
Thanksgiving Convergence

With Thanksgiving feasts on the horizon, 32 PAX wanted to make sure to start the day with a caloric deficit so they wouldn’t feel so bad about blowing it out of the water later in the day (or at least that’s how YHC felt).  With an hour long workout ahead of us and three mystery Q’s no one was quite sure what to expect.

FNGs: Welcome Captain Planet!

The Workout:

Pikachu started off the morning’s activities by announcing the first mystery Q, everyone’s favorite reason to have it burn when you pee, U.T.I.:

When did Thanksgiving become the holiday that just wouldn’t end!?  I thought I had made this amazing/awesome feast for everyone at R4TJ.  I just got this whole mess cleaned up. I knew there was some mumblechatter about the day of Thanksgiving.  Cletus 3x in 3 days, 3Qs at Tiger Blood or even flag football. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have said anything…  I overheard the conversation and said “3 strikes is a Turkey in bowling” Apparently that was enough to ask me to set the table once again.  I do make a mean Turkey… but this is different… A CONVERGENCE!?!? I mean that could be HUGE – It’s the whole freaking extended family! At R4TJs Turkey Day, Chris (you remember – that guy that moves like lightning) assured me that there would be 2 other cooks in the kitchen but there was a catch…  He wouldn’t tell me who. I mean Emeril would be a big help but… you know… celebrity chef and all… Would he even show? I know he has a new gig something called “I’m On It!” – must be one of those Chef saves the day in a crappy restaurant reality things… I guess I would have to wait and find out.

I arrived promptly at start time.  There was talk of appetizers (about 3 miles of food was offered, just something light to get started but a bit more than typical) – I was planning on saving some room for dessert so I just showed up for the main course.  As you can imagine, it’s the holidays and with everything mostly shutdown there aren’t many options to get your fill. I counted 20 heads when I got there and more were filtering in from their appetizers. Final count was 32 as we gathered for the meal.

I was up first, the other 2 chefs were still unknown – probably still cooking up their best offerings.  I had prepared, had an idea, wanted to play on the bowling concept that got me into this mess in the first place.  Who am I kidding, bowling alley food for Thanksgiving!? Scrapped that and realized that I was the first course. I had to ease them into it.  It was a simple and recognizable offering, didn’t want to upset the pallet. Here is the recipe in case you liked it. Just keep in mind, as my friend Alan pointed out, you’ve got to let these ingredients rest a bit before you add the next one.  Otherwise your guests get a little cranky about the results…

  • 10 Burpees OYO – I didn’t plan to use this ingredient but Jaron (comic book character complex) and Florence insisted.
  • 30 SSH
  • 30 Frankensteins – I need to work on these, timing was a little off and Cousin BJ made sure I knew…
  • 30 Windmills
  • 30 LBCs

Big crew for dinner – I thought it would be best to split everyone up into 3 groups and seat them together.  Just more manageable – We split up in the front and made our way to where the first course would be served. There were Indians (aka native Americans) at the first Thanksgiving.  Theming the party is always fun and engaging your guests can really make the day memorable for everyone.

  • Indian Runs with 10 guests run to their table.

The main course was kind of a build your own.  Some basic ingredients were provided but guests were asked to push themselves and create a dish to remember.

  • 10 guests at each table, each group at a different end of the large oval-shaped venue
  • 1 to 5 social guests got to run the perimeter of the Oval as fast as they could, greeting the 20 that they weren’t seated with along the way.
  • The leftovers at the table got to focus on an ingredient of their choice while their friends were away being social.
    • My table did some American Hammers, Low Slow Flutters, Pickle Pounders, and I went out for some social time so I’m sure I missed something on the list.  Great work at the table – very delectable stuff.
    • There was a friendly new guy at our table too.  Talked a bunch! Glad to have that kind of energy at the celebration.

