
Rendevous with Rama

The theme of the day was “everything in 3’s”.  It was supposed to be a 3 mile EC, 3 Q’s, 3 stations, where pax in 3’s would rotate 3 sets of each workout.

But SkidMark is a jerk and guilted EH me into running a 4 mile EC.  Thanks to him, I PR’d 5k & 1 mile distances and set strava segment PR’s on pretty much every segment we ran.  Then somehow 22 guys showed up to the ‘Nut, throwing off the groups of 3.  And then my timing was rubbish so we didn’t get 3 reps in.  But, whatever, we pushed ourselves and got stronger.

As Dredd & Dark Helmet said on the 43 Ft Podcast, if you want to run faster, find someone faster than you and run with him.  If you want to get stronger, find someone stronger than you and work out with him.

F3 is a whole lot more than a selfish accountability fitness group.  But, I hope it’s at least that much for all of us.  Find someone who pushes you, and push yourself.  And once you realize another guy can help you get into better shape, think about how someone can be pushing you to be a better husband, a better father, a better employee, a better person.  Don’t let the impact of F3 be limited to your 5k Time or Merkin Reps.  #Accelerate

FNGs: Philly Special


Skid Mark & Slide Rule: 4

Buford, Dawgpound, Bernie: 2-3?

Flanigan, Blue Hen: Commute

Warm Up:

Led by Martini.  A lap, some SSH, Daisy Pickers, Good Morning, and Fazio Arm Circles.  Our FNG arrived midway through, a quick disclaimer was called, and we were off.
The Workout:

PAX split into groups of 3, with 2 cinder blocks per group.


Cinder blocks curl their way to the playground, odd man run & do 5 burpees

Rotate through 1 legged Romanian Dead Lifts & Pull Ups, 10x each

Recover on the BTTW.  I think there were some merkins in there


Cinder blocks tricep extend their way to the track, odd man run & do 10 burpees.  Da business demonstrated the agility we all expect from seasoned professional referees

1 Lap around the track in 3 man indian run.  Indian drops for a merkin before sprint to the front


Head to the short wall.  You know, the short wall.  Yeah, the short wall.  Odd man 5 burpees

2 pax do Goblet Squats while 3rd does a BTTW crawl the length of the wall

Repeat Round2

Repeat Round1

Intermission: Backwards up hill; duck walk down hill as other 2 chillcut plank.  Repeat 3x

Repeat Round3, only on a more differenter wall


Led by Cowboy.  LBC x1000, Big Boy Situps, Homer to Marge


Thursday First Responder Training, Monday Workout in RTP

T-Claps (Recognition):

Today was Spanx last post.  He’s moving to Richmond, VA to take a new job.  Dude’s been hitting it hard and is going to find folks up there to work out with as soon as he gets his feet on the ground.  Good job, Spanx, it was a pleasure getting to know you.

Moby’s dad is getting released from hospital soon, Pilgrim’s Dad, Shredder

Triple Q – Nutcracker Style

Winter Strikes Back – kind of. It was much cooler – about 40 degrees but 11 men decided not to let that stop them from rolling out into the gloom to get stronger!
We had a “Triple Q” to give a couple newer guys the opportunity to lead part of the workout. That will be a goal at this AO moving forward so anyone interested in stepping up and taking part of the workout just let us know.

FNGs: None
Warm Up:

(Led by 3rd Cousin)

Mosey around the parking lot
SSH x 20IC
Michael Phelps x10IC
Daisy Pickers x10IC
Finkelsteins x10IC
Left Leg Stretch
Right Leg Stretch

The Workout:

Dirty McDeuce
4 sets of 3 exercises with a lap around the parking lot in between (arms, abs, legs) – 13 count IC
Split into 4 groups – number off 1-4
Set 1: Merkins, Squats, Low Slow Flutter
Set 2: Carolina Dry Dock, Bobby Hurleys, LBC’s
Set 3: Irkins, One Legged Squats (right), Hello Dolly (on your six, legs raised about six inches from ground. Keeping legs parallel to ground, separate legs outward then return to start.)
Set 4: Derkins, One legged Squats (left), Reverse LBC’s
Rinse and Repeat
Just for fun – one more lap around the parking lot running backwards in the straightaways and forward through the curves.


