
Pax of 27 @Paradise City for some 210’s

PAX of 27 at Paradise City for some 210’s

@CHiPS, @Emeril, @Crosby, @Skidmark,@Turtle Man (2.0), @Peak Week, @Nemo, @Mookie, @Sting, @Foghorn, @PSI, @Hasselhoff, @Pablo, @Yogurt, @8-bit (2.0), @Breach, @Patch, @Shredder, @Lucky Charms, @Doc, @Obi Wan (2.0), @Brony, @Lipstick, @UTI, @Peeping Tom, @Forceps, @DawgPound

EC: CHiPS, Emeril, Crosby, Skidmark, Dawgpound, UTI, Mookie, Nemo, Lipstick, Peeping Tom, Webex, Pablo

Long warmup jog ~1 mile

½ mile jog with warmup exercises – Good Mornings, Windmills, Fazio Arm Circles, Stretches

The Workout:

21’s at the tennis courts

20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – Merkins

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 – Squats

Total:  210 of each exercise

Jog to the guardrails – x30 dips

x15 each LBC’s, Freddie Mercuries, Low slow flutter

Good Mornings, Windmills, Stretches to wrap it up


Friday section 105 game at Salamanders

Anyone that’s planning to attend the csaup in Greenville on the 28th that may have a truck? Patch would like to go and wants to bring his friend Brandon, but we need help/space to haul his chariot


Forceps MIL Diane

Pablo’s son Donovan having surgery this week


Crosby’s sons dad out of recovery.

Lipstick completed his first sprint Tri this past weekend


The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit

“Complaining is contagious”

“Is what I’m about to say helpful?”

“Is it going to build up or tear down?”

“Is it going to benefit those who listen?”

“Am I talking to the person who can really help me?”



U-Turn with Kotters and BRR

Good number for U-Turn.

Ranges from 5 – 9.5

Welcome FNG Whiteout


Crawl Space

2 PAX got stronger at Ivan with a full body kettlebell routine that yielded 4 sweat angels

Warm Up

Quick jog around the lot

SSH X 15

GM X10

Fazio Arms X 10 (F/B)

Daisy Pickers X 10

Stretch (Right Leg over Left, Left over Right)

Arm Stretch (Right Across body; Left Across Body)


The Work Out

Each PAX occupied a parking space with kettlebell for 2 Rounds of full body exercises

Legs- Goblet Squats X10,  Alternating Leg Lunges X10, Squat thrusters X10

Following the 3 exercises, PAX bear crawled to opposite parking space across the lot for a series of non-kettlebell exercises

Standard Merkins, Curb Merkins (Right\Left) X 10

PAX lunge walked back to opposite space across parking lot for next series of kettlebell exerices

Shoulders-Upright rows X10, Quick Feet Shoulder Presses X10, Bus Drivers X10

Bear crawl to opposite parking space

Erkins, Derkins, Carolina Dry Docks X10

Frankstein walk to opposite parking space back to Kettlebells.

PAX retrieved kettlebells and went for a walk with alternated Cusacks and Farmer Carries to the far end of the lot and back to the originating parking spaces.

Arms Kettlebell Curls X 10 (each arm), Overhead tricep presses X20

Bear Crawl to opposite parking space

Merkins, Erkins, Dips X10

Lunge Walk to opposite parking space

Back– Kettlebell Swings, Merkin Rows (5 Left Side, 5 Right Side)

Bear crawl opposite parking space

LBC X 15, Freddy Mercury’s X15,

Lunge Walk to opposite space

PAX retrieved bells for a Cusack\Farmer Carry Walk

After 2 rounds were completed, work out ended with 6 inch hold kettlebell presses X 10 and a series of plank holds and arm\leg stretches






Yogurt get out of the Street

24 Pax made their way down to the Paradise City.

EC: Pikachu, UTI, Roger Roger, Pablo, Crosby, Nemo, Deadbolt, Skidmark

Fartsacks: Breach

Warm-up: One lap around the complex with 25 merkins, 15 SSH, 10 IW, 10 Hillbillies, and 10 Cotton/Daisey Pickers

The Thing: Mosey across Main St for 11’s. Burpees at the top and Jack Webbs at the bottom. Run to first tree do 1 burpee, back to start for 10 merkins/30 overhead presses. Run to second tree for 2 burpees and back to start for 9 merkins/27 overhead presses. So on and so forth.

