
Throwback 5 – Day 5 – Riding the Murphy-Go-Round at Cletus

46 PAX IN THE GLOOM!  Way to end the week HIM!

EC: Norm, ShamWow!, Martini, DawgPound, Skidmark, Maybelline, Redenbacher, Pablo, Buford, Cowboy, Mr. Terrific


Warm Up:  YHC felt a little odd Qing the final Throwback of the week.  I wasnt here when these fine AOs were established.  I needed some star power…  I needed CrabLegs!!!

No, not those delicious buttery delicacies… This HIM!

I reached out and luckily enough he was available. CrabLegs was wrapping up some vacation in New England and he made the push to get back and join in on the fun.  Crablegs put the PAX through their paces in the warm-up.

  • SSH
  • Runners Pose
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Overhead Stretches
  • Daisy Pickers
  • Good Mornings

The Workout:

41 PAX were present when we started the workout with an initial count-off.  YHC watched as a few men filed in at various moments but was unable to get the count.  This called for 6 Burpees OYO!

PAX had counted off 1,2,3,4 and broke into 4 groups.  We were headed to the Murphy-Go-Round.  Most Murphs would last about an hour and we would have enough room for everyone to grab some pull-up bars.   We didn’t have that today and with 41 (later 46 PAX) there were some logistical challenges.  YHC had his heart* set on some sort of Murph-like event today so a contingency plan was in place to make it happen.

*One of my earliest memories of attending Cletus was when a Murph was announced instead of the normal workout.  As a new PAX at the time, I was intimidated and I remember being pretty shattered the day after.  It was brutal and humbling and oddly it now made me feel nostalgic and happy…  this F3 really changes a guy.

The Actual Workout  Finally…

We mozy’d to the railing on the greenway between the pond and the baseball fields.  The railing would serve as our pull-up bars, strike that Inverted Row bars.  Group 2 was dropped here and told to get started AMRAP until they were relieved by Group 1.

We mozy’d to the parking lot beyond the baseball diamonds.  As we entered the lot, we dropped off Group 3.  There job was to do AMRAP Merkins until they were relieved by Group 2.

We mozy’d down the lot to give some space and dropped off Group 4 off.  AMRAP Squats until relieved by Group 3.

From there, Group 1 set off on a Run around the Baseball diamonds until they got to Group 2.

The Murphy-Go-Round was set in motion and continued until time was called.


Back to the tennis courts…

  • 6 inch leg holds
  • Boxcutters
  • Superman Ws and Ts
  • LBCs

Announcements:  Check Slack because my memory don’t work so good…  here is a round-up

  • Paradise City starts at 5:30 from now on
  • U-Turn launches from Panera from now on
  • Support a local Eagle Scout and the food pantry.  Donations happening now, building out a greenhouse later
  • Dumbo has setup a FREE CPR class at Hope next week – sign-up and show-up, you could save a life
  • Dad’s Workout 1/4 @9am Womble

T-Claps (Recognition):  To the OGs that set South Wake in motion.  Great representation this week from some of the earliest PAX including Howard.  Amazing leadership and great whetstones to reference as we push forward with the 2020 vision.

Prayer:  Those PAX that are working on physical and mental battles among us.  For our service members that keep us safe and guarantee our freedoms.  CrabLegs took us out.

I didn’t lie…this time.

YHC wasn’t expecting much of a turnout with I got 5 onnit starting next door, but was pleasantly surprised to see 8 HIM at Downtown Train for some rock and ab work. YHC was happy to see Master Shake out for some Monday morning fun at Downtown Train.

EC: YHC flaked on the EC, but Nemo, Dovetail, and Pilgrim got after it.

FNGs:  None (Still haven’t had an FNG show up at one of my Qs.)

Warm Up: Standard Lap; 10 burpees OYO, SSH x 50 in cadence, Merkins x 20, fazio arm circles (forward x 25, backwards x 25 in cadence), seal claps x 25 in candence, overhead claps x 25 in cadence, Michael Phelps

The Workout: Grabbed rock and headed to library parking lot for the following rounds (all in cadence).