I know I started out griping about being asked to make another meal on short order but sometimes I think I just like to complain.  It’s always a pleasure to serve the family. Just as I was starting to really enjoy hosting, the 2nd Chef was tapping his tall glass of water (dude really enjoys some high quality H20) for everyone’s attention.  It was time for me to handover the apron.


QIC Aquaman circled up the PAX and never let them go.  Today’s exercises were brought to you by the letters A, B, and S.  YHC can’t remember the exact specifics of everything we did but we started with protractors with the Q calling out the angle while PAX took turns calling out a 10-count all the way around the circle.  Rinse and repeat with LSF and then again while holding various plank positions (regular, chill cut, right arm up, etc.).  At Potts’ request we ended with Boat/Canoes with variations mixed in as well.  I’m sure I missed stuff but just know that everything was ab focused and there was a lot of mumble chatter regarding it.

Our third and final Q was none other than YHC himself, 16-bit:

Having received a text from Pikachu Wednesday morning about Qing the last 20 minutes of the workout didn’t leave YHC much time to plan.  I didn’t know how many people to expect but I did expect a fairly large group.  And I got that group.  I spent the night scouring the official exicon for new exercises that would accommodate a large group, took notes, allowed room for modification, and was satisfied.

Not yet breaking the previous Q’s circle the group started with Crowd Pleasers.  These consisted of an x:x ratio of merkins and groiners.  We started with 1:1 and worked our way up to 5:5 and then back down to 1:1.  These seemed to live up to their name and I look forward to incorporating them in to more workouts.

After this we moseyed around to the other side of the parking lot to make use of the curbs.  Admittedly things got a little messy here because the curbs weren’t equal and there was some confusion but I think, overall, it went well.  We started with inch worms.  Feet against the curb in full plank position PAX slowing inched their hands forward until they couldn’t reach any further and then inched their feet up until they were back in full plank postion.  Continue this until the other curb and then work back towards the other curb.

Next up was modified ascending curb crawls where we started with our feet on the curb and performed a derkin, bear crawled to the other curb and did another derkin. Bear crawl back to the originating curb to do 2 derkins, etc.  We did this until we did 3 and 3 because they sucked and it was hard.

The last exercise at the curbs were broken wheelbarrows.  PAX partnered up and wheelbarrowed from one curb to the other.  The broken part of it was that the partner holding the legs only held one leg.  Partners switched after they crossed the parking lot.  Each partner took two trips.  These also sucked.

Mosey back to the original circle location for our last exercise.  Someone thought it was time for Mary, but not quite yet.  The last exercise YHC had planned was a Circle Burp.  Per the exicon, everyone in the circle started chopping their feet while PAX around the circle called to do a burpee.  As fun as this sounded I don’t think anyone wanted to do 32 burpees so YHC modified and just called out when to do a burpee.  I don’t know how many we did but it wasn’t too many.  However, had I known I was going to get so much Jane Fonda related hate during Mary I might have just had us do burpees until time was out.


Staying in our circle we started with Coolers.  These start as a side plank on your forearm and done IC.  On one we lifted our top leg up towards the sky, two brought it back down, three brought our top leg’s knee to our chest, and four took it back down.  10 each side.  Bring on all the Jane Fonda references.

Afterwards we went on to sleeping hillbillies and American Hammers.  I might have done more but honestly can’t find my notes or remember.  We ended with Happy Thanksgiving, aka Have a Nice Day.


Christmas party on the 14th, Frosty CSAUP on the 9th.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Aquaman and U.T.I.  for helping bring the pain in their own ways this morning.  I know, for myself, it was challenging planning a workout not knowing who else was Qing and what they were planning but it all came together nicely.  These guys did an outstanding job in helping everyone clear some waist line space for the impending feasts, especially Aquaman with all his gut busting ab exercises.


Our brother Wallaby is going through hard times right now, struggling with substance abuse.  He and his family could use our support so if you are able to help in any way I’m sure the family would appreciate it.  Hardy has the flu which is no fun ever but especially during a holiday.  Continued prayers as well for Quiver and his family.