(Led by Spanx)

Box Cutters
Peter Parkers
Pickle Pounders
Monkey Humpers
Imperial Walkers
American Hammers
Windshield Wipers
Have A Nice Day


See facebook and slack

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great job 3rd Cousin and Spanx for stepping up to Q!

Tune in next week for another exciting edition of the Triple Q…


Traveling for Easter
3rd Cousin – traveling for work
Spanx – new job in Norfolk – moving in 2 weeks

Cinder Blocks & Pull Ups & Sprinting Oh My!

EC took the form of swinging by Nutcracker and stealing all the cinder blocks for Cowboy & YHC (thanks for the help Cowboy!)  Arrival at 5:20, Banana Seat finally found us, the disclaimer was delivered, and we were off.

FNGs: Shocker!  (I’m so sorry)
Warm Up:

2 laps around the parking lot; second lap included Karaoke/ Butt Kickers / High Knees

1 Legged SSH x20, Imperial Squat Walkers, Hill Squat Billies, Merkins

Grab a block / weight, and head off
The Workout:

Man it’s a long way from the parking lot to the play ground.  Pax stopped along the way to learn the exercises-du-jour:

Goblet Squat: Keep weight vertical in front of you; forces good form with back

1 Legged Romanian Dead Lift: 1 legged (duh), keep legs straight, extend off-leg straight back behind you, bending at waist.

Finally arrive at playground.  Pax splits into 4 groups, doing 1 of exercise above + pullups.  All in reps of 12.

After completing all 4, meet up for 12 Catalina Wine Makers


Part dos:

Mosey to front of school doing curls / triceps extensions with blocks.  Stop along the way to learn Merkins w/ Overhead Press (aka: Block-ees?  Block Burpees?  whatever)

Pair up by speed.  Pax1 runs a lap, Pax2 does AMRAP Blockees.  Switch

Repeat, only Pax1 needs to finish before Pax2 does 2 fewer Blockees than before

Repeat, only Pax1 needs to finish before Pax2 does 3 fewer Blockees (basically all out sprint)

Part tres?

A Tiger Blood Staple: 2 footed “the floor is lava except the paw prints”.  You’re welcome @BlueHen


Reps of 12, 11, 10, 9 … of a bunch of ab exercises

Check Slack (and facebook, sigh).

First responder course Thursday

Breach doing an RTP workout next Monday

Carpex is doing a CSAUP that involves Trains.  Sounds fun

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great to see Bernie & Pilgrim out on the regular.  Miss working out with those guys.


Pilgrim’s dad & cancer issues.


Today is Maundy Thursday, the day Jesus was betrayed by his inner most circle.  What’s amazing to me is that, after all of it, He still welcomed them back with forgiveness and good relationship.  Maybe, this Easter season, think about those with whom you’ve lost relationship and need to restore.

Fuquay Varina – The Other Downtown

PT was lit up early this morning for an EC run. 29 total HIM ready for Tour de Quay – Part Deux (the other side) No FNG’s

10 strong – Yogurt going for the fritter

Roger Roger (or possible kid issues)

Warm Up:
Small group Indian run, stop at Mexican Restaurant parking lot

Red bull smurf jacks x25 IC
Reverse carolina dry docks x20
Bat wings 4×20 IC
Up downs x10

The Workout:
Mosey to FV Chamber of Commerce
Chilly broad jumps (two lines)

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to Church parking lot
Broad jump burpee ladder across parking lot, increase merkins on each jump (ex. 5th burpee will have 5 merkins in it)

Mosey back up to Fidelity bank lot
Sneaky Gorilla x10

Mosey back to guard rails near start
Irkin/nippler count down on guard rails x15, x10, x5
*YHC called an audible to finish up at tennis court due to high traffic*

Mosey back to courts
Finish up with merkins/nipplers x10 each, x5 each

Fabreze (Big Boy sit-ups and air presses with 6inch hold) 2:10, 4:20, 6:30, 8:40, 10:50
Dying cockroach
Figure 8’s
Have a nice “Hump” day

FB and Slack
Charity blurb for April

T-Claps (Recognition):
Pikachu did EC EC and was the sweeper today holding the PAX together.