Round 1: Curls for the gurls x 25, Tricep extensions x 25, curls for the gurls x 20, tricep extensions x 20, curls for the gurls x 15, tricep extensions x 15

50 LBCs in cadence

Round 2: Shoulder press x 25, bus drivers x 25, shoulder press x 20, bus drivers x 20, shoulder press x 15, bus drivers x 15

50 Freddie Mercury’s in cadence

Round 3: Chest press x 25, skull crushers x 25, chest press x 20, skull crushers x 20, chest press x 15, skull crushers x 15

50 LBCs in cadence

Round 4: Squats x 25, sumo squats x 25, squats x 20, sumo squats x 20, squats x 15, sumo squats x 15

50 SSH in cadence

Mary: 10 burpees OYO

Announcements: Frosty Dec 7, Christmas Party Dec 14

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: All PAX and their families traveling this week.

Thank God Deer Don’t Eat Meat

Six 6 Pax for a solid start to the week at Downtown Train.

FNGs: None

EC: Coal Ash, Nemo

Warm Up: Field trip over to Womble. Circled up for 10 burpees OYO, daisy pickers, merkins, good mornings, SSHs

The Workout: Mosey’d over to picnic tables for the following rounds of exercises…

Round 1: Step-ups x 10, SSH x 20, Step-ups x 20, SSH x 40, Step-ups x 30, SSH x 60, LBCs x 50 in cadence

Round 2: irkins x 5, squats x 10, irkins x 10, squats x 20, irkins x 15, squats x 30, irkins x 20, squats x 40, LBCs x 40 in cadence

Round 3: dips x 5, lunges x 10, dips x 10, lunges x 20, dips x 15, lunges x 30, dips x 20, LBCs x 30 in cadence

Round 4: 2 x Peoples chair (10 count each Pax), balls to the wall (10 count each Pax)

Indian run back to home base

Mary: LBCs x 50 in cadence

Announcements: Dec 7 Frosty, Christmas Party,

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Warbucks family, Coal Ash’s grandfather, those who are serving/have served in military


The day prior to Cletus, YHC announced the theme would be the number 21. Warbucks and Coal Ash chimed in on Slack, but didnt show this morning. So I posed the question once more before warmup…crickets. The reason for the 21 is in recognition of, my alma mater, Appalachian State University’s #21 national ranking in the AP poll. highest ever in school and Sunbelt Conference history.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH x 21, Hillbillies X 21, Cottonpickers X 21
The Workout: Took off from the normal warmup area on an Indian run counter clockwise on the track. YHC instructed all PAX to head to the pit behind the Hunt center. Unfortunately the asphalt monster was up this morning too and got him some SlideRule. PAX made sure he was good to get where he needed to be under his own power and we were resumed.

We commenced ta exercis’n, each one with a hill sprint sandwiched in the middle.
Merkins x 21
Prison Squats x21
LBC x 21
Updowns x 21
Imperial Walkers x 21; On the way down from the hill on this one, Yogurt voiced his opinion that he thinks App should be ranked 7th. Can I get down with that? Damn right.
Additional Exercise that I cant remember x 21 and back up the hill to stay thanks to Yogurt

YHC instructed PAX to grab some fence for 21 Durkins

From there, quasi Indian Run to the pavilion adjacent to the playground. (quasi because I called Indian Run and no one Indian Ran :))

Claimed our picnic tables for merkins, durkins and dips. 21 of each with the exception of the durkins. Growing up the son of an Army Officer, I was always told to never ask your reports to do something you wouldn’t do yourself. At this particular point in the Q, that was the durkin.

Another Indian run around the track counterclockwise and then stopping at the playground
Merkins x 21
PicklePounders x 21
WWII x 21

One More Indian around the track counterclockwise and then stopping at the playground. Cha Ching posited that Indian Run heavy Qs are a mumblechatter killer. Damn right.