I know I speak for my fellow Qs when I say that being chosen to have the opportunity to lead this workout was an immense honor.  I’m thankful for all of you on this day where we reflect on the blessings in our lives.  I count each and every one of you among them.


R4TJ – Gorging on Turkey with the Family

This Thanksgiving story is a true one.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent…

It’s that time of year again.  Time to be thankful, sit down with your family, make a side-dish, share a feast, and pass out on a couch to football.  You expect that Cousin Red has hosting responsibilities.  He always hosts… Out of nowhere he texts (doesn’t call) and asks me to host just the night before the big day.  I don’t have a plan, what will I make?  I realize Red has no idea who is coming or how many people I have to serve.

Frantically, I send out invitations and ask for RSVPs.  I get a few actual RSVPs – my brother Corey (big help when planning out the meal budget) and cousin Mark (you should see this guy clean-up after dinner).  Otherwise, lots of questions and comments from the peanut gallery. Stephen (always the match-maker at our get togethers) liked this picture I sent in the invitation but he’s not coming, Jaron (the cousin that think’s he’s some sort of comic book character) says he’ll send some of his high quality H2O but he isn’t coming, and my boy Olson says he has a Full House of his own to deal with…

I hope I make enough! … What if I make too much? … Do I have enough chairs? …  Who am I kidding we don’t sit at R4TJ.  Family! Am I Right?

EC: Nemo, Pikachu, UTI

My brother Andrew showed up unexpectedly.  I figured he might turn up on his way out of town but I just wasn’t sure.  As I stepped out to greet him, Chris shot by the door.  (I swear that guys moves like lightning).  The time I had set in the invitation for appetizers arrived so we got started, figured no one else would be coming.  2ish miles of EC was on the menu.  It was something I’d discovered long ago on a visit to Paradise City.  By the time we were done other guests had started to trickle in.

FNGs: Zilch – It would be nice if some of these guys had more friends to bring along to dinner.  The more the merrier I always say…

Warm Up:  Daisy Pickers, Frankensteins, Burpees (Thanks Katniss), Butt Kickers, High Knees

We got started with some light stretching.  Meals at R4TJ are no joke and you really need to stretch things out to make room.  Right as we got started, Brian tore into the driveway.  He said he’d planned on going to Jeff’s get together but put in the wrong address.  Since he was so close to my house… he just made himself at home… Oy!  We added a card table, threw a table cloth on it and let him join us.  It’s Thanksgiving after all and he brought a few cans for sides…

The Workout:

For those of us that came with an empty stomach and a hefty appetite.  YHC served a beautiful whole bird.  If you had to equate the amount of meat to a distance – I’d say it was about 5 miles of Turkey.  If you went back for more (like Chris did – More than a few times I might add – that guy can really dig in) you might get more like 10 miles out of that bird.  Truly a feast!

Guests seeking something on the lighter side opted for the neck and the dark meat.  Chad (we call him Rut – hunters like the gross stuff) was happy to deliver.  Such a long neck on this thing.  3 miles of meat (I know its strange but my family has always measured their meat in miles.)

Mary:  We didn’t invite her.  Always brings up politics at the table.  Gets Corey all bent out of shape.  She winds up drunk and things really get strange after that…  Not worth the hassle.

Announcements: Convergence tomorrow at Tiger Blood, 6AM.  Friendsgiving at M4Ls on Thursday, Frosty, Christmas Party, Oakwood 24, BRR registration opens soon, there was more and I hope its all on Slack.  With all the tryptophan and you just start getting sick of your family… It’s like Blah Blah Blah….

T-Claps (Recognition): These go to Josh and Brian – This was Kosher’s 3rd post in South Wake and he came out for 3 miles at R4TJ.  I’d say its a bit rare for our newcomers to show at R4TJ especially when running hasn’t been their thing recently.  Great work Kosher and welcome to the family.  Katniss delivered the goods, the canned goods that is!

