
Cletus gets a younger Q. The year of Katniss!

EC:  Katniss, Full House, Maybelline, UTI

PAX:  Katniss, Full House, Maybelline, UTI, Yogurt, Doc, Fanny Pack, Tetanus, Kosher, Dahmer, Abe, Roger Roger, Snap, Florence, Hardy, Oboe, and Poop Eater

FNGs: Nope

So I have to poke fun that Cletus indeed gets a younger Q, unfortunately the previous Q can put most 20 year olds to shame and we will just have to see about the new Q, although I expect him to at least carry on the impeccable cadence and count that you have come to expect!

As a side note, Poop Eater and UTI were in rare form, and brought much comic relief to the workout.  Yes, I do think it’s appropriate to group Poop Eater and UTI antics together.

Warm Up: 10 Fazio arm circles forward and back, 10 overhead claps, 10 seal claps, 20 SSH, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbillies, 10 Daisey Pickers
The Workout:

1) A modified 4 corner Stack’em around the soccer field, 10 Squats in cadence, 10 Merkins, 10 LBC’s, and 10 Mountain climbers in Cadence.  Sprint log sections, Mosey short sections.  Subtract exercise on the next lap

2) Mosey to the rock pile, 15 curls for the girls, 15 overhead press, 15 tricep extentions.  Split Indian run around the baseball field, repeat exercises with rock and head back for Mary

Mary: Popcorn from the Pax
Announcements: Frosty (well it’s too late you missed it), Oakwood 24 event for healing transitions, Christmas party next Saturday
T-Claps (Recognition):  Yogurt’s leadership for Cletus for the last year!
Prayer:  Kosher’s cousin’s family, Quiver and family

How do you come up with this stuff?

YHC rolled in with 2 mins to go while others kept rolling in as well. Went to get my shovel flag set up but the M had the trunk full so no time for shovel. Instead stuck the flag in the fencing by the tennis courts. FIA lady wanted a selfie with someone for a game so let me know if I show up on an adult cheating site. YHC was hoping for 6 for the new exercise we would try out and got 9. Perfect! 8 seconds until go time, no FNG’s. Let’s do this!

Warm Up:
Strong mosey around the ball fields stopping 4 times for some warm up exercises.

Plank jacks x20 IC
Windmills x10 IC
Goofballs x20 IC
Donkey kicks x10 IC (off dugout wall)

The Workout:
Mosey to field near rocks (groups of 3)
MĂ©nage Merkin x10 3 rds
– Chillcut position for two PAX while third man does inverted merkins off back and shoes
*Credit to Doc for naming these and also stated “I think it’s harder on the bottom” (That’s what she said)

Grab a schmedium rock
Lunge each leg then prisoner get up with rock across field. 40 yds

Colt 45’s – biceps then triceps (form)
Freddie Mercury‘s x20 IC to catch out breath

Broad jump brockee back across field
Low slow flutter x20 IC
Colt 45’s – biceps then triceps
*Snap’s comment earned the title for this BB “Where do you come up with this stuff?”

Return rocks and mosey to shelter.
Alternating side step ups on picnic table between benches.
True abyss Merkins x10
Mosey back to tennis courts

Dying cockroach x20 IC
Pretzel x20 IC (both sides)
J-lo x20 IC

Slack and FB for details

T-Claps (Recognition):
HIM trying new ideas

Quivers family and his new job

YHC’s first post to TBD. Hope to be back soon. Always an honor to lead.

BS Out

Cyber Monday Shopping

FNGs:  None

EC:  Not exactly sure.  But Slide Rule was on his six mumbling about questioning whether or not he had made the right decision this morning and a few other PAX looked shwetty (Abe, Coal Ash, Nemo perhaps).

