
Southwake, where an HC = No Show

Warm Up:PAX of 9 making sweat angels at Paradise City today.

Fartsacks: Deadbolt, Midget for Life (verbal)

The Warmup – By Kid Cracker

The Workout:
5-6 miles circling back for the 6


HC = Hard Commit. It’s your commitment to the guys working out in the morning and your commitment to yourself. Don’t use it lightly. If you say you’ll be there be there. All too often I’m seeing way too many Fartsacks from those throwing an HC on the board or when talking to fellow PAX. If you get injured or are sick then stay home but if you just don’t want to get up or drank too much the night before then hold yourself accountable and make it. Others are counting on you. If you’re sore from the day before who cares, just show up. Take it easier on the workout. You’ll feel better after. If the body says no but the mind says yes then listen to the mind for once. Soapbox rant over.

Prayer: Roger Roger took out us.  Crablegs, Double D, Lucky, Roger Rogers grandfather


Unofficial Official P2P F3 workout

Warm Up: N/A – Who needs a warmup for a 5 mile jog.   I warmed up on the toilet bowl before I left the house.
The Workout: Run 5 miles
Mary: Mary who?  She didn’t run with us this morning.
Announcements: We didn’t have any
Prayer:  Lucky Charms

Thank You

A big thank for everyone posting at u-turn. 18 men posted this morning. Great numbers on Saturday mornings.

Warm Up: IW, Hillbillies, SSH, Good Mornings
The Workout: u-turn in reverse
Prayer: foghorn

Lipstick Virgin Q at the Farm

PAX: 187, Lucky Charms, Brony, Webex, Skidmark, Doc, Warbucks, PSI, Peeping Tom, UTI, Forceps, Axe, The Natural, Straight Cash, Cowboy, Pikachu, Yogurt, Lipstick, Crosby, Brexit

Warm Up: Nice 1 mile jog over to Sugg Farm for a change in scenery.  Circle up for SSH x32, Daisy Pickers x16, FAC x8 (Forward and Reverse) Count off 1’s and 2’s
The Workout: Mozy over to Heartbreak Hill and Soul Crusher.  1’s took Heartbreak and 2’s on Soul Crusher. Q called for 3 circuits of hill repeats with 10 burpees at the bottom and 10 diamond merkins at the top.  After 1 time thru, Q called for a modify of x2. (Credit to Pikachu & Lucky Charms for x3 to pick up the 6).   Pax took a nice 1 mile jog back to tennis courts for Mary
Mary: Pickle Pounders x16, Low Slow Flutters x10, Pickle Pounders x10, Low Slow Flutters x10, Diamond Merkins x10
Announcements: CSAUP tomorrow
Prayer: Warbucks family (Lost his son at 6 weeks of age, 2yrs ago today), PAX that are injured, Foghorns family as he lost his father yesterday

Proverbs 27:17  “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend”

Men tend to keep things inside and this verse tells us though the power of being there for a friend.  Not only is their bonding that occurs but being there for a brother in Christ can uplift them, keep them accountable and makes them feel better.  Men need each other in the worst way and we tend to bottle things up and that leads to problems.  If you know someone you could reach out to, do so today!

Crazy Time 7.27.18

Pax of 7 for an early Friday morning Murph.

Warm Up:

The 1st mile

The Workout:

100 Pull Ups

200 Merkins

300 Squats

2nd mile run

Announcements & Prayer: None, too busy getting to our 2nd workout of the morning 🙂

NutCracker BackBlast 7/24

Warm Up:

Jog around the parking lot, circle up for 22 counts of Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Merkins and WW2’s

The Workout:

Split into 2 groups for a 1:15 second 5 set count of exercises you rest with the amount of time you have left after completing your set.

Group 1: 15 reps of Squats, Merkins and Mountain Climbers

Group 2: 12 reps of Thrusters, Lunge Jumps and Bicep curls with a cinder block

Switch up

Pax together: 5 rounds of burpees 10, 10, 11, 11, 10

Group 1: 15 reps of Boat Canoe’s, LBC’s and WW2’s

Group 2: 12 reps of Shoulder tap Planks, Up and Over the cinder block and Plank Jacks

Switch up

Pax together: End with 3 rounds of burpees 10, 9 and 10.



Named FNG (Warbucks) reminder of the Sasquatch this weekend in Greenville

Pax of 12 to include a FNG

@BlueHen, @TheNatural, @SlideRule, @PSI, @Puddles, @Nemo, @DaBusiness, @Dumbo, @DawgPound, @187, @Breach

Welcome FNG Warbucks


Ended in prayer.


