
The elusive albino deer

FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH, IW, DP’s, Good morning
The Workout: 4 ruckers  + a 2.0 took off for a 3 mile route and some weight based walking.  23 ran 5+ through the Springs this am, with a trip up Elm and a short jaunt on Johnson.  A late pick up of Vasoline and a new route finally gave him the spotting of the elusive albino deer.  Now the real question must be answered…what’s Vasoline searching for now?  An albino racoon, possum, beaver?  Nice work today gents!
Announcements: Still time to get in on the May event, see Fanny Pack for more details…must have 4 PAX to enter.  Yogurt starting some new trail running, catch up with him for more details
Prayer: unspoken today


FNGs: None
Warm Up: Sir Fazio Arm Circles, overhead claps, seal claps, good mornings (1 extra for emeril), Imperial walkers, hillbillies, Michael Phelps
The Workout:
Q introduced/practice one round of exercises. Partner up. Pax raced to complete all exercises and get back to start. 1st partner back added 2 burpees. Raced three rounds.
Exercise Group 1
5 burpees
10 Kettlebell Squats – Kettlebell held overhead in arm
15 Presses
20 Kettlebell Swings
Bear crawl

Q introduced/practice one round of exercises. Partner up. Pax raced to complete all exercises and get back to start. 1st partner back added 1 turkish getup. Raced three rounds.
Exercise Group 2
5 Turkish Get ups
10 Snatches
15 Overhead Extensions
20 Thrusters

Audible exercise group 3
5 Absolution
20 Kettlebell clean
10 Kettlebell clean and press
6 Kettlebell clean, press, and reverse lunge
Duck walk
Did 2 rounds as a group

Mary: LBC’s, Low Slow Flutter, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders
Announcements: Ask Cupid about Disc golf course work with Holly Springs supposed to be this weekend.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Marriages and Valentine’s Day, Our country, Thanks for F3.

Burn out!

FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH, SFAC, Daisys, Windmill, lap around the deck
The Workout: 6 exercises, 5 rounds, 1 min work and 15 sec rest. Lawnmower, tricep extensions, ground pounders, curls for the girls, overhead press, and goblet squats
Mary: midget cookie pouches with the bell, low slow flutter with the bell
Announcements: Holly Springs half marathon F3 style next Saturday 11/14. Looking for people to man the aid stations

Prayer: 187 and family. Shamwow and family.

February 28 2020 / at Crazy Ivan (HS Parking Deck) QIC: POTS

February 28 2020 / at Crazy Ivan (HS Parking Deck) QIC: POTS


The PAX for Crazy Ivan packed the parking deck.

 EC: Deadbolt, Full House, Roger Roger

 PAX:  20

 FNGs: None

 Warm Up:

 Side Straddle Hops (SSH), Daisy Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Frankenstein’s

 The Workout

 PAX partner’d up.

Partner 1

  1. Curls for the girls (20 reps)
  2. Overhead press (20 reps)
  3. Floor press / bridged (20 reps)
  4. Side to Sid Lunge (Willy Mays Hayes (20 reps)
  5. Kettlebell Swing (20 reps)
  6. Goblet Squats (20 reps)
  7. Up right rows (20 reps)
  8. Dead Lifts (20 reps)
  9. Overhead Triceps Extensions (20 reps)

Partner 2

Run up stairwell, back down and around the block. (Not Town Hall – lol)


The PAX took turns with several rounds of ab exercises to close out the Q.


Happy Birthday 16-bit

Forceps son’s memorial service 2/29 12:30 ET at Hope Church (Apex)

Banana Seat sending update on Wrightsville

M4L – F3 Meal March 14 (Sat)

Check Slack for upcoming announcements


Wiggly’s family for loss of his father.

Flannigan’s upcoming heart tests.

Coal Ash’s  Brother in law’s father is battling cancer going into hospice care.


Military, and First Responders.

Like a Box of Chocolates

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  Seven PAX showed up after a pre-blast of sweets and sweat.   Jog around parking deck; circle up by chair and mystery Valentine’s Day heart shaped box and executed the following exercises:  25 SSH, 10 Daisy pickers, 10 Don Quixotes, 10 O/H claps, 10 seal claps.

The Workout:  PAX counted off and then paired up.  Dauber went solo with an odd number of PAX.  Each PAX went to the box of “chocolates “ and pulled out a card.  15 Cards total.  Two exercises on each card:  an exercise for KB and another one.  Lots of mumble-chatter initially but it soon quieted down.  High-tempo workout for sure – everyone kept moving the entire time.


Mary:  No time left on the clock for her.

Announcements:  ATT run, need support with water via bike (see Slack)

T-Claps (Recognition):  First timers to Crazy Ivan (Snap?, Sassy, Noah’s Ark and LipSync)

Prayer:  Raising up Forcep, his family, his son.

2ndF at Harvest Moon


An honor to lead. -Dauber

U-Turn 9/28/19 Better late than never

FNG’s: None
PAX: Gump, Warbucks, Yogurt, Cupid, Redenbacher, AxE, Alpine, Slide Rule, Dauber, Banjo, Sassy, H1N1, Oyster, Tonka, Peeping Tom, Brexit, Double D, Emeril, Blue Hen, Bulls Eye, Dahmer

Warm Up: Side Straddle Hops, Butt Kickers, Some Stretching

Lots of options going on, several for 3, 5, and 6. Sightings of Lipstick, SkidMark, and 187 as they were getting 3 hours or 16 miles or something (heard UTI was out there but never saw him so no credit given).

