
And this concludes Brony’s April participation

FNGs: None

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IW x 10 IC
  • HB x 10 IC
  • GM x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Merkin x 10

The Workout:

PAX moseyed to the tennis courts for a sequence of 4-Corners.

Rd 1:

  • 7 merkins
  • 7 merkins + 14 lunges
  • 7 merkins + 14 lunges + 21 shoulder taps
  • 7 merkins + 14 lunges + 28 squats


  • PAX in single file plank hold; indian run via bear crawl
    Across 2 tennis courts and back.

Rd 2 (in reverse)

  • 28 squats
  • 28 squats + 21 shoulder taps
  • 28 squats + 21 shoulder taps + 14 lunges
  • 28 squats + 21 shoulder taps + 14 lunges + 7 merkins

After the tennis court session; we moseyed to the clubhouse patio area for 3 rounds of

  • Derkins x 10
  • Irkins x 10
  • Dips x 10

Followed by a couple minutes of preachers chair. arms up, out, etc.


  • American Hammers x 15 IC
  • Boat Canoe x 15 IC
  • 100’s (flappy arms; Q counted)
  • 5 burpees OYO

Announcements: None

Prayer:  Baby Weston’s continued fight.

Backtits at Captain Caveman

Warm Up: mosey, ssh x20, daisy pickers,good mornings, foot trace, sir fasio arm circles and thumbs up
The Workout:  all exercises are with weighted mace

1st set- wonderbra x10 in cadence per side, arm extension plus curl in cadence x20, push up with arm lift x10 per side

2nd set- side plank with arm extension x10 per side, bridge press x20, burpee x5

3rd set-45 second exercise 15 sec break- barbarian squat, bow draw, bent over row

4th set- 45 second exercise 15 sec break- lateral lunge, lunge w/ joist, behind the head pendulum(don’t hit those back tits)

5th set- wonderbra x10 in cadence per side, arm extension plus curl in cadence x20, push up with arm lift x10 per side

Mary: ring around the Mary
Announcements: see slack
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: pumpkin spice household over covid, Dumbo recovery

DB and M4L 2020-21 Reunion tour kickoff

I love Disney.  It’s always been one of my favorite AOs.  I remember the beta opening and Co-Site Qing it with Kid Cracker.  So much to do, well lit, away from homes and no cars.   🙂  So that’s why this morning, M4L and I decided to leave those grounds and head for a dimly lit, residential street with more cars that I counted on!

We wanted to bring back an old favorite – the Jamison Park hill.  Jamison Park was the original 12 Oaks (look it up) and it was great to see 7+ pax from the 12 Oaks hood make the journey to the east side for our Beat Down.

I planted the Shovel Flag on this 35 degree, cold, damp, foggy morning as 25 #HIM showed up in various clown cars.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: At 5:30 on the dot – we were off.

  • Mosey out of the soccer field parking lot and head to Middle Creek High School.
  • Stop at first intersection – Merkins x 20
  • Hand Release Merkins x 20
  • Mosey to end of road near Jamison Park entrance
  • I forgot what we did
  • Quick disclaimer to use your inside voices and we entered Jamison Park

The Workout:

Thang 1:  Pakistani Dora

  • Gather at the bottom of that big ass hill (At Jamison Park Drive and Wesley Ridge)
  • Partner up for Pakistani Dora – one partner runs hill – other partner does reps with cumulative counts
    • Turkish Get up x 100 (audible to 75)
    • LBC x 200
    • Squats x 300
  • It sucked but great effort
  • Even great effort by the White Accord that was paralyzed for several minutes by the sheer amount of man candy beside her car


Thang 2:  The 7-11

to celebrate M4L’s first job in America – we moseyed to the half pipe for a round of 7-11s

  • In the half pipe – do a set of 7s with Squats one one side – Star Jumps on the other side (6-1, 5-2, 4-3, 3-4, 2-5, 1-6)
  • When you cross in the middle at the bottom – do 11 merkins (every time)