Warm Up: quick warm up of imperial walkers, hillbillies, good mornings
The Workout: 5 mile run
Prayer: lots of prayers for f3 brothers

4 year F3 Anniversary at Cletus

YHC hit the fartsack last night with an irritated eye.  I hoped that a good 5 hour nights sleep would cure this.  YHC woke a little early for Extra credit (4am) and right eye pain was killing me.  A quick trip to Harris Teeter to waste some money on eye drops that did nothing.  Well… I figured I was going to be in eye pain anyway – so why not take my mind off it with some total body pain.  I said screw it – lets post.

This morning, I was celebrating 4 years of F3.  It took about 18 months of emotional headlocking for Chase (Gnard Dogg) to convince me to try my first workout at Womble Park.  I will never forget this workout – Key West was my Q and I think Peak Week, Blue Hen, Moby, New Mexico and Howard were all there to name me.  I did not think I would make it through without quitting.  I remember doing a jacobs ladder with burpees in the baseball outfield.  This morning, I wanted to celebrate with one of my best memories of a hard ass workout.  The Bearway to heaven.

About 7-8 gathered for EC to hear me bitch about my eye.  None of that matters as 5:15a hit and we were off.  We did about 2 miles with many doing a little more as they circled back to get the 6 (YHC).  We had 187 and Skid Mark even join us AFTER their Murph (BEAST)


Emeril, Deadbolt, Patch, Kid Cracker, Peak Week, Brony, R22, Peeping Tom, The Dawgpound, Mookie, 187, Butterfinger, M4L, Flannigan, Slide Rule, Foghorn, Skidmark, Pablo, Luck Charms, New Mexico, Yogi, Yogurt, Doc, Hasselhoff, Nemo, Cowboy, Beach, 8Bit, Lip Stick, Banana Seat, Da Business, Forceps, The Natural, Roger Roger, Noah’s Ark, Gump, Double D, LED, Fed Ex, POTS, PSI, Vespa, Red Pill

Warm Up:

Grab the official Southwake Shovel Flag (T Claps to Howard for making it and entrusting me with it) and head to the large field to circle up for warm ups.  We had WAAAAY more pax than I anticipated.  Someone ran by me an said – “were you planning on 40” – I remember thinking – I am barely hear and can barely see out of my right eye 🙂

Anyway – we circled up

  • SSH x 20
  • Good Mornings x 15
  • Standard Merkins x 20
  • Imperial + Hill Billy (10 each = 20)
  • 5 Burpee OYO
  • Fazio Arm Circles 10F 10R
  • Recover on the jog to the shelter by the soccer fields and bathrooms

The Workout:

THANG 1:  Pass the Pill

  • Count of by 2s to divide the pax into two groups
  • Indian Runs (clockwise and counter clockwise) around soccer field with back pax carrying a 25 pound weight as he runs to the front
  • Pax then carefully passes the weight to the back – man by man – repeat while indian running
  • We had 20+ in each group so it took nearly 1.75 laps to get it done.
  • Head to Hunt center field for next

THANG 2:  Bearway to Heaven

  • 40 pax in a line along the side line of soccer field
  • 7 cones set up about 20 feet apart
  • Bear crawl to 1st cone – 7 burpees – run back
  • Bear crawl to 2nd cone – 6 burpees – run back
  • Bear crawl to 3rd cone – 5 burpees – run back
  • Bear crawl to 4th cone – 4 burpees – run back
  • Bear crawl to 5th cone – 3 burpees – run back
  • Bear crawl to 6th cone – 2 burpees – run back
  • Bear crawl to 7th cone – 1 burpee – run back
  • Thanks to the pax for picking the 6 (me) up

Recover on the jog back to the flag for mary / COT


  • LBC Ladder (in cadence)
    • 5, 10, 15, 20 – 20, 15, 10, 5)
  • Hand release Merkins x 10
  • we’re done!


Yogi mentioned pax member running 26 hours in honor of bing sober for 26 years

F3 Greenville is having a CSAUP “Sasquach” next weekend – real all about it here – – clown cars forming


Prayers for many pax including

  • Boy George M
  • Doube D Father – ailing health
  • Pablo’s 2.0 – out patient surgery
  • Crablegs
  • Rams (foot)
  • H1N1 (MCL/ACL)

Naked Moleskin:

Thanks to everyone for 4 of the best years of my life.  I never thought that I would get THIS much out of F3.

