
We did recover

6 PAX dodged the lightning to make it to an upper body, abs and stretching workout to propel them into the weekend. PAX did a great job recalling the mission of F3 and our core values. Being only my second Q I did remember to “recover” this time after most exercises. Thanks men for the opportunity to lead.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: The bounce, foot trace, sir fozio arm circles, overhead clap, seal clap, side straddle hop
The Workout: 3 rounds tabata 45 seconds on; 15 sec rest.
First cycle 1. Shoulder Press 2. KB Swings 3. Squat curls 4. KB Snatch
Second Cycle 1. Shoulder Tap 2. Renegade Rows 3. Push-up on the bell 4. Push-up w Renegade Row
Mary: Abs 6 inches, low slow flutter, box cutters, American hammer, midget cookie pouches.
Stretches: Table top – cat/cow and alternating arm and leg kicks; Downward Dog – runners pose & pigeon
Announcements: See Slack
T-Claps (Recognition): None
Prayer: Pot’s mother in law had a stroke yesterday; Bobby B’s neighbor’s heart condition; mental health, hope & optimism, tension with in-laws and leading as men through conflict at home.

The Kneeler is Born…

21 Strong rolled out at 5:30 for 5+ miles.  The route took us up and out of Jones Park, turning left, we made a hard right on Johnson (which seemed to get Lipstick excited), then Right on Earp, up Cemetery Hill, back to HS road and then Main St. all the way back to Ting.  Numerous PAX out this am for early morning miles and EC.  Follow the mumble chatter on Slack for where the name of the route, “kneeler” is derived from.

Announcements: Long ass run this weekend, be there or be square
Prayers: Doc and Vasoline’s kids both with upcoming surgeries


Gassed Out

EC:  Lipstick, Skidmark, Pikachu, Fanny Pack, Full House, YHC

FNGs:  Pre-blast rumors were told of 3 FNGs to be brought by Katniss and 187.  YHC was the source of said rumors and they were absolutely unfounded by anything resembling fact.  FULL DISCLOSURE:  These statements were made to ride the coat tails of Katniss’s awesome backblast and pump up the numbers for my Q.

As everyone arrived on this fine Monday morning to Paradise.  The air was cool and fresh.  This was fortunately not a morning where the smell of garbage from the landfill hung in the air.  The PAX assembled and intel on the need for gloves was requested.  YHC figured we would be on our hands a bit so better safe than sorry.  This info caught the ear of our resident Pokemon/Nantan – “Bear Crawls!?” he asked excitedly.  It wasn’t in the plan but this was the second Paradise in recent memory where Pikachu called out for Bear Crawls.  I would see what I could do, I told myself.

Warm Up:  A familiar mozy around Paradise.  We ran towards the bottom of the ramp, as we mozy’d a car was moving fast to arrive to Paradise “on-time”.  Bobby Dall emerged from the car and joined us.  Pikachu reiterated his desire for Bear Crawls.  “Bear Crawls up the ramp!?”  I was starting to feel as though I was in a warped version of Green Eggs and Ham.  “Would you?  Could You?  On a ramp?”  The run continued to the top of the ramp where Windmills were performed.  Something was said about “Recover”.  I guess if you need to recover from Windmills…  Skidmark… YHC pressed on and we continued to the back corner near the tennis courts,  On the way, Skidmark looked back on his childhood and ran with his arms spread as if he were a bird or a plane.  Arrival at our next stop, YHC called out Side Straddle Hops.  We went to 25, YHC shouted “RECOVER” followed by Side Straddle Hops.  Lipstick was provided with his typical 50 SSH to start his Monday, Skidmark was given a moment to recover.  We pressed on to the lot, just beyond the barrier outside of the basketball courts – Daisy Pickers.   Warm Up over…

The Workout:

Mozy to the tunnel opening.  PAX watched out on the bypass as THE LAW descended on one unlucky speeder.  YHC reflected on Bobby Dall’s entrance to Paradise this morning.  Lucky for him, no one was on Sportsmanship way this AM as they have been for the last few weeks.