Jail break to flag


Bondo will be turning double Respect on Saturday so he led us in Mary

  • Side plank dips
  • Pickle Punders


  • Social tonight at bombshell – HIM only – so M or 2.0
  • BBQ

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Praise to Bondo son for coming thru surgery


  • Peakweek co-worker
  • Fanny M
  • 187 M
  • Breach Mother

Here was namorama:

Breach took us out with a great message

2020 South Wake Frosty CSAUP 12/5

On a crisp December morning. Well not so crisp but it was December 20 HIM congregated at Possum Trot for the 2020 South Wake CSAUP..Ruck Style. That’s right all of us were carrying rucksacks with the appropriate weight inside. Trust me I checked. Cadre Breach was joined by Cadre Blue Hen and Cadre M4L. We kicked off the first workout at the Trot with Fonzie at the helm.

@Farva, @Dawgpound, @POTS, @Blue Hen, @M4L, @Finkle, @Bondo, @Alpine, @Flannigan,

@Fanny Pack, @Dauber, @Bingo, @Pikachu, @Latiner, @16-Bit, @Sprinkler, @LED, @Fonzie, @H1N1 and

@Breach on the Q

Possum Trot Q #1 BB (Fonzie)

25 days of Christmas

Chestnuts Roasting (Chest press with the ruck)

Hanukkah Billes ( Hillbillies)

Reindeer Rows (Rut Rohs)

Imperial Nutcrackers

Santa Squats

Taint Tinsel (Swings with the Ruck)

Merry Merkins

Abominable Snowman (LBC’s with the Ruck)

S-Hat Burpees (10)


After the Trot workout, we hit the pavement for our trek to Mutiny. There were 5 coupons in play 2 Firehoses, 2 Pain Sticks, and a sandbag. The load had to be shared by all so everyone took turns embracing the suck. Sprinkler decided to take a dive in the ditch and almost took himself out before we got to his Q. The pax only racked up 2 violations along the way.

Mutiny Q (Sprinkler)

Arrived to have 2 penalties. With pack 20 merkins, took the pack off for overhead press for the second penalty. Off to the parking lot. Lined up to do Irkins, Derkins and dips on the curb with crab walk and lunge walks from one side to the other for a total of 4 rounds.

Moseyed to Rockpile and claimed a partner. Partner 1 curls, bus driver, rut rows while partner 2 ran to 2nd light poles. Rinsed and repeated. Ended with 5 burpees OYO.

The Pax was given 5 mins to rehydrate, refuel and repack before getting back to the action. The pax were allowed to leave 1 coupon behind and they voted to get rid of a pain stick so we left that behind in the support vehicle. We pressed on to the next AO..The Nest. Upon arrival at the nest we grounded the coupons and the packs for the Nest Q via Finkle, there were no violations on this part of the trip.

Nest Q (Finkle)

Pax was taken down to the walls and the fence line for some Balls to the wall and people’s chair sets. On the first set we counted to 25 for Balls and seal claps to 25 till we got all the way around and then set 2 we did shoulder tap Ball and overhead claps. This continues till we got down to decreasing by a 5 count each round.

Second activity was bears and dans.  Bear crawl two parking spaces than did Lt Dan Taylors building each time up to 10 squats and 40 lunges.


Pax was given another 5 minutes to rehydrate and refuel, we lost H1N1, Fonzie and LED after this AO. The decision was made to leave the sandbag and a pain-stick behind for good behavior. Onward to Casino Royale. Along the way Cadre Blue Hen decided to have the pax do some Indian Runs. The back 2 guys run to the front and tuck in behind the flag bearers. During the journey he had them try to beat his timer, Flannigan with wings of glory ran ahead of the colors which resulted in a violation for the pax.  Which was assessed by him when we arrived at Casino Royale. 22 Diamond Merkins with the packs on.

