
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 6.00.44 PM Large

The Name Game

FNGs: None

3 Bootcampers; 2 Ruckers

Warm Up: Carry coupon to shelter, Good Morning, Arm Circles, WMH

The Workout:

#1 Two Rounds with Coupon (KB or Dumbbell) x 10: Curls, Triceps, Rows, OH Press

#2 : 5 count each exercise.  PAX chose exercise that began with their name.  We built as we went going through first, middle and last name since we only had 3 PAX.  

Exercises: American Hammer Anthony, Bolt 45 (15) Bob (Robert), Halo Hageman, Eric to Marge, Peoples’ Chair Horacio, No (Low) Slow Flutter Neimann, Smurf Jack Jeff, Tricep Thomas, Dip Dudley

#3 Finished with a round of curls, triceps, rows , press w coupon

Mary: Return coupons, GM, Forward Fold

Announcements: Help Dauber’s son move this Saturday. 

Prayer: Love and Lead well today men. 

6 years is a long time but not that long

So great to have 29 in the gloom this morning to help me celebrate 6 years with F3.  This group has changed my life and I hope to continue paying that forward.  It’s a whole lot more than a workout!!!

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Windmill, Imperial Walkers, Mosey, Good Morning, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Mosey

The Workout:  Cones were set up about 10 yards apart.  PAX performed the following exercises: 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 imperial walkers, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks and 30 squats.  We went through the circuit 4 times traveling by bear crawl, lunge walk, broad jump and bunny hop.  Between sets mosey to the disc golf tee box and perform ab exercises to wait on the 6.

Mary: Low slow flutter, LBC, Homer to Marge, big boy sit ups, box cutters


T-Claps (Recognition): The PAX of F3!!!

Prayer: Emeril knee surgery, Gillette colleague that was killed

Flocking to the Nest

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lunges, Side Shuffle, Inch Worms, World’s Greatest

The Workout: Balance Lunges, Calf Raise Squats, Single Leg RDLs, People’s Chair, Chin-ups, Step-Back Lunges, Alternating Side Lunges, Pull-ups, Single Leg People’s Chair, 3-Way Lunge, Sneaky Lunge Walks, Chair Broga, Iso-Toe Lunges, Duck Walks, Calf Raises, Max Rep Pull-ups, Single Leg Bobby Hurley’s

Mary: Stretched out the legs after the beatdown that just occured

Announcements: None

T-Claps (Recognition): None

Prayer: Fumunga’s college friend and his family after losing their father to ALS, Carnival’s daughter Nora as she will be starting a immunotherapy regiment tomorrow, H1N1’s 2.0’s as they will be on a mission trip to Costa Rico