
Friday’s a Great Day for Leg Day

Warm Up:

  • March-in-place (in cadence)
  • High-knees (in cadence)
  • Butt-kicks (in cadence)
  • Heisman’s (on my up)
  • Double Heisman’s (in cadence)
  • Side-straddle hops
  • Frankenstein’s
  • Willie Mays Hayes
  • Buns of Steel! (don’t ask…)
  • Good mornings

Heavy Warm Up:

  • Slow squats (in cadence)
  • Pulse squats (in cadence)

(Hold the Squat Position): 

  • Sir Fassio arm circles
  • Seal claps
  • Overhead claps
  • Hallelujah’s
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Tighten the circle, do Slam ball passes in squat position
  • Green Sally Up (the whole 3min 25sec):

Moby - 'Flower' (Official Audio) - YouTube

The Workout:

Session 1, Round 1


Stadium Stairs

  • Lateral duck walk w/ squat (right lead)
  • Lateral duck walk w/ squat (left lead)
  • 1 flight walking kickbacks singles
  • 1 flight walking kickbacks doubles

Session 1, Round 2

  • Rinse and repeat stadium stairs

Session 2, Round 1

  • (1) flight stadium sprint singles
  • (1) flight stadium sprint doubles
  • (2) flights stair burpee/pushup combo

Session 2, Round 2

  • Rinse and repeat stadium stairs

Session 3, Round 1

  • (1) flight walking lunges singles
  • (1) flight walking lunges doubles
  • (1) flight crossovers left
  • (1) flight crossovers right
  • (1) flight in-n-out jumps singles

Session 3, Round 2

  • Rinse and repeat stadium stairs

Session 4, Round 1

  • (1) flight side shuffle left
  • (1) flight side shuffle right
  • (1) flight two foot jumps singles
  • (1) flight two foot jumps doubles

No Mary…have a nice day.



  • Safety and success for Rubiks’ street ministry 
  • Safe travels to GA for Buffalo and his wife’s anniversary

Downward Sheepdog

FNGs: None but we have a new shovel flag

Warm Up: Mosey to the dry spot

The Workout: Various Yogo poses that sucked. 

Mary: Plank hold, Side Plank Hold, Reach outs and ups.

Announcements: Check Slack

T-Claps (Recognition): none

Prayer: 11 yr old girl that passed, Ricco daughter sick, unspoken. 


Sheepdog – 7/7/23

6 Pax for a combination of time under tension (TUT) and fast twitch muscles.  After a quick warmup of follow the leader, side straddle hop, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (F&B), seal clap to overhead clap, Willy Maes Hayes, and Frankenstines, we started the main even.

Using the parking spaces at the middle school we went through several rotations of speed skaters, front toe taps, side-to-side toe taps, and slow single-leg deadlifts, standing on the curb.  We then jogged over to the road guardrail and rotated through 3 rounds of slow TUT dips and then quick merkin pulsing.  AFter that we took a trip around the back side of the school to the basketball court to go say high to Marry.

For Marry, we did a fast-paced rotation of LBCs, low-slow flutter, crab cakes, and breakdancers.

Wrapped up with COT.  Breach took us out.

Forceps Respect Q @ Cletus

First of all Thank You to everyone who showed up for my respect Q.  July 4th will mark my 6th year with F3 and it has been such a positive and amazing experience for me. I cannot express how much this organization and so many of you have meant to me in my life.   

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good mornings – 10 IC, SSH x 25 IC, Daisy Pickers – 25, Willy Maze Hays – 10 IC, SF Arm Circles – 10 IC

Mosey to rock pile – Pax pick up two small rocks

3 sets of each rotating around circle

Curls- 25 IC, Tricep extensions -25 IC,  Nipplers – 25 IC, Overhead press- 25 IC, Seal Claps – 25 IC

Dora: Partner up

100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 200 squats rotating exercises while the other partner runs to end of parking lot & back 

Plank Hold till all teams are done.  

Patty Cake Planks to 25 IC

Big Boy Sits ups to 25 IC

Mosey to playground.  

Same partners: 1 HIM does 25 Pull up while other does Mountain Climbers x 25; Plank Jacks x 25

Mosey to tennis court to meet up with Crazy Ivan crew

Banana Seat led us through some Ab exercises which included American Hammers 

Announcements: Run for Quay +2nd F and Sprint Tri on Saturday

Prayer: Banana Seat led us in prayer  


🇺🇸 Memorial Day Murph 🇺🇸


Warm Up:  I was late so I only did Frankenstines / imperial walkers & hillbillies 🍦

The Workout: The MURPH 💪

1 mile buy in

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Squats

1 mile punch out

Thank everyone who has served our country a little respect goes a long way 🪖

Prayer: unspoken PAX’s

Reasonable Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: GM, Stretch Hamstrings, Shoulders, SSH,

The Workout: Bear Crawl 100m (no walking) 100 merkins/# of PAXs, Run 100m, Bear Crawl 100m, 200 Squats/# of PAXs, Run 200 meters, Bear Crawl 100 m, 300 LBC/# of PAX, run 300m, Bear Crawl 100 m, 400 SSH/# of PAX, Run 400m. 

