
Nemo – My #1 Fan

Pax of 17 showed up in the stifling late week heat as the summer solstice was taking place at Middle Creek as Nemo was back on the Q. Not sure it counts as FNG but the Nemo fan made an appearance to stress the message of importance about hydration and exercising responsibly during the summer heat.  EC credit to 187 (check that pace), Skidmark and Crosby.

Warm Up: On the jog we headed around the main fields but veered off down the greenway and circled up along the main road for SSH ICx15, Good Mornings ICx10, Fazio Arm Circles ICx10 front and reverse, and a series of arms/shoulders/chest stretch.

The Workout: On the jog we headed to the wood rails along the entrance to the start and set up shop for a round of assisted deep squats offset with merkins.  10 count of each and we went 5 rounds. Included a bonus 5 burpees in the middle as H1N1 rolled up a couple minutes late.  On the jog around to what I like to call the lower lot, we set up on the benches for a round of dips offset with squat jumps and merkins. 10 count of each and we went 4 rounds with a recover jog around the lot between rounds 2 and 3. On the jog back to the main field we set up for SSH ICx30 then a round of Jack Webbs at a 1:3 ratio (1 merkin then 3 air press). We pushed this to a 10:30 count.

Mary: Plank-o-rama with plenty of time to work in some tough exercises, each man on a 10 count or IC.

Announcements: Nemo will be out the next 2 weeks so Tha Natural has your Q next week and Yogurt has your Q the week after. July 4th convergence will be at Disney.  Plenty of great options Fri so post (EC Murph at Womble, Crazy Ivan, Cletus, Sheepdog all in play).  Reminder to exercise smart in this heat – be aware of your condition and rest as needed, hydrate throughout the day.

Prayers: A reminder to take time to listen to others and see any signs.  Praise for how F3 guys step up as needed, for each other and for the community.  Plenty of unspoken.  YHC took us out in prayer.

Parking lot Heavy Weights

16 posted @ the Possum Trot in the heat & humidity of another hot Carolina morning in June.

Warm up: Q led by Farva for SSH, IW, Hillbillies, G-mornings, Fazios all IC

The Workout: Pax lined up for a 1-2 count off then bear crawled to their respective pain stations at opposite ends of parking lot. Before YHC could lead the Pax in a 10 count of merkins, Pikachu jumped the gun causing a penalty thereby leading to 20 merkins. Upon bear crawling to each groups pain stations, Pax each proceeded to carry or flip tires to opposite end of parking lot. Stations consisted of farmers carry of 2 40lb water jugs, 2 40lb cinder blocks, flanked and rolled 3″ fire hose, 40lb barbell, large flippin’ tire, medium flippin’ tire, 2 shoulder carry tires, pallet, and slosh pipe. Pax without weights to move stayed back and completed merkins & LBC’s waiting for their turn. Upon reaching end of parking lot Pax bear crawled large hill to complete 20 count of Irkins, Derkins, dips on the guard rail the crawl bear back down hill. Rinse & repeat x 2. After 2 completed hill climbs of the above, the remaining time was used to continue moving weights back and forth across parking lot. The Pax held various forms of plank waiting on the six. Upon finishing, YHC called for a sprint from opposite end of parking lot to the base of hill for another round of Irkins, Derkins, & dips at the top. Since Pikachu had found fault with YHC’s earlier merkin count of 10 it was decided to rinse and repeat the hill work once again! Mosey on over to tennis courts for Mary.

Mary: Farva & YHC decided together to call out a Pax who had never led Mary. Noah’s Ark raised his hand and took center court like a pro leading us in 20 modified Freddy Mercurys IC, followed by 10 Pickle Pounders and 20 WWII’s.

Announcements: Upcoming July 4th 1776 convergence at Womble, up and coming AO for Yoga and Kenny’s Graveyard, and Wake County finally approved the South Wake Park project coming to Crooked Creek.


