

The morning was brisk but the sun was on the rise. All the work over the past few months went on display. PRs abound. All the Pax brought the A-Game. Injured ones battled through some pain or decided to ruck. All in all another fabulous showing by the F3 pax.

Warm Up: Deadbolt led warm up of SSH, IW, Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Frankensteins
The Workout: 13.1
Mary: Beer
Prayer: Thank you for the glorious day. For the pax that couldn’t be with us today. For all our servicemen. To help us be better leaders in the community.


Well this one could have turned out several ways. Walked outside this morning to a breezy post rain dark morning. Great, I think this is gonna be windy. Loaded up the Tailwind for 187 and I, checked that the camelback was sealed, and hopped in the truck. Arrived at Ting to a great group of men waiting for a pleasant level of excitement. As 187 grabbed the goods, the joy of calories diminished when he realized he forgot his camelback at home. Shovel flags planted.

Warm Up: Short job, IW, Hillbillies, High Knees, Frankensteins
The Workout: Run the HSHM course. – Lipstick had to shit <1 mile into the run. Ice cream will do that to a lactose intolerant person. Somehow H1N1, R22, and Farva ended up on crossway, Yellow card needed a pee break, M4L just ran where ever. Despite the situations, this is one crazy fast group of men. Honored to run with you. I’ve added men that ran U-Turn, started early, or ran lifetime. Let me know if I forgot you.

Next Workout: Same Damn thing (only different)

Background:   A buddy recently started working out and told me he did a “fitness test” as a barometer.  I wondered how I’d fare on that test, but I certainly wasn’t going to work out on my own, so figured I’d start Cletus with the test.  Thus, the warmup!

We started with the disclaimer for 2 FNG’s (nice job!), guaranteed we wouldn’t leave them behind, then tore off at a 7 minute pace for the warmup (thanks to the awesome Pax who stayed with the Six)

Warm Up:

As fast as possible, do

  • 1/2 mile
  • 50 SSH
  • 40 Squats
  • 30 WWII
  • 20 Merkins
  • 10 Burpees

Time: 7 min, 6 sec.

Result: YHC was smoked and the rest of the workout was pulling from fumes

Warm Up Part Dos:

20 SSH, 20 Squat Jumps, 20 WWII, 20 Merkins, at a much more reasonable pace

The Workout:

Pt 1:

Indian run to the rocks.  Grab a stationary curling rock and circle up around the volleyball courts.

  • Squat Hold, Overhead Press Rock.  First one in circle throws rock to sand, does a burpee, then runs a lap around the court.  Second man follows after the burpee.  Repeat until all have run a lap
  • Same damn thing, only this time curling the rock
  • SDT, only this time triceps extensions.

Recover with a round of Guantanamo Leg Raises

Followed by Bull Frogs

  • Back to volleyball circle, only this time second man starts after the rock throw (Before burpee)
  • SDT, curling
  • SDT, triceps

Mosey to playground

Pt 2:

Groups of 4 for 3 rounds of:

  • Pullups
  • Merkins
  • WWII
  • Sprint to rock wall (acts as timer for the group)


  • 13 Russian American Hammers
  • 13 Box Cutters
  • 13 R-A Hammers
  • 13 Freddy Mercury
  • 13 R-A Hammers

Make it stop, please.  Ended right on time.


CSAUP coming up.  Ask Pikachu, he’ll be on slack

Skid Mark was our Six and shared awesome words of what F3 has meant for him this year.  Invited a half dozen + guys, one today, and several of those guys are still going strong.  Awesome job dude, and great getting to know you.

Welcome aboard FNGs: Vespa, Big Wheel


Brexit’s Michigan friend badly burned, but hanging on; Troops overseas and at home; Crab Legs.

Happy Birthday Midget


PAX of 26 at Nutcracker to celebrate M4L’s birthday

@Pikachu, @Moby, @Blue Hen, @Deadbolt, @Foghorn, @Yellow Card, @Midget for Life, @CHiPS, @Emeril, @187, @Crosby, @WebEx, @Skidmark, @Pablo, @Breach, @Liquid Force, @Double D, @Sauve, @Da Business, @Flanigan, @Sting, @Yogurt, @Yoda, @Banana Seat, FNG’s @Wickety Wickety Whack, @Lock-in

Jog on warmup – x11 Merkins, x11 Burpees, x22 SSH, x11 Imperial Walkers, x11 Hillbillies, x11 Good Mornings

The Workout:

Partner up.

5 Burpees then both partners walk the poles of the ramp.  5 Merkins.  Run back around to the start

5 Burpees then both partners bear crawl up the ramp. 5 Merkins.  Run back around to the start

5 Burpees then both partners crawl bear up the ramp. 5 Merkins.  Run back around to the start

5 Burpees then partner wheelbarrows up the ramp. 5 Merkins.  Run back around to the start

Bottom of the hill 1 squat.  Run to top of the hill and perform 7 Merkins.

Back to bottom.  Run back to Nutcracker.  Along the way variety of core exercises done.


