
Digger Triple 7’s at Prison Yard

10 PAX showed up to Prison Yard on this muggy gloom morning. YHC was setting up TRX bands and saw the yellow stink box nearby which caused a 30 sec late start but we got the work done. No FNG’s, one HC no show and one HC puppy pooping bail.

Warm up lap with carioca

Warm up exercises
Good mornings

3 groups
G1 – TRX Bands
G2 – run the ladders Burpees on the ends
G3 – core

Each group rotated stations after one exercise. 21 rotations completed on the final seconds.

Bands 7’s
– Atomic push up
– Face pull
– Chest fly
– Single leg squat
– Twist pull
– Low row
– Pike

– Double feet
– Lateral down
– Jump in jack down
– In and out
– Icky shuffle
– Single foot hops
– Merkin walk

– Lateral raises
– Boat canoes
– Double crunch (LBC then reverse LBC)
– WWI’s
– Box cutters
– V ups
– J Lo’s

Hard stop

We made it through all the exercises as the 45 mins expired. Nice work men! Glad we could try something a little different.

As always, it’s an honor to be a part of this group and lead a workout.

BS Out!

Drowned Rats at the Yard

15 Pax took to the pool for a run, swim, run at the prison yard.

Woody, Sunshine, Warbucks, Bondo , Fonzie  Banana Seat  POTS  Fumunga  LED  Sprinkler  Deadbolt  Shredder  Laettner  FRAM and  Breach on the Q

Warm-Up: Running to the pool from the parking lot,

The Workout: Partner up for laps, partner one was swimming laps while partner 2 was hitting the merkins for 2 rounds, then v-ins for 2 rounds and then burpees for 2 rounds followed by some squats while everyone finished up. Had a few mins to dry and off and then hit the pavement back to the yard. All the rats made it without drowning and all were accounted for.

Mary: Circle up for some LBC’s, box cutters, and Homer to Marge to finish off the workout.

Announcements: Picnic this Sat at Harris Lake(Check Slack for details)
T-Claps (Recognition): From Warbuck-very appreciative of all the donations to the NCCC unit they were very thankful for all the stuff that was donated.

We also learned a little more about POTS in COT.

Prayer: Fram-Prayers for his daughter-teenager not getting along with mom very well, Fumunga- His brother-in-law is getting a divorce and needs prayers to get through and for the kids.

I decided that this morning would be a coupon day. Thought for sure it was going to be raining this am.

Arrived at Mutiny this am to find about 4 cars in the PVA. I headed down to the circle behind Club Works to unload some coupons. Once unloaded I met all the PAX at normal starting spot.

FNG: Welcome Rob Del Riego F3 abacus

Warm Up: We joined forces with Red October for a lap around the gym. Circled up for 30 IC side-straddle-hops, 10IC good mornings, imperial walkers, hillbillies, Frankenstein’s, merkins. Red October went to shelter and we headed off to lower parking lot.

The Workout: Once I realized we had 11 PAX I had Fram head to his car to grab some more coupons. While we waited for him, we ran suicides. After that we lunged walked, bear crawled and crawl beared to the end of the lot. It was here that I went over the stations. Below is what we did:

One PAX on tire carry around circle. He was the timer.

One PAX moseyed to stop sign at top of hill and returned.

American Hammers with weight

Bench Press w/RR weight

Mace triceps extension

Bent over rows w/weight

Squats w/mace rotating L/R hand

Fire Hose Press

Weights between legs roatating hands

Overhead rotations w/weight

Once we rotated through we formed 2 lines and Indian Run around gym. At the 1st corner was 5 burpees OYO. Lined up and 2nd corner 5 burpees OYO, 3rd 10 Merkins on my up and down, last corner 20 crab jacks. Indian Run back to coupons. Loaded them up in the truck and headed to the wall for wall chairs w/seal claps. We then BTW for a 30 count.

Mary: Dauber and Gump were already there stretching. We did 30 IC low-slow flutter, homer-to-marge/left/right leg up also to 10 IC. Stretched and Have a Nice Day!

Announcements: 11:00 am this Saturday F3 Cook-out. See slack for details.

T-Claps: Fram for wearing over 30lb vest the entire workout and to all who EC this am. Special recognition that my workout met the standard for 16 bit. He knows what I am talking about. Glad I did not disappoint you!

Prayers/ Praise: 16 bits mother-in-law battling cancer and treatments, Kayleigh, Daubers daughter travel mercies headed back to Baylor. Praise Fanny Pack daughter graduating 5th grade.

Something that hit me the Preacher said yesterday in Church.

“Who’s beautification process are you enrolled in?”

The world or the kingdom of GOD?

You’ve got to know where you are supposed to be!!!

Honor to led Gents!!

Sheepdog 6/18/21 – Strike Fest

No FNGs but a couple Pax new to Sheepdog. Welcome Woody and Sunshine to the AO that packs a punch! 

EC: Norm, Bobby Boucher, Shredder

Warm Up: several F3 traditional favorites with Side straddle top, sir Fazio arm circles, seal clamps, overhead clamps, imperial walkers, hillbillies, Single leg deadlifts to work on balance and stability, and Frankenstein.

