
We did a lot

FNGs: Welcome FNG Paycheck (Gavin)

Warm Up:
Mosey by soccer fields to half pipe for SSH, merkins, sir fazio arm circles, seal claps, OH claps.

The Workout:
1. 7’s on the half pipe
Squats on 1 side, lunges on the other, 1 merkin on sidewalk each time.

Mosey to parking lot by playground

2. Partner merkins
Partners ran opposite directions. 1st meeting 5x brokeback derkins, 2nd meeting 5x pattycake merkins. 4 rounds were completed.

3. Step-ups/knee tucks
Partner 1 did 10 step ups while Partner 2 did knee tucks (hanging or on swings). 3 rounds were completed.

Mosey to soccer fields

4. Indian bear crawl across soccer field
PAX lined up head to feet and held plank position in 1 line. PAX in back bear crawled to front until we made it across the field.

5. Evolution of man (crawl, walk, run)
Inch worm to 1st blue line, crab walk to center field. 21x LSF, 21x pickle pounders. Sprint the remaining half field.

Alphabet Abs and popcorn exercise: homer 2 marge, heels to heaven, LBCs,

Announcements: See social media, Bondo’s retirement Q next week

T-Claps (Recognition):
Fram for rocking the 30lb vest all week, including EC.
PAX for their donations to UNC last week.

Fram’s co-worker Tim, Swisher Sweet’s family member
YHC took us out.

Baby Yoga at Disney.

Several PAX had indicated over a couple of months that we should do more stretching or yoga during a workout.  YHC thought what better time to drop it on my 2 year celebration week.  40 min of  yoga from a non-YOGI master.  Names of moves and fluidity were suspect, but nonetheless we made it through. DRP taken!

FNGs: John P. AKA: Cheesy Tots
Warm Up: SSH, SFAC, Frankenstein’s
The Workout: Various Yoga poses.  Don’t know all the names, but we moved through Vinyasa’s, Triangles, Warriors, Reverse Warriors, Runner pose, Twisting Triangle, Etc…etc…..etc… Groan, grunt, cuss, Groan….breath……hold breath…..breath……groan, cuss, breath again……..CUSS!  “Damn that was fun, different and great! Let’s do it again sometime.” said various PAX’s.  Cue a “That’s what she said line” by Quiver every 30 sec during the ME.
Mary: LBC, Rev LBC, Full LBC, Butterfly’s, Two hand heel tap, Oblique V-ups, Scissors.
Announcements: Too many to list, check Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Woody’s son traveling to West Coast, Family in Golf cart accident. Fram daughter in NE.

Caveman Peak And Valley

EC: Dawgpound, Emeril, Dahmer
FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:

Foot Trace
Spinal Rotation
Ring out the shoulders
Fazio Arm Circles or Blah blahrm blah blahs
Neck stretch

The Workout:

We went over the two options for the game. Remember the game from onnit. Start at four reps for three exercise. If you finish in enough time then increase the reps from 4 to 6. If you don’t finish the reps in time you lose your recovery time.

Option 1:
Switch Squat
Side Draw
Option 2:
Switch Squat to forward lunge
Front Draw
Battle Lunge (Reverse Lunge to start uppercut
We then did 20 minutes of work. 45 on 15 rest.


6 minute abs!!!

   3 rounds
       10 Seconds Plank
       10 Seconds Knees to elbows
10 Seconds Mountain Climbers
20 Seconds Hug your knees
20 Seconds Bicycle
       20 Seconds Russian Twist
20 Seconds Bowl

We had time and did some downward dogs and pigeon poses.


Happy Holidays

T-Claps (Recognition):

Dawgpound and Emeril for keeping the Steel Mace and kettlebell workouts going

187 M

Fanny Packs M

Last Weeks Caveman

Yep I forgot to do this last week.The weasel hasn’t shaken me down just yet, but I figure I should record this for history.

This workout was advertised as shoulder light and leg light to heavy. I think it lived up to the advertisement.

EC: Kettlebell swings: Dawgpound, Emeril, Pikachu, Dahmer. Red was a lonely runner

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:

We did some bounces and some other onnit warm ups. It was a week ago and I don’t plan the workouts. I’m sure we traced a foot once or twice.