Big Turn-out and tested my abilities on remembering names as there was no count off, no nameorama, no Mary, and No Cot. I should be banned for life from the Q list!
So sorry if I missed anyone, let me know and I will add you to the list, and if I gave someone credit that wasn’t there…well…you probably earned it anyway. And as always there was a great 2nd F afterwards!

Always Tape Your Nipples…#Meateater

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH x20, High Knees, Wide Knees, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Daisy Pickers x10, Frankenstein x10, Stretching
The Workout: The U-Turn. Nothing Fancy, well, except for some conversation into mile 2. Bits and pieces were picked up by YHC from the PAX just ahead but what I picked up was that @Aquaman is a Meat eater… I’ll leave that right there.  Little did we know that @Redenbacher was having a DNA retention issue. The pictures explain it all, but maybe @Aquaman smelled blood in the air??

Reminder: Always tape your nips.

T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX, YHC noted that for the first time in awhile that most of the pack was pacing together. It was awesome to watch and so many 6 pick-ups and guys just staying together. Well done. Great morning!
Prayer: Bernie, His M and Family. All those running BFC that day (@BoyGeorge), Shredder and his family

Your social schedule for the next year…

FNGs: Nope!
Warm Up: SSH x25 (mumble chatter about a running workout…), Imperial Walker x15,  Hillbilly x10, Stretching, Daisy Picker (slow) x10. on to the thang..
The Workout: HIM all over Holly Springs this am and some comments about Deer, I mean PAX, on the roads. Great work to the numerous miles out there this am for EC….Too many to mention. The U-Turn was in full effect!
Mary: Not this time
Announcements: Well this was interesting… What started as a notification about 2ndF bbq on 10/12 at Harris Lake turned into a South Wake who’s who of events basically through holding time for next July 4th’s CSAUP….Check slack as my fingers couldn’t catch up past JOCO Convergence next weekend and Christmas.
T-Claps (Recognition): Good seeing you out there again Skidmark! Looking forward to your full return! Also, so many 6 pick-ups today. Really great job men!
Prayer: All PAX recovering from injuries, please try and make sure you reach out to those who aren’t posting and on IR. Keep your shield lock strong!

Got any good CDs?

20+ Pax showed up for some miles this morning. Many ECers, so I won’t try to credit everyone. Some started with us, others ended with the group. Good work out there! Lipstick was the lucky winner of the door prize, a copy of Freed to Lead, given to YHC by Deadbolt. Lipstick agreed to read it and pass it along to another Pax soon. Definitely a good read.

FNGs: Not this time

Warm Up:
SSH x20
Butt kickers, high knees, skipping, Frankenstein kicks, lunges.
Imperial walkers x10
Hillbilly x10
Daisy pickers x10

The Workout:
Miles! 3-14+

She was nowhere to be found.

BRR runs tomorrow, see Aquaman and Slack.

T-Claps (Recognition):
ShamWow for slinging CDs from his garage.
All the Pax picking up the six. Nobody was left behind!

Fonzie’s friend Juice killed and Winston Salem community, health issues in Bernie and Cipid’s Families.

Increase the banter ^^^ Turn down the Controversy v v v

EC: Cupid, Redenbacher, Pikachu

FNGs: Not a friendly guy in sight…
Warm Up: 20 SSH, 10 Windmills, 10 Frankensteins, 5 Burpess (SOMEONE… WAS… LATE!)
The Workout:  We were celebrating so we brought out The Turkey!  5ish wonderful miles that bring you down our beloved Crossway.  A good time was had by all.  Especially our R4TJ first timers Cupid and LipSync.  This was also Cupid’s first time on Crossway (Gasp!)

Image result for gasp

Mary: I’m gonna miss her the most at R4TJ (Is this Mary? ^^^)


  • It was previously announced (I believe) but it was re-iterated that R4TJ has been extended to 1 hour to accommodate a min. 5 mile workout option.
  • COT has been brought to the beginning of the workout to silence the controversy.
    • Bonus – we arent sweaty and tired for announcements and prayers
    • Bonus – we get a headcount first for safety purposes
    • Bonus – we get to hear about planned modifications or the need to leave early
    • Bonus – If YHC takes us out you could actually touch him (not bonus?)
    • Bonus – I got to say Bonus like 7 times in this back blast (Annoying BackBlast Achievement!)
  • CELEBRATE!!! R4TJ has completed one full trip around the sun.
    • Although we know you all really want Lipstick and I to be R4TJ site Qs forever – with our witty banter and cunning ability to find new places to SH!T – we have decided to step down (The track plays: Awwwww)
    • Stepping up as R4TJ Site Q is our very own Redenbacher.  This guy has been accelerating all over the place and has become a fixture at R4TJ.  Lipstick and I said his name in unison as we thought about who should take over.  Welcome aboard big RED, we’ve got your desk all setup!!!

Image result for new management toilet office

  • Announcement, Announcements…
    • Carpex has a BRR run on Saturday.  If you can find your way to Kitty you might get some details
    • Banana Seat has a pop-up AO that involves paddle baords for Saturday as well

T-Claps (Recognition): Redenbacher!!!  Obvious reasons
Prayer:  Moment of Silence