
Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 2.49.43 PM Medium

Pumpkin Spice Anniversary Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: March in step, GM, SSH, HB, IW, DP

The Workout: 2 Rounds 40 secs on; 20 sec rest; 1 Round 20 secs on; 15 sec rest

  • Wonder Bra w weght plate
  • Gorilla Row w Pumpkin Bells
  • Jump Rope
  • Ab Wheel
  • Death March w Mace Bell
  • Merkins
  • Inverted Row at playground
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Step Up at playground
  • Slam Ball

Mary: A few stretches

Announcements: @Ausfart hosting 2nd F Gun Shooting Party October 5th, 10AM. Check Slack 3rd F for volunteer opportunities

Prayer: Lube’s sister-in-law lost a close friend and a friend of a friend has a tumor; Best in Show brain tumor surgery; Praise: Motor Boatin has a job! 

Little Hill Repeats

EC: Dawgpound, Sliderule, Cowboy, Pablo, Aquaman

FNGs: None
Warm Up:

Jogged around and Circled up:

Good Morning
Fazio Arm Circles Forward and Backward

Jogged around and Circled up:

Imperial March

Jogged to the light:


The Workout:

Jogged to the bottom of the hill entering the neighborhood. The workout was as follows. 11s going up over the hill and back down. Exercises was Monkey Humpers and Squat Jumps.

After many minutes we headed back to the starting place

Circles up at the light for Pickle Pounders

Headed to the basketball courts for ‘Saw Lightning’ Paradise City edition.

In a plank jack during the song. When ‘Saw Lightning’ Merkin when ‘cut me down’ Catalina wine makers

The Bose Sound Link died half way through the song. Emeril lead us out with 15 more merkins and 10 Catalina wine makers


Emeril was screaming for stretching. Midget took over with the following:
Low slow flutter
Rocky Balboas
Then some yoga stretching happed.


Need handy Pax at the food cupboard Saturday from 9 to 12
Cletus 5:30
Special guess Q at Ivan. Cut Me Mick from Raleigh is coming down. The man competes with KBs. So we should all learn something this Friday at Ivan.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Breach with the donation last week.
Emeril for making it to the food cupboard
Snap for absolutely killing it today
Slide Rule for a fantastic job with Breath Taker


Pilgram’s Dad
Bernie’s Mom
Moby’s Dad
Crab legs

Engagement Party

YHC arrived at his typical time for EC. No other cars in parking lot, no light vest of Pikachu. YHC thought it was going to be a solo EC today. About 0512 Lipstick and Yogurt pulled in. We 3 started out and picked up Pikachu at the light at 55. Nevertheless a very light EC today at Paradise City where the EC number is typically around 10. When we returned the parking lot still appeared empty buy the numbers picked up as we neared the 0545 start time. One FNG present, disclaimer given, all HC’s present and accounted for, and we were off.

EC: Yogurt, Lipstick, Pikachu, Skidmark

FNG: Steamboat

Warm Up: No thanks, no time.
The Workout: Was this completely different than our usual bootcamp, no. But YHC felt it was different in the targeted area. Pax focused a lot on strengthening their core. Lots of engagements today, even more first dates. The workout was simple in theory. Run for 2 minutes, exercises for 2 minutes, rinse and repeat. Started off in the mosey for 2 minutes then:

Station 1: Plank hold, Chill cut, Right arm up, left arm.

Run for 2 minutes

Station 2: Side glute raise Right, hold and do 10 runner leg drives, Switch to left. Rinse and repeat until 2 minutes up.

I hope you get the idea now.

Station 3: Single leg squats at the wall, Steps ups. Yep for 2 minutes

Station 4: Hold squat and do Side Shuffle right. After 10 do 1 burpee. Then 10 left, 1 burpee. 2 minutes

Station 5. Side plank hold, side plank crunches.

Switched to Indian Runs to get the Pax together. Yep Indian runs for 2 minutes.

Repeat the whole thing again with some variations. Added some arm forward and leg up plank holds. One set of erkins, derkins, and dips.

Q’s goal was to get the pace around 9:00 mm. Final average on Q’s Garmin 8:58 mm

Mary: As if we didn’t do enough core we did some pickle pounders, Peter Parkers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies.

Announcements: Nothing new.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Spanx Father in Law, Katniss coworkers, crablegs, hopefully no significant damage to the area of some storms last night.

Why do we do this again?

22 PAX posted for YHC’s Q. On the drive we all were regretting not fart sacking this morning when the rain was coming down sideways, but we all still showed up in numbers and a couple that have gone missing at U-Turn for a while. Dahmer even brought an FNG to the party. Welcome Lumbergh!  Going for the extra extra, Pikachu and Skidmark got soaked on a 5 Mile EC.


