
Q less

Warm Up: SSH, good mornings, wind mills, fazio arm circles back and forward, overhead claps, seal claps, 10 merkins.
The Workout: pax’s split into 6 for mutiny and 3 at Red October. While mutiny did a popcorn Q Pots, Gump and I knocked out some upper body exercises with bell

30 curls, 15 each side lawn mower pulls, 30 rows, 15 each side press, 30 squats, 10 normal 10 diamond and 10 wide merkins, 30 triceps, 30 press.  Exercises were repeated at 20 per exercise.
Mary:the pax’s met up for Mary and each chose exercise as we went around circle. 20 LSF, 10 each side v ups, homer to marge, 5 burpees, heal taps, 10 x and o’s, 10 ex icon homer to marge 6in to 90 degree leg raises
Announcements: dec 5 breach is working on a rucking  surprise. Dec 12th frosty csaup. Mamas house still needs door to feed families for thanksgiving. Can donate cash on line as well
T-Claps (Recognition): Banana seat for taking the Q while in town for a day
Prayer: Frams co worker, safe travels, families and marriages during this time, 187 wife. Be thankful for what we have and don’t take for granted.

Australian, cause it’s upside-down

FNGs: Enron (friend of Kosher’s)
Warm Up: 5 burpees OYO for a late arrival. Side Straddle Hop x15, windmills (aka Don Quixotes) x10, Hillbillies x10, Imperial Walkers x10, Fozio Arm Circles, 10 forward / 10 back, seal claps x10, overhead claps x10
The Workout: PAX mosied over to the far parking lot.
Thang 1: Diamonds: different exercises at the four corners of the parking lot. Increase by 5 each round.
Shoulder taps x5, squats x5, Merkins x5, WWIIs x5
Next round was a 10 count, then 15, 20 and finally 25.
Mosied over to the amphitheater.
Thang 2: People’s chair with each PAX doing a 5 count down the line for 40 in all. Switch to balls to the wall, with the same count. Two rounds of this and then we mosied over to the rock pile, taking a short cut behind the playground.
Thang 3: rock work. PAX were told to grab a “medium” rock. Exercises were Curls for the Girls x10, triceps x10 and Wunderbras x10. Dropped our rocks and rotated a random number to the left, repeat. We did this for four rounds before we mosied back to the tennis courts for Mary.
Mary: American Hammers x10, LBCs x10, Box Cutters x10, Freddie Mercuries x10, Homer to Marge x10, Pickle Pounders x10, Australian Snow (Sweat) Angels x10
Announcements: Half Marathon on Saturday, Breach’s TedTalk is 11/17.
T-Claps (Recognition): Kosher for bringing out his friend and Enron for making the trek from North Raleigh.
Prayer: Lots of PAX have family members that need healing right now.

Feeling the burn at The Nest

I’ve been traveling around the eastern time zone since we sold our house September 3rd. I was able to post in Lenoir and Statesville and saw some of their different exercises and wanted to bring that pain to Southwake.

FNGs: None but Kitty Litter had his first post in F3 SouthWake. Recently moved to Fuquay and used to post at Churham.
Warm Up:
Some Southwake standards –
– SSH 25x IC
– Imperial walkers 10x IC
– Windmills 10x IC
– Hairy Rockettes 10x IC – think Frankensteins but kick to your opposite hand like a Rockette dancer.
– SLS (Single Leg Sucks) 5 each leg – stand on one leg, bend over touch your ankles, walk hands out to plank, down to chill cut, back up to standard plank, walk hands back to ankles, stand up straight is 1. Do 5 continuous on each leg, with your “up leg” never touching the ground.
– 5 burpees
The Workout:
4 different things today. Lots of merkins, animal movements, and circles of pain.

#1 – E.M.O.M. – Every minute on the minute. At one end of the parking lot, do 5 Mountain Merkins – a mountain climber + merkin combo that prevents you from getting into too much of a rhythm. After the reps, sprint to the opposite side of parking lot and mosey/walk back for your recovery. Next minute do 6 reps before run, then 7, etc, up to 10.

