Pax of 22 for NutCracker
Jog around the parking lot and circle up for 22 rep of exercises (Imperial Walkers, Merkins, LBC’s)
Medicine ball Indian run to the industrial park, Man in front throws the med ball over his head to the pax member behind him. If the Medball hits the deck entire pax does 1o merkins.
At the industrial area, partner up size did not matter, Partner 1 would peter parker merkins up in the incline to the power transformer. Partner 2 would sprint to the transformer and back. repeat until the partners reach the transformer.
At the top of the incline, pax would perform a round of ab exercises in 22 rep count (WWII’s, Low Slo Fludder, Pickle Pounders) On the move over to the railings. Bear crawl plank hold down the railings to the end.
On the move back to the school, Trunk twist with Medball to the pax member behind you. The last man in line sprits to the front on of the line and we repeat. If the Medball hits the deck, pax performed 10 merkins.
Circle back up at front of the school for one last round of 22 merkins.
Ended in prayer, to go out and be a positive influence in whatever way the means.