
Don’t Call It A Comeback

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Moseyed over to the main gate for the ball fields. Circled up for: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers / Hill Billies, Sir Fazio Arm Circles / Seal Claps / Overhead Claps / Moroccan Night Clubs
The Workout: YHC has been down and out for a few weeks. Nothing like throwing yourself back in to the deep end to get back in the swing of things, right?

Round 1: Moseyed over to the Abyss. Split into two groups. Group 1 would perform an exercise while Group 2 ran to the bottom of the Abyss and back up. Three exercises, three rounds of each. Nine trips down and back up the Abyss.
Exercises were Merkins, WWIIs and Squats.
A few over achievers decided to do one more trip down the Abyss and back up while the rest of us held a squat.

Round 2: Moseyed over to the two hills. All PAX ran from the top of one hill to the other, performed 10 Mountain Climbers in cadence, then ran back to the top of the first hill and performed 10 more Mountain Climbers in cadence. Three rounds of this. Mosey back to start.
Mary: Homer-to-Marge, LBCs, reverse LBCs, Pickle Pounders, yoga
Announcements: South Wake picnic (see 2nd F on Slack), highway cleanup (see 3rd F on Slack)
T-Claps (Recognition): Wiggly for getting back out to the gloom! Everyone for holding me accountable on my first post in a few weeks.
Prayer: Straight Cash’s family.