
Needmore Ruck 6/26

10 Pax took to the hills for a Sun Ruck at Needmore Ruck ( Sprinkler, Double D, Deadbolt, Mookie, Cancun, 8-Bit, Monsanto, Madhatter, Wallaby, and Breach on the Q)

The Workout: We hit the Red trail for a little elevated heart rate movement this week, Pushed through and got around 3 miles and some change as we went of the trail for a little 2nd F at the Breachery Coffeteria before heading back to the parking lot for COT.

Closed in Prayer: Thanking the men for F3 and for being accountable.

Exploring that whole parking lot at Purple Cobra!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, SFAC, Windmills, Squats
The Workout: Mosey to the church!

On the way we did 35 dips IC (my shoulders), 20 irkins IC.

At the church, we split up into groups and did a modified set of 7s. One group started with 7 turkish getups, the other group started with 7 squats. We counted down from there by running to the other side of the parking lot – every time we passed each other we did 7 merkins.

After this, we did 3 rounds to the other side of the parking lot. One group ran, the other group did an exercise. Planks, LBCs, and then homer to marge.

Finally, we did one round of bear crawls around the last side of the parking lot (thanks Bondo!) while the other group did pickle pounders.

Back to the HT parking lot for one round of BTTW and one round of preacher’s chair, during which there was one particularly nasty fart that actually made YHC stop his counting. We hustled back to the flag and that was that!

Mary: No time

T-claps: Wallaby! Nice to see you back out, brother!

Prayer: F3 PAX in Raleigh’s brother died rescuing family from a riptide. Family saved, brother did not make it. Also Fanny Pack for skin cancer removal.

Fathers Day Needmore Ruck

12 pax and 1 FNG for a Fathers day Ruck around Needmore park

Sprinkler, Wallaby, Banana Seat, Cancun, Pac-Man, Big Ditch, Mookie, Fanny Pack, Redenbacher, Deadbolt, Monsanto, FNG Donkey Kong and Breach on the Q

FNGs: Donkey Kong

The Workout: Ruck around the park with stops at the 1/2 miles marks for some popcorn exercises, (Merkins, Squats, Squat Thrusts, Low Slo Fludders and some Crab Cakes) Took a 2nd F break at the Breachery Coffeteria for some conversation and coffee.

Announcements: Picnic July 30th, Town stil needs some volunteers for the fireworks on the 5th if anyone is interested in volunteering.

Closed in Prayer


FNGs: N/a today, this might have broken any new PAX
Warm Up: All Pax circled up for a count off and pretty standard warmup including side straddle hops, arm circles forward and reverse, seal claps, overhead claps, good mornings, imperial walkers, and hillbillies. All Pax then grabbed a rucksack or other nearby coupon plus some shovel flags for a couple of dark brutal miles on the back 9 complete with some of the steepest hills in Fuquay.
The Workout: Pax returned their coupons and circled up to count off again, this time going from 1-3 to create teams. Instructions were given as well as exercise and rep count demos for each of the 5 upcoming stations(sites). Each group starts at a station and has 15 minutes to complete AMRAP as a team. Then the group much carry an Olympic bar with two 45lb plates down the blue trail and back to the next station. Rinse and repeat until all 5 sites are complete.

Site 1

Atlas stones (2x75lb, 2x114lb)- pick up, carry down and back, then set down (that’s one), Heavy tire – flip over and back is 1, Tractor weights – farmers carry (down and back is 1), Hex bar – deadlifts, Railroad tie – bench press, Olympic bar with 45lb plate – land mines LR=1

Station 2

Keg half full of water – ground pounders, Bertha – single arm rows LR=1, Battle rope – each double arm whip =1, Tires – flip jump (flip tire, jump on tire, and hop back off), Olympic bar with 45lb plate – alternating single arm shoulder press LR=1