Coal Ash uncle passed, Moby’s dad, Shredder, Crab Legs, Durham blast

Way to get after it today men. Should have clocked around 2 miles and broke a sweat. Thanks for letting me lead a great group of HIM. Make HUMP DAY great!

BS Out!

Engagement Party

YHC arrived at his typical time for EC. No other cars in parking lot, no light vest of Pikachu. YHC thought it was going to be a solo EC today. About 0512 Lipstick and Yogurt pulled in. We 3 started out and picked up Pikachu at the light at 55. Nevertheless a very light EC today at Paradise City where the EC number is typically around 10. When we returned the parking lot still appeared empty buy the numbers picked up as we neared the 0545 start time. One FNG present, disclaimer given, all HC’s present and accounted for, and we were off.

EC: Yogurt, Lipstick, Pikachu, Skidmark

FNG: Steamboat

Warm Up: No thanks, no time.
The Workout: Was this completely different than our usual bootcamp, no. But YHC felt it was different in the targeted area. Pax focused a lot on strengthening their core. Lots of engagements today, even more first dates. The workout was simple in theory. Run for 2 minutes, exercises for 2 minutes, rinse and repeat. Started off in the mosey for 2 minutes then:

Station 1: Plank hold, Chill cut, Right arm up, left arm.

Run for 2 minutes

Station 2: Side glute raise Right, hold and do 10 runner leg drives, Switch to left. Rinse and repeat until 2 minutes up.

I hope you get the idea now.

Station 3: Single leg squats at the wall, Steps ups. Yep for 2 minutes

Station 4: Hold squat and do Side Shuffle right. After 10 do 1 burpee. Then 10 left, 1 burpee. 2 minutes

Station 5. Side plank hold, side plank crunches.

Switched to Indian Runs to get the Pax together. Yep Indian runs for 2 minutes.

Repeat the whole thing again with some variations. Added some arm forward and leg up plank holds. One set of erkins, derkins, and dips.

Q’s goal was to get the pace around 9:00 mm. Final average on Q’s Garmin 8:58 mm

Mary: As if we didn’t do enough core we did some pickle pounders, Peter Parkers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies.

Announcements: Nothing new.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Spanx Father in Law, Katniss coworkers, crablegs, hopefully no significant damage to the area of some storms last night.

Tabata Time

There was a ton of HIM ready for Crazy Ivan workout this morning. YHC was running slightly behind from setting up the action. Planned for 20 max and had 26 (1 that was running solo), so last minute changes were needed. We had 2 FNG’s that were given the low down on how this F3 thing works. YHC put on breath taker for the last time this week. It was 0530 so let’s get to work.

Tons of guys

Fritter Foundation Inductees:
Blue Hen & Brony

Warm Up:
Started out with a quick count to get us in small groups of 4. There was one group of 5.
SSH x20 IC
Small group indian run to opposite side of parking area
Jump lunges x10 IC
Indian run backside of lot, return to start
Shoulder raises front then side x20 IC
Daisy pickers x10 IC
Good mornings x10 IC

The Workout:
Mosey down to playground
Tabata Time – rotate to each station 2:30 of strong work then 0:30 break to rotate
6 stations, 5 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5 (YHC lost a member to the crapper for about the first 10 mins)
1 – Morning wood with kettle bells
2 – Partner lat pulls at bars (partner up and hold legs, keep back straight and pull up)
3 – Kettle squat hops cone to cone with 10 wonder bras at the end of each cone
4 – Jump ropes and rotating battle rope every 30 secs
5 – Agility ladders with a burpee at the end of each pass
6 – Merkins and plank jacks x10, continuous R&R for all the exercises until air horn blows to rotate

We didn’t have enough time for all of Mary so we did a few quick ones.
Obliques with kettle bell x10 IC, switch sides
American hammers with KB x10 IC
Superman (with KB but that failed) x10 IC

Check FB & Slack, link coming for Dad’s camp, Fire Dept training set up by PacMan aka Cowboy

T-Claps (Recognition):
Is it ok for YHC to call himself out? I was battling a cold/pollen blend all week and wearing breath taker. This was the toughest workout week I have had in a very LONG time. BT is a beast and you don’t realize it until you wear it. At each AO I posted this week, there was a 30 sec blurb about Testicular Cancer Awareness. We can donate funds to help the society spread the message of the importance of checking yourself regularly. Key task for the month is for each PAX member to make a habit of checking the jewels for any changes. See slack and FB for details on how or just google it. YHC plans to posts to as many different AO’s this month to spread the message.