Mary: Ran back to start, Same exercises as WU. 

Announcements: Check Slack

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Unspoken 

Sheepdog 03/10/2023

Two for a slightly soggy EC; Farva and Shredder

Started with some Side Straddle Hop, Sir Fazio Arm circles, front and back, seal claps to overhead claps, good mornings, willie mays hayes, to warm up.

For the main workout, we rotated between exercises and combative techniques.  These included wing chun pushing, pulsing merkins, single leg squats, jab/cross combos, and freddy hammers.  We finished by working on slipping past someone’s punch, hitting a reference point, and then a. . . . Well, you’d have to be there to experience it.

Sheepdog delight – 01/13/23

EC: Farva & Shredder
Warm Up
: Follow the leader up and down the parking lines; front, back, sidesteps. 50 SSH IC, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, seal claps, overhead claps till it all burned and then we held them out a little longer. Good mornings, IW and HBs.
The Workout: The main event consisted of moseying to various locations and then knocking out exercises. 50 toe taps IC, single leg deadlifts while balancing on a curb, TUT dips, Dekin shoulder taps, combo front kicks from parking line to parking line adding one additional Merkin at each line, then lunge walks adding on additional star jump at each line, stair sprints, TUT erkins and lunges.
Mary: 5o LBCs IC and 7 heal taps.
Announcements: TMF proceeds for the SW Beer mile.
Prayer: Breach took us out 🙏🏼

New AO: Ultimate Frisbee at Ting: U.F.O. (25 PAX)

FNGs:  none
Warm Up:  Grateful for Yogurt leading us with SSH, Frankensteins, etc
The Workout:  12 v 13 Ultimate. Drops resulted in merkins, squats, SSH…

Scores resulted in burpees, LBCs, star jumps…

Some very nice plays on the pitch!  Well done.

Mary:  static stretches OYO

PAX in attendance helped Gump and YHC name this AO;  we offered up three choices with an honorable mention:

Choices:  Paradise Lost, Paradise Gained, U.F.O. & Elenor Frisbee (although a nice recommendation from the crowd – Vicious Discus).   Not sure if the PAX were thrilled with our top 4.  Regardless, U.F.O. was a near unanimous vote.  Questions asked what it stood for? – – – so many recommendations & examples from the PAX – some not permitted in this PG space.

Going forward, each Q will determine the abbreviation.  Let’s have some FUN with it.

Tues nights with 3 Alarm – come out and support another new official AO (great work Wild Turkey, Yogurt, Moose…).
Tea Time tonight

Change of Command:  Nantan – Thank you Pikachu!  Welcome Breach!


Q-School next Sunday at 1400.  See Banana Seat.


T-Claps (Recognition):  All the PAX who came out this AM

Prayer:  YHC took us out.  UNSPOKEN.
Honored to lead. -Dauber

Even the Odds Rev3

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Met at normal AO start.  Mosey down to Sheepdog Track. Circled up for SSH, Imperial/Hillbillies, SFAC, Good Morning, and Daisy pickers.  Anticipation was high as most of the first time PAX had heard through the SLACK machine and by reputation how brutal of a beating this can be.  Several PAX were on their 2nd and 3rd round of this 1-hour long beatdown of U vs U but were still anticipating the special kind of suck it brings. YHC read the rules and tweaked how the “points” are scored.
The Workout: The ODD numbers must be done in order of sequence.  1,3,5, etc. the EVEN numbers can be done in any order you choose.  Once you start the exercise you must complete that exercise before moving on to the next number (Even or Odd). The timer is set for one hour.  You must keep track of your points for a total tally at the end of the hour.  If the exercise is not completed before the timer runs out, you do not get ANY points for completion. During the workout, the PAXs that are running can pick up any man’s six on any of the EVEN exercises.  (*note* If you are bear crawling and get tired you cannot walk around the track to complete the 400m. It’s a 400m bear crawl…not a 100-meter bear crawl and 300-meter walk).

Mary: Too tired to do it.
Announcements: F3 Xmas party.
T-Claps (Recognition):  Any HIM that showed up for this beating for their first time: Shredder, Farva, Duece, LED, 2 Dollars, Sunshine, Banana Seat  Several guys have done it twice:  Maybeline, Nemo, and Lipstick  Guys who have done it three times. Breach, Cupid, and YHC.
Prayer: Tough times during the holiday season for many men and families. Reach out.