
Careful not to sit on the metal balls (unless you’re into that)

FNGs: None 

10 HIMs (3 Cotters- DOA and Noah’s Arc and Cyclops) posted to GP on a perfect morning for boulders.  YHC brought the music box and discs

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Willie Maze Hays,  Windmills, Daisy Pickers,  Sir Fazio Arm Circles (both directions), arm stretches, 20x3ct SSH.   Mosey to rock pile.

The Workout

Circle of Rock (of course): Mosey to the Rock Pile pick a LARGE rock (if it can be curled by anyone with one arm – it ain’t big enough). Alternate rocks between exercises.

3 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Rut Rows and Ground Pounders and Bus Drivers.

3 sets of 10x3ct:  Rock Press and 1 set of Skull Crushers

1 set of 10×3 ct (10 min abs): Windshield Wipers, Low Slow Flutter, Rockies, Box cutters

2 set of 10×3 ct Rock Spanks (with and without consent), Single Arm Merkins.

Mosey to the Putting Green

6 rounds of Get ‘er in the hole:  Pax take turns putting discs at basket and return to LBCs. Make the put and you can walk to the basket to retrieve discs, miss and you have to Bear Crawl to the basket before you can retrieve discs.

Mosey to the Step up Wall (Careful of the metal balls):

3 sets of 10 Erkins, Derkins and Dips, and Step up kicks. 1 set of 10x3ct Plank Jacks and Split Jacks

Mary: Each PAX calls an 10 ct exercise:  Hillbillies, Low Slow Flutter, SSH, LBCs,  American Hammers, Burpies

Prayer Requests:  Quiver’s sister-in-law cancer, UTI’s uncle struggling with COVID.

Announcements: Ultimate on Monday at Ting (under the lights), Frosty CSAUP next weekend in FV.

T-Claps (Recognition):  75 Day Hard challenge participants, Bobby Boucher and UTI tripling down (U-Turn + GP + SW Dads)

Party Favors at Red October

FNGs:  none

Dauber’s Birthday celebration with kettlebells and TRX strands.

Warm Up: Led Mutiny and Red October PAX in Good am, seal claps, overhead claps, sir Fazios, SSH and Windmills.
The Workout:  Rinse and Repeat (R & R0 (2X) exercises 10-25 reps:

KB Group 1:  Swings, Rut rows, Lawn Mowers

KB Group 2: Figure 8, thrusters, Tricep

KB Group 3: Goblet Squats, Upright rows, Plank Taps

TRX drills with Gump calling the exercises:  YMCA (Up, out, down); Curls, Wings, Squats, etc.  R & R 2X

KB Group 4:  From our six:  KB over chest, six inches, thrusters, straight arm curl

:  Joined Fram for killer AB workout on tennis court.  Have you seen his abs?  Damn.

Announcements: Help Pikachu move on Saturday; Ultimate frisbee next week;  I am sure I am missing something….apologies


THANK YOU so much for your kind Birthday wishes

T-Claps (Recognition):  Great job LED with FV road sign – F3 South Wake; Wedding anniversary of POTS and his M, Kari!

Prayer:  Forceps’ son (David) in the woods – traveling; Injured PAX; Kari and POTS celebrating 25 yrs of wedding bliss – Congratulations!  All men who are married – blessings over you and your loved ones.  UNSPOKEN.

Honored to lead you men.  Thanks Gump for the TRX exercises! -Dauber

Groundin and Poundin

FNGs: None 

4 HIMs posted to GP on a beautifully hot morning.  YHC brought the music box & balls.

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Wind Mills,  Daisy Pickers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (both directions), Imperial Walkers, Hill Billy’s, Arm Stretches, Pigeon Pose Stretch,  20 SSH.

The Workout

Circle of Rock (of course): Mosey to the Rock Pile pick a LARGE rock (if it can be curled or even lifted with one arm – pick another). Alternate rocks between exercises.

3 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Triceps Press, Wonder Bras, Rut Rows and Ground Pounders. 10x3ct:  Rock Spanks (with and w/out consent), 20x3ct LBCs, 10x3ct Mountain Climbers, 10x3ct Heal Taps.  Return the Rocks and Mosey to the basketball court

Heavy Balls:

3 rounds of free throws: one PAX shoots while others exercise.  Shoot from 3 different points on the court (2 free throws and 1 layup) – miss making all three and receive a 2 burpie penalty.

Exercises: Imperial Walkers;  Hill Billy’s, Mountain Climbers; SSH, Squats, Lunges, Split Jacks, Star Jumps, more squats

Announcements: Q exchange this week starting on Monday; Pikachu moving July 31st

Prayer Requests: Praise for Norm getting to the Mexican border safely, Prayer for safety – Forceps’ son on mountain trip with friends this week.

Two Rock Shakur Finally Appreciated

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Upper body warmup for an upper body workout
The Workout: After years of calling it Two Rock Shakur, Fram was the one to finally give YHC props for such a creatively genius name. Four rounds and four corners of Two Rock Shakur: bicep curls (in, out alternating), tricep ext, flys, bent over tricep ext, lateral raises. Tennis Court bear crawls, merkins, lunges, BTTW, Crawl Bears, reverse lunges, wide merkins
Mary: Around the horn
Announcements: 7 year anniversary for Deadbolt workout at Kung Pow, 6 year anniversary continued for Gump at Cletus, Thunder and Ground Pounder
Prayer: Norm and his family move to El Paso.

TRX is No Joke

Seven PAX joined up for some TRX.  It was great to see Smalls and Noah’s Ark out there!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: LED led the warmup for both Mutiny and Red October
The Workout: Round Robin and switch ups of using TRX and Kettlebells. We definitely worked the body with combo squats and bicep curls along with skaters, High Y, and Wide flies, squats, core, etc.
Prayer: For Norm and is family for safe travels and his new venture in El Paso. He will be missed.