One last round:
Mountain Climbers x 21
Freddie Mercuries x 21

Mosey Back to the tennis courts for Mary

Mary: Dealers choice: Snap started us off with Shoulder Taps then we went around the world with various exercises (mostly core), everyone doing a 21 count. Almost made is all the way back around when Yogurt called time.
Announcements: CSAUP coming up in December, Christmas Party coming up as well
T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX hanging in there and humoring me for my first boot camp Q.
Prayer: YHC took us out. Crab Legs as he continues on his journey, SlideRule to mend up quick and get back out there.

Developing a Reputation

17 Pax mosied at Paradise City for a high intensity bootcamp. The smell was ripe this morning as Pax set off for EC and continued to linger throughout the workout. Welcome back Kotter (Pilgrim). Special appearance by Roger Roger and his truck.

7 for EC: Lipstick (early or late I’m not sure but there was one pit stop), UTI, Emeril, Full House, Pablo, Warbucks, Skidmark, and Pikachu ran from home.

Q was informed he may be developing a reputation. 2nd Q in a row that has gone longer than 3 miles.

FNGs: I’ve been told my workouts may not be FNG appropriate and the SouthWake site may need to say high intensity bootcamp.
Warm Up: Small mosey lap and circle up for 10 cc SSH, 10 squats, 10 cc lunges, 10 merkins, 10 plank jacks, 10 WWIIs, and 10 American hammers
The Workout: Catch me if you can run around the complex. Partner 1 does 5 jump squats then catches Partner 2. I full lap. Went back for the 6 as Cowboy pulled a Lipstick.

3 man Indian Run from the bottom of the ramp across the parking lot to the stairs.

1 time down 7 SSH, return to start 7 SSH (not done in Cadence)

Next time 7 SSH, 7 squats

3rd round 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 Lunges

4th time 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins

5th round 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins, 7 plank jacks

6th round 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins, 7 plank jacks, 7 WWII’s

7th round 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins, 7 plank jacks, 7 WWII’s, 7 American Hammers

Get the 6 and everyone did 7 SSH, 7 squats, 7 lunges, 7 merkins, 7 plank jacks, 7 WWII’s, 7 American Hammers together

2 groups of Indian runs back around the complex to the start.

Mary: 4 minute plank hold with Peter Parkers and 1 arm up, 1 leg up.
Announcements: CSAUP in South Wake Dec 7. Pikachu and Mookie doing Insomnia run of 13 miles starting at 3:30 AM before U-Turn (WTF)
T-Claps (Recognition): Way to kind this morning Tetnus.
Prayer: Family and community of HS after young girl was killed last week.

10 PAX for AGS

EC: Fonzie, LED, H1N1, Redenbacher

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Standard Mookie Warm up…light mosey around the lot and  alternating butt kickers and high knees, which then morphed into a set of carioca. Squat Hold while YHC explained the route.

The Workout:

Standard Half Marathon route from Womble to the Greenway, around Bass Lake (counterclockwise),  up through Sugg Farm, and back to Womble for YHC, Nemo, and Master Shake. Yogurt ran essentially the same route after CoT.

Bernie and Pilgrim completed their power testing at the Womble loop.

H1N1, LED, and Fonzie continued on toward Ting and back after EC to get in 9 miles total.

Oboe rucked with breathtaker +20…solid work Oboe.

Mary: Not today, we were short on time when we arrived for CoT.

Announcements: Check Slack and Facebook.

T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX for showing up to get some miles. Oboe for a solid Ruck.

Prayer: Continued prayers for Bernie and his family and all unspoken requests.

YHC took us out.

