A trip to the Five & Dime
23 HIM’s posted in the gloom at the Trot this morning for a little arm work with a little gray block of cement!
FNGs: None
Warm Up: Led by FedEx – 5 burpee penalties were doled out to all pax who showed up to run EC while remaining pax held squats, SSH, Good Mornings, IW, Hillbillies, Michael Phelps, Fozio AC forward / reverse all in cadence. YHC added an additional 5 burpees in honor of Puddles who had requested on Tuesday that the pax perform burpees on his behalf since he had to return to his new abode in Beaufort, NC. We miss you Puddles!
The Workout: Two year F3 anniversary for FedEx and Double D who co-Q’ed a trip back in time to the days of the local Five & Dime. Cinder blocks were conveniently placed across the parking lot and Pax were instructed to push, pull, drag, or get cinder block anyway they so chose across parking lot to tennis courts without block leaving the asphalt. Once inside all Pax lined up at one end and a series of sets of 5 & dimes were called by YHC across the courts of curls for the girls, overhead presses, uneven merkins, blocks around the waist, rut rows, box jumps and plank jacks on blocks. At each end FedEx called an exercise with or without blocks of balls to the wall, mountain climbers on blocks, LBC’s, American hammers, wonder bra’s, etc, and then the series of 5 & dimes resumed back to the opposite end of courts. After a several trips to the Five and Dime blocks were then carried back out off the courts to be pushed, pulled, dragged back across the lot to YHC’s truck to be loaded up for another day! An audible was called for 10 burpees OYO after loading up the blocks.
Mary: Led by FedEx for a series of LBC’s, American hammers, pickle pounders, Homer to Marge, WWII’s
Announcements: Both FedEx and YHC expressed our thanks for this group of friends who inspire and challenge us here in SouthWake. YHC encouraged the Q’s to mix up their workouts by adding whatever they so choose and to think outside the box like assigning penalties to those who performed EC. Yoga tonight at Snap Fitness, Deadbolt’s & Gump’s 5 year anniversary Q at Womble on 7-19-19 – don’t miss it! The Arena workouts every Friday at 2:30 PM – try to do our best to give back to those men at Healing Transistions
T-Claps (Recognition): Mookie sporting Breath taker this week. Strong work Mookie!
Prayer: Robinson family whose husband/father very recently suddenly passed away, Noah’s Ark’s wife FedEx led us out in prayer.