Warm Up:  PAX of 9 came out for some Cyber Monday shopping with Dauber.  Took a tour of downtown with a nice jog to get the body warmed up.  Headed down to check out the deals happening with Dawgpound and the Pax doing Onnit.   A gaggle of shoppers out early this morning looking for sales in the cozy garage.  Lots of kettlebells, yoga mats, a piece of furniture and electronics.  We continued on our jog window shopping the brick and mortar shops on Main Street.  Pace Yourself Run Company had the best holiday lights in their window.  Headed back to the parking lot for the following warmup exercises:  In cadence – 25 SSH, 10 Don Quixote, 10 Daisy Pickers, 10 Fazio Arm Circles (F/B), 10 O/H claps, 10 Seal Claps, static hamstring stretching (L/R) and some Michael Phelps.

The Workout:  PAX followed Dauber (who removed his bulky sweatshirt hoodie) for a nice jog that included some karaoke (both sides) around the library down library hill.  Doc caught up to Dauber and mentioned the pace.  Pulled into the neighborhood’s clubhouse.  I remembered my first Downtown Train (inaugural) and Nemo brought us down here for some Jack Webb’s.  No fond memories voiced  but I did hear some concern about the wet grass. (I’m doing laundry as I write this BB hoping to Shout out the mud stains on the knees).  Jack Webb’s 1 merkin : 3 air push ups (from your knees).  On your six for 25 ic LBCs and 25 SSH ic.  Mosey / jog back up library hill and waited for the 6 at the top of the hill.  Frankensteins were added.  Dauber made sure all PAX were OK and then called a jail break to a parked trailer.  Coal Ash turned it into high gear beating out all the PAX.  Recalling doing rock exercises with Forceps, Dauber had PAX pick a medium sized rock and then had everyone circle up for the following 10 ic count exercises while rotating rocks:  Rut-Ros, Curls, Tricep Extensions, GroundPounders, Wonder Bras, Toe Taps, Side Turns, Toe-taps, Bus drivers, O/H presses.  PAX got on their 6 with the rock and executed the following 10 count ic exercises (rotating rock afterwards):  H2M, Tricep extension, Straight arm Reverse Curl, Chest press, WW IIs, 6 inch with rock above chest, legs up 45 degrees with rock above chest, rock straight out over your head with legs 6 inches of the ground…return rocks to rock pile.  Mosey to library amphitheater for 25 c BTTW and 25 c People’s Chair.  Rinse and repeat increasing count to 30.  FUN!  Mosey to shovel flag for Mary.

Mary:  Yoga stretches.  Runners, Pigeon, Child’s Pose.   Have a nice a day.

Announcements:  Holiday party.  CSAUP.

T-Claps (Recognition):  PAX who did EC today.

Prayer:  Unspoken.  Dauber took us out.

This is always a privilege leading you me.  When I am not leading Red October, I am trying to get around to other AOs.

Best L-E-F-T-O-V-E-R-S Ever!

EC: Cupid, Katniss, Mookie, Pikachu, ShamWow, YHC.

Lots of anticipation in this workout: Who will take Yogurt’s place as site Q? Will Yogurt be able to stop cadence? Will there be dessert with these leftovers?

Warm Up: Long way to back of Hunt Center. SSH 50x. Started off LEFTOVERS with a round of Wings: Arm circles forward and back, hold ‘em; seal claps, hold ‘em; overhead claps, hold ‘em. OK, so I always forget to stop, so lots of laughs with the various counts. I think I nailed a few at 15!

The Workout:


L Lt. Dan ain’t got no legs. Squat plus lunge with each leg 10x x 2

E Everest over to the wooden steps. Lunge up two steps, full squat. Rinse and repeat

F Forest to Sea. You remember this one from CSAUP 2018. Bear crawl to middle of field, crab walk to end. Run back

T Tony Hawk Burpee. Burpee with 360 spin jump to finish. I think we were all stumbling to this one 10x, rinse and repeat other direction, just like Tony

O Outlaw. Recover on this one. Same as Boxcutter, but feet together. 10x clockwise, 10x counterclockwise

V Vacuum. Wheelbarrow out 10 steps, 5 derkins, backward wheelbarrow back to line. Rinse and repeat

E Empty wheelbarrow. Crab walk with partner holding legs. Up, back, switch, rinse, repeat

R Ranger Merkins together 20x, good form

S Surfer Merkin. What? Merkin with horizonal rolling 360 between. Yes, we got dirty!