60 Burpees in the WarmUp or Block Work Guarantee

PAX/FNGs: PAX 14 (I am missing one tag – Doc, help me out). FNG’s – None

Warm Up: Slow short mosey around to end of parking lot. 1 Burpee, 20 SSH IC; 2 Burpees, 20 Cotton Pickers IC; 3 Burpees, 20 Merkin; laddering up to 10 Burpees with Windmills IC x 20, OH Clap (aka Ray Lewis’) IC x 20, Morrocan NC IC x 20, IW/HillBillies IC x 20, LBC IC x 20, Shoulder Taps IC x 20 PLUS 5 Burpees for Katniss rolling in late. 60 Burpees by 5:45 am – great way to start the day.

The Workout: Mosey on the path to the back side of the baseball fields where the hill is steepest for 11’s – merkins/BBSUs at the bottom; squats/star jumps at the top; mosey to the rock pile 10 reps, 20 reps, 30 reps…to 100 reps all with rocks cycling through side throws, curls, tri’s, OH press, side bends, wonder bra, bent row for a total of 550 weighted repetitions – with 10 Burpees called out by Katniss.

Mary: No time for Mary (ended on time, but not where we started).
Announcements: F3 Picnic
T-Claps (Recognition): UTI – tough workout with breath-taker and great creativity to raise money for Travis Manion Foundation.
Prayer: Praise for God’s blessings big and small. Healing prayers for PAX in the COT and beyond.

Your social schedule for the next year…

FNGs: Nope!
Warm Up: SSH x25 (mumble chatter about a running workout…), Imperial Walker x15,  Hillbilly x10, Stretching, Daisy Picker (slow) x10. on to the thang..
The Workout: HIM all over Holly Springs this am and some comments about Deer, I mean PAX, on the roads. Great work to the numerous miles out there this am for EC….Too many to mention. The U-Turn was in full effect!
Mary: Not this time
Announcements: Well this was interesting… What started as a notification about 2ndF bbq on 10/12 at Harris Lake turned into a South Wake who’s who of events basically through holding time for next July 4th’s CSAUP….Check slack as my fingers couldn’t catch up past JOCO Convergence next weekend and Christmas.
T-Claps (Recognition): Good seeing you out there again Skidmark! Looking forward to your full return! Also, so many 6 pick-ups today. Really great job men!
Prayer: All PAX recovering from injuries, please try and make sure you reach out to those who aren’t posting and on IR. Keep your shield lock strong!

AMRAP Indian Runs!

PAX of 21 posted at Disney, “Where Dreams Come True” (dreams can be nightmares too) for a BRR friendly workout.  The definition of friendly was debated by Nemo after the workout.  Q was happy to see a large group of #HIM swallowed the DRP and decided to show up for EC (15 in total).  Upon further inspection, he was even more pleased to see that there were no Fritter Quitters.

FNGs: None

EC: Pablo, M4L. Dawgpound, Emeril, ShamWow!, Crosby, Dahmer, 187, Axe, Plex, Pilgrim, Bernie, Pumkin Spice, Nemo, Katniss

Fritter: New Fritters: Bernie, Pilgrim, Crosby, Katniss  Repeat Fritters: Dawgpound, Emeril, M4L, ShamWow!, Pumpkin Spice  Fritter Quitters: None

Warm Up: All exercises in cadence: SSH x 20, Imperial Walkers x 20, Hillbillies x 20, Fazio arm circles 10 forward 10 back

The Workout: PAX split into small groups (3 groups of 5 and 1 group of 6) based on speed for Indian runs.  In there groups, PAX moseyed to the drop-off circle at the front of MCHS where they found benches to complete 10 erkins, 10 derkins, 10 dips, and 10 more erkins while we waited for the six.  Once we regrouped, we moved to the gate that separates the faculty lot from the road for the main entrance.  In their Indian run groups, PAX were instructed to run up the long road to West Lake Rd and do 5 burpess, run back and bear crawl under the gate, run up the short road to Middle Creek Park Ave and do 5 star jumps, run back to the gate, and wash-rinse-repeat until Q called time.  After 30+ minutes, Q called PAX back do the gate to regroup.  While waiting for the six, we completed LBC ICx25, 25 Merkins, SSH ICx25.  Once we all regrouped at the gate, all groups combined for a large group Indian run back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: All exercises in cadence: Low Slow Flutter x 20, Homer to Marge x 20, Freddie Mercury 20 regular and 20 reverse, Pickle Pounders x 20, Have a nice day!

