Pax of 24 posted in the Wake of Hurricane Florence (Flo Jo)
Wake of Flo Jo
Lipstick and Yogurt Q’d the main event, filling for regular Q’s Emeril and Chips.
EC: Lipstick, Deadbolt, 187, Roger Roger, Chips, Warbucks, Skidmark, Crosby, and Pablo.
Warm Up: Lipstick led warmups with good mornings x15, side straddle hops x25, dips x15, and mountain climbers—with runs in between.
The Workout: With the Pax warmed up for “running,” Lipstick introduced “Bear Crawl suicides” at the ramp. After partnering up, first partner sprinted in a bear crawl to the third light pole and ran on hind legs back down, while second partner did Merkins. Then the pair switched. Lipstick had the Pax rinse and repeat for at least another two sets of light poles, mixing in squats instead of Merkins at the bottom. Lipstick ended the first half of the workout with a Pax sprint to the top of the ramp.
Yogurt kicked off the second half with dips on the short wall. Some of the 24 Pax kindly adjusted because space was tight. Then, quickly back down the ramp for 21 genuine sit ups, with partner holding feet. Switch. Sprint back to the top like Flo Jo. Yogurt attempted to keep the Pax in cadence with patty-cake Merkins, with limited success. Certainly each pair did at least 20! Back down the ramp. Partner carry half way up, switch. 10 count rest at top.
Mosey to the back straightaway in the park. Shoulder taps x25. Short run down the hill. Crawl bear about 50 feet. Run the long way back to COT area.
Mary: Tight Mary with 21 LBCs
Announcements: HS Police 10k Run on Saturday 9/22. CarPex CSAUP 10/20
Prayers: Brickhouse seeking job, everyone affected by Hurricane Florence, especially Dead Bolt’s family friends who are facing rising waters today. Special thanks to Chips for “volunteering” to lead the COT prayer. Always does good work there.