Warm Up:

High Knees & Butt Kickers


The Goof Ball IC X15

Daisy Pickers IC X10

Fazio Arm Circles IC10 F/R

Michael Phelps; L/R, R/L

The Workout:

The U-Turn… Some found their way through this ball of yarn for the 5k, the rest went the distance for 8k.


Left her waiting.


Helping Shredder in the afternoon – double check slack because of the rain may audible for a cozy spot watching Tiger tear it up.


Silent Prayers, Those who couldn’t be with us and for the Ferns, YHC took us out.

Gotta Catch Them All

EC: Emeril, Yogurt, UTI, Skidmark, Midget, Pablo, Warbucks, Full House, Crosby, Cowboy, Shamwow, Aquaman, Dawgpound

After Workout Sprints with Yogurt: Yogurt, Pablo, Midget, Emeril, UTI, Warbucks, Aquaman, Katniss, Shamwow

Warm Up:

Circled Up for some nice Side Straddle Hops.

Then we counted off by fours creating five teams of four and one team of three. The teams would be doing Indian Runs for the rest of the warm up and the workout.

Indian Run up to the Ticket Office. Did YHC favorite Good Mornings. It was a beautiful morning already and the good mornings just made it better.

Indian Run to the corner. Did some Hairy Rockettes to stretch out those legs.

Indian Run to the basketball court to do the Sir Fazio Arm Circles along with squats.

Indian Run to the start of the workout.

The Workout:

Stack Em up Indian Run Suicides:

The Stack:
5 Burpees
10 Hand Release Merkins
20 Monkey Humpers
30 LBCs
Stairs / 5 Burpees
2 Trips Hop up Right Foot
2 Trips Hop up Left Foot
2 Trips Hop up Both Feet

Once everyone finish we played the first game of Gotta Catch Them All. — Thank you Cowboy for the initial idea.

The team that finished last in the Indian Run Suicides had zero burpees to do. The chaser team did 10 burpees. Every other team did 5 Burpees. The goal was to Indian Run from the bottom of the ramp around to the basketball court. When the chaser caught you 5 burpees each.

The Teams:

Team Mew: (chasers)

Lucky Charms

Team Squirtle:

Glass Jaw

Team Togepi:

Pac Man
Pumpkin Spice
Short Pole

Team Ditto:


Team Koffing:

Particle Board

Team Slowpoke:

Full House

It looks like team Koffing made it without being caught. Team Ditto was caught at the very end.  Excellent job guys.


Circled up for the following.
Squatter’s Pyramid
Squat Pulses with Lunges — I asked the pax for friendly numbers.  I got no number lower then an


See Facebook and Slack

T-Claps (Recognition):

Warbucks — Cooper Ridge 10K 47:06  Pace of 7:32.  Great job!!!!


Crablegs and his trial opportunity tomorrow
Shredder and his recovery
All Pax that where not there but want to be out with us.

20….and that’s a wrap

YHC roped Aquaman into the warm up this morning after he said Friday he wasn’t 100% for going. His post advertising on Facebook was all that was needed to give him warm up responsibilities and ensure a post – Bulls Eye’s (South Wake’s first, and only, Fritter Foundation member) was present as well – t-claps!

No one took YHC up on EC, so the old U-Turn route was ran to get a good sense of comparison between the two. Think the new one is hillier. Came back into the Starbucks parking lot ~0548 to no one there, so another mile was dialed up. When coming back up the parking lot was bustling with activity as the circle had formed.

Warm Up:

Good morning, SSH, right over left, left over right
The Workout:

Standard loop. A few pax did Slide Rule’s ~10k route by adding a mile inside of 12 oaks.

Some bike riding, some OYO stretching, some coffee

See announcement posts.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Bulls Eye for doing Fritter and getting back out on Saturday morning!

Crab Legs, Shredder, unspoken

Recovery From Wrightsville

EC: Dawgpound, Cowboy, Emeril, Dumbo, Skidmark, Full House, Yogurt

Warm Up:

Stroll around the parking lot. Making various stops for the following exercises.

30 Cadence Count Side Straddle Hops
20 Cadence Count Good Mornings
10 Cadence Count Hairy Rocketts
10 Cadence Count Sprinkler
10 Cadence Count The Chinook
10 Cadence Count Daisy Pickers

The Workout:

1 round

Bottom of the Ramp
Jack Jack Webs from 1 to 7; 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, 3 air presses

Up the Ramp
El Capitan – Halfway up the ramp

Box Office
20 Cadence Count Balls to the wall
15 Cadence Count Moroccan night clubs
15 Cadence Count Randy’s

Jump Squat holds – Jump squats and Al Gore Countdown from 10 to 1

Basketball Court

10 Irkins
10 Derkins
20 Dips

Ran to the bottom of the parking lot
Opposites attract — Bear Crawl 2 spaces, Crawl Bear 1 space