Announcements: Blue Hen 5 year anniversary Q @ cletus with a 5 mile EC that starts at 4:30, Breath Taker charity is the Holly Springs Food Cupboard: Accepting donations of cash (Fritter Foundation is matching all cash donations), food, or time at the cupboard to help in garden or general repairs (meeting there this Saturday)

Prayer: Drew (victim in UNC Charlotte shooting), Crablegs, Bernie’s stepmom, Pilgrim’s father, spoken and unspoken.  Thank you to Pumpkin Spice for taking us out in prayer!

Rocks at the Trot

It was great to be back at the Trot in front of 27 high impact men eager for a “Rock” beat down promised on social media.

FNGs:  None

Warm Up:  Jog around tennis courts.  Circle up in parking lot.  25 SSH, 10 IW, 10 HB, 10 Daisy Pickers, 10 Good Mornings, 10 Seal Claps, 10 Thunder Claps (all in cadence).

The Workout:  Jog to the snack shack.  Lined up in front of hill adjacent to ballpark fence.  Sevens of Merkins and LBCs.  Line up against outfield fence for 25 count people’s chair, 25 count BTTW.  Lots of chatter/commotion as the chain link fence may not have been as sturdy as Q anticipated for said exercises.  Adapt and overcome – headed to the snack shack for 25 count Australian Mountain Climbers and People’s Chair.  Chatter continued as PAX lined up on road in two lines.  Not sure what PAX anticipated but Q began Frankenstein’s, Gate openings and Lunges up the hill.  Mosey to rock pile for medium size rock.  PAX lined up with their rock in two opposing lines.  Q was at one end in the middle leading the following rock exercises with a couple of 10 count breaks in between:  10 count cadence – Curls for the girls, OH press, Tricep extension, Side twists, goblet Squats, Rut-rows.  PAX continued with their rock performing the following exercises on their six:  Homer to Marge, chest press with feet 6 inches off, skull crushers, LSF with rock extended above chest and LSF with rock extended behind head (that was a fun one).  Chatter was minimal.  Hmmm.  PAX finally put their rock down and began 25 count of toe taps, side to side jumps (over rock), front and backward jumps (over rock).  With rock at feet, PAX completed a square circuit beginning 10 R and then 10 L.  PAX switched rocks.  Some Mosey and curls.  Felt like I was back at ROTC Field Training on the parade grounds.  10 Burpees together.  Closed out with 10 cadence counts bicep curls, tricep curls and OH curls.  Return rocks to pile.

Mary:  Various Yoga positions for cool down.

Announcements:  Bottle exchange at LipSync home (whether or not he is home) this Friday; Torch Run; Food Cupboard (need more PAX turnout – See Emeril); Lots of PAX celebrating F3 Anniversaries – Guest Qs coming:  Memorial Day workouts and Murph at 0730 (Womble).  Check Social Media.

T-Claps (Recognition):  Highlighted Rainmaker (Pete McKeon) today as 6th man.  Originally from NY/CT, LEO (20 years); Great F3 naming – during an interview with a person in custody, threw his keys to another LEO and inadvertently hit a sprinkler causing the sprinkler system to go off!  LOL!  Mets fan.  LOL! Active 5-6 months in F3.

Prayer:  Messi has schoolmates involved in a 4 wheeler accident – doing OK; wear helmets!  Injured PAX; Silent / Unspoken prayers.  Thank you Fonzie for leading PAX out today in prayer.

EC:  Messi (bike), Fonzi, Pumkin Spice, H1N1, Katniss, Pilgrim, Bernie, Crosby, LED, Cupid, ShamWow!, Emeril, Dawgpound, Pikachu, M4L, Skidmark (ruck) and The Natural.


An honor leading you brothers – Dauber.