During last week’s COT at Possum Trot, Fonzie made a comment about the Iron PAX challenge highlighting that we don’t do enough leg work. With that in mind, I set out this week to begin combating that notion. 45 minutes later I had problems standing up after saying the prayer and we’re not even going to talk about trying to walk upstairs once I got home.
FNGs: None
EC: Cupid
Warm Up:
Moroccan Night Club x 10
Smurf Jacks x 10
Good Morning x 10
Cotton Pickers x 10
Nancy Kerrigan x 10 each direction. This is a variation on the traditional arm circles. You lean your torso forward and extend one leg out behind you. Circle arms for a 10 count forward. Switch legs and then do 10 circles in reverse
The Workout:
Today’s workout was to be a modification of four corners, where we were doing exercises on each of the four sides of the outside of the tennis courts with some sort of lunge walking between sides. It took a lot longer than I thought it was going to so in order to get through everything I wanted to we switched to moseying between sides on our 2nd lap.
We began in the parking lot with an easy set of 20 prisoner squats.
Lunge walk to the side of the tennis courts nearest the road. Reminded PAX that it wasn’t a race and to make sure to use good form on the way over. Squat hold for the six.
Bobby Hurley x 16
Walk Like an Egyptian to the next side of the tennis courts. WLaE is essentially a lunge walk Indian run. PAX line up and step forward in to a lunge and hold it. The exion calls for the person in the back to run to the front but since I promised no running yesterday on Slack we bear crawled to the front. Once that person go to the front we lunged forward with our other leg and held it while the next PAX bear crawled to the front. We cycled through the line two times to get to the next spot.
Everyone grabbed a rock and came back down to the road. Goblin squats x20 and then all PAX lined up and held squat with their rocks while 5 counts were given all the way down the line.
Lunge walk to side by the ball field.
Floating lunges x 10 each leg. Lunge forward and then backward with the same leg, not touching in the middle. Forward and back counted as 1. This hurt.
Walk Like an Egyptian back to main parking lot. This time, instead of bear crawls, we did duck walks to the front of the line. We had less time than I wanted at this point so we only did one cycle through the line and then moseyed to the center of the lot.
Everyone grabbed a partner and back-to-back people’s chair for a 30 count.
Mosey to the street side where we did Bobby Hurley x 20.
Mosey to the back and grabbed our rocks. Held them over head and did 20 squats. Everyone returned their rocks and we moseyed to the next side where we did No Surrender x 20.
After that we moseyed back to the parking lot to circle up for Mary.
Low slow flutter x 15
American Hammers x 15
Box cutters x 10
6 inches for a 30ish count.
The count wasn’t exact because I was doing it in my head and during this point someone mentioned my comment about burpees in the pre-blast. I said that we were multiplying by 0 and that was the number of burpees we were doing. It was pointed out that 0 wasn’t a multiple of 10 and then other’s starting indirectly calling in to question the public education system of Pennsylvania. Clearly I got distracted. Either way, we didn’t do any burpees.
Picnic on Saturday. Signup sheet in the #2ndF channel in Slack. Bring stuff.
Q Sheet challenge still going. Even if its a couple weeks out, get your name on there and lead a workout. If you’re new or nervous ask for help from a site Q. It doesn’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to be gimmicky. Just make people hurt (in a good way).
T-Claps (Recognition):
Fromunga for wearing a weight vest for no good reason.
FedEx’s coworker who got bit in the hand by a dog while at work. Pray that he recovers full feeling to his hand.
Double D’s grandson getting tubes in his ears this morning. Pray for his mother as any procedure on a child is always much harder on the parents.