Casino Royale (Fanny Pack)

BOMBS at the Casino. With a lot of the wall working and bear crawling already taken, YHC had to go to a hybrid plan C. @Dauber knowingly chose a number of reps to start with (15) and @Farva unknowingly chose B1 -Burpees rather than B2- bench presses with the ruck. 2 groups Indian run with no rucks in opposite directions. When groups meet, we did BOMBS. 15 burpees OYO, 25 Overhead Press with a ruck, 35 merkins, 25 big boy sit-ups, and about 3 minutes of squats.  Both groups got around the large track twice. YHC did call an audible and chose mercy over punishment and ended the squats about 20 seconds early. Honored to be a Holly Springs Pax and allowed to lead today with my brothers in the Quay!

Pax was given the last 5 min break of the day for hydration and fuel before stepping off for the final leg back to Possum Trot. Once we got to the railroad tracks Blue Hen decided to take the pax down the iron highway. The trek was slow going as the town of Fuquay did not place railroad ties very symmetrical to each other. We got a bit spread out due to the uneven terrain, but we got back in line for the final push up the hill and back down to the trot. We dumped our packs and coupons for the final time and headed to tennis courts to get smoked one more time by 16-Bit.

Possum Trot #2 (16 Bit)

PAX lined up on one sideline of the first tennis court to perform what I’ve named a Crab Boil. PAX crab-walked to the corresponding sideline of the next court where we performed 15 crab cakes in cadence. Resumed crab walk to the next court and did 15 crab bumpers (inverted pickle pounders). We were supposed to crab walk to the same sideline on the next court but a silver sneakers tennis tournament was starting to show up and that last court was getting occupied so our last crab walk was only to the sideline on the other side of the court we were on. When we got there we did 15 crab jacks in cadence.

The aforementioned tennis tournament stopped us from being able to rinse and repeat so we audibled to batwings which consisted of 10 of the following, forward arm circles, reverse arm circles, seal claps, and overhead claps.

We headed down the hill towards the baseball fields and circled up for Mary. We started with 20 American hammers in cadence and then went to Dr. W’s. These are one of my favorites but always cause a lot of confusion. It’s an 8 count exercise that we lost count during so I stopped after 7 or 8 of them. We finished up with an LBC circuit of regular, reverse, and side LBCs.


We ended in a very large COT with some great messages passed about our involvement in the community and our impact on others. We closed in prayer and got back to the front of the park for some very much needed coffee and biscuits courtesy of Forceps.



Bday Q #2

It was a little cooler this morning than yesterday but at least it was dry. Good to be back at The Nut with some familiar faces and a great showing with 13 total PAX in attendance. Thanks to all for coming out this morning and allowing YHC the honor to lead.

FNGs: None

Warm Up:

After the F3 mission statement quiz/refresher we did a quick mosey around the parking lot and circled up for
– Good Mornings x 10 IC
– Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
– Windmills x 10 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
– Hillbillies x 10 IC
– SSH x 20 IC

The Workout:

We moseyed to the side parking lot where it became apparent that another group (Gladiators?) had infringed on our territory so we continued the mosey around the back to avoid potential conflict with the offending party. We settled on the circular loop for a modified version of 4 corners. PAX numbered off and split into 4 groups 0f 3 (and one group of 4 to account for the odd number).

Each round consisted of 4 exercises – one at each cone. Traveling between cones took place via alternating between crab walk, bear crawl, crawl bear, and lunge walk. At the completion of each round, we moseyed to the gate and back (roughly 200m round trip).

Round 1 – 20 counts of each exercise: Merkins, WW2’s, Carolina Dry Docks, LBC’s
Round 2 – 15 counts each: Squats, Dips, Squat Jumps, Low Slow Flutter
Round 3 – 10 counts each: Merkins, WW2’s, Carolina Dry Docks, LBC’s
Round 4 – 5 counts each: Squats, Dips, Squat Jumps, Low Slow Flutter

We collected the cones and moseyed back to the front of the school. After partnering up, partner A ran a lap around the parking lot while partner B did an exercise until partner a returned then partner A did the exercise while partner B ran. Round 1: Irkins, Round 2: Dips, Round 3: Step ups

With 5 minutes remaining, it was then time for…


American Hammers x 20 IC
LBC’s x 20 IC
Homer to Marge x 10 IC w/ each leg up


CSAUP this Sat.

