The elusive albino deer
FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH, IW, DP’s, Good morning
The Workout: 4 ruckers + a 2.0 took off for a 3 mile route and some weight based walking. 23 ran 5+ through the Springs this am, with a trip up Elm and a short jaunt on Johnson. A late pick up of Vasoline and a new route finally gave him the spotting of the elusive albino deer. Now the real question must be answered…what’s Vasoline searching for now? An albino racoon, possum, beaver? Nice work today gents!
Announcements: Still time to get in on the May event, see Fanny Pack for more details…must have 4 PAX to enter. Yogurt starting some new trail running, catch up with him for more details
Prayer: unspoken today