Prayer requests:  Crablegs to have continued strength

COT:  YHC shared the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done unto you and what that looks like when we all encounter less than desirable situations involving people including family that say or do things that hurt us or rub us the wrong way. React in a way that will demonstrate the love and kindness of Christ in the situations. Noah’s Ark and YHC shared a short testimony how easily we can become agitated and react with the wrong attitude. Let this not be said of us F3 men. YHC led us out in prayer.

The Evolution of Soccer

When: 06/19/2018
QIC: Blue Hen
The PAX: Blue Hen, 187, Emeril, Yogurt,The Natural, Forceps, Pablo, Pikachu, Breach, DogPound, Da Business

The Q got a late night text from Flanigan asking to sub in for the Q. While watching highlights from the World Cup it only seemed appropriate to draw up a soccer themed workout. Went to the 2.0’s soccer bag and pulled out a ball and retrieved some cones and the workout was ready.

Warm UP
Quick run from the front of the school and around to the soccer field, but kickers and high knees along the way. The Q had set up 15 cones in a line and took the Pax through some rounds of shuffles, cone jumps, and backwards shuffle. X 20 Windmills, X 20 Good Mornings, X 20 SSH.

The Thang
The PAX divided into two teams with one team having an extra player. We moved the goals about 50 yards apart and set up cones around the perimeter. Shirts vs. skins in a round of crab soccer. If the ball went out of bounds everyone had to do 5 burpees. If a team scored a goal the other team had to do 10 merkins. Dogpound and Breech sacrificed their bodies while Emeril made several strong saves in goal. F3 SouthWake has some strong CrabWalk Soccer players. An Indian run lap was the intermission around the track. During the second half burpees were substituted for merkins and you could either crab walk or bear crawl to the ball. As the PAX approached 200 merkins (50 burpees) the Q called everyone on their feet for about 5 minutes of somewhat normal soccer. Not sure who won, but we all finished stronger with at least 200 merkins and covered in dirt and sweat.
The goals were put back to where we found them and the PAX followed the Q down towards the playground running up and down the hill. As the PAX approached the playground everyone held a low squat hold on the fence by the playground. On the call everyone backwards run down the hill and back up to hold the squat hold on the fence. Rinse and repeat 5 times. Quick mosey over to the front of the school for Mary.

Circle up and the Q called out and ab exercise for the PAX to complete while shuffling around each person in the circle. The next person called out an ab exercise until all eleven went.

Convergence 4th of July at Disney 6:30 am.

Prayer Requests
Carpex brother Snots with heart issues, CrabLegs, and the Robinson family that lives in 12 oaks rebuilding after a house fire this weekend.


Pax of 22 for NutCracker


Jog around the parking lot and circle up for 22 rep of exercises (Imperial Walkers, Merkins, LBC’s)

Medicine ball Indian run to the industrial park, Man in front throws the med ball over his head to the pax member behind him. If the Medball hits the deck entire pax does 1o merkins.

At the industrial area, partner up size did not matter, Partner 1 would peter parker merkins up in the incline to the power transformer. Partner 2 would sprint to the transformer and back. repeat until the partners reach the transformer.

At the top of the incline, pax would perform a round of ab exercises in 22 rep count (WWII’s, Low Slo Fludder, Pickle Pounders) On the move over to the railings. Bear crawl plank hold down the railings to the end.

On the move back to the school, Trunk twist with Medball to the pax member behind you. The last man in line sprits to the front on of the line and we repeat. If the Medball hits the deck, pax performed 10 merkins.

Circle back up at front of the school for one last round of 22 merkins.

Ended in prayer, to go out and be a positive influence in whatever way the means.


22 posted for some magical ultimate frisbee at Disney on Thursday.

Pax:  Crab Legs, Dawg Pound, Emril, Blue Hen, Yogurt, Deadbolt, Brony, Chips, Liquid Force, Crosby, Slide Rule, Pablo, 187, Roger Roger, Doc, The Natural, Magic Band, Texas Ranger, Skidmark, Lipton, Lab Rat and Breach.