Ruck Friday night.  ~14 miles.  See Midget for details.

Thursday – Kenny’s Grave starting back up.  Banana Seat has the Q

Buy a happy meal for M4L’s bday.  Give it to someone in need


Yoda took us out


Keep Brandon’s Friends and Family in your Prayers

PAX of 27 at Paradise City

@Pikachu, @Buford, @Blue Hen, @Deadbolt, @Foghorn, @Yellow Card, @Midget for Life, @CHiPS, @Emeril, @UTI, @187, @Crosby, @Peak Week, @WebEx, @Skidmark, @Foghorn, @Bernie, @Foot Fault, @Pablo, @Breach, @Forceps, @Axe, @Brexit, @Hasselhoff, @Peeping Tom, @Kid Cracker, @OCR

½ mile jog warmup with – Karaoke, fast feet on the curb, T-Claps to let the group catch up

½ mile jog with – x25 Morrocan night club squats, SSH x 46 in honor of Patch’s Birthday, x10 Hillbillies, x10 Imperial Walkers, x25 Mountain Climbers

The Workout:

Partner up.

Partner 1 – Lunges

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 10 perfect form Merkins


Partner 1 – Bear Crawl

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 10 perfect form Merkins


Partner 1 – Duck Walks

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 10 Burpees


Partner 1 – Crab Walk

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 25 LBC’s


x 10 Good Mornings

x 10 Windmills

Legs crossover into a stretch

x 10 WWII’s

x 10 each leg cross over sit-ups


Ruck Friday night.  ~14 miles.  See Midget for details.

Thursday – Kenny’s Grave starting back up.  Banana Seat has the Q

July 28th @ Ting Park – F3 group going to a baseball game.  See Forceps for details

Buford – Prayers for his friend Brandon and Brandon’s family.

John 15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Cletus – Like Clock Work

Warmup:  Jog to East Parking Lot, Side Straddle Hop, Moroccan Night Clubs, Imperials, Windmill and arm stretches.

Main Event:

Jog to Main Stage – Box Jumps/Monkey Humps – 3 sets @ 20

Jog to Side Softball parking lot – Around the Clock (using the parking blocks) Clockwise at each exercise, Dips, Erkins and Derkins – 3 sets @ 20 shuffling down Spiderman style to the next parking block.

Dora – 50 Dimond Merkins, 100 LBC and 100 Squats

Rock Clock – around the clock, each PAX called out Qty and exercise with rocks

Mary: Ab work outs: WWII, Freddy Mercury, Merkins, American Hammers


Announcements: Convergence July 4th at Disney (Middle Creek), Arena today @ 2:30 – see Pikachu’s post on FB if interested.

Prayers: Awesome brother CrabLegs, Unspoken

Crazy Time Gets Legit

8 Pax said screw sleep and showed up at 4:30AM to get an extra beat down in on a humid Friday morning. Extra kudos to Yellow Card – YHC certainly wasn’t waking up at 4AM to work out at 15.

No FNGs, so we went off and did our thing:

1 mile

100 Pullups

200 Merkins

300 Squats

1 mile

Various set patterns per usual – shout out to Skidmark for doing the first 10 sets at 10 pullups/10 merkins/15 squats and then finishing from there. Getting stronger bro.

We had a quick CoT and then (most of us at least) went off to our regularly scheduled 2nd beat down of the morning.

Based on three weeks of good attendance in a row Crazy Time is now a thing!

Aye! ~ Pikachu

Thunder Up

QIC: Hello Kitty

YHC is hungry for Qs this week, and the chance for another evening post presented itself down in So. Wake territory, so, to Thunder it is for a 1900 tip-time.

15 gather around a pair of shovel flags, YHC can tell the red carpet has been rolled out, and after a recon mission, we’re off (leaving a cooler at the flags with cold water along the way).


  • Mosey to the field for: SSH, Sir Fazio, Mountain Climbers and Imperial Walkers
  • Grab a rock and move along over to the lot.
  • Quick feet, curls, quick feet, triceps, quick feet, press, quick feet, rows.
  • Curb mountain climbers (CMC), curls, CMC, tricpes, CMC, quick feet, CMC, press, CMC, rows.


  • Head to the playground for that nice plush surface area free of sand spurs.
  • Partner up for Dora 1-2-3 (my second go-around today). Running partner to the flag/cooler and back while teaming up for 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC.
  • With great work accomplished YHC thinks he’s got to bring a Kitty Classic and little Carpex flair to So. Wake. Bull in the Burpee Ring, HIMs abound and the competitive juices (along with sweat) really flowing.
  • The group of bulls then mosey to the bottom of a hill (located by the field) for 4 rounds of hill bear crawls with 10 star jumps at the top.


  • A round of Mary as called by the local pax, ending on Bonnie’s torture by YHC.

COT: 15 strong, and Announcements/Prayers.


  • Per Midget’s request, YHC shared a little bit about what Chinese Downhill spoke about at the Carpex convergence this morning.
  • Thanks for letting me come down and host a beatdown with you fine HIMs this evening.