YHC BDay Q continues tomorrow @ Possum Trot

Beer mile coming soon – check FB/slack for details

T-Claps (Recognition):

Thanks to Moby for the chance to lead his site.

Good to see Flanagan out on the EC run.


Moby has a friend whose 6 month old has an abdominal obstruction.

Prayers for those struggling with health, finances, marriage, mental health. Reach out to those you haven’t seen in a while and check in. You never know who may be struggling silently.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead this morning. It was an honor. We are stronger together.

Burpees, Busch Latte & Biscuits in an Eddie Van Halen Tribute at Kung POW


This morning – we honored the passing of a great one – Eddie Van Halen.  It was great to see the 12 Oaks Clown Cars roll up.  Midget almost jumped the curb in the Lexus.  YHC had been up since 3:15 and was fire’t up – lets do this

FNGs: None

The Workout:
Warm Up:

  • Double D took the flag and led us out of Wescott and over the the Church back parking lot.  We played a little frogger on Sunset Lake Road
  • I found a bluetooth speaker in the mulch so I decided
  • Gathered in a circle – YHC explained who we were honoring.  To begin the tribute – the Pax did “Burpee Eruption”  this was continuous burpees through the 1:30 Eddie Van Halen classic solo – “Eruption” – that sucked
  • Good Mornings x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x 10
  • Imperial Walkers x 10
  • Hillbillies x 10

Thang 1:  Running with the Devil

Van Halen Fact:  They started out named The Broken Combs, later became The Space Brothers, The Trojan Rubber Company, and then Genesis. Upon finding out the latter name was already taken, they changed their name yet again to Mammoth.  In 1978 –  Eddie was just 23 years old when they released their debut, self-titled album.  It had 11 songs and was only 35 minutes in length.  The opening track was “Running with the Devil”

11s while Running with the Devil played on loop

  • Bottom of Hill – Merkins
  • Top of Hill – Squats
  • 5k pace on the run or faster

Thang 2:  “Panama”

Van Halen Fact:  Released in January 1984.  This was the final full length album to feature the original members.  This album produced the bands only #1 single on billboard – Jump.    The kid on the cover was based on a famous Italian work of art called a “Putto”

Do this as a group – in a circle – no breaks – no rest – all to “Panama” on repeat

  • 60 Body Weight Squats (20 per round)
  • 60 WW1 (20 per round)
  • 60 SSH (20 per round)
  • 30 Burpees (10 per round)
  • 60 Mountain Climbers (20 per round)
  • 60 Merkins (20 per round)

Thang 3:  Hot Summer Nights

Fact:  Eddie Van Halen could never read sheet music.    Gene Simmons produced their 1st demo disk.   5150 named after mentally disturbed person.  Sammy wanted to name the 9th album FUCK but settled on just using the letters For Unlawful Carnel Knowledge

  • Cackalaca Choo Choo  (All this to 5150’s “Hot Summer Nights” on Loop)
    • Pax in a plank hold in large circle
    • 1 pax goes around the circle jumping over feet of planing pax
    • Every two jumps – he does a burpee
    • Next pax leaves and goes around

Double D led us back to my truck with shovel flag flying!


