
Full House

Pax of 15 out in the gloom for a Sheepdog record. A bunch for EC. Many guests including Crab Legs and Howard in attendance. Co-Q with Shredder taking combatives. May it truly be said that a good (sweaty) time was had by all.

Warm Up:

Leg lifts, SSH, trunk twists.

2 rounds:
30s Plank hold
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Alternating Reverse Lunges
10 cadence Plank Up Downs
5 Squat Jumps

The Workout:

4 rounds, every 2 mins, split into even groups
10 imperial squat walkers
10 pullups
10 box jumps

Wing Chung punching circle while each pax in turn does an exercise, recover in between each round
10 capoeira pushups
10 break dancers, double punches
(ran out of time for round 3 with triple punches 🙂 )


Mechanical Advantage Control Holds, Theory and Application, parts I-III.


Core incorporated. Good thing since we were outta time anyway.


Last AO of Q-Swap with Carpex tomorrow, 6:30 at Bond Park, led by Slide Rule and Skidmark(?)

T-Claps (Recognition):

Crab legs, successful carpal tunnel surgery for Dovetail’s M.


Crab Leg’s father-in-law Bob (new lease on life), Howard’s son (pneumonia + flu), Shredder’s coworker Danielle (cancer + other).

Smells Like Teen Spirits

6 HIMs at Sheepdog this morning. YHC was saddened to learn there are no accessible rocks to play with.

FNGs: None  

Warm Up:  10 Good Mornings, 10 SSH, 10 Cherry Pickers (DT informed the group cherries grow on trees- point taken), 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbillies, 20ct Pigeon Pose

The Workout:

Mosey around the back of school to benches

10 Erkins, 10 Derkins, 10 Dips, 9 Erkins, 9 Derkins, 9 Dips

Mosey to half wall

Roll the Dice (5-11) .

  • 7 Rockies
  • 10 LBCs
  • 9 Dips
  • 5 Erkins; 5 Derkins
  • 5 x 3ct Shoulder Tap Planks
  • 10 Merkins
  • 7 Diamond Merkins
  • 6 – 8 inches
  • 5 x 3 ct Plank Jacks
  • 10ish Burpees OYO
  • 10 Willy Mays Haze, 10 windmills

Mosey back to flags

15 yard Frankensteins and Karaoke

Face cards (10s)

  • Merkins and LBCs (diamonds)
  • Rocky’s (clubs)
  • American Hammers and Lunges (spades)
  • Plank Jacks and Mountain Climbers  (hearts)
  • 10 ct Happy Days (Jokers)
  • More stretching

13 minutes of Dovetail’s Defensive training

Announcements: HSHM Saturday, Frosty CSAUP, Christmas Party Sign up

Prayer Requests: Prayers for Teen’s Spirits- Quiver’s daughter, Trojan’s teenager, Shredder’s manager’s teen, Sprinkler mentioned fentinal laced vape juice has made its way to our area and drug OD’s are rampant.

Burpees X 0 = My legs hurt

During last week’s COT at Possum Trot, Fonzie made a comment about the Iron PAX challenge highlighting that we don’t do enough leg work.  With that in mind, I set out this week to begin combating that notion.  45 minutes later I had problems standing up after saying the prayer and we’re not even going to talk about trying to walk upstairs once I got home.

FNGs: None

EC: Cupid

Warm Up:

Moroccan Night Club x 10

Smurf Jacks x 10

Good Morning x 10

Cotton Pickers x 10

Nancy Kerrigan x 10 each direction.  This is a variation on the traditional arm circles.  You lean your torso forward and extend one leg out behind you.  Circle arms for a 10 count forward.  Switch legs and then do 10 circles in reverse

The Workout:

Today’s workout was to be a modification of four corners, where we were doing exercises on each of the four sides of the outside of the tennis courts with some sort of lunge walking between sides. It took a lot longer than I thought it was going to so in order to get through everything I wanted to we switched to moseying between sides on our 2nd lap.

We began in the parking lot with an easy set of 20 prisoner squats.

Lunge walk to the side of the tennis courts nearest the road.  Reminded PAX that it wasn’t a race and to make sure to use good form on the way over.  Squat hold for the six.

Bobby Hurley x 16

Walk Like an Egyptian to the next side of the tennis courts.  WLaE is essentially a lunge walk Indian run.   PAX line up and step forward in to a lunge and hold it.  The exion calls for the person in the back to run to the front but since I promised no running yesterday on Slack we bear crawled to the front.  Once that person go to the front we lunged forward with our other leg and held it while the next PAX bear crawled to the front.  We cycled through the line two times to get to the next spot.