Station 3 –

3lb jump rope – each jump is a rep, Bag of wrenches – curls, Sandbag – curls, Tires – flip merkins (flip tire, drop down and do a merkin using the tire), Pain sticks – overhead press, Cinder blocks – blockies (burpees using the block), 45lb plate – wonder bras

Station 4

Pain sticks – partner squat, Fire hose – hose squat, Fire hose – hose stretch, then hose pull (weight plate attached to one end), Kettlebells – snatches, Log with chains – curls, Olympic bar with 45lb plates – bent over rows

Station 5

Shake weight – must be going the whole time or reps don’t count, Fire hose – tricep extensions, 5lb weights – boxing LR=1, Ab wheel – out and in is 1, Kettlebells – swings, Olympic bar with 45lb plates – deadlift

Mary: Divide into teams again for Tug of War and final solo event The Humperdink (golf cart pull using a Harness. Started with one pax then added another in the cart about every 10 ft until the Pax pulling gives out.)

T-Claps: Thanks again to everyone making the Brute Squad CSAUP a reality! 16 Brutes showed up and cranked out over a 2 mile ruck, insane hills, thousands of HEAVY reps, 4 miles carrying 45lb plates and Olympic bars, went to war with the battle rope, and took on the Humperdink. Thanks to the Brute Squad committee who helped turn a bunch of crazy ideas into an actual plan with even more crazy ideas and a heck of a shirt to go along with it!
Prayer: Breach took us out

Feelin’ S.C.R.A.P.P.Y at TBD

FNGs: BonBon – Came to us by way of HollyFest

Warm Up: 5 Burpees for the late guy, Fredrico – He announced himself with confidence, slotted right in, no questions asked

Windmills, Daisy Pickers, Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, SSH

The Workout:

Inspired by this random article that hit my newsfeed….

Mozy around the soccer fields – Sprint the length of the Ivan lot and continue Mozy to the shelter

  • Single Leg Squats – Each leg x6
  • Copenhagen Planks – Each leg x6
  • Reverse Nordic curls – x10
  • Australian Mountain Climbers – x10 IC
  • Poop Eaters – x10 IC
  • Pike Merkins – x10
  • Yogi Boo Boos – x20 IC

Repeato 1x

Mary: One last lap/sprint around the soccer fields – this is when the mumblechatter uncovered that Fredrico was not an F3 name but an FNG name.  OUR LATE GUY WAS AN FNG!?  The disclaimer was provided as we made our way to COT which launched straight into naming.

Our FNG spoke of his athletics in his college years but how he favored the couch since his son came along.   There was a consistent request for BonBon among the PAX (one in particular) and so he was named.


  • Get those food purchases ready for the Food Cupboard!!!

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • PAX for your help at HollyFest.  We got an FNG and we renewed our rental of the fields at Ting for Ultimate – 1 more year


  • YHCs, Uncle in the ICU with Covid
  • Twins on the way to Swisher Sweet’s sister – family growing from 2 kids to 4 kids
  • BonBon and family are looking to buy a house – Prayers brother

Mountain Jacks, Plank Merkins, Squat Jacks and the like…

FNGs: none
Warm Up: mosey, GM’s, SSH IC, DPs IC, Sir Fazio forward/reverse, seal clap, overhead clap, LBCs
The Workout: 4 HIM set out to set up shop behind HT – UTI comments on how the workout isn’t planned…oh you just wait buddy.  PAX gather for pyramid/stack em ups/whatever the hell you call them – 5 merkins at first stop, 10 plank jacks at next, 15 squats, 20 mountain climbers and 25 WWI’s at the last stop.  The MPSMW is born…catchy name!  Between each set, run back to the beginning for 5 start jumps, stopping on the way back to hit each exercise again.  PAX thought it was funny that I kept screwing up the names of each exercise…YHC was up late and no coffee, so a bit off kilter.  Regardless we pressed forward.  After we decided to audible on the pyramid, we hit balls to the wall x 2 with people’s chair in between.
Mary: calf raises, homer to marge, low slow flutter, freddy mercury’s, up, out, together, down to round out with have a nice day to finish.
Announcements: Thanksgiving meal drive for HS food cupboard, HS half marathon
Prayer: UTI’s uncle in hospital with COVID – speedy recovery; injured PAX