Prayer: Mark lead us in prayer (again, strange family, prayers after the meal).  Great message from Corey about being mindful/grateful for what we have in our families.  Bring all 3Fs to your table this year.  Be great fathers, brothers, husbands, etc. as we always talk about.  Keep Quiver and family in your prayers.  Consider those

2nd F:  Once all the crazies left… Brian, Corey, Chris, Josh, and I (Jon) went over to Panera for some after-dinner coffee.

Labor Day Convergence 7 of Diamonds

FNGs: Welcome Bunny Hop and Cousin Eddie!
Warm Up: Disclaimer was given. Bootcamp and Frisbee split up.  Convergence crowd mosey down Sugg Farm Rd to big field with Tree.  Flag was planted and we Bear Crawl Burbee to a comfortable spot.  (YHC called out Grizzly as we Bear Crawl and Burpees were performed.  Circle up for: SSH x50, Daisy Pickers x15, FAC x10 Fwd x10 Rev, Overhead Claps x10, Seal Claps x10, Mountain Climber x10, Mountain Goats x10.  Count off and split into 4 groups for accountability.
The Workout: 7 of Diamonds! YHC called out 4 meeting spots in the field that made up the diamond. At each meeting spot we completed the excercise of the round. Round 1 – 7 4×4’s Round 2 – 14 Plank Jacks Round 3 – 21 Diamond Merkins Round 4 –  28 Imperial Walkers Round 5 – 21 Wide Plank Merkins Round 6 – 14 Mountain Climbers with last 4 of each set Mountain Goats Round 7 – 7 Turkish Get Ups
Mary: Circle up around flag for 5 minute plank hold. YHC started off with Bear Crawl Ring of Fire by moving 3 spots to right and swapping out PAX. We continued this for 5 minutes while holding various Plank Positions and Pickle Pounders
Announcements: If you didn’t get enough today, YHC has the Q at Purple Cobra tomorrow. BRR? I believe it’s this week 🙂
T-Claps (Recognition): FNG’s and Sponsors for coming to a 1hr convergence
Prayer: Crab Legs, Noah’s Ark wife Michelle and their Family

AMRAP Indian Runs!

PAX of 21 posted at Disney, “Where Dreams Come True” (dreams can be nightmares too) for a BRR friendly workout.  The definition of friendly was debated by Nemo after the workout.  Q was happy to see a large group of #HIM swallowed the DRP and decided to show up for EC (15 in total).  Upon further inspection, he was even more pleased to see that there were no Fritter Quitters.

FNGs: None

EC: Pablo, M4L. Dawgpound, Emeril, ShamWow!, Crosby, Dahmer, 187, Axe, Plex, Pilgrim, Bernie, Pumkin Spice, Nemo, Katniss

Fritter: New Fritters: Bernie, Pilgrim, Crosby, Katniss  Repeat Fritters: Dawgpound, Emeril, M4L, ShamWow!, Pumpkin Spice  Fritter Quitters: None

Warm Up: All exercises in cadence: SSH x 20, Imperial Walkers x 20, Hillbillies x 20, Fazio arm circles 10 forward 10 back

The Workout: PAX split into small groups (3 groups of 5 and 1 group of 6) based on speed for Indian runs.  In there groups, PAX moseyed to the drop-off circle at the front of MCHS where they found benches to complete 10 erkins, 10 derkins, 10 dips, and 10 more erkins while we waited for the six.  Once we regrouped, we moved to the gate that separates the faculty lot from the road for the main entrance.  In their Indian run groups, PAX were instructed to run up the long road to West Lake Rd and do 5 burpess, run back and bear crawl under the gate, run up the short road to Middle Creek Park Ave and do 5 star jumps, run back to the gate, and wash-rinse-repeat until Q called time.  After 30+ minutes, Q called PAX back do the gate to regroup.  While waiting for the six, we completed LBC ICx25, 25 Merkins, SSH ICx25.  Once we all regrouped at the gate, all groups combined for a large group Indian run back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: All exercises in cadence: Low Slow Flutter x 20, Homer to Marge x 20, Freddie Mercury 20 regular and 20 reverse, Pickle Pounders x 20, Have a nice day!