  • Low Slow Flutter x 20
  • LBC x 20
  • Have a nice Day


Dumbo 3rd F at Holly Springs Food Bank

T-Claps (Recognition):


  • Unspoken
  • Famunda with some job uncertainties
  • YHC took us out


2nd F

  • We had sausage biscuits and Busch Latte

Don’t drop it!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey to Church Parking lot. Asked the PAX what the Mission statement is for F3.  We had a couple correct answers so we only had 5 burpees. SSH I/C 15 Std, Double Time I/C 15, Smurf Jacks I/C 15. Sir Fazio Arm circles. 10 I/C small to large. Repeat reverse. OH Claps, Michael Phelps, Seal Claps OYO. Good Mornings I/C 10 slow.
The Workout: Divide into 2 Teams, Half got rocks.  Cones set up at varying distances with a 15lbs, 25lbs, 40lbs. PAX had to John Cusak the weight to area behind last cone. Run back throw the frisbee to other team member. Finish same exercise through all three cones. Each a little farther apart. Rd 1 > frisbee drops were 2, 4 & 6 reps. Depending upon cone location. While Frisbee was thrown all remaining PAX did various Exicons and alternated between the groups. I/C was set at 15. We rotated rocks 1/2 way through.  After Round 1 we had only done 14 burpees. Lots of great throws and catches. Rd. 2 > we repeated same set up but frisbee drops were set at 5, 10, 15… Ended up with another 60 burpees after the last round. 84 burpees in total. Not everyone finished  but we came close.
Mary:  In workout
Announcements:  Watch Social Dilemma on Netflix, Dumbo needs some help for HS 3rd F drive, Deadbolt Qing next week.  Dumbo Shared his WHY.  (Who he is, How he got here and whY he is a HIM in F3)
T-Claps (Recognition): All pax had to say a praise and a prayer.  Family, leaders, Relationships, Jobs, Jesters, Friend’s House,
Prayer:  YHC short close after the Praise and Prayer.


“The race is the celebration of all the hard work and training.” I can’t remember where I heard this quote but I thought it most appropriate for this week.

19 Pax posted this morning, surprised by the gross humidity that reared it’s ugly head again. Plan was for 3 miles and then some stretching. 3 Pax held true and did the turkey leg for 5 miles.

FNGs: Surprising no
Warm Up: IW, Hillbillies
The Workout: 3 mile loop and 5 mile loop
Mary: Various positions of stretching
Announcements: The longest mulch project in the history of mulch projects continue
T-Claps (Recognition): Wallaby securing a new job
Prayer: Moby’s family due to his father’s health

Q-Duel Cletus – Sprinkler 1 year anniversary and the BIG 50!

EC:  Katniss, Boy George, Dahmer, Nemo, Norm, Flyby from Vasoline

FNGs: Welcome @Fanta
Warm Up:  Mosey to the far lot to keep the noise down a “little”.  10 X Fazio Arm circles FW & REV, 15X Overhead Claps, 10X Imperial Walkers, 10X Hillbillies, 20X SSH
The Workout:

It was a celebration week for Sprinkler.  He had his 1yr F3 anniversary this week and turned the big 50 today.  RESPECT!  What better way to celebrate than an F3 party!  41 STRONG today.  Nice showing F3Southwake, way to end the HS Q-Duel week!!!

Count off by 2’s and divide up.

1’s with Sprinkler and 2’s with YHC:

1’s stayed in place for Round 1 11’s , 2’s headed to the lot by the Rock Pile for Round 2 11’s

Well the plan is below, but since we split up I can’t speak for both groups.  I can say that there were a lot of bear crawls for the 2’s and a lot of modifying on the fly (for time!).  I heard group 1 got in a lot of Bear Crawls also and that was the main plan; so all went well.  The surprise for me was the Pavillion intermission which turned out to be a beast!  We had a Round 3 planned just in case, but not a chance on that one!  I’m sharing and saving the workout below because I would like to complete it as written sometime.  It’s a great start to a CASUP if you ask me!

We even had an FNG today.  Welcome Fanta, from San Diego and use to work for Pepsi!