Dessert: Needed more S, so we moseyed up to road behind Hunt Center for some SPRINTS!

Sprints to next light pole. Split PAX into two waves. Rinse and repeat 3x.

Mary: 6 minutes: Standard starting position 6 inch hold. Low slow flutter, box cutters, pickle pounders, more Out;aws, end with 1 minute 6-inch hold.


Time to turn my site Q over to PAX who is ready. When I offered Cletus to this PAX, he jumped on it, ready to lead. This PAX joined F3 in March 2019. Initial U-Turn runs were 10 min max pace over 3 miles. In the spring, remember him telling me he had a hard time getting over the fatigue at the 2-mile mark. Man, has he come a long way! Trained like crazy for HSHM and had a great finishing time. He’s grateful for all the supportive PAX along the way!

I’m proud to pass the turkey leg to Katniss!

Prayers: Our F3 brother struggling with addiction. Hardy (Florence’s son) has the flu, possibly spreading through family. Job (friend of Pikachu). Other spoken and unspoken.

With winter time coming up, keep eye out for PAX falling off workouts for whatever reason. Keep everyone engaged!


Six For Sevens

Rolled into the Downtown Train lot at 5:03 am with Coal Ash ready for EC. Nemo arrived a minute later. Flag planted, we took off to Womble, around the soccer fields, and back. Two miles.

Six PAX for Main Event: Breach, Coal Ash, Nemo, Fanny Pack, Pumpkin Spice, YHC

Warm Up: SSH 25x, Good Mornings 16x. Near Bat Wings: Arm circles 16x front 16x back, Hold ’em out, Seal claps 16x, Hold ’em out, OH claps 16x. Between reps, we took turns counting to 10. During warmups, a car sped up Ballentine and I was looking forward to the mandatory burpees for all. The car turned into the lot, a guy hops out, and he goes into the church. Oh well. We did five burpees anyway.

The Workout: Sevens: I was eager to use Holly Springs’ first and only parking deck, but had not yet scoped it out. As we entered, I was impressed at how bright and clean it was. First thing I thought of was, can we play winter-time flag football or ultimate in here?

Perfect venue for some Sevens. We lined up and did Star Jumps on the far end and Merkins on the near end. It was so much fun, we did another round with Derkins on the far end and Dips on the near end. Nearly nailed the count on everything, but Breach had to remind me at least once.

Mosey to small rock pile. Time for some arm work. All 16 counts because I thought the date was the 16th, turns out it was the 18th. Straight lifts, tricep extensions, curls, hold rock behind back. Now my favorite–the bus driver, which seems to be the most innocuous exercise–looks easy, but it’s not. We did 16 counts of multiple arm workouts, plus some squats.
Mary: Pickle pounders, WWIIs, boat.
Announcements: Slack, FB
T-Claps (Recognition): Really nice work by all today. Good to see Pumpkin Spice.
Prayer: Coal Ash’s family following his grandfather’s passing. Others spoken and unspoken.

Not Shoulder Friendly

YHC arrived not sure what to expect in terms of numbers for this morning’s workout. Lots of guys tapering for HSHM, runners coming out of Richmond, and recovering from Ruck. YHC did a lone EC run for 2 miles. Weather wasn’t optimal either. No mumble chatter on Slack or FB about the workout. However, 14 Pax fought the fartsack and won, became stronger, and learned about the F3 mission and core principals.

EC: Skidmark

FNGs: None
Warm Up: 1 lap around the soccer field. Circle up on the tennis courts for SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, and Fazio Arm Circles.
The Workout: Mosey to the pavillion for some plank shuffle to the left up and down the picnic tables for one loop. Then Reverse.