The Workout:

5 Rounds
Hallow Hold Press 10 Each side (Chest Press with legs straight and off the ground)
Switch Grip Reverse Lunge 10 Each Side
Uppercuts 10 Each Side
Romain Deadlift to Single Leg Romain DeadLift (10 Each Side) Weight on post leg
Rotational Row Twist 10 Each Side
Overhead Squat 10 Each Side


I cannot remember what we did for Mary. I will have to make sure I do these the day off from now on.

There was an Epic Christmas Party on Thursday
T-Claps (Recognition):

Fanny’s M
187 Wife

Thankful for Burpees?

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Jog around the soccer field. Getting back to start, 1 PAX was late parking his brand new shiny pickup, so 5 burpees OYO were called. Then we got to SSH x20, Wind Mill x10, Bat Wings (Fozio arm circles forwards and backwards, seal claps and overhead claps all x20)
The Workout: Thing 1: 7 of diamonds (an exercise at each of the four corners of the baseball field, each round increasing by 7). The gates between the fields were locked, so we ended up running a bit further than planned. Ended up getting a little over 2 miles total. Rounds went like this:
Round 1: 7 burpees (total of 28 burpees all around)
Round 2: 14 WWIIs (56 total)
Round 3: 21 squats IC (84 total, half were standard and half were narrow)
PAX did a good job picking up the six along the way. Time was running out, so it was back to the parking lot for a bit of Thing 2.
Thing 2: Ascending Curb Crawls: PAX started on one side and bear crawled to the other, where they performed 1 derkin. Bear crawl back, 2 derkins. Repeat two more times with 3 derkins and 4 derkins respectively. Mosey the short distance back to start.
Mary: Not necessarily a Mary exercise, but we did 20 more Fozio arm circles (forward and backward), which felt great after bear crawls. 20 American Hammers finished things up.
Announcements: Frosty CSAUP 12/5, Beer Ruck 12/12, F3 Christmas Party 12/17
T-Claps (Recognition): Everyone for picking up the six.
Prayer: Quiver and his family, Quiver’s friend and his wife, 187 and fanny pack and their families, Flo Joe and his family traveling.
Moleskin: PAX were asked to think of something that they are thankful for on this day of Thanks. Family, faith and the brotherhood of F3 were all mentioned. This year has been a particularly difficult year, one that has probably affected everyone in one way or another. Even in the gloomiest of times, it’s important to take time and reflect on the things that we can still be thankful for. Keep your head up.

Didn’t we do this last week?

EC: 500 swings – Dawgpound, Emeril, YHC; Run – Redenbacher, Emeril

FNGs: Not today
Warm Up:

SSH – was supposed to be x10 IC but we went to 40 while we waited for Pablo to get one in after arriving a little late. He took his time.

5x Burpees OYO for the late arrival
Hips in a barrel
Foot trace
Single leg hinge
The Workout:

Pyramid Building – start with one exercise, go through each round with the right arm followed by left. After each right side 30s chillcut plank, after each left 30s low plank hold. Add an exercise each round until all are added, then repeat once more and then we made it to one round on the way down before we were out of time.

Turkish Getup x1

Overhead squat x10

Upright row x10

Uppercut x10

Bow Draw x10

Death March x10


Bobby Boucher was asked if he wanted more merkins or more squats. He said he could always use more merkins so we did Sally with merkins.

Freddy Mercury x20 IC

Low Slow Flutter x20 IC

American Hammer x10 IC – mace optional

Upcoming ruck events. Christmas party.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Bobby Boucher for getting after it in these first few weeks. Great work!

Steamboat for posting without Wiggly while Wiggly works his way off the IR. Impressive for an 18 year old!

187 & Tracey.

Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Strong

Today our work was focus on being slow, holding the pose, and getting stronger. Thus we slowed it down as we built our pyramid.

We did a small number of Turkish Getups. I don’t know why guys don’t like Turkish getups. This is surprising to me. I think it is a problem that we are not doing enough Turkish getups in our workouts.