PRE-BLAST:YHC has the Q at DISNEY tomorrow.  I’m expecting a @Full House. This isn’t going to be a relaxing vacation to @Cancun listening to music from the likes of @Boy George, @Moby or @Bobby Dall.  It’s definitely not going to be like going to a Cleveland Browns game and sitting in the @Dawgpound, but you might see some of your favorite TV characters like @Nemo, @Dumbo, @Woody, @Pikachu, @Yoshi, @Aquaman, @Fonzie, @Dauber, or Daddy @Warbucks.  If you’re scared of dehydration and think you might get a @U.T.I., don’t worry the waterboy @Bobby Boucher will surely be there to keep you hydrated and if not you can always run through a @Sprinkler.  We might even run into @Emeril along the way who will surely be filling @POTS with @Kosher Bubba @Gump shrimp with @Yogurt, @McNugget s, and @Wild Turkey through a @Shredder.  If you get sick there should be a @ShamWow to wipe it up.  So jump on your @Kubota, @John Deere or grab your buddy and throw him on the back of your @Banana Seat and get here.  Before you leave the house be sure  to strap on you @Fanny Pack stuffed with @Lipstick, @Axe, @Gillette and some @MadDog2020 for afterwards.   If it helps apply some @Vasoline prior to the workout to avoid an unsightly @Skidmark.  Don’t be a sleepy @Katniss, unlock the @deadbolt the night before if it helps save time.  Who knows, by the end of the workout you all might be calling me @Mr. Terrific.  EC 5:05am. ME 5:30am

FNGs:1 – Dixie Chick

Warm Up:½ Lap around the outside of the turf field, then to the middle of the Soccer fields for SSH, Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, & Hillbillies

The Workout:Split into 4 groups around the circle of the soccer field. 5 Burpees OYO, then each group ran to the four corners of the soccer field and did 25 merkins on the “down”, then bear crawled back to the middle of the soccer field.  5 burpees OYO, then run to corner for 25 LBCs in cadence and bear crawl back to the middle of field.  5 burpees OYO, then run to corner for 25 squats on the “down” then bear crawl back to the middle of field.  5 burpees OYO, run to the corner for 25 plank jacks in cadence then bear crawl back to the middle of field – end with 5 burpees OYO.

Moseyed toward parking lot.  Got into 2 groups and started Indian running towards the Abyss, many rumblings of what was to come next, but to everyone’s surprise we proceeded to run past and around the baseball field back out to the main road.  Took a right on the main road and followed it all the way to the Path behind the turf soccer fields. Stopped at the hill behind the turf soccer fields.

At the hill we prepared ourselves for the fun of 11’s!  Monkey Humpers at the bottom and wide grip merkins at the top.  We started with 1 Monkey Humper at bottom and climbed the WET slippery hill for 10 wide grip merkins at the top and made it through the entire set with a LOT of groaning and moaning – but we made it.

After this we got back into out 2 Indian run groups at the bottom of the hill and continued our Indian runs around the turf fields back to the parking lot – once we hit the parking lot we had a Jail Break to the cars where we proceeded to circle up for Mary.

Mary:With time short, we did 20 count of Low Slow Flutters in cadence and a set of American Hammers to 20 in cadence.

Announcements:Holly Fest F3 booth/tent sign up site is live. Brute Force CSAUP on Saturday.  Bondo working on Special guest for Tuesday w/ 3Alarm.

T-Claps (Recognition): N/A

Prayer:Those that are injured and unable to get out and all our First Responders.

