
2 Pet Rocks Per PAX

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up:

  • Mozy to Rocks and pick 2 hand-sized rocks each. 
  • Mozy to Ivan lot
  • Good Mornings
  • Windmills
  • Franks
  • SSH
  • Goofballs

The Workout:

  • Mozy to THE PIT and on the way hold rocks up, to the side, and out front while running.
  • That Hill!? – Drop rocks and Partner up.  AMRAP WW2s while the other guy crawls up the hill completes 10 Star Jumps.  Switch.  Continue until each PAX has crawled/walked/run up the hill.
  • Everyone runs up the hill – Rock work up top mixed with dips and derkins
  • Pickup Rocks and Mozy to pavilion passing R4TJ PAX on the way.  march up and down the picnic tables 2x.
  • Grab 1 bench each and perform 10x split squats per leg, 2x
  • Mozy to amphitheater for 20 box jumps
  • Mozy to rock pile and say goodbye to our rock friends. 


  • Homer 2 Marge
  • Poop Eaters
  • Freddy Mercs
  • Low slow flutters
  • Pigeon Pose each leg


  • Garbage pickup with Breach this weekend.
  • Reach out to PAX and check in if you havent seen them. 

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great to see Boss Hog out in the gloom! 

Prayer: Injured PAX