Homer to Marge
Gas Pump
Homer to Marge
Hundreds.  We tried.  Need to work on this one
Homer to Marge
Yoga Stretches
Downward Dog
Runners Pose
Pidgeon Pose


Tobacco Trial race Sunday or is it Saturday. There is some confusion amongst the pax.
Dumbo Virgin Q at Disney this week.
ShamWow! and Aquaman going for the Fritter… They will love Friday


All pax recovering from injuries. Shredder and Buford
Crablegs friend, from North Raleigh, passed away

Better Late Than Never “Poppin da Cherry”


Warm Up: Lap around the entrance

SSH  X 20 IC

Daisy Pickers X 15 IC

Imperial Walkers X 15 IC Core exercise

Hillbillies X 15 IC Core exercise

Sir Fasio arm circles X 10 IC forward and backwards

The Workout: Cement Block Day

Block-a-d0ck X 15 IC    crabwalk down to island and karaoke back

Colt 45’s  IC      Crabwalk down to island and karaoke back

Elf on a shelf X 15 IC    Lunge walk down to end of parking lot and Lunge back

Briefcase lifts X 15 IC on each side Crab walk to island and bear crawl back

Diamond M’erkins X 20 IC   mosey around parking lot

Lion king X 20 IC     mosey around parking lot

Wonderbra x 15 IC     mosey around parking lot

Block-a-dock X 15 IC    mosey around parking lot

Elf on a shelf X 15 IC       mosey around parking lot

Were not worthy X 15 IC     mosey around parking lot

Stash block for future workouts


Pickle pounders X 15 IC

Homer to Marge X 15 IC

Boxcutters X 15 IC

World war II’s X 22 IC
Announcements: Slack and Facebook
Prayer: Shortpole parents relocation. Cupid mom’s surgery

Little Squirts

8:40 on a cool, wet Saturday morning and Bluehen, Hard Hat, Speed Racer, Emeril, Potter, Q-Bert walked throughout Womble planning the first of many monthly 2.0 workouts.  Pucks, ropes, hoola-hoops and flags were spread throughout the park.  Around 8:50 the PAX and their 2.0’s started to trickle in.   Quite a few 2.0’s had already been to some workouts and had names but there was a big group of FNG 2.0’s in the mix.  A great first turn-out.


Warm Up:  Quick jog around the tennis courts.  Time to get the 2.0’s riled up.  First exercise Fortnite’s Hype kicked off by Bluehen.  Second exercise Floss led by Q-Bert.  Into evolution of Kid:  Planks, Monkey Humpers, Squats, Duck Walk, Butt Kicks, High Knees, Jumping Jacks

The Workout:

Jog down to back parking lot. Emeril pointed the 2.0’s onto one of 2 sides of the parking lot.   Bin full of hockey pucks in between the groups.  1 2.0 per team ran to the pin and retrieved a hockey puck and returned and dropped it into the hoola hoop circle.  While the kids raced to grab a puck the PAX did push-ups and squats.  Emeril brought more pucks than he thought so at one point 2.0’s were asked to grab 2 and then 3 pucks at a time.   Yellow card was ready to move on to a new exercise so him and a couple other 2.0’s grabbed the bin and brought it back to their side.  Automatic disqualification for his team and 10 SSH as punishment.

Next up bear crawl capture the flag

PAX put in their flags and bear crawled up the parking lot while the 2.0’s ran around capturing their flags and taking them back to the hoola hoop circle.  2.0’s quickly won.  10 burpees to the PAX as punishment.
2.0’s were up next as they put the flags on and did a duck walk while the dad’s did a 1 legged hop to try to catch them.  2.0’s won so 10 burpees to the PAX as punishment.

3 sets of indian runs back to the tennis courts area for 2.0’s vs PAX in Tug a War.  Matches started with multiple 2.0’s on one end and Flanigan on the other.  2.0’s won.  5 Merkins for the PAX.  Second match pitted Moby, Beater and Bubba vs teh 2.0’s.  2.0’s won. 5 Merkins for the PAX.  Third match pitted 6-7 PAX vs the 2.0’s.  2.0’s won again.  Everyone does 5 Merkins


LBC’s,  Boat Canoe’s

See Slack channel for announcements

Dovetail took us out

Taper Mode Edition

Great turnout for U-turn this morning as Pax are gearing up for WB and Tobacco Road. 187, LED, Sliderule, Warbucks, Boy George, Skidmark for some extra miles at the beginning.

Warm Up: some quality dynamic stretching
The Workout: standard 5 mile loop and picking up the 6.
Mary: coffee and stretching
Announcements: WB I think is next weekend. 5k Friday night for Crablegs. Wear red. Banana Seat will post details. 2.0 workout.
Prayer: lots of pax with injuries. Buford, shredder, Double D, Crablegs. Recent losses of family and friends. Lipstick’s mother in law. Too many. Enjoy the time with 2.0 today. We are blessed.