The Workout: today’s workout was brought to you by four corners and a whole lotta striking 🤛🏼.   Pax started with 25 Wing Chun strikes, ran to the next corner of the parking lot, 1 Merkin (at which point I think Woddy said, “only one!?!”), next corner 1 squat to front kick in cadence (so, both sides), next corner 1 star jump, then back to the beginning. So far, not that bad. We then bumped up to 35 strikes and ran to the next corner for 2 merkins, 2 squat kicks, 2 star jumps, etc. Each loop around we added a set and increased the strikes; 75, 100, 125, 150. About 1/2 way through we swapped strikes for wedging but still cranked out high reps. A couple pauses to focus on technique details. I’m assuming Pax will be feeling this workout at about 3:00 today.

Mary: 50 LBCs in cadence

Announcements: Norm is moving.  He will be missed!

T-Claps (Recognition): Bobby Boucher rocking it on a long EC climb. Warbucks collection.

Prayer: Beer pressure’s sister trying to get into grad-school.

Way to go men. Honored to lead!

Fritter returned to Possum Trot

19 PAX, including 10 who are in hot pursuit of the coveted fritter, posted at Possum Trot for a beatdown delivered by the Fritter Foundation.

Fritter Quitters: None

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lap around the tennis courts; circled up for SSH, IW, HB, Fazio arm circles, good mornings; I had to throw in some burpees to calm the mumble chatter

The Workout: PAX moseyed to the tennis court and lined up on one end. PAX were instructed to travel the width of the 4 tennis courts by broad jump, 5 star jumps, broad jump, 5 prisoner squats, wash-rinse-repeat until you reach the other side and squat-hold for the 6.  PAX then traveled back to the start across the 4 courts with the Obama (named after the 44th president) 4 steps in bear crawl followed by 4 merkins, wash-rinse-repeat until you reach the other side and plank-hold for the 6.  PAX loved these so much, we decided to do it again but had to limit each to the halfway mark to save on time.  Once complete, PAX traveled to the concession stand via Indian run for more fun.  Half the pax held BTTW, while the other pax did an exercise, then switch.  (exercises were 1:step ups x10 each leg, 2:bulgarian squats x5 each leg, 3:Erkins-Derkins-Dips x5 each).  Half the pax then held People’s chair while the other half did exercises, then switch. (exercises were 1:American Hammer, 2:Mountain Climbers).  PAX then indian ran back to the courts for Mary.

Mary: Plank-O-Rama until time

Announcements: Picnic- check slack

T-Claps (Recognition): Sunshine- strong first week!

Prayer: Kevin, Heidi, Warbucks, Woody’s son traveling, First responders and military

It gets HEAVIER as we go!

YHC had been wanting to get out the big boy toys for some bulking up.  The Prison Yard is notorious for coupons and tabata style work. We had tires, ropes, an ab wheel, Pain sticks, 15lbs DB – 65lbs DB, 125lbs on the straight bar, 40lbs Tractor weights, a fire hose and battle rope. Time to get to work.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: I/C SSH 20, I/C 10 Good mornings, Daisy Pickers, Frankenstien’s SFAC forward/reverse.
The Workout:  Thang 1> Instructed PAX’s to get into groups of 3 and we talked about each of the stations.  The 3 man teams rotated inside of each station performing a super set per muscle group.  Each exercise was 50 sec with 7 sec rest/rotate. After each superset was complete PAX rotated to next station.  Superset 1 ABS (Toes touch each plate on the straight bar with 125lbs while holding a bench press/AB wheel/ Double overhand smash with battle rope.) Superset 2 Shoulders (Two PAX standing press the tire while 3rd man does Bobby Hurley’s, Rotate through every 50 sec…There was some swearing on this one) Superset 3 Biceps ( Railroad iron curl/Hammer Curls 40lbs/15 lbs alternating curls…FED EX gets credit for naming the BB on this station) Superset 4 LAT/Delts (Front raise with fire hose/ Heavy bag or tire flip/Pain Stick press….DEADBOLT wanted to know if there was a rest station built in) Superset 5 Shoulders/Traps (Tractor weight shrugs/Upright Rut Rows/ 30lbs or 65lbs Lawnmowers) Thang 2 > Stack’em Curls for the girls with Plank hold.  40lbs, 60 lbs, 35lbs, Railroad iron, 25lbs, 15lbs. Start with two reps and work your way up to 12 reps finishing with the 15lbs. As the PAX move through the stackems the other plank hold while waiting their turn and when you finish move to plank hold.  Release when last PAX gets to end of group….DOUBLE D was sleeveless Fuquay-Varina style and was ready for the gun show after this.
Mary: OYO 10 reps. Big Boys, Butterflys, Two handed heal touch, Leg climb, Freddy Mercury on Q’s count. Cobra to Downward dog stretches.
Announcements: Carpex swap.  Quiver signed up and willing to Co-Q.
T-Claps (Recognition): Sprinkler for running EC with an EH from POTs.
Prayer: Banana Seat with unspoken.  YHC took us out.