Round 1
Merkins jog between sides
prisoner squats
Dips 10, 15, 20X w/ BTTW in-between
Rock Pile
2 sets
10 overhead press, 15 triceps curls, 20 curls for the girls
Round 2
Plank hold bear crawl in between
star Jumps
15 pickle pounders
2 sets omnit abs – 30 sec each – rocky boboa’s, spoon hold, American Hammers
15 box cutters
Round 3 if needed
trip around the soccer field
stack each corner
10 burpees,
15 diamond Merkins,
20 Monkey Humpers,
25 LBC’s


Mary:  1’s got in some work, 2’s did the rock work hoping to watch the 1’s bear crawl but didn’t happen
Announcements:  Bass lake mulch.  Sign up!, Q-Duel coming to FV next week.  Show some love, check Slack
T-Claps (Recognition):  41 strong!
Prayer:  Woodard family (good news on the no cancer front, keep the prayers coming), Prince Family fire dept chief, pray for recovery from Covid.  Etrade (Patricia), Dauber and family for their trip to Texas, Florence and family as he works in Wilmington for 14 weeks (you and Hardy will be missed at Cletus!)

Midget, your ride is waiting for hill work and EC……..???

Q-Duel Train Rolls on right through the heart of the Happiest Place on Earth! The House of the Mouse welcomed 23 PAX from all over South Wake – and even as far as CARPEX!  It’s truly an international house of pain.  YHC rolled in about 0445 just because I was up, and noticed a truck in the lot. Flag set, Pablo rolled in and coming up the hill is Banjo (Already out on the golf course trails since 0435) “Midget is supposed to be here at 0500….”  I’ll leave that here for now. Fanny Pack checked in. YHC heard the tell-tale Nemo sounds coming in hot at 0504. We’ll wait and see if Midget still shows too. Ha. Off we go for EC.

PAX gathering and overheard Goldilocks saying he was waiting outside of M4L’s house as his ride… no show… Apparently he was doing “hill work” somewhere?? OK – 10 burpees Midget OYO.

Co-Q’d with the one and only Pablo Escobar!  His triumphant return to Disney as Q was as expected.

Warm Up: YHC lead mosey on to the soccer field which was littered with 45lb plates and corner posts for soccer. Navigating and cutting mosey short we circled up (literally around a circle mid-field). 50 SSH IC, Frankenstein x10, Standard Merkin x20, Daisy Picker x10, Sir Fazio 10F/B  Mosey back to the lot (it was dark and hard to see) for count off. 1’s and 2’s form M4L Run Lines and follow your Q’s.

The Workout:

At the high school we broke into two groups. Group 1 stayed to take 4 rides around the corners, Group 2 went to Hot Dog Hills.

Group 1 – Broke into 2 smaller groups for 4 corners.  5 Burpees OYO, IR to Corner 2 – 15 Plank Jacks IC, IR to Corner 3 – 15 Prisoner Squats IC, IR to Corner 4 Mickey Mouse Merkins. Repeato. Group 1 did a prison break at 1/2 way points into Corner 2 and 4 second time through.

Group 2 – 11’s on Hot Dog Hill. Star Jumps at the top of the hill, Mickey Mouse Merkins at the bottom.

Groups did this for about 12 minutes and switched.

Overheard: “They’re dropping like flies”

Back to the Flag for Mary in our IR Groups 1 & 2.

Mary: Pablo-special – Mix of LSF, Box Cutter, Homer to Marge, Freddie Mercury, Pickle Pounders (Getting ready for Labor Day!), Have a nice day.
Announcements: Last day for Holly Springs Q’s ends at Cletus tomorrow, Fuquay starts Monday at Mutiny. Bring donations for Healing Transitions – Next week’s focus is on Toiletries (Noted that Fuquay doesn’t use mouth wash – so HS PAX focus on non-alcohol based mouth wash).
T-Claps (Recognition): Pablo for Co-Q today and the STRONG showing from the 12 Oaks boys. Thanks for your support this AM!!  Flanigan for stopping off to help Fonzie through his back issues AND still doing Star Jumps while attending to him!!
Prayer: Fonzi – Hope you are recovering well today.  All those in recovery and dealing with mental health issues. YHC took us out.