Lucky 7 at Downtown Train

FNGs: None

PAX: U.T.I, Wallaby, Abe, Quiver, Wild Turkey, Warbucks, Kosher

Warm Up: SSH x 20, Burpees OYO x 5, Windmills x 10, Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 each way, Seal Claps x 10, Overhead Seal Clap x10

The Workout:

PAX lined up single file and performed an Indian run from the starting point over to the Block on Main.

Once we arrived at the Block on Main, we went down to the outdoor amphitheater area by the large set of steps and paired up. YHC joined Wild Turkey and Warbucks as the 3rd wheel since we had an odd number. Partner #1 completed a lap around the Block on Main while Partner #2 completed exercises. We did two rounds of this consisting of:

Round 1: Dips x 25, Squats until partner returns

Round 2: Derkins, Urkins

PAX lined back up single file and kept the Indian runs going from the Block on Main to the rock pile near the library circle. YHC should have planned this better as there were many obstacles i.e. trees, poles, tables, etc. along the sidewalk in front of the downtown businesses that made the Indian run line a little less than straight.

Once we arrived at the rock pile, YHC informed PAX to grab a medium/large rock that was comfortable enough to do exercises with while also being a challenge. Once all PAX had selected their coupon of choice, we moseyed to the parking lot behind the library. We once again partnered up and did a round of exercises with rocks, followed by a fast lap around the parking lot. Once PAX returned to the starting point, they switched exercises and completed another lap before moving on to the next round. Rounds consisted of:

Round 1: Overhead press x20, Wonderbras x20

Round 2: Tricep extension x20, Goblet squat x20

Round 3: Skull crushers x20, Low slow flutter x20

Round 4: American hammers x20 IC, WW2 x 20 with rock

Round 5: Partner 1 placed a rock on top of Partner 2’s back. Partner 2 performed plank hold while Partner 1 completed a lap, then switched.

Once all rounds were complete, we made our way back to the rock pile while performing various exercises along the way. These included Curls for the Girls, Overhead Press, and Walking Lunges.

Once rocks were returned, we headed back to the flag for Mary.


LBCs, Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Freddie Mercury, Have a Nice Day

Announcements: HollyFest signup – check Slack messages from U.T.I., CSAUP at Hilltop Needmore on 10/16

T-Claps (Recognition): Great to see Wallaby back out in the gloom!

Prayer: Prayers for Quiver’s sister in law recovering from illness, Quiver’s wife having scans done making sure everything is ok. Abe’s mother in law. Kosher’s co-worker Jimmy who is recovering from brain cancer surgery – has had multiple infections and trips back and forth to doctors. Sprinkler’s mom, Stubs health. Military and first responders, those dealing with and recovering from COVID.

YHC took us out.


EC:  Let it be documented that Full House and UTI ran EC on this day.

FNGs:  The title of this backblast makes me think of a once FNG we had at the Cobra.  He was named Snarf for his love of Heman (I think that was the story) also something about a pet he had named Snarf.  I’m gonna reach out once I write this backblast.  Chat soon Snarf!

Warm Up:  Typical stuff – Windmills, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Goofballs, etc.

I’ll put this next section in the warm up because it was more about me having fun, but we worked out too.  I didn’t let the PAX know what I was doing so they thought I’d gone crazy or simply had no plan and was wondering the parking lot.  Some might recall a Q of mine from way back when where I marked Purple Cobras.  Back then, I was inspired by some graffiti that was sprayed on the now Dollar Store across the street from the Cobra and decided compete for tagging dominance and properly mark my territory.  See my earlier backblast for the exciting details –

We ran around completing exercises along the way.  Plank Jacks, SSH, WWIs, and Squats were dished out.  At one point, Full House said something like “I think he is writing something…”  DING DING DING DING DING!!!!  Kosher\Woody congrats on taking the next drink of Kool-Aid at F3 and becoming site Qs just know that this AO has been marked for UTI (POWER).  Once you get a UTI, it’s not always easy to get rid of…



We went through the bank lot and around to the back of Teeter where we ran Carioca each side, then ran in reverse as we washed ourselves in the odor of the HT dumpster.