500 KB Swings: Dawgpound, Emeril, Pikachu
EC: Cupid
FNGs: None
Warm Up:

Bounce with Me
Foot Traces
Hips in the Barrell
Fazio Arm Circles Forward/Backward
Ring out the shoulders
Emeril’s Neck Stretch

The Workout:

3 Turkish Getups Each Arm

3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
10 Uppercuts Each Side
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
10 Uppercuts Each Side
10 Halos Each Side
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
10 Uppercuts Each Side
10 Halos Each Side
15 Bent Over Rows Each Side
3 Turkish Getups Each Arm
5 Back Bow Draws Each Side
5 Overhead Squats Each Side
10 Uppercuts Each Side
10 Halos Each Side

3 Turkish Getups Each Arm


6 Minute Abs — Everyone loved it.
T-Claps (Recognition):

187 and Tracy

No Running in the Cave

Lots of chat going into this workout about if YHC could Q a no running workout. Happy to hear that my reputation preceeds me – hopefully this broke the mold a bit.


None today
Warm Up:

SSH x50

Straight leg hinge x10 each leg

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 forward/backward

Spinal Twist x10

Windmill x10

The Workout:

5x burpees

5x turkish getups with the mace – pax were told they could all be on the same arm. They knew that that meant.

4 corners starting at the entrance to the parking deck – at each corner:

  • 10x ballistic curls IC
  • 10x switching lunges IC
  • 10x lever deadlift each side
  • 20x low slow flutter w/mace cantilevered overhead

To transition along the short way pax plank shuffled and pulled the mace through. This seemed like a good idea on paper but was actually terrible – mainly because of the noise.

To transition the long way pax performed walking grave diggers. T-claps to Dawgpound and Emeril for excellent form demonstration here.

After 1 lap we repeated 5x burpees and 5x turkish getups. We then did overhead press while moseying back to the far corner for another set of our exercises, then moseyed back to the start doing overhead press for our last set.


20x American Hammers (WITH MACE) – apparently this was a lot. Lots of mumble chatter, not a lot of hammers by the end.

20x dying cockroach (WITH MACE) – this was an awesome modification to this exercise. On softer ground would be nice, but this should come back.

20x Homer to Marge (WITH MACE) – nothing needs to be said.


Bass lake mulch is DONE. Huge t-claps to all pax that got out there, some 4+ times.

Holly Springs Food Cupboard workday coming up. Keep an eye out for an announcement from Dumbo.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Dawgpound and Emeril for recognizing the need for another no-running option and teaching us all how to (kinda) know what we’re doing with these maces.


Moby and his family for his dad’s passing. Fumunga and his M for their expecting.

YHC took us out.

BRR Caveman

FNGs: Nope.
Warm Up:

Quick lap around the lower parking date
Circle up for the following
Side Straddle Hop
Side lunges
Bat Wing with Randies
Forward Fazio Arm Circles
Backword Fazio Arm Circles
Seal Claps
Overhead Claps

The Workout:

A pyramid that took to long

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20/20 Uppercuts
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20/20 Uppercuts
5/5 360
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20/20 Uppercuts
5/5 360
20 Tricep Extension

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20/20 Uppercuts
20 Tricep Extension

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20 Tricep Extension

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
20 Tricep Extension

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
20 Tricep Extension

Ran out of time

Mulch sign up. Please finish it this week

T-Claps (Recognition):
All BRR participants

There was an Axe but it wasn’t used

EC: Dawgpound, Cowboy, Katniss, Red, Emeril
FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:

Circled up at the top of the parking deck.

Foot Trace
Tootsie Rolls
Hip Barrels
Spinal Twist
Shoulder Shrug
Neck Stretch

The Workout:

10 Reps Bow Draw to the Side Each Side
10 Reps Uppercut Each side
10 Reps Squats switches
5 Reps Bow Draw to the front. Each Arm
5 Reps Uppercut with Lunge each side
5 Reps Lunges to Squat Switches. Each leg

Did the Onnit game workout. 45 seconds work 15 seconds of rest. If you finish early increase the number of reps by 2. Start at 4 total for each exercise. If you take longer then 45 seconds decrease the number of reps by 2.

Bow Draw Series
Uppercut Series
Squat Series


Onnit 6 minute abs – Up to 6 minutes or 30 rounds. No stop keep ongoing
10 Second Plank
10 Second Plank knees to Elbows – Nice and Slow
10 Seconds Mountain Climbers – Nice and Slow
20 Seconds Situps Hug your knees
20 Second Bicycle nice and slow
20 Seconds Russian Twist
20 Seconds Bowl


Mulch Sign Up

T-Claps (Recognition):

Unspoken prayers