Everyone grabbed a rock and came back down to the road.  Goblin squats x20 and then all PAX lined up and held squat with their rocks while 5 counts were given all the way down the line.

Lunge walk to side by the ball field.

Floating lunges x 10 each leg.  Lunge forward and then backward with the same leg, not touching in the middle.  Forward and back counted as 1.  This hurt.

Walk Like an Egyptian back to main parking lot.  This time, instead of bear crawls, we did duck walks to the front of the line.  We had less time than I wanted at this point so we only did one cycle through the line and then moseyed to the center of the lot.

Everyone grabbed a partner and back-to-back people’s chair for a 30 count.

Mosey to the street side where we did Bobby Hurley x 20.

Mosey to the back and grabbed our rocks.  Held them over head and did 20 squats.  Everyone returned their rocks and we moseyed to the next side where we did No Surrender x 20.

After that we moseyed back to the parking lot to circle up for Mary.


Low slow flutter x 15

American Hammers x 15

Box cutters x 10

6 inches for a 30ish count.

The count wasn’t exact because I was doing it in my head and during this point someone mentioned my comment about burpees in the pre-blast.  I said that we were multiplying by 0 and that was the number of burpees we were doing.  It was pointed out that 0 wasn’t a multiple of 10 and then other’s starting indirectly calling in to question the public education system of Pennsylvania.  Clearly I got distracted.  Either way, we didn’t do any burpees.


Picnic on Saturday.  Signup sheet in the #2ndF channel in Slack.  Bring stuff.

Q Sheet challenge still going.  Even if its a couple weeks out, get your name on there and lead a workout.  If you’re new or nervous ask for help from a site Q.  It doesn’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to be gimmicky.  Just make people hurt (in a good way).

T-Claps (Recognition):

Fromunga for wearing a weight vest for no good reason.


FedEx’s coworker who got bit in the hand by a dog while at work.  Pray that he recovers full feeling to his hand.

Double D’s grandson getting tubes in his ears this morning.  Pray for his mother as any procedure on a child is always much harder on the parents.



Classical Storm

The cadence of today’s workout was totally inspired by the song Storm by Marcin Petrzalek, an 18-year old guitar virtuoso. Then continued on a fast-paced note courtesy of Skillet.
Warm Up:

High knees, butt kickers, SSH, Wing Chung punches, extension front kicks

The Workout:

Curb toe taps, five sets then a burpee, go for the whole length of the curb.
Short break while you alternate leg and arm stretches on all fours.
Rinse and repeat two more times

Star jumps * 8 then, dips * 8, then wall sits for at least 30 seconds. Repeat two more times

Get in a squat your partners in a plank you do 5 squats and your partner does 5 push-ups and you do five more squads and they do 5 more push-ups then switch positions.
Back bridging, or Cobra stretch if unable. Rinse and repeat two more times.

Time in tension: balls to the wall!

Partner suicides, where you trade off the run, then plank hold facing each other do 10 hand claps followed by 10 plank jacks. Rinse and repeat two more times.

LBCs, legs-out American hammers, butterfly situps, side plank dips

Picnic next weekend, Holly Springs half in Nov, Beer run tomorrow, Fuquay fall celebration downtown Fuquay (Sprinkler’s Fire Station 1 behind Mason Jar will have a lot of things going on for the kids)

Bernie and family, friend of 16-bits wife going through similar. For miscarriages/stillborn, just put your arm around them, no words needed.

Don’t Stop

Warm Up:

Light jog, step-back knee raises,llunges with a twist, Spiderman twists, good mornings

The Workout:


4 Tabata ROUNDs each (20s work, 10s rest)

  • Dips
  • Erkins
  • LBCs
  • Squats


20min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

  • 12 SSH (cadence)
  • 9 butterfly situps
  • 6 box jump over burpees (scaled 1: box jumps, step down. Scaled 2: box step-up and over), burpee after the jump over
  • Run inner parking lot loop

Count as many complete grounds you finish, and then any additional reps in the next round.

Trojan: 6 rounds + 27 reps scaled

Dovetail: 7 rounds + 27 reps Rx

Sprinkler: 7 rounds scaled

Block-punch to bicep, punch to leg w other hand, then punch up into other arm


Included in workout, plus outta time


Picnic on Oct 12
T-Claps (Recognition):

Shredder (loss of his dad on 9/11)

Final week of IPC

FNGs:None but 3 pax came out to check out the IPC challenge.  A little miscommunication on starting time but we got a full 45 minutes of work out in.
Warm Up:Individual stretch
The Workout:IPC week 4

3 rounds for time

100 reps of either merkins or squats

100 meter run with coupon

100 reps of either Bonnie Blair’s or kettle bell swing

100 meter run with coupon

100 reps of either squat thrust with block or walking lunges

100 meter run with coupon

Mary: a couple leg stretches
Announcements: picnic oct 12th
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: unspoken.