Stack’ems and Slides…upside down

9 PAX and a glowing dog showed for Mutiny. The 4 A.M. storm left the weather feeling nice for about 10 mins. No Red October today so all the PAX got BS. Thoughts of going back home were expressed but the pax held strong. Missing a lot of the regulars today. Here is what we did.

Warm Up:
Lap around track
Air squared x20 IC
Mtn Climbers x20 IC
Good mornings x10 IC
Willy Mays Hayes x10 IC
Then out to main road

The Workout:
Indian run down to gas station
Stack’ems up the hill
1 – 5 burpees
2 – 10 squat jumps
3 – 15 merkins
4 – 20 alternating lunges
5 – 25 plank jacks
Run to top, do #1. Run back down, do #1.
Run to top, do #2. Run back down, do 1 and 2.
Indian run back

Tennis court
BTTW shuffle with shoulder taps
– shuffle to right, 5 taps each side, shuffle left, 5 taps
– Fence sit hallelujahs x10
– Rinse and repeat

Freddy Mercury arms crossed x15 IC
Side raises x10 each
American Hammer x15 IC
Pretzel x10 IC each
Superman x10 on Q up/down

FV Ruck event coming this Fall
SW swap week in the works

T-Claps (Recognition):
Fram with EC

Prayer: Clays family
Gamecocks niece out of nicu
Norms unit has covid guy on life support

Strong work today men! Appreciate the lead.

BS Out

Thunder at Ultimate – 01Jul20

FNGs: None tonight
Warm Up:

SSH x10 IC, Daisy Pickers x10 IC
The Workout:

Ultimate frisbee. First 15 minutes each disc drop was 3x Merkins, next 15 minutes it was 3x squats, last 15 minutes it was exercise free.

Walk back to the shovel flag.

4th of July workout at Womble. 7.4 mile run with 1776 reps of exercises. U-Turn and Groundpounder still open.

Forceps 3 year anniversary Q at Groundpounder on the 4th.

No mulching at Bass Lake this weekend.

3rd F meeting at 0530 at the Holly Springs/Crazy Ivan parking deck.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Hardy for the final touchdown!

Our country as a whole. Pax have a few extended family members that are dealing with loss.


FNGs: None
Warm Up: Arms and legs stretches, Daisy pickers, SSH, Imperial walkers, Hillbillies, FAC
The Workout: A circuit of 10 exercises were set up starting from the restrooms down to the shelter near the playground. 20 LBCs, 15 Wonder bras, run to next exercise of 10 Burpees, lunge to weights for 15 curls and 15 overhead presses, run to circle drive for some bear bowling 1/4 way around the circle, running to the picnic tables for 20 sitting back pulls with bands while partner held plank, 20 squats followed by some coyote ugly. Run back up to the restrooms to rinse and repeat until time ran out.

Mary: Joined by LED & Fonzie from Red October.  Freddy Murcurys, Homer to Marge, pickle pounders, 6 inch hold then spread em, back to 6 inch hold and then 45 degrees, spread em and back to 6 inch hold. Diamond merkins, and WWIs.
Announcements: New AO, (sorry Gump I forgot the name), mulch signup for Bass Lake
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Fumungas family with a sudden unexpected death. Struggling relationships.

Got what the body needed

EC: Dawgpound, Emeril, Red
FNGs: None
Warm Up:

We took a field trip to the top of the deck. The music was playing at an appropriate level. I know cause Buford commented on it. It was nice on the top deck. Nice breeze and a nice view.

We circled up and this is where we stayed the whole time.

Some stretches where done. Oh, you want to know what stretches we did. Well, you should have been there. Okay fine. First, we rang out the shoulders, then some spinal twist. Into some barrel rolls. Followed up with some good mornings. I cannot remember everything today. The Creme Brulee donut is hindering my memory before 7:15 in the morning.

The Workout:

8 sets of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. 30 seconds between exercises.

Alternating Swings
Boobity to Boobity
Kneeling Clean to Press
Midget Love Handles. It was supposed to be snatches, but I was whooped. I should have done the snatches. Sorry guys for not doing the snatches.

The Finisher:

2 to 1 Jack Webs. Push-Ups on the Bell to pressing the bell. Started with 10 pushup/20 presses and worked down to 1. This was a good finisher. I’m still holding onto one finisher, but it isn’t RUNE friendly. Guess what we are going to do in July guys. Anyone? Anyone?


Homer to Marge
Toe Taps


Mulch at Bass Lake

T-Claps (Recognition):

Crab Legs

LipSync’s 4-year anniversary Q at the location where it all started

AO: Kenny’s Grave

Date: 25-June-20

Warm Up

  • Run to rock pile and grab a rock
  • Circle up for Warm-up: Side straddle hop, good mornings, Frankenstein’s, imperial walkers, Hill Billies and seal and overhead claps

The Workout – My Greatest (aka: favorite exercises)

  • Barely curling across parking lot
  • Hit the greenway with John Cusack’s
  • Two rotations of squat hold Indian runs with rock
  • Curls for the girls with running lap around the group as the time keeper
  • Rocks spaced out along greenway with alternating bear crawls and crabwalks
  • Jack webs in grass next to baseball field
  • Wonder bras at bathrooms
  • Return walks and jog to Mary


  • LBCs, Freddie Mercurys, box cutters and have a nice day


  • Still openings for mulch spreading this Saturday
  • We need more HIMs to step up to Q. Our Q sheets should be filled out 3 weeks instead of looking for Qers each week.

Prayer Request

  • Our Country
  • First responders and hospital workers
  • Gamecock’s 2.0 due this November
  • Traveling mercies during the summer break