Mosey back to the complex for Brokebacks with a partner. 10 each and then run up the hill by the ticket booth. 10 each at the top. Run back down and 10 each at the bottom.

Mary: 22 WWII for missing Breach, 10 Peter Parkers

Welcome FNG Axe (Like the body spray)

185 total Merkins and 2.85 Miles along with 55 Burpees

Announcements: 4th of July South Wake Convergence 0630 Disney

Prayers: Roger Roger’s grandfather, Forceps’ son, Crablegs, unspoken

The Man Strikes Again

The Warmup:

Quick lap around the parking lot.  We then circled up:
25 Cadence Count Side Straddle Hops
10 Cadence Count Fazio Arm Circles Forward
10 Cadence Count Fazio Arm Circles Backward
15 Cadence Count Good Mornings
10 Cadence Count Right Leg over Left
10 Cadence Count Left Leg over Right
10 On my Down and on my Up Merkins

The Thang:

Partner Up for the following Dora
Dora of 100 Overhead squats (Each Member does 100 Reps)
200 Kettlebell Cleans
300 Kettbebell Swings

While Partner A is doing the exercise Partner B is John Cusacking around the Parking lot with their Bell

Finish with Burpe Roma Listening to the “The Man” From the Killers.  Instead of Side Straddle Hops we worked on our Love Handles by doing the Side Crunch with our Kettlebells.

6/23/18 Ground Pounder

7 PAX came out for the beat down.

Warm up:

10’s –  Good Mornings, Windmills, Imperial Walkers & Hillbillies, Fuzzy Arm Circles, arm stretches, Daisy Pickers

The Workout

  • 10’s SSH, Standard Merkins, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Burpies (for the tardies)

Rock Shock -(pick a big’n)

circle up rotate rocks around circle between sets

  • 4 sets of 10’s – Curls, Overhead Tri-press, Squats, Press, Windshield Wipers

Cousac to the bathroom wall

Wall of Pain:

  • 70 count Balls to the Wall
  • 10 Burpies

Cousac to the Playground

Aik’n Station:  Break into 3 groups rotate stations clockwise

  • Aik’n Legs –   15’s Box Jumps, Lunges, Split Jacks, High Knees
  • Aik’n Arms –  15’s Dips, Derkins, Erkins, Shoulder tap Merkins
  • Aik’n Belly –   15’s LBCs, 6 inches, Rocky’s, Pickle Pounders

Rock Suicides in lawn: Pair up and chose one rock. 1 planks while other sprints to sidewalk and back

  • 2 sets: Standard Rock Planks
  • 2 sets: Crab Planks

Tunnel of Love X 2 – While Pax plank side by side, one by one someone crawls under the tunnel of planking pax.

Return Rocks to pile and mosey back to lot for COT/BOM


6/27 Wrangler Virgin Q @ Possom Trot (Action Park – 5:30AM)

4th of July Convergence @ Disney (Middle Creek Park 6:30AM) so invite your neighbors

Healing Transitions needs us- 2 PM Fridays at the Arena- Pick a Friday and HC

Review and share the FB Post from the F3 founders.

Prayer Requests:  Pax on the DL (Draper, DD, Crablegs), Safe travels for Pikachu’s family (sister in-law headed to Korea and the rest headed to Yellowstone).

Cletus – Like Clock Work

Warmup:  Jog to East Parking Lot, Side Straddle Hop, Moroccan Night Clubs, Imperials, Windmill and arm stretches.

Main Event:

Jog to Main Stage – Box Jumps/Monkey Humps – 3 sets @ 20

Jog to Side Softball parking lot – Around the Clock (using the parking blocks) Clockwise at each exercise, Dips, Erkins and Derkins – 3 sets @ 20 shuffling down Spiderman style to the next parking block.

Dora – 50 Dimond Merkins, 100 LBC and 100 Squats

Rock Clock – around the clock, each PAX called out Qty and exercise with rocks

Mary: Ab work outs: WWII, Freddy Mercury, Merkins, American Hammers


Announcements: Convergence July 4th at Disney (Middle Creek), Arena today @ 2:30 – see Pikachu’s post on FB if interested.

