EC: Emeril, Yogurt, UTI, Skidmark, Midget, Pablo, Warbucks, Full House, Crosby, Cowboy, Shamwow, Aquaman, Dawgpound
After Workout Sprints with Yogurt: Yogurt, Pablo, Midget, Emeril, UTI, Warbucks, Aquaman, Katniss, Shamwow
Warm Up:
Circled Up for some nice Side Straddle Hops.
Then we counted off by fours creating five teams of four and one team of three. The teams would be doing Indian Runs for the rest of the warm up and the workout.
Indian Run up to the Ticket Office. Did YHC favorite Good Mornings. It was a beautiful morning already and the good mornings just made it better.
Indian Run to the corner. Did some Hairy Rockettes to stretch out those legs.
Indian Run to the basketball court to do the Sir Fazio Arm Circles along with squats.
Indian Run to the start of the workout.
The Workout:
Stack Em up Indian Run Suicides:
The Stack:
5 Burpees
10 Hand Release Merkins
20 Monkey Humpers
30 LBCs
Stairs / 5 Burpees
2 Trips Hop up Right Foot
2 Trips Hop up Left Foot
2 Trips Hop up Both Feet
Once everyone finish we played the first game of Gotta Catch Them All. — Thank you Cowboy for the initial idea.
The team that finished last in the Indian Run Suicides had zero burpees to do. The chaser team did 10 burpees. Every other team did 5 Burpees. The goal was to Indian Run from the bottom of the ramp around to the basketball court. When the chaser caught you 5 burpees each.
The Teams:
Team Mew: (chasers)

Lucky Charms
Team Squirtle:

Glass Jaw
Team Togepi:

Pac Man
Pumpkin Spice
Short Pole
Team Ditto:

Team Koffing:

Particle Board
Team Slowpoke:

Full House
It looks like team Koffing made it without being caught. Team Ditto was caught at the very end. Excellent job guys.
Circled up for the following.
Squatter’s Pyramid
Squat Pulses with Lunges — I asked the pax for friendly numbers. I got no number lower then an
See Facebook and Slack
T-Claps (Recognition):
Warbucks — Cooper Ridge 10K 47:06 Pace of 7:32. Great job!!!!
Crablegs and his trial opportunity tomorrow
Shredder and his recovery
All Pax that where not there but want to be out with us.