  • I feel I am in the best shape of my adult life
  • I’ve ran 4 half marathons
  • Made 100s of new true friends
  • Made great strides in my spiritual walk
  • Became a much better husband and father
  • Became a better leader at work
  • this list could go on…

Here’s to 4 more!


Pax of 27 @Paradise City for some 210’s

PAX of 27 at Paradise City for some 210’s

@CHiPS, @Emeril, @Crosby, @Skidmark,@Turtle Man (2.0), @Peak Week, @Nemo, @Mookie, @Sting, @Foghorn, @PSI, @Hasselhoff, @Pablo, @Yogurt, @8-bit (2.0), @Breach, @Patch, @Shredder, @Lucky Charms, @Doc, @Obi Wan (2.0), @Brony, @Lipstick, @UTI, @Peeping Tom, @Forceps, @DawgPound

EC: CHiPS, Emeril, Crosby, Skidmark, Dawgpound, UTI, Mookie, Nemo, Lipstick, Peeping Tom, Webex, Pablo

Long warmup jog ~1 mile

½ mile jog with warmup exercises – Good Mornings, Windmills, Fazio Arm Circles, Stretches

The Workout:

21’s at the tennis courts

20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – Merkins

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 – Squats

Total:  210 of each exercise

Jog to the guardrails – x30 dips

x15 each LBC’s, Freddie Mercuries, Low slow flutter

Good Mornings, Windmills, Stretches to wrap it up


Friday section 105 game at Salamanders

Anyone that’s planning to attend the csaup in Greenville on the 28th that may have a truck? Patch would like to go and wants to bring his friend Brandon, but we need help/space to haul his chariot


Forceps MIL Diane

Pablo’s son Donovan having surgery this week


Crosby’s sons dad out of recovery.

Lipstick completed his first sprint Tri this past weekend


The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit

“Complaining is contagious”

“Is what I’m about to say helpful?”

“Is it going to build up or tear down?”

“Is it going to benefit those who listen?”

“Am I talking to the person who can really help me?”



Next Workout: Same Damn thing (only different)

Background:   A buddy recently started working out and told me he did a “fitness test” as a barometer.  I wondered how I’d fare on that test, but I certainly wasn’t going to work out on my own, so figured I’d start Cletus with the test.  Thus, the warmup!

We started with the disclaimer for 2 FNG’s (nice job!), guaranteed we wouldn’t leave them behind, then tore off at a 7 minute pace for the warmup (thanks to the awesome Pax who stayed with the Six)

Warm Up:

As fast as possible, do

  • 1/2 mile
  • 50 SSH
  • 40 Squats
  • 30 WWII
  • 20 Merkins
  • 10 Burpees

Time: 7 min, 6 sec.

Result: YHC was smoked and the rest of the workout was pulling from fumes

Warm Up Part Dos:

20 SSH, 20 Squat Jumps, 20 WWII, 20 Merkins, at a much more reasonable pace

The Workout:

Pt 1:

Indian run to the rocks.  Grab a stationary curling rock and circle up around the volleyball courts.

  • Squat Hold, Overhead Press Rock.  First one in circle throws rock to sand, does a burpee, then runs a lap around the court.  Second man follows after the burpee.  Repeat until all have run a lap
  • Same damn thing, only this time curling the rock
  • SDT, only this time triceps extensions.

Recover with a round of Guantanamo Leg Raises

Followed by Bull Frogs

  • Back to volleyball circle, only this time second man starts after the rock throw (Before burpee)
  • SDT, curling
  • SDT, triceps

Mosey to playground

Pt 2:

Groups of 4 for 3 rounds of:

  • Pullups
  • Merkins
  • WWII
  • Sprint to rock wall (acts as timer for the group)


  • 13 Russian American Hammers
  • 13 Box Cutters
  • 13 R-A Hammers
  • 13 Freddy Mercury
  • 13 R-A Hammers

Make it stop, please.  Ended right on time.


CSAUP coming up.  Ask Pikachu, he’ll be on slack

Skid Mark was our Six and shared awesome words of what F3 has meant for him this year.  Invited a half dozen + guys, one today, and several of those guys are still going strong.  Awesome job dude, and great getting to know you.

Welcome aboard FNGs: Vespa, Big Wheel


Brexit’s Michigan friend badly burned, but hanging on; Troops overseas and at home; Crab Legs.