It was about here that Full House was afflicted with a calf issue.

The Workout:

Thing 1:  Earkins, Derkins, Dips, run around the Jiffy Lube 2x – Full House was asked to sit the running part out but he is stubborn and he soldiered through it.  I pulled the plug on this workout due to time and a concern for my friend.  But mostly for time (There was more to do)

Thing 2:  Mozy to the Thrift Store lot and partner up.  Using the islands and the curb facing HT as our boundaries.  Something shy of 11s with Broken Wheel Barrows in between for transportation between said island and curb.  Star Jumps and Prisoner Squats on the ends.  There was highly accurate counting in play thanks to my brother that always brings A Dash More, 16-bit.  In the end, it didn’t matter – I got bored of the workout and the counting somewhere in the middle to the end…  NEXT

Thing 3:  There was a wall nearby and I had recently invented/stole/borrowed/found something I call Ball Walkers.  So we did them!  Assume the Balls to the Wall position and shimmy down the wall on your hands.  We went down the wall 2x.

Back to the flag!

Mary:  Pickle Pounders, Homer to Marge, Dying Cockroach, and some calf stretching courtesy of Full House.

Announcements:  Holly Fest Sign-ups, Brute Squad this weekend, Purple Cobra wants you to sign-up on the Q sheet

T-Claps (Recognition):  Shredder is shredding – nearly done with his 75 Hard Challenge.  Good Stuff

Prayer:  Kosher’s co-worker recovering from brain surgery for cancer, Wallaby’s mom with early onset of Parkinson’s, 16-bits friend that recently passed and left a wife and 3 kids behind.


As the workout wrapped and everyone left.  Kosher and I talked shovel flags and said hi to Dahmer as he pumped gas.  Dahmer looked well rested, he said that he had just come from Caveman.  That makes sense…


Dahmer left and Kosher and I both went to leave but when he turned the key just some light clicking came from his truck.  I had done it… I had put on a workout of such greatness that I even managed to suck the energy out of Kosher’s truck!

Heavy Rocks Need Love Too

FNGs: None

7 HIMs posted to GP this morning;  All work and no play. YHC brought the music box.


10×3 ct Good Mornings, 10×3 ct Emperial Walkers, 10×3 ct Hillbilly’s,  20×3 ct SSH, 20 Fozzie Arm Circles, 4×10 ct arms stretches, 10×3 ct Willy Maze Hays

The Workout

Circle of Rock: (Rotate rocks between exercises).

3 set of 10 x 3 ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tri-cep Press, Wonder Bras, Bus Drivers,  Rutrows, and Ground Pounders.

3 sets of 10×3 ct Rock Press, 10×3 ct Windshield Wipers, 10x3ct Box Cutters, 20×3 ct LBCs, 10×3 ct Rockies, 10×3 ct Homer to Marge w/ rocks; 10x3ct Heal taps, 10×3 ct Rock Spanks (without consent); 10x3ct Mountain Climbers; 10×3 ct Rock Spanks (with consent); 10×3 ct Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the Wall of Pain

  • 45 ct Al Gore People’s Chair, 45 ct BTW
  • 45 ct Biden People’s Chair, 30 ct Ascending Testicles
  • 45 ct Moroccan Night Club People’s Chair

Mosey to the quarter wall:

2 sets of: 10x3ct Step Ups, and 20 Dips

1 set of: 20 squats, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 10x3ct American Hammers, 10×3 ct Split Jacks, 10×3 ct Erkins, 10×3 ct Derkins, 20 WWIIs

Announcements: Build a Bed in 15 min;  Still collecting for HSPD 1st Aid Kits, GP 3 yr anniversary on June 26th along with the F3 Picnic in the Park.

Prayer Requests: Buster (Cancun’s 2nd Dad) recovering from a stroke, Walt (Forcep’s 2nd Dad) cancer in liver and kidney, Farva’s M’s boss not approving their vacation time.