Mosey to the Rock Pile. 11’s in the parking lot with Ground Pounders and Burpees. Carry the rock on the run. Intermittent switching of rocks as well

Mosey back to the Pavillion for two sets of split squats.

Mary: 1o minutes in plank hold with some exercises including merkins, 1 arm up, pickle pounders, and peter parkers. YHC also reviewed the core principals and F3 mission while in plank.

Announcements: CSAUP Dec 7, Christmas Party Dec 14. HSHM this weekend. Get out and run in the 6 up the ramp.

T-Claps (Recognition): Nice to see Moby out this morning

Prayer: Quiver and his family. Be better leaders in the community.

Circle of Abs

Who needs abs anyway! Well, we all do and I can promise you the more water that has passed under the bridge for some of us fellas the more difficult it is to keep that core in check. With that in mind these last couple of days I decided to focus on core work as Q today for the not yet named TBD there in the Holly Rock. Arriving a little early set up 4 four stations with cones in the back parking lot then drove on around to find several vehicles in the parking lot but only one other PAX there waiting. Planted shovel flag and within 4-5 minutes of go time the rest of PAX either ran & rolled in.

Core Goonies GIF - Core Goonies Abs GIFs

EC: I know there were several but since I’m too lazy to get up before the butt crack of dawn to run EC I don’t keep up with ’em. I know, fire me!!

NO SHOWS: M4L  – I received a text last night he would be running to the workout and needed a ride back home. Of course I would’ve given him a ride. You gotta love him though!!

PAX: Aquaman, Dahmer, Doc, DoubleD, Fanny Pack, Farva, Florence, Hardy, Katniss, Pikachu, Popinski, POTS, Sprinker

4 legged PAX: Poop-eater

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  A series of mostly ab exercises all in cadence. El-lowboes, Box cutters, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, Smurf Jacks, Mtn. climbers.

The Workout: Circle of Abs – Pax not at one of the 4 work stations are all circled up and continue an in cadence Ab exercise led off by Farva. Evenutally each PAX in the circle of Abs will lead an ab exercise or two. Station 1 is the timer who starts off with 3 burpees and then carries 2 tall five gallon buckets with 2 cinder-blocks in each bucket a 100 meters, drops buckets for 3 more burpees and then returns to base. Rotation takes place when bucket carrier returns to base. Station 2: jump ropes, Station 3: 40lb. barbell thrusts, Station 4: Battle rope arm swings.  Remaining Pax are on their six in the Circle of Abs and 1 rotates to the stations each time the bucket carrier returns. All PAX were able to get through all 4 stations at least once, some more so. After last PAX worked his way through all 4 stations we then split up and circled the parking lot in opposite directions to meet and complete 10 broke back derkins each. Met back at the stations to form one line of PAX across the parking lot on one parking space line. Completed 1 merkin on that line, bear crawled to next line completed 2 merkins, continued forward to the 6th line with 6 merkins, crab walked back to start line.

Mary: We’d had enough of her during the workout!

Announcements: CSAUP Frosty coming up in Decemeber.

T-Claps (Recognition): All the PAX this morning for putting in extra effort concentrating on those abs

Prayer: Pikachu’s M fighting cold and unspoken. Fanny Pack took us out in prayer.

Peace out, YHC

Determined to have a nice day!

Pick up the Q this week for TBD, had not done a Q at womble for a while. Rolled in at 5:23 to see a crowd had already gathered. We were 11 strong after Aquaman checked for FNG’s we were of.,

FNGs: none
EC: Aquaman, Dahmer
Warm Up: Mosey’d to the Ivan lot for warp ups, did 15 ssh, 15 Daisy Pickers, 15 Imperial Walker, 10 Have a Nice day.