#2 – Wheel of Animal Walk. Frog hop from one curb across the lot to the other. Do 10 merkins both hands on the curb (irkin). Bear crawl back, 10 merkins right hand on curb left on pavement. Duck walk across, 10 merkins both feet on curb (derkin). Crab walk back, 10 merkins left hand on curb right on pavement.

#3 – Ring of Fire. The Q set out 8 different exercise cards in a circle. I expected the arms to be smoked after 85 straight merkins, so I was nice and this was mostly leg/ab exercises. Do AMRAP for your card for 1 minute, then rotate around the circle until all PAX have done all exercises (no breaks in between). Q chose forward lunge, Homer 2 Marge, reverse lunge, standard squats, LBCs, side squats, SSH, and goofballs.

#4 – Bear Crawl Ring of Fire. Usually do this in circle but Q wanted to use the curb so we did a line of fire. Crawl the length of the curb, then all PAX plank hold while each PAX does 5 irkins (each PAX counts their own so the next PAX knows when to go). After last PAX completes, bear crawl back to the other end of the curb. All PAX hold in the up position for doing dips, while each PAX does 5 dips in cadence (count your own cadence and the other PAX respond with your count). Another bear crawl, 5 Mike Tysons each PAX, bear crawl back and 5 dips in cadence again.
Q wanted to do Johnny Cash – it burns burns burns, the ring of fire – but we all had arms aching. So we opted to do squat hold while each PAX did these exercises
– Mountain Climbers 5x IC
– Low Slow Flutter 5x IC
Hardy asked if we could switch to planks so we did that an then:
– Plank Jacks 5x IC each
– Pickle Pounders all together 10x IC
– Freddy Mercury 25x IC
– Have a nice day!
– TED Talk on Slack tonight at 8pm
– ULTIMATE convergence at Ting next Monday (Mutiny / Red October will be closed)
T-Claps (Recognition):
All PAX getting some extra practice counting cadence
Florence/FloJo’s wife has job interview today
Gamecock has some uncertainty at his job after changes
Boy George continued safe travels

Honored to get to lead everyone. Hope you enjoyed the new stuff!

Sticks and Stones

FNGs: None
Warm Up: One lap mosey around soccer field. SSH, Good mornings, Frankenstein’s, SFAC forward/backward, OHC, SC.
The Workout:  2 groups. Rd 1 merkins (Wide to narrow) on rocks and Pull-ups. 1 PAX was timer with two logs with handles (45+ lbs) walking around playset. Each PAX took a turn getting the logs around the circle. Each completion we rotated from Merkins to pull-ups. Rd 2 Shared Leadership on Abs and upper body with rocks. Log timer still in play. Rd. 3 Rock Derkins and Pull-ups. Log timer still in play.
Mary: Billy Blanks, LBC, Reverse LBC and Full LBC
Announcements: Ting Park for Ultimate frisbee on Nov 2nd. 5:30am. 10 Year F3 anniversary at Cape Fear. MOvember (grow your stache for men’s health awareness and give to various charities.
T-Claps (Recognition): EEC for LED and Fonzie , EC for FED-EX trying out the foot after a nasty spider bite.
Prayer: Co-worker of Fed-ex has brain cancer and husband went back to home country for last days.  Husband is wanted due to helping American Military during war. Unspoken

Early Voting at The Nest

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Four corners mosey with SSH, good mornings, imperial walkers, hillbillies, willie mays haze, and Michael Phelps
The Workout: Benjamins (the name will stick of I keep doing it)! 4 rounds of 5 reps at each of the 5 light poles. PAX voted for their exercise of choice. Starjumps over burpees, merkins over carolina dry docks, monkey humpers over jump lunge, and squats over high knees.