Prayers: Awesome brother CrabLegs, Unspoken

Crazy Time Gets Legit

8 Pax said screw sleep and showed up at 4:30AM to get an extra beat down in on a humid Friday morning. Extra kudos to Yellow Card – YHC certainly wasn’t waking up at 4AM to work out at 15.

No FNGs, so we went off and did our thing:

1 mile

100 Pullups

200 Merkins

300 Squats

1 mile

Various set patterns per usual – shout out to Skidmark for doing the first 10 sets at 10 pullups/10 merkins/15 squats and then finishing from there. Getting stronger bro.

We had a quick CoT and then (most of us at least) went off to our regularly scheduled 2nd beat down of the morning.

Based on three weeks of good attendance in a row Crazy Time is now a thing!

Aye! ~ Pikachu

Say Happy Birthday to my little Brony

Pax of 20 showed up @ Paradise City to celebrate Brony’s 38th Birthday

PAX: 187, THE Dawg Pound, CHiPS, Doc, Skidmark, Forceps, Roger Roger, Brony, OCR, Crosby, Midget for Life, Mookie, The Natural, Breach, Peak Week, Shredder, Lucky Charms, Magic Band, Foot Fault, Emeril

EC: CHiPS, Roger Roger, 187, Mookie, Crosby, Skidmark, Emeril

Vests: Everyone wore the vest of humidity

HC Fartsacks: N/A

Excuse lexicon addition: N/A

Warm Up:
1/2 Mile Jog –Karaoke on the jog
½ Mile Jog – SSH x38 for Brony’s Bday, x10 Imperial Walkers & x10 Hillbillies, x13 Cotton Pickers, x10 each way Fazio Arm Circles, x30 dips

The Workout
Dora on the Ramp
Partner up. Each partner responsible for x100 Merkins, x200 LBC’s, x300 Squats.
One partners does their exercise while the other partner runs to the top of the ramp.

On the run – x10 WWII’s, x 20 low slow flutter, x25 Merkins

Total running ~3.0 miles

Total Merkins – 125

Breach/Skidmark have co-Q next Monday at Paradise City

July 4th Convergence 6:30am @ Disney

Magic Band is affiliated with a group “Truth in Nature” – —  Their mission is to reach, inspire, support, and engage young men from fatherless and single parent homes in understanding their purpose as Christian men and helping break the fatherless cycle in society today.  Relates to the scripture that CHiPS referenced this morning.

Prayers: From Skidmark – Snots is in recovery from his heart attack. Keep him in your prayers. Peak Weeks uncle is undergoing lung surgery today.

Scripture: Proverbs 22:6 – “Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”


Pax: Breach, Forceps, Pikachu, The Natural, Mookie, Farva

6 Posted for a little fun at Jones Park

Warmup lap around the pond, circle up for 22 reps of Imperial Walkers, Daisy Pickers, and Merkins

Mosey over to Veterans Park for a Pax Choice workout, Scout run around the pond with a stop for each pax member

  1. The Natual-  22 count merkins, big boy sit-ups right leg step ups, left leg to step up and side straddle hops.
  2. Forceps– Each pax member Bear crawl around the veterans memorial while the rest exercise, (Mountain climbers, derkins, merkins, chill cut plank hold squats)
  3. Pikachu– Each pax member does 10 pull-ups while the remaining pax does 10 merkins
  4. Breach- Fun with rocks 22 reps (Curls for the girls, Sumo Squats, Truck twists, Tricep extensions and Overhead press)
  5. Mookie– 22 reps (Carolina Drydocks, Irkins, Standing Mountain climbers, merkins)

Mosey back to Jones Park

6. Farva- 22 count (squat pulses, six-inch leg lifts, supermans, 23 hand release merkins)

Ended with a snake style run up and down the hills behind the baseball diamond.

COT- Prayers for the men out in the community that do not have a father figure to look to on FAthers day weekend. Happy Early Fathers day to all the dads in the pax.

Message- Go out into the community and be a positive influence, The ripple effect that we have can never really be measured but we should always strive to be that stand up individual that others can look at as an example.

Closed with prayer