The Workout:
Thang 1:  From Warm-up completed the lap around the field to the small picnic shelter and from some Partner Work, Dora 123, 100 Step Up’s, 200 LBC’s,300 Freddy Mercuries
Thank 2: Mosey’d to the Playground for 2 sets of 11’s from the playground to the path, Monkey Humbers and Star Jumps, the Hillbillys and Squats
Thang 3: Mosey’d to the large shelter, split with one partner on the wall did 10 count BTTW and Erkens for other partner switch partners, then 15 count Peoples Chair with Dips, switch 10 counts BTTW, with Derkins, then 15 count peoples chair and dips again and switch.

Mary: Started with Homer to marge, the went around the circle, I let it get a little squirley here, but it reigned in, we cover almost all of the standard mary exercises and some burpees.

   Count-a-rama:  11
   Name-a-rama: 9 Meh’s 2 Resect
Announcements: CSAUP Frost on Dec 7,  Christmas Part Dec 11th, Upcoming Holly Springs Half.
T-Claps (Recognition): Utah for continuing to post.
Prayer: Obie and I’s Job situation as my company has been sold. Unspoken
NMS: An honor to lead, it does not seem so long ago that I could not run for a whole workout, much less lead one. My days are always better when I work out with F3. I will continue to push myself, and you men keep me motivated.

POTS Virgin Q

13 for a veteran beatdown from the virgin POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service, for some history).  Very little mumblechatter at this one…..

FNGs: None in sight, unless you count Dauber making his TBD debut.

Warm Up: Mosey to the Ivan lot, SSH, daisy pickers, imperial walkers, hillbillies.

The Workout:

  1. 4 Corners around the parking lot:

1st round with 15 Reps of Standard Merkins, Wide Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Hand release Merkins (OYO).

2nd round with 15 Reps of Standard Merkins, LBC’s, Diamond Merkins, Hand release Merkins (OYO).

3rd round with 15 Reps of Standard Merkins, LBC’s, Prisoner Squats, Hand release Merkins (OYO).

4th round with 15 Reps of Standard Merkins, LBC’s, Prisoner Squats, Mountain Climbers (OYO).

5th round with 15 Reps of Shoulder taps, LBC’s, Prisoner Squats, Mountain Climbers (OYO).

All 5 rounds included Lunges on the short stretches between the corners and sprints on the long stretches between the corners.

Squat hold for the six at end of every round.

  1. Moseyed to Picnic Pavilion, paired up;

1st round Partner 1 Balls to the Wall. Partner 2 irkins (15), partners switched.

2nd round Partner 1 Balls to the Wall. Partner 2 derkins (15), partners switched.

3rd round Partner 1 Balls to the Wall. Partner 2 dips (15), Partners switched.

Mary:  Mary-o-rama featuring burpees, indefinite plank holds, break dancing, and sailing, among others.  Just when we thought it was over, POTS added more burpees for good measure.
Announcements:  Frosty, F3 Christmas Party 12/14 (location still under review). New AO – RedOctober 10/28 at Honeycutt Park Fuquay.
T-Claps (Recognition): POTS, for a great VQ
Prayer: For Quiver’s friend Stan, Duaber for his daughter’s last cross-country event.   DoubleD took us out.

Mercy vs. Grace

FNGs: Welcome Fanny Pack
Warm Up: Two Native American laps around island with hose, then circle up for standard issue warm up.
The Workout: We went for a big lap around the fields with our trusty kettle bells in hand making a stop at the stage, playground, shelter, fence line, and back to parking lot.  There were exercises performed at each location incorporating full body motions (you had to be there).
Mary: Back to lot for Mary in the normal fashion with Pickle Pounders. Each member was encouraged to watch and learn new techniques from fellow PAX.  We also performed LSF’s in the normal way a PAX does.
Announcements: Picnic tomorrow, 12 October 2019, 11a-2p.
T-Claps (Recognition): All of the PAX that came out.
Prayer: Prayers for those suffering with loss, pain, hopelessness, worry, anger, addiction, and all of life’s troubles.

CHiPs word of the day: A lesson on Mercy vs. Grace was given out and explained in a manner only a PAX can understand.  2 John 1:3.