Announcements: Blue Hen 5 year anniversary Q @ cletus with a 5 mile EC that starts at 4:30, Breath Taker charity is the Holly Springs Food Cupboard: Accepting donations of cash (Fritter Foundation is matching all cash donations), food, or time at the cupboard to help in garden or general repairs (meeting there this Saturday)

Prayer: Drew (victim in UNC Charlotte shooting), Crablegs, Bernie’s stepmom, Pilgrim’s father, spoken and unspoken.  Thank you to Pumpkin Spice for taking us out in prayer!

Mucho Chesto

It was a great day to get after it at TigerBlood with perfect temperatures.  The QIC anticipated a low turnout after the epic double overtime win by the Canes in game seven, however the PAX was ready to go with many lacking some sleep.

Warm Up:

Quick mosey over to the field in front of the elementary school with a combination of karaoke and shuffle around the small dirt track before circling up.

  • SSH IC X 20
  • Good Morning IC X 10
  • Windmill IC X 15
  • Fazio Arm Circle X 10 rotate repeat
  • Hillbilly IC X 10
  • Imperial Walker IC X 10

The Workout:

Mosey over to the curb running along the retaining wall along the side of the elementary school. Everyone was instructed to get down in the dip position on the curb.  The last person crab walked to the front while the rest of the PAX shuffeled in the dip position on the curb.  The PAX quickly realized that the shufflers were moving quicker than the crab walker and the shuffling slowed.  Once all PAX had completed the crab walk everyone did a round of plank shuffle and bear crawl.

Everyone partnered up and then joined another group of partners to Indian run in small groups over to the middle school track.

Let the fun/pain begin… Merkin Mile.  Each partner would start running opposite directions around the track, when then met 25 merkin claps were completed and running continued.  This was continued until 4 laps around the track were complete and 200 merkin claps.  Groups went to the pole vault area for some six inch leg hold until all groups completed.

Mosey over to the street running along the side of the middle school between the track and parking lot.

Everyone dropped down to the plank and was instructed to sprint to the next lightpole and hold the plank.  This was repeated until we reached the parking lot.

To ensure we fully exhausted the chest it was time for Body Hits the Floor. The song Bodies by Drowning Pool was played and on each the PAX would perform 4 merkins and when the words body hits the floor a donkey kick was executed.


Quick round of Guantanamo and they took us right to the end of time.


See Pikachu’s comprehensive menu of F3 Southwake announcements on the various communication platforms.  Reminded to attend the first aid training tonight.  See Pikachu’s announcement for more information. Pax discussed the importance of CrabLegs advice on nsuring you have Long term disability and Life Insurance.

T-Claps (Recognition):


Moby’s dad is still recovering and should be getting out of the stroke rehab center to go home.  Continued prayers for CrabLegs.

Red Barchetta

24 at a warmer than usual early Feb edition of Disney as YHC returned as guest Q to bring back a popular workout from last year, and straight out of the F3 exicon, The Red Barchetta.  Named after a classic song by Canadian rock legends Rush, the workout is meant to get he heart rate up and keep moving.  The song, by the way, is based on an excellent short story about a time in the future when we have “motor laws” making it illegal to go joy riding in a classic sports car.  A young man gets his uncles red barchetta out from storage in a barn and heads out on the open road, through the mountains.