Thing 1:  Tunnel time was not on the menu but the first event was added per request from Pikachu.  Bear Crawls repeats up the hill.  Followed by lunge walks down this hill.  PAX repeated 5x bear crawls with returns.  At some point during this event, the first foul smell was noted.  Did Lipstick, take a Lipstick in the tunnel again?  No time to investigate, let’s clear out – next thing.

Travel to the next thing was a weave through the Paradise lot along Sportsmanship Way, back towards the ramp, and then back towards Sportsmanship again, following the outer rim of the lot.  As we approached our destination, a release…  Warbucks owned it immediately and proclaimed that he was powered by Tijuana Flats.  Full House cried foul, based on his examinations their were notes of chocolate and blueberries.  Something was off and not just the smell.

Thing 2:  11s on the stairs.  WW2s at the bottom (10 to start), Burpees up top (1 to start) – MATH!  OYO!  LET’S GO!  As the PAX worked to finish their task, complaints continued about a specific aroma.  Lipstick was pretty far from the group but that never stopped him before.  Laettner proclaimed “When it’s me, I own it!”  Thing 2 – FIN

Mozy in reverse course around the outer rim of the Paradise lot until we are at the top of the Bear Crawl hill.

Thing 3 (appetizer):  Sprint up the hill to the back corner of the lot.

Mozy around the back and to the bottom of the ramp.

Thing 3:  In the events of the morning it became clear what these men needed.  Probiotics!  Yogurt wasn’t present so all I could do was provide the medicine he would normally prescribe after a workout at Paradise (or any Ting-based AO) – SPRINT REPEATS!!!  Regardless of the need for probiotics, YHC had already decided to incorporate Yogurt’s 7-minute routine to the Main Event.  It played out as it normally does EXCEPT…  Someone ripped one at the starting line and held up the launch to ensure everyone got a good wif… FOR SHAME!!!  (nice one bro)

Return to the lot for Mary

Mary:  Oops, Bear Crawl repeats took all the time we had for Mary – Let’s not forget Bobby Dall’s hurried (but late) entrance – 5 BURPEES!!!

AnnouncementsLONG ASS RUN this Saturday

Prayer:  YHC took us out – Great morning in the gloom!

The Quiet Man

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! YHC made it a point to take the Q today at my site to deliver the celebratory beatdown and celebrate our Irish pride. Honestly not a lot of hooliganry, shenanigans, or mumblechatter during the workout today. Some workouts have a lot of chatter and a lot of laughs…others not so much. I know that YHC’s method of leading often leads to a quieter workout…but that’s my working style…get things done…I’ll get my talking in at 2nd F! Seven Hearty Hooligans posted at Womble for a 4 leaf clover of fitness…so we went to 4 different spots on the grounds. Each spot, had a relatively narrow focus on the muscle group under attack.

FNG’s: No sir!
Warm Up: SSH x 30 IC, Daisy Pickers, Annie’s, Chinooks, Seal Claps, Frankensteins all x12 IC, Good Morning x6 IC.
The Workout: We moseyed over to the baseball parking lot where PAX were instructed to bear crawl the length of the parking lot and choose a challenging large rock. We did 2 rounds, with a bear crawl/lunge walk break in between. Curls for the Girls x25, Wonderbras x15 IC, and Rut-Rows x25.

Stop 2 had us moseying to the bandstand…now to work on some upper body/chest area. Balls to the Wall x 10 IC, Irkins x25, BTTW x12IC, Dips x25, BTTW x15 IC, Derkins x20, BTTW x20 IC, Hand Release Merkins x20. People’s Chair to recover…because we would be hitting legs next. Moseyed over to the large parking lot.

YHC previously set up 4 cones for a suicide series. Run to 1st cone, 5 burpees. 2nd Cone = 10 Alternate Lunges IC, 3rd Cone = 15 Squat Jumps, 4th Cone = 20 Monkey Humpers IC. A few PAX got to start climbing down the ladder, but otherwise, we picked up the 6 and proceeded. We finished up this 3rd “leaf” with 20 Prisoner Squats, 20 Zebra Kicks x20 IC, and 20 more Prisoner Squats.