Pikachu and his episode at Tapline, Crab Legs, Shredder, BS results from CT scan (all clear)

Great to see so many HIM posting today! Apologies for being a bit flustered to start but wasn’t expecting that turn out. It worked well and hope that you broke a sweat today. Thanks to Sir Dawgpound for allowing me to lead my first Q at Crazy Ivan and my last day in BT. Good luck to Yogurt who gets the enjoyment of wearing BT next week with a winning bid of $120. Welcome Pace and Snap (FNG’s). It was real and it was fun but it wasn’t real fun.

BS Out!

Triple Nickel at Tiger Blood

6 PAX for Tiger Blood this morning Foghorn with a weighted vest.  2 for EC (Cowboy and Dawgpound)

Warm Up:

Mosey to back parking lot and circle up

Side Straddle Hop IC x 15
Windmills IC x 15
Fozzie Arm Circles IC x 15 Forward and x 15 Reverse
TClaps IC x 15
Daisy Pickers IC x 15

Mosey to Track for a Lap with
High Knees
But Kickers

The Workout:

Tripple Nickel

5 IC Dips at Bench
Indian Run 1/2 Lap
5 plank Jack Burpees
Indian Run 1/2 Lap back to Bench
Repeat x 5

Mosey back to main parking lot

Bear Crawl or Lunge Walk the Carpool Circle


LBC IC x15
Homer to Marge IC x15
WWII x 15
Pickel Pounders IC x15
Box Cutters IC x15
Freddie Mercury IC x15
Have a Nice Day x15

First Aid Training April 25th 6:30 PM at Holly Springs Fire Station.  Would like to collect Smoke Detectors and 9V Batteries to donate when we go.  See Cowboy for details


Shredder, Crablegs, Buford’s Daughter and others spoken and non-spoken.

Doubled Down on the Stack Em Up

Warm Up: Quick mosey around the parking lot

SSH x 25   ( cadence may need some work according to the mumble chatter)

Moroccan nightclub x 10

Sir Fasio arm circles x 10 forward and 10 reverse

Daisy Pickers x 10

Imperial walkers x 10

Hillbillies x 10

The Workout:

Stack ’em up Suicides drills

Burpees x 5 & Diamond Merks x 10 to start

Burpees x 5 & Diamond Merks x 10 at first station

Burpees x 5 & Diamond Merks x 10 back at home

Burpees x 5 & Diamond Merks x 10 & Bobby Hurley’s x 20 at 2nd station

Burpees x 5 & Diamond Merks x 10 & Bobby Hurley’s x 20 back at home

Burpees x 5 & Diamond Merks x 10 & Bobby Hurley’s x 20 & Crabcakes x 30 at 3rd station

Burpees x 5 & Diamond Merks x 10 & Bobby Hurley’s x 20 & Crabcakes x 30 back at home

Burpees x 5 & Diamond Merks x 10 & Bobby Hurley’s x 20 & Crabcakes x 30 & Monkey Humpers x 40 at 4th station

Burpees x 5 & Diamond Merks x 10 & Bobby Hurley’s x 20 & Crabcakes x 30 & Monkey Humpers x 40 back at home

Mary: Ring around the Mary

Peter Parker’s x 10

Merks x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10

Carolina Dry docks x 10

Shoulder taps x 10

Windshield wipers x 10

Sideways plank crunches left x 10

Sideways plank crunches right x 10

Homer to Marge x 10

Left leg up, bridge rise x 10

Right leg up, bridge rise x 10

Burpees x 10

Pickle pounders x 10


Banana Seat has breath-taker and the charity this month is Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation. Banana Seat encouraged the PAX to educate themselves on testicular cancer and check themselves regularly
T-Claps (Recognition):

Spanx, 3rd Cousin and Bernie(?) stepped up to Q a portion of Nutcracker over the next two weeks. Virgin Q’s

Crablegs and his trial opportunity today

Moby’s dad

Shredder and his recovery

Gotta Catch Them All

EC: Emeril, Yogurt, UTI, Skidmark, Midget, Pablo, Warbucks, Full House, Crosby, Cowboy, Shamwow, Aquaman, Dawgpound

After Workout Sprints with Yogurt: Yogurt, Pablo, Midget, Emeril, UTI, Warbucks, Aquaman, Katniss, Shamwow

Warm Up:

Circled Up for some nice Side Straddle Hops.