5 on EC Nemo, Deadbolt, Warbucks, Lipstick and Pikachu

Warm Up: Quick jog around the field, standard round of w/u exercises in the lot with a built in preview of the sequence of exercises in the main event.
The Workout: Mosey to field, take spot on the line.  100 yard dash, 100 IC SSH, 100 yard jog back.  75 yard dash, 75 IC Mt Climbers, 75 yard jog back.  50 yard dash, 50 IC LBCs, 50 yard jog back.  25 yard dash, 25 Merkins, 25 yard jog back.  10 yard dash, 10 burpees OYO, 10 yard jog back.  Took a lap around the field to cap it off.
Mary: Quick sets of standard mary exercises, keeping the heart rate going (we moved fast)
Announcements: Check your facebook and slack – lots going on
Prayer: Moby’s dad, Crableg’s friend, took a silent 10 count for unspoken and YHC took us out.

Great effort by all who posted,  That’s a deceptively challenging workout and everyone just kept moving.  Honor to lead, as always.

Which Harris Teeter is it?

YHC was stilled filled with energy after the big Super Bowl win – that and missing Paradise City from staying up late to watch Brady hoist his 6th Lombardi trophy was the reason for this more of a limited run and intense leg and arm beat down.  We had a 2.0 and an FNG to start out.

Warm Up: The usual jog around the parking lot and through the Cobra Sunrise Strava segment.  Circled up at the flag for:

The Windmill ICx15

Hillbillies ICx15

Imperial Walkers ICx15

Good Mornings ICx15

The Workout:

In the back lot near the flag, we lined up on one end and did the following exercises.  First exercise to the next piece of curb sticking out followed by the second exercise and then the first exercise again to the next piece of curb sticking out.

10 reps each of 2nd exercise and mosey back to the beginning for 5 OYO burpees.

Bear crawls and squats

Lunge walks and merkins

Bear crawls and LBCs

Crab walks and WWIIs

The PAX reminded YHC that the Patriots had just won the Superbowl.

One of the PAX showed up a tad late because apparently there are 2 Harris Teeters in Holly Springs and the link to Purple Cobra’s location doesn’t work.  Need to get Gump to fix that…


Mosey around the back of the building in a clockwise manner stopping by the loading dock.

BTTW w/a 15 count down the line

15 count rest

People’s chair w/a 15 count down the line

15 count rest

BTTW w/a 10 count down the line

People’s chair w/a 10 count down the line


Mosey to Dry Cleaners Lot

Dan Taylor towards the flag

1 squat : 4 lunges

2 squat : 8 lunges

3 squat : 12 lunges

4 squat : 16 lunges

5 squat : 20 lunges

continuing to add on until we reached the flag


YHC pulled out a Bose speaker and played Tubthumping for the PAX.  Every time we heard “I get knocked down…” PAX did a Burpish Gettup.  SSH were done otherwise.

Welcome FNG – Shooter (thanks to Rut for bringing him out)

Shredder, Rut’s friend Ken

Christmas Time at Mutiny

Pax of 11 joined the family fun Christmas festivities in the gloom at Mutiny hosted by father (H1N1) and son (Messi).  Welcome to 2.0 FNG – Sweep!

Warm Up: Lap around the track.  SSH IC x 10, good mornings IC x 10, IW and HB IC x 10
The Workout:

Mosey’d to the rock pile where each Pax picked out a rock of choice for some Christmas fun!  Rinse and repeat after each round.

C  – Curls for the girls x 15 IC

H – Heavy Freddie’s x 15 IC

R – Rapid Fire Rock Set (ruh-rohs, standing chest press, tricep extensions, overhead presses) x 15 each with no rest between

I  – Indian run around the field carrying rock

S – Squerkins x 10 and then switch with partner

T – Turkish getups with rock, 10 on each side

M – Merkin mania (diamond, regular, and standard) x 10

A – Al Gore with rock for 60 seconds around the horn

S – Smurf SSH

Mary: Round the horn each Pax called an exercise x 10
Announcements: Inaugural 8k and 16k race in HS (look on Facebook for F3 promo code).  Convergence for repairs for Wolfies house (be on the lookout for post by Lip sync for details)
Prayer: Families celebrating first Christmas without loved ones.