We moseyed over to the tennis courts for Mary and stretching.
Mary: WW1’s x20, Dying Cockroach x 20 IC, LSF x 20 IC, and Pickle Pounders x 20 IC. Pigeon Pose both sides, high plank, side plank both side, high plank, Good mornings x6 IC. Slainte!!!
Announcements: Great TEDTalk last night about ShieldLocks. Check out the archive if you weren’t able to be there. Long Ass Run, Saturday March 27th.
T-Claps (Recognition): Cancun for getting out here and posting quite often since starting 4 weeks ago. Way to get it!
Prayer: Cancun and his wife’s book deal/process, FloJoe and his M…she’s got a good job possiblity, hope it goes well. YHC took us out. Grateful to be here this morning with these HIM!

Buzzards with Random Counts

YHC cooked up a plan to get everyone here between 3-3.5 miles during the workout. Random counts at stops along the way were on the bill today as we primarily circled the soccer fields like buzzards in 8 Man Indian Run lines. Strong work put in by all PAX along the way. Bear crawls were a last minute consideration at the prodding of Pikachu during the Gloom, but ultimately time expired.

ECers’: Skidmark, Pikachu, Full House, U.T.I., and YHC.

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings x20 IC followed by a warm up mosey with stops along the way around the large lot in front of the ball fields. Warm-ups included: Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC (F/R), Imperial Walkers x10 IC, Hillbillies x10 IC, 10 Burpees for a very late arrival, and Windmills x10 IC.
The Workout: We counted off into two 8 man Indian Run lines. Every stop at the BBall Court would be 5 burpees, every time passing the flags at the stadium entrance would be 7 Star Jumps. Each time the Indian Run groups crossed paths, YHC would call an exercise. Exercises included: Merkins x30, Mountain Climbers x14 IC, SSH x40 IC, Prisoner Squats x37, Plank Jacks x17 IC, Hand Release Merkins x 21, Squat Jumps x17…I think. We circled a total of 4 times, switching directions halfway through.

Groups converged at the bottom of the ramp for 25 IC LSF’s led by Skidmark. We moved on to a series of short hill repeats up the ramp. Started at the first light pole with 14 merkins, ran to the top for 6 step-ups. Each time back we deleted a light pole and 1 merkin. Some PAX may have got down as low as 10 merkins before we had to call it quits at the top of the ramp and head back on a mosey to the BBall Court for Mary.
Mary: Homer to Marge x20 IC, Box Cutters x 20 IC
Announcements: TedTalk Tuesday about Shield Locks…tune in. Long Ass Run Saturday the 27th, check Slack for details.
T-Claps (Recognition): The HIM’s at Ting who just kept going today…several fellas were tired, YHC could tell…but we inspire eachother to move forward.
Prayer: Roger Roger cousin with stroke and brain tumor, his family friend Maggie (breast cancer). Dumbo stepped up to take us out. Strong work, YHC was blessed to lead today!

All the highlights

YHC’s 2nd TBD Q of the year. Tetanus was kind enough to award me a sweet Staff / SYITG shirt after this one. Very snazzy!


None today
Warm Up:

Mosey to the end parking lot

SSH x20 IC

Daisy picker x10 IC

Good morning x10 IC

Sir Fazio x10 IC forward/backward
The Workout:

Mosey to the playground

4 corners on the soccer field loop – 5x pull ups each time past the playground, 5x merkins, 10x carolina dry docks, 15x squats, 20x freddy mercury IC at the respective corners. After 2 laps we mosied to the amphitheater

Partner up – alternate between dips and balls to the wall – dips IC as timer, 30x, 20x, and 10x

Mosey to the middle parking lot and grab a rock. Bearly curling down, crab soccer back

Mosey across the street to the pit for the big hill. 7s on the hill with derkins on the fence (top rung!) and monkey humpers at the bottom

Mosey to the tennis courts

LBCs x20 IC

Pickle Pounders x10 IC

Sadly we were out of time

Long ass run on the ATT

T-Claps (Recognition):

Cancun – dude is killing it!