One round of Welsh dragons to 10 (uuuhhhggg), and 2 rounds of irkins, dips, lunges. Finishing up with some bat wings in people’s chair.
Mary: heels to the heavens, american hammers, box cutters, boat canoes, side crunches, zoomers
Announcements: Toiletry drive/ruck this week, see Slack
T-Claps (Recognition): PAX participation in the Mama’s house food drive. EC: Norm, Fumunga, Buttermilk, Martini
Prayer: Fumunga’s coworker’s wife in the ICU with Covid, Dovetail’s recovery and move

Crazy Ivan & 27 Years of Bliss

FNGs: None
Warm Up:  Saw that Crazy Ivan was open on the Q sheet and ventured back to an ol’ friend.  Pre-blast mentioned heavy weights, kettle bells, running and the number 27.  My wife an I were celebrating our anniversary. More to come.  30 SSH, 10 Sir fazios, 10 OH claps, 10 seal claps, windmills, good am and 7 burpees OYO; mosey through bottom parking deck to the chagrin of Pumpkin Spice.
The Workout: PAX partnered up.  One PAX farmer carried two 50lb dumbbells (complements of Popinski) and walked 27 steps.  PAX dropped bells and ran back to his partner requesting help (similar things happen with our spouses, e.g. car breaks down, flat tire, etc). While the farmer’s carry was happening, Other PAX were engaged in 10-27 count exercises that included swings, tricep curls, upward rows, halos, figure 8s, lawn mowers, ground pounders, bend over squats.  Once everyone had a chance to Farmer Cary, YHC threw out a trip to the store for some milk.  One PAX of the two-man team ran up & down the stairs and then around the building.  More kettlebell exercises including plank slaps, soccer bells, squats, etc.  Emeril and Dawgpound helped out lead exercises when YHC Was taking a trip to the store.  Balls to the walls for a 27 count followed by 4 quick burpees OYO.  I asked the PAX if they got eggs at the store.  Nope.  We all have heard that before, right?  Back to the store running around the building.  During the workout, I asked each PAX to learn three things about his wife/girlfriend. (exception with Hardy).  Their new info would be shared later.  From our six, we did more kettlebells including nipplers, straight arm curls and 6 inches.  Midget love handles, upright rows, and overhead from our knees.

Mary:  held various plank and Superman positions learning three things new about each PAX member’s wife/girlfriend.  YHC shared some marital bliss thoughts/input with FloJo adding to my soapbox.  Finished with some stretching over good mumble chatter about working at your marriage.  Love language book.  Great read.  Communication a must.

Announcements:  HS Food Pantry/Cupboard workday; Ruck to Mama’s

T-Claps (Recognition):  celebrating 27 years of marriage – thank you God

Prayer: YHC took us out.  PAX And PAX’s spouse looking for employment; those impacted by COVID-19; UNSPOKEN.

Honor to lead.


Golden number 27 twenty seven made of inflatable balloon with golden ribbon isolated on white background

We Don’t Do Bear Crawls Here

YHC took his first Q of the ship at Mutiny today! Always a great crowd, always hard work, but never bear crawls! At least, that’s the joke made by LED after YHC apparently chose a pretty tough bear crawl routine this morning. Always great to see the Fuquay Fellas!

EC’ers: LED, H1N1 (who peaced out prior to workout to do something even more important…celebrate his boy’s 14th trip around the Sun! Way to make a great move HIM!)

FNG’s: nope
Warm Up: Pax warmed up alongside the Red October crew before splitting. Moseyed around the parking lot for some Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio’s, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Bent Over Seal Claps, Bent Over Overhead Claps, and SSH.
The Workout: Moseyed over to the short hill by fences and field. YHC had quite an array of counts while doing this routine. Merkins at the bottom and Fence Squats at the top of the hill. Merkin counts on the bottom were: 20, 21, 17, 7, 9, 12, and 7. Squat counts at the top were: 25, 20, 13, 8, 9, 20, and 30. Finished with 7 counts of standard, diamond, wide-grip, and hand release merkins at the bottom. YHC purposely kept most counts random to eliminate Pax predictability. At one point, I heard some mumblechatter wondering if we would spend the whole workout going up and down this short hill with two exercises…maybe an idea for the future! Mosey over to the bleachers next for a more predictable 2 rounds of 3 exercises. We did 30 dips, 25 step-ups, 15 close grip bleacher merkins, 20 step-ups, 15 close grip bleacher merkins, and 25 dips. Arms and shoulders starting to get torched!

