of that from all PAX.

T-Claps (Recognition):  Thanks all for the great week in Carpex.  YHC completed a 5 pack in your beautiful region.  Terrific Hosts, putting 5-stars in Yelp, I’ve LIKED your FB page


  • Disco Duck is moving mom into a retirement home.  Prayers for a smooth transition.
  • Meatloaf’s 2.0 is heading back to college
  • Prayers for Chicken Little’s brother or friend.  No details but he needs your prayers.
  • Service men/women
  • South Wake’s own, Walaby
  • UTI prayed that Carpex might actually “bring it” next week… I guess we’ll see… 😀

Abe Gets Hot for Teacher

YHC rolled up to the spot rarin’ to go. So much so that YHC locked his keys in his car. Doh! Oh well, F3 starts on time and ends on time, so let’s go!

FNGs: none (I’m pretty sure)
Warm Up: Ran down to Kelly Rd Park, circled up in the parking lot for:
SSH x 25 / Imperial Walkers x 10 / Hill Billies x 10 / Windmills x 10 / Good Mornings x 10
The Workout: Planned on using the baseball diamond for 7 of Diamonds, but Cataracts informed me that the field is probably closed. Modify as needed, so we did 7 of Diamonds around the parking lot. It went a little something like this:
Round 1: 7 Shoulder Taps at each corner, bear crawl on the long stretch, crab walk on the short stretch
Round 2: 14 Pistol Squats at each corner (7R/7L), lunge walk on the long stretch, frong jump on the short stretch
Round 3: 21 Merkins at each corner, lunge walk long stretch, bear crawl short stretch
Round 4: Copperhead Squat at each corner, lunge walks all around
This ate up most of our time, so we moseyed back to start.
Mary: YHC called a plank hold while waiting for the 6. It was apparent that we might be waiting awhile, so an audible for more Merkins was called. Ended up with 3 sets of 10.
Once the 6 was in:
American Hammers x 10
WWIIs (in cadence, ended up with 20)
LBCs x 10
Homer 2 Marge (SW style) x 10
Announcements: Ruck, CPR
T-Claps (Recognition): Slapps for buying me some post-game java.
Prayer: Kingsley for recovery from illness, Yahoo for travel abroad / adoption, praise for Queequeg promotion

Thank you Carpax HIMs for giving me the opportunity to spend some quality gloom time with you. I’ll definitely be coming back!

Q-Swap Week – Disturbing the Peace

YHC hasn’t Q’d in a while and was eager to knock the dust off for Q-Swap. A workout was planned to handle a large crowd and to minimize the mumblechatter. Carpex is a difficult group to slow down. 13 for EC (of course SW PAX went for a run), 38 for the main event.

FNGs: Nope

ECP: Wahoo, Hamm, The Joker

EC: 2 milers: Warbucks, UTI, Slide Rule, Full House, Kosher, Redenbacher, Lipstick, 187

7.5 miles: Revere, Hanson

Warm Up:
YHC decided to start off on a high note with the slaughter starter (20 burpees OYO) to kill the mumblechatter before it really started. It slowed them for a bit before they were begging for a pledge and some good mornings.

A quick pledge of allegiance at the shovel flag and we were off on a mosey for carioca, side shuffles, butt kickers, etc. Circled up in the lot beside CC Jones park for:

Good mornings (SW style of course)
Sir fazio arm circles
Seal claps

Mosey back to shovel flag.

The Workout:
Thang 1:
Partnered up with PAX from rival territory for Flat tires across long parking lot with each partner working from 4:1 to 40:10 (wheelbarrow steps:merkins). When form broke down, YHC called recover and we mosey’d around to the other side of the church.

Thang 2:
Circled up for Howling Monkeys. 2 rounds were performed with each PAX doing 10 monkey humpers while other PAX held monkey humper starting position. Big circle, so we spawned off 2 active PAX. Slide Rule had enough and tried to stop the howling, but we continued for round 2. PAX then tried to mosey around to the other side of the building. It was at this point that Burt admired YHC’s pants and suggested I went shopping with M4L.

Thang 3:
Evolution of man (crawl, walk, run) x2 rounds

Line up on end of parking lot
Bear crawl to first island
15 merkins
Lunge walk to light pole
15 squats
Sprint to other side of lot
15 shoulder taps
15 WWIIs

Alphabet soup (CAPITAL LETTERS)
American hammers

Mosey back to shovel flag for COT.

Q swap continues at Rush Hour tonight at 1800 (6pm).
New Carpex AO launches tomorrow at Waverly with 3rd F to follow

T-Claps (Recognition):
Carpex PAX for maintaining such a strong level of mumblechatter and living up their reputation.

No prayer requests, YHC took us out.

Thanks for the hospitality Carpex! It was an honor (and a challenge) to lead such a large and chatty group.