Sounds of the interstate and the smells of the dump…this is what it’s all about

FML Q battle this morning in the Springs. Skidmark already had the upper hand but we couldn’t put a finger on why.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies
The Workout: 3 Man Indian run with stops for 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 LBCs. Stops at the traffic light, top of the hill in Bridgewater, the stop sign, and then the bottom of the hill when the greenway goes to trail. 7’s on that hill with in cadence lunges at the top and absolutions at the bottom.
Mary: Stretching
Announcements: Long Ass Run, Covid Shots for Group 3 are out there
T-Claps (Recognition): Dumbo grinding through the shoulder. Great to see him. Bondo, Cause I know he is not a fan of the mosey to up Anchor Creek Way
Prayer: Dumbo took us out

Bear Crawl on the Rocks

on the rocksFNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH x20, Windmills x10, Daisy Pickers x10, Fozio Arm Circles / Sun Gods x10 forward x10 back, Seal Claps x10, Overhead Claps x10, Moroccan Night clubs x10
The Workout: YHC’s avoiding a lot of running due to injury, so we took things nice and slow today. Like, bear crawls across the parking lot slow. We mosied over to the rock pile and grabbed a medium-sized rock. It went like this:

  • Curls for the girls x30 in cadence.
  • Bear crawl / rock push across the parking lot (long ways) to the next corner.
  • Squats x30 in cadence.
  • Lunge walk short side.
  • Ruh Rohs x30 in cadence.
  • Bear crawl / rock push.
  • Ground Pounders x30 in cadence.
  • Lunge walk back to start.

Round 2 was the same, with the count at 20. Round 3 we were running tight on time, so we swapped the bear crawls with John Cusack walk. Count at 10. Returned our rocks and mosied over to the picnic shelter.

Lined up for People’s Chair, 10 count down the line for a total of 40. Balls to the Wall, 10 count x4 = 40. Urkins, Durkins and French Dips, 10 each. Mosied back for Mary.
Mary: Popcorn Mary (those shoulder taps were rough). Ended with some light yoga stretching.
Announcements: *crickets*
T-Claps (Recognition): Cancun for swapping out for a bigger rock after round 1 of the workout.
Prayer: mental health for everyone these days, sleep for those with wee ones

It came with a free shirt

1st Q of the free shirt challenge.
EC: Mookie for 2 miles, Skidmark for 3.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Some imperial walkers, hillbillies, arm circles, SSH
The Workout: Mosey to the rock pile to select a rock. Leave the rock at the rock pile and mosey to the playset for 5-10 good pullups. Mosey back to the shelter and partner up. Partner 1 will run to the rock pile and do set 1 of Jack Webbs (1 merkin, 3 Shoulder press with rock). While Partner 1 is running and Jack Webbing Partner 2 is doing a glute exercise. Then switch. Worked all the way to 10 merkins-30 Shoulder press. Glute exercises performed: Single leg deadlift, Reverse lunge, Split squat, Homer to marge, regular squat, stepups.
Mosey back to the playset for two rounds of pullups.
Mary: 6 minutes of plank hold with various exercises. We reviewed the 5 core principals and the F3 mission while in plank.
Announcements: Long Ass Run March 27
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Friend of Roger Roger, YHC took us out.

17 PAX Under the Lights for Ultimate Frisbee

FNGs:  Welcome back Lipsync to the gloom (6 months).  None – but a very nice turn out in 60 degree weather on the 1st day of March; that wind though made a lot of us look pretty silly throwing and catching…
Warm Up:  SSH, Daisy pickers, Static Stretching (Cupid needs help)
The Workout:  9 V 8.  Lots of intensity battling the stiff wind in one direction; great defensive plays; lots of nice throws and catches too.  After each score, 5-10 count exercises were called out including burpees and merkins.
Mary:  Nope. The game exceeded 45 mins plus.
Announcements:  See Slack & FB; Freed to Lead is being updated….chance to send in an inspirational story.
T-Claps (Recognition):  All the PAX who helped out on Sunday morning moving items at Mama’s House.  Great leadership LED organizing everyone.
Prayer:  YHC took us out.Motor boatin’ has a medical test – hoping for a negative outcome; Praise for Gump and Gump’s new job!

Honored to lead! – Dauber