We made our way to the tennis courts for 25 ct. prisoner squats, 25 ct. sumo squat jumps, and 25 ct. prisoner squats. We then did a bear crawl suicide routine. Starting at the fence, each Pax would bear crawl to a tennis line and perform a burpee, with each line adding a burpee. We did this across two full courts, giving us 8 runs of bear crawls with up to 8 burpees. Several Pax did an additional bear crawl to pick up the 6 toward the end.

Pax then journeyed out to the nearby wall for a all pax 20 count of People’s Chair, before returning inside the courts for Mary.

Mary: With Red October men re-joining, we held a plank hold for an all Pax 10 count. 40 WW1’s, 15 LBC’s IC, 10 WW1’s, 15 LBC’s IC. Have a nice day!
Announcements: Great 3rd F events this last weekend. Plenty of food and monetary donations to Momma’s House in the FV and great work done at the HS Food Cupboard. HIM’s galore! Breach is organizing hygiene ruck for this Thursday…check Slack!
T-Claps (Recognition): Bebop for not giving up on the bear crawl suicide and pax for talking him up as he finished. This is what it’s all about!
Prayer: Schools, our nation, Pax to be mindful to stay safe in COVID. Breach took us out. I think I’ll take this ship out sailing again soon…honor to lead!

Womble 400s

5 for some 400s and upper body work at Cletus Friday 10/2/2020.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Mosey to rock pile for rock, then over to the concession stand at the baseball fields.

5 burpess (OYO), SSHs, merkins, windmills, daisy pickers, fazio arm circles forward > backwards > seal claps > arm circles forward > backward

The Workout:

Partner up.

Round 1: Partner 1 (400 m lap around one side of the baseball fields); Partner 2 Curls for the Girls until partner returns. Swap.

Round 2: Partner 1 (400 m lap around one side of the baseball fields); Partner 2 tri ceps until partner returns. Swap.

Round 3: Partner 1 (400 m lap around one side of the baseball fields); Partner 2 overhead press until partner returns. Swap.

Round 4: Partner 1 (400 m lap around one side of the baseball fields); Partner 2 chest press until partner returns. Swap.

Mary: No time.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Disney Tempo Stuff

I was excited to see the challenge presented by Sham Wow to mix things up at Disney in OCT with a little Q competition. Some of our AOs have seen a decline in attendance as we have grown as a region and I think it’s great to encourage guys to change things up from time to time. That said, every AO is important, every day, no matter the numbers, no matter if it’s the best epic beatdown of all time. Even if it’s a PAX of 1 (this has happened several times the past few months and I have had it happen as a site Q myself). Guys are out there for a reason so let’s keep supporting in the spirit of Freed to Lead (if you haven’t read the book you need to). If you’re like me, one of those F3 fringe guys, you never know what you’re gonna get when you roll into the parking lot.

I love me some Disney. It seems to always live up to the old billing as the greatest place on earth and I was happy to take the Q. So happy, I broke out my old Mickey Mouse shirt for an added laugh from the PAX. I have been struggling to make EC on time, often pulling into the lot around 0507 only to have to play chase if there are others out there, so this morning I made an extra push to get there on time and was greeted by ShamWow who had already finished a mile but came back to pick me up. I appreciate his confidence in me making it on time and the accountability along the run.

We returned to a small but strong crew who appeared ready to put in the work and hoping it lived up to my short pre-blast. I told everyone we would be on the move and doing a lot of stuff in tempo. I like changing it up a bit and introducing tempo stuff to help with focus on form and quality over quantity. Some might say it does not lend to an epic beatdown, but I always find it to be effective and rewarding.