Warmup jog around the soccer field circle up for some merkins, partner up for a quick partner carry to the goal box and back. Partners split and we go into two teams Shirts/Skins.

Ultimate across the field, every time the frisbee hits the deck entire pax does a merkin. The team that gets scored on has to do 10 merkins.

1/2 time popcorn Mary (LBC’s WWII’s Mountian Climbers Low Slow Fludder)

2nd verse same as first.

COT-Message was to continue to be a positive influence as we go out into the world.

Prayers for Banana seat as his test results were coming back that day, continued prayers for crab legs


Cletus. Java’s First Year F3 Anniversary. Crab inspired workout.

Q: Java

Pax of 25 this morning at Cletus with seven joining at the last few minutes from Ivan.

EC Murph was done by a few locos prior to Cletus.


Indian reverse run around the soccer fields and over the bridge to the Southwest parking lot

Side Straddle Hop x30 IC

Imperial Walkers x 15

Hilly Billy x 15

Good Mornings x 10

Fazio arm circles x 15 IC Forward

Fazio arm circles x 15 IC Backward

Arms and chest stretch

Standard merkins x 30

Main Workout:

Run backward to the middle of the parking lot: 20 merkins

Run backward to the end of the parking lot: 20 squats

Repeated for 4 trips

Crabwalk to mid lot: 20 LBCs

Crabwalk to end lot: 20 Freddy Merc

Repeated for 2 trips

Bearcrawl to the middle of the parking lot: 20 LBCs

Bearcrawl to the middle of the parking lot: 20 Freddy Merc

Repeated for 2 trips

Indian run around the south loop and back to the southwest parking lot.

Dips on the cement parking bars x 20

Erkins with hands over the cement parking barks x 10

Squats x10

Dips on the cement parking bars x 20

Erkins with hands over the cement parking barks x 10

Squats x 10

Mosey to the tennis courts.

Cool down: Circle up for core exercises; flutter kicks, windshield wipers, LBCs.

Announcements and prayer requests:

Support the Healing Transitions AO on Fridays at 2 PM.

Banana Seat is having a CT Scan; pray for positive results.

Tofu requested prayer so Java finds a job 😉

COT and closing prayer:

Prayed so we may be the light and salt of this earth, that we may leave everything and everyone better than before in order to be men of high impact.

Just a little bit muggy this morning

PAX of 17 at Paradise City to workout on this muggy Monday morning.   6 PAX started the day early with 2-2.5 miles of Extra Credit.  The merkin challenge became just a bit more exciting for this Q as The Dawgpound told me he was chasing and planned to catch and pass me by weeks end.

PAX: Emeril, 187, THE Dawg Pound, CHiPS, UTI, Yogurt, Peeping Tom, Doc, Skidmark, Forceps, Roger Roger, Blue Hen, Moby, Brony, Pikachu, OCR and welcome FNG Pablo

Q:  CHiPS/Emeril

EC:  Emeril, CHiPS, UTI, Peeping Tom, Dawg Pound, Roger Roger, Skidmark

Vests: N/A

HC Fartsacks:  N/A

Excuse lexicon addition: N/A

Warm Up:

3/4 Mile Jog – Fast feet step ups, Karaoke on the jog.  20 Merkins bottom of the ramp

Âœ Mile Jog – x10 each way Fazio Arm Circles, x11 Good Mornings, x12 Windmills, Arm Stretches

The Workout

Tennis Courts – 11’s

10 Merkins to 1 Squat

Varied the types of Merkins and the types of Squats.


Partner up.  1 partner does the short run while the other partner does Balls to the Wall


Leave the tunnel and 1 partner does the long run while the other partner does bear crawl up the hill



On the run – x 20 low slow flutter, x 20 Homer to Marge, Good Mornings, x10 Boat Canoes, x10 Freddie Mercury’s, Stretches

Total running ~2.7 miles


Prayers:  From Skidmark – Family that lost their father to cancer.  Moby – Friends brother in law died in his sleep.  Prayers for both families

Scripture: Luke 15:3-7 – “Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”