

Pax of 22 for NutCracker


Jog around the parking lot and circle up for 22 rep of exercises (Imperial Walkers, Merkins, LBC’s)

Medicine ball Indian run to the industrial park, Man in front throws the med ball over his head to the pax member behind him. If the Medball hits the deck entire pax does 1o merkins.

At the industrial area, partner up size did not matter, Partner 1 would peter parker merkins up in the incline to the power transformer. Partner 2 would sprint to the transformer and back. repeat until the partners reach the transformer.

At the top of the incline, pax would perform a round of ab exercises in 22 rep count (WWII’s, Low Slo Fludder, Pickle Pounders) On the move over to the railings. Bear crawl plank hold down the railings to the end.

On the move back to the school, Trunk twist with Medball to the pax member behind you. The last man in line sprits to the front on of the line and we repeat. If the Medball hits the deck, pax performed 10 merkins.

Circle back up at front of the school for one last round of 22 merkins.

Ended in prayer, to go out and be a positive influence in whatever way the means.

Just a little bit muggy this morning

PAX of 17 at Paradise City to workout on this muggy Monday morning.   6 PAX started the day early with 2-2.5 miles of Extra Credit.  The merkin challenge became just a bit more exciting for this Q as The Dawgpound told me he was chasing and planned to catch and pass me by weeks end.

PAX: Emeril, 187, THE Dawg Pound, CHiPS, UTI, Yogurt, Peeping Tom, Doc, Skidmark, Forceps, Roger Roger, Blue Hen, Moby, Brony, Pikachu, OCR and welcome FNG Pablo

Q:  CHiPS/Emeril

EC:  Emeril, CHiPS, UTI, Peeping Tom, Dawg Pound, Roger Roger, Skidmark

Vests: N/A

HC Fartsacks:  N/A

Excuse lexicon addition: N/A

Warm Up:

3/4 Mile Jog – Fast feet step ups, Karaoke on the jog.  20 Merkins bottom of the ramp

½ Mile Jog – x10 each way Fazio Arm Circles, x11 Good Mornings, x12 Windmills, Arm Stretches

The Workout

Tennis Courts – 11’s

10 Merkins to 1 Squat

Varied the types of Merkins and the types of Squats.


Partner up.  1 partner does the short run while the other partner does Balls to the Wall


Leave the tunnel and 1 partner does the long run while the other partner does bear crawl up the hill



On the run – x 20 low slow flutter, x 20 Homer to Marge, Good Mornings, x10 Boat Canoes, x10 Freddie Mercury’s, Stretches

Total running ~2.7 miles


Prayers:  From Skidmark – Family that lost their father to cancer.  Moby – Friends brother in law died in his sleep.  Prayers for both families

Scripture: Luke 15:3-7 –Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”

Birthday Surprise at the nut

21 pax gathered to help YHC celebrate his 28th birthday – a good handful ran a funky EC route that Slide Rule came up with. 5:30 arrived and we were off with no FNG’s.

Group mosey to the basketball goal/playground circle, with kareokee and backwards runs along the way.

SSH x28 IC
Fazio arm circles x14 IC forward and backward
Standard Merkin x28

The first thing:
Pax got with an accountability partner for laps around the track, being told to push it all out there as there would be breaks between. Lap 1 was 7 burpees at each corner (total of 28) with LBCs x30 (YHC lost count) followed by pickle pounders x28 IC. Lap 2 was 7 turkish getups at each corner followed by Freddy Mercury’s x28 IC.

The second thing:
The pax then got to learn about Pikachu’s birthday surprise – another Q! 187 took over and moseyed us over to the bricks. All pax got two bricks – exercise 1 was a brutal wheelbarrel with brick in each hand march (hands coming out straight every “step”) with squats when breaks were needed. Pax went the length of the parking lot and then swapped. Exercise 2 was a reverse crab walk with bricks in hand the length of the parking lot. Bricks were returned and then it was time for….

The third thing:
The third Q was Skidmark. We went over to the playground for some 7s – pull ups and jump squats, alternating and adding up to 7. Skidmark then broke out his math skills and informed us that that was 21 of each, so we did 7 more of each to hit lucky number 28. We moseyed to the front of the school for a merkin clock where Skidmark impressed all by a)not stopping and b) calling for recovery on the one armed plank.

YHC lead some mary and took us out.

Words can’t express how much each of you and F3 mean to me – I’m a better man because of all of this and I’m grateful to have all of these HIMs in my life.

~ Pikachu

PS – Only two more years of hate 😉