Time is Relative

YHC had not done his homework and in excitement/haste had pre-blasted a start time of 5:05 EC / 5:30 ME.  Which would be fine at many of our South Wake AOs but Sheepdog has a publicized start time of 5:15 EC / 5:45 ME.  Eventually there was some mumblechatter on Slack indicating that I was a trendsetter at Sheepdog and with some indication that an early start was somewhat desired.  But…  YHC started to think about the possibility of an FNG dropping in like our newly minted Master Shake did based on the website schedule.  I didn’t want to leave a friendly new guy all alone in the gloom.  So… I walked back the messed up start time the best I could on the Facebooks and Slack.  I also committed to show up at 5:05 anyway.  Peeping Tom wanted some extra miles anyway so if someone showed up for early EC, they would find us.

ECEC:  Peeping Tom and YHC – We covered the Sheepdog EC route the best we knew it ~ 1.5 miles crossing into the neighborhood, hitting both cul-de-sacs and circling the school.  We made sure to pass the shovel flag at 5:15 (normal EC), 5:30 (messed up ME time where we caught up with Forceps), and again before 5:45 (the real deal ME time where we saw a strange shadow appear in the gloom)



EC: Forceps joined for the last mile.

FNGs: None

Warm Up:

  • Windmill (15x)
  • Daisy Pickers (15x)
  • SSH (30x)
  • Mozy around the lot and into the soccer field.

The Workout:

YHC was inspired this week by the workouts he hadn’t made.  Specifically Purple Cobras Q’d by Warbucks where he debuted the Flat Tire (Exicon pending) and TBD where Double D broke out the Coyote Ugly.  YHC let the PAX know there was inspiration from the week but didnt specifically call out the workouts by name.  Gotta keep em guessing.  Gump did inform me that Sheepdog was known as the low-key Friday workout, no need to go too crazy…  (too bad, plan already made – tv executives… am I right?)

  • No Surrenders – Hands on your head, knee down, knee down, stand up and repeat (20x)
  • Mozy to the truck gate behind the school
  • Flat Tires (by Warbucks) – We partnered up.  One partner pushed the wheelbarrow, the other was the wheelbarrow.  The Wheelbarrow moved forward 4 “steps” before completing 1x Merkins.  The Wheelbarrow continued until they just couldnt take it any more and swapped out.  The course continued the length of the rear of the school with parnters swapping as necessary.
  • Tom had the early finishers do some Turkish Getups… Oops… That’s what I get for asking him to cover while we finish up….
  • Box Jumps  on the wall (20x with minimal no pause)
  • Coyote Uglys (thank you Double D) – Partners, 3 each.  We used the picnic tables and again assumed the Wheelbarrow.  The Wheelbarrow ascended the table on their hands completing a merkin at the seat, the table top, then again on the seat and back on the ground.  Swap until each partner gets 3 each.
  • Mozy to the front of the school.
  • Leave No Man Behind (Partnees) -1 runs the inner parking lot out front, the other holds the position,swap on the return
    • Balls to the Wall
    • People’s Chair
    • Hold Plank
  • Mozy back to the flag and the soccer field
  • Rapid Fire (No Recover)-repeat until exhausted
    • Merkins 5x
    • LBCs 5x
    • Squats 5x

Combatives: OSU – Japanese word with 1000 meanings.  Means “I will do it”, “keep pushing”, does not mean any version of quit.

Dovetail led us in some blocking moves.  Not forceful, steady flow, effortless even.  Also showed us how to pair it with an offensive punch.  Now we are ready for some bar fights.  You missed out LipSync!!!


  • Peeping Tom led us through Fozio Arm Circles (I managed to fill the workout so he couldnt do too many Turkish Getups)

Announcements:  South Wake Picnic – Oct 12th.  Sign-up sheet on Slack for food, etc.

T-Claps (Recognition):  Crablegs and Shredder are back!!!  Thanks to 16-bit for calling out this Tclap, positive things happening in South Wake.  Nice to have our brothers back.

Prayer:  Prayers for Shredder going through the loss of his Dad.  Was nice to pray with him this morning.

I’ve Got Big Balls

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  Wicked excited for cooler temps (60’s)!  PAX of 7 came out to the Trot for a Dauber beatdown.  Lots of great AOs happening in South Wake today.  Honored to lead these HIM in the Quay.  The Garmin glowed 5:30 and we were off for a jog around the tennis courts to the snack shack by the lower diamond.  Good mornings, SSHs, Daisy Pickers, Sir Fazios and static arm stretching got us warmed up.