Then we counted off by fours creating five teams of four and one team of three. The teams would be doing Indian Runs for the rest of the warm up and the workout.

Indian Run up to the Ticket Office. Did YHC favorite Good Mornings. It was a beautiful morning already and the good mornings just made it better.

Indian Run to the corner. Did some Hairy Rockettes to stretch out those legs.

Indian Run to the basketball court to do the Sir Fazio Arm Circles along with squats.

Indian Run to the start of the workout.

The Workout:

Stack Em up Indian Run Suicides:

The Stack:
5 Burpees
10 Hand Release Merkins
20 Monkey Humpers
30 LBCs
Stairs / 5 Burpees
2 Trips Hop up Right Foot
2 Trips Hop up Left Foot
2 Trips Hop up Both Feet

Once everyone finish we played the first game of Gotta Catch Them All. — Thank you Cowboy for the initial idea.

The team that finished last in the Indian Run Suicides had zero burpees to do. The chaser team did 10 burpees. Every other team did 5 Burpees. The goal was to Indian Run from the bottom of the ramp around to the basketball court. When the chaser caught you 5 burpees each.

The Teams:

Team Mew: (chasers)

Lucky Charms

Team Squirtle:

Glass Jaw

Team Togepi:

Pac Man
Pumpkin Spice
Short Pole

Team Ditto:


Team Koffing:

Particle Board

Team Slowpoke:

Full House

It looks like team Koffing made it without being caught. Team Ditto was caught at the very end.  Excellent job guys.


Circled up for the following.
Squatter’s Pyramid
Squat Pulses with Lunges — I asked the pax for friendly numbers.  I got no number lower then an


See Facebook and Slack

T-Claps (Recognition):

Warbucks — Cooper Ridge 10K 47:06  Pace of 7:32.  Great job!!!!


Crablegs and his trial opportunity tomorrow
Shredder and his recovery
All Pax that where not there but want to be out with us.

We had a name but can’t remember it…

There was a name for this BB that was discussed during the workout but it has escaped.

YHC, despite Carpex resistance to start a new Kettlebell style AO on a SUNDAY in Cary, decided to come down where he first had his vigin Q many months ago to brush up on his Kettlebell tactics.  Not to mention YHC had not Q’d since early February when he relocated to Cary.  Always a pleasure to see all the South Wake PAX but due to YHC’s limited availability a good beat down with more running than usual was planned.

Warm Up:

Lap around the parking lot then circled up for the following:


Imperial Walkers ICx15

Hillbillies ICx15

Peter Parkers x10

Standard Merkin x10

The Workout:

Partner Up

Partner 1 runs a lap

Partner 2 does 100 presses with a KB or plate, 200 shoulder presses with a KB or plate, and 300 goblet squats


John Cusack to stage

Partner 1 does L/R step ups (10 each side)

Partner 2 does 30 KB or plate curls for the girls, 25 rut rows, and 20 KB swings


Mosey to the Playground

Partner 1 does 10 pullups

Partner 2 does turkish getups

Flapjack, wash, rinse, repeat


Mosey back to the Stage

Partner 1 does BTTW

Partner 2 does LBCs ICx20

Flapjack then Partner 1 does People’s Chair while Partner 2 does Mountain Climbers ICx20


Everyone and everything back to the non-present flag


6 inch hold ICx20

Freddie Mercury ICx15

Catalina Whine Makers OYOx10

WWII’s with KB to 15


Charity Golf tourney coming up to raise money for Healing Transitions

South Wake Dads and 2.0’s workout tomorrow at Womble at 0900

T-Claps (Recognition):

5 packs, 3 packs, and Fritters


Crab legs clinical trials coming up on Tuesday, unspoken