FNGs: nope
Warm Up: jog around the lot then some regular stuff including Goof Balls, originally introduced at Disney early in my time as Site Q.
The Workout: Headed out on the mosey to tackle what would be 4 stops along the way. Hit the bottom of the hill behind the field and I announced if anyone wanted to “take the hill” they would have to return on their own later – not in the mix today. Stopped off the side of the road and did  sets of SSH ICx50 and Plank Jacks ICx10 – did anyone think a Nemo Q at Disney would not include at least 100 SSH? Back on the mosey up the road and stopped at some of the posts. Did 3 sets of deep tempo squats ICx10 and tempo merkins ICx10. Back on the mosey down to the side lot but found the benches broken so kept going and used the benches behind the back door for 4 sets of tempo dips ICx10 and plank hold-shoulder taps-plank hold. Mosey to stairs behind school for 5 sets of tempo merkins ICx10 at the bottom and BTTW ICx10 at the top. Mosey back to flag for Mary. 2 miles total on the mosey and there was very little recovery – really did not stop moving/working the entire time.
Mary: Quick round of some core stuff
Announcements: Sign up to help out at HSFC this Saturday details on slack or reach out to Dumbo, Fanny Pack on the Anniversary Q at Crazy Ivan, Hardy competing at Ninja competition tomorrow
T-Claps (Recognition): Fanny Pack for Thunder/Disney double down and 1-year anniversary, ShamWow taking the early start to EC and getting a mile in before picking me up at 0505
Prayer: Praise and prayer for Bondo’s family and his granddaughter leaving the hospital – amen! Prayers for FloJo for his continued working down in Wilmington area, for his wife seeking additional employment as a PA and for our F3 brother Hardy who has another Ninja competition tomorrow, and prayers for the family/friends/F brothers of fallen F3 brother who lost his life serving in the line of duty. YHC took us out after a silent 10 count for unspoken.

Normageddon, Part 3: No time to roost

YHC’s 2 year anniversary tour continued at The Nest where we had great temps but definitely no time to roost. After a solo EC, YHC returned to the parking lot where a handful of PAX were preparing for what was to come.

It was an honor to lead as always and I’m thankful for those who showed up to encourage and push me. It means more than you guys know.

FNGs: None

Warm Up:
Mosey around the parking lot
SSH x 20 IC
Frankensteins x 15 IC
Daisy Pickers x 15 IC
Good Mornings x 10 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC

The Workout:
We moseyed over to the baseball field which has never before been utilized at The Nest as far as anyone could remember.
Start off with 5 burpees at home plate > bear crawl to 1st base > plank hold for the 6 > do an arm exercise (Round 1 = Merkins x 10) > Lunge walk to 2nd base > squat hold for 6 > do an ab exercise (Round 1 = WW2 x 10 IC) > crab walk to 3rd base > squat or plank for the 6 > do a leg exercise (Round 1 = squats x 10 IC) > crawl bear to home plate > plank hold for the 6 > complete the round with (you guessed it) 5 celebratory burpees and a victory lap around the bases.

Round 2: R&R plus 5 reps (15 @ each base)
Round 3: Pax chose to change the exercises to Carolina Dry Docks @ 1st base, LBC’s @ 2nd base, and Monkey Humpers (thanks a lot Gump!) @ 3rd base – plus 5 reps (20 @ each base)
Round 4: R&R minus 5 reps (15 @ each base)

That was all we had time for so moseyed back to the parking lot for Mary…

American Hammers (x 15 IC)
Freddie Mercuries (x 15 IC)
Box Cutters (x 15 IC)
Homer to Marge (x 10 IC)
Homer to Marge – right leg up (x 10 IC)
Homer to Marge – left leg up (x 10 IC)
Have a Nice Day!

Mulch on Saturday; Adopt a highway on Sat. @ 6am at Needmore Park

T-Claps (Recognition): Great work HIM! > Congrats on the new job Finkle!

FloJo traveling and family challenges; pray for our nation – healing and recovery from COVID; Finkle’s new Job