The Workout:  Asked the PAX what time it was.  I said it was 12 o’clock and began clock work merkins.  Got through rounds of positions at 12, 10 and 8 with a variety of regular, wide and hand-release merkins.  Intent was to go through the remainder of the clock but it simply did not come to fruition.  Adapt and overcome.  Q had something “fun” planned in the big parking lot for the Main Event.  Headed to the wall for up/downs, 10 on each leg OYO.  Grabbed the wall for 10 count derkins, merkins and dips.  Needed some wall time so headed to the shack.  BTTW and People’s Chair 15 cadence count each (3X) back-to-back-to-back.  Mosey to the road for Frankensteins, Open doors, bear crawl.  Ran backwards and sideways.  PAX held plank once reaching the parking lot with the streetlight that went on and off every two minutes.  Dauber went to his car and grabbed his treasure he purchased the night before from Walmart:  a big yellow bouncy ball!  Batter up!  The idea was the following:  pitcher called out exercise.  PAX executed a 10 rep/count.  PAX continued with reps except for pitcher and batter.  Pitcher rolled ball to batter, batter kicked ball and then ran after it.  Once batter reached ball, PAX recovered.  Did I say mention this was a big ball?  Ever try kicking one of these?  The amount of spin and curve was cool.  Regardless, I think PAX had fun, or at least pretended to.  Lots of various exercises called by rotating pitchers including:  goblet squats, prisoner squats, lunges, jumping lunges, star jumps, burpees, diamond merkins, LBCs, Heel tappers, monkey humpers, and a few I simply forgot.  Time was running short and headed to tennis courts for Mary.

Mary:  Dauber had PAX circle up and called the following 10 count exercises with no stopping:  windshield wipers, protractors, H2M, pickle ponders, Box cutters, Supermans, leg lifts, bent leg lifts, WWIIs, cockroaches, plank jacks, mountain climbers…Last few minutes were spent doing yoga with DD, Cobra, Child’s pose and Pigeon.

Announcements:  F3 picnic – see google doc.  Only 4 people signed up so far to bring something.  Sign up.

Introduction of new AOs coming to FV (names, type of workouts, days of the week, Qs etc.)

F2 at Stickboy.  (Met up with Farva and Banana Seat)  nice surprise.  And Norm’s prayer group was rather loud this am; did they miss him already?

T-Claps (Recognition):  H1N1 for EC today – solo.

Prayer:  Unspoken and spoken; PAX with injuries; family members with illness/cancer; uneasiness at work/heavy schedule coming; marriages (ups/downs).  When called upon by others for strength, be that go-to guy. Let them lean on you; be an active listener, be compassionate, show empathy, raise someone up…Dauber took us out.

My time is running out as a co-Q at Possum Trot.  I can not tell you how much of an honor it is having you trust in me to lead you at this venue.  Thank you brothers.  -Dauber

Week 1 IPC

EC 187, Fumunga

Warm Up: SSH, good mornings, fazio arm circles, Dynamic arm stretches

The Workout:week 1 ICP

5 rounds of the following

broad jump 10 yrds

10-burpees, 10 Bonnie Blair’s , 10 Big Boy Situps

broad jump 10 yrds

10-burpees, 10 Bonnie Blair’s , 10 Big Boy Situps

broad jump 10 yrds

10-burpees, 10 Bonnie Blair’s , 10 Big Boy Situps

Bear crawl back to start

Mary:not enough time
Announcements:9/11 stair climb possum trot cancelled next week. Als walk Sept 29th. (Chaching)

Prayer:F3 guys at brr for safe travels and run,

The Wall at Sheepdog

PAX:  16 Bit, Banana Seat, Cricket, Sprinkler, Trojan, Beater, Martini
Warm Up:  Mosey to the back, Good Morning x 10, Windmills x 10, Daisy Pickers x 10
The Workout: 6 stations (one at each knee wall):  Station 1 – Irkins, 2 – Step Ups, 3 – Dips, 4 – Box Jumps, 5 – Dirkins, 6 – Dips.  PAX completed as many reps as possible that their current station while the 7th HIM did a lap around the track.  With the completion of the lap, all PAX rotated to the next station.  Rinse and Repeat for a total of 4 complete circuits.
Mary: LBC’s x 10, Heel Taps x 10, Homer to Marge x 10
Announcements: Labor Day Convergence
T-Claps (Recognition): Sprinkler for taking us out
Prayer: Unspoken