Prison Yard (Stack the Deck) 7/9/24
Warm Up: Jog around the building and 22 counts of SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, HillBillies and Frankensteins
The Workout: (Stack the Deck)
Run around the building:
25 Merkins, 25 LBC’s 25 Squats
Run around the building:
30 Merkins, 30 LBC’s 30 Squats
Run around the building:
35 Merkins, 35 LBC’s 35 Squats
Run around the building:
30 Merkins, 30 LBC’s 30 Squats
Run around the building:
25 Merkins, 25 LBC’s 25 Squats
Finished with 3 rounds of:
60 sec Peoples Chair, Balls to the Wall & plank hold
Final plank of 2 mins to end the workout.
Timberland is going on to a new phase of his life, we want to wish him all the best.
Timberland and Rico- prayers for both