
There are plenty of not stupid people apparently…

PAX: Steamboat, Buford, Dawgpound, Tetanus, Tush, 16 Bit, Pikachu, Wahoo, Koolaid, Spinman, Midget for Life, Moped, Emeril, Pipes, Super Spreader, Chaps, Dahmer, Pots, Pumpkin Spice, Wiggly, Snap

Apparently this one never published, was stuck in Drafts folder.  Oh well, better late than never.

Weather called for rain and cold this morning, Crazy Ivan was the only option with a roof over your head so I decided to make a call to divide the ranks into stupid and not stupid.  21 showed up so I guess there still hope for F3 South Wake.  Or maybe we’re just the weak ones…  Regardless, I was happy to work hard and stay dry this morning!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around the lot and then SSH, Sir Fazio, Frankenstein, daisy pickers, windmills, and mountain climbers.
The Workout:

Stairs and Sharing: We partnered up and one Pax ran up the stairs while the other worked on curls for the girls, triceps extensions, squats, and LBCs with a twist.  Partners switched off until they had combined for 100 of each exercise.

Grumbling Legs: We went halfway down the parking lot with front lunges and finished the lot with side lunges.  Then came back halfway with side lunges the other way and finished it with back lunges.  It wasn’t a popular one especially since the kettlebells came with us.

Tabata: 30 secs on, 10 secs off.  3 sets of halos, figure 8s, deadlifts, and Midget love handles

Mary: Midget cookie pouches, boobity boobity with a 6″ hold, plank rows, pickle pounders and a 90 second plank with shoulder taps, nipplers, and mountain climbers mixed in.
Announcements: Monthly Challenge
Prayer: Fumunga just had surgery, and friends struggling with Covid.

Ultimate Bloodbath

Your YHC led this bloodbath 232-4 (OK,  it was all fantasy in my head as we did not keep score). 23 PAX joined in some Ultimate fun. It was good to have several PAX that had never played with us out there. Thanks for letting me “lead” (and I use that term lightly)


Cadence Can Kill

A cold morning over in the Quay this morning. YHC was very glad to see a few cars roll in while returning from a nice EC route still lit up by Christmas lights…cuz everyone knows YHC just can’t see so good! Turned out to be a co-Q with 6 PAX, as FedEx had an extra kettlebell and I had extra’s which gave everyone something of everything!

FNG’s: No.

Warm Up: FedEx led the circle. SSH x 25, Good Mornings, Fazio Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Michael Phelps, 5x Burpees.
The Workout: Kettlebell Thang 1st: YHC cooked up a 12/28 reps workout. Most Pax finished before FedEx took over the Q again. 12 Halos, 28 Bell Merkins, 12 Shoulder Press Each Side, 28 Tricep Press, 12 Squats, 28 Swings, 12 Curls for the Girls Each Arm, 28 Lawnmowers alternate sides, 12 Midget Love Handles, 28 Boobity Boobity’s, 12 Figure 8’s, 12 Clean/Jerk/Press.

Next Thang was on FedEx and he killed us with reps and cadence. Legs and Shoulders were hit hard. We did 20, 14, and 12 counts of: Step Ups, Pulse Squats IC, and Side Lunges. Then it was 20, 14, and 12 counts of Dry Docks, Dips IC, and Shoulder Taps IC.

Mary: FedEx took the lead for Leg Raises, Freddie Mercury’s, Standard and Side Planks with arms/legs up. Pickle Pounders

Announcements: Monthly challenge is out there for accountability. Check Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition): Sparky…out for his 2nd workout! FedEx for coming prepared to combine if necessary.
Prayer: Thanks for my M’s recovery. PAX who are doing this on their own in F3 nation…getting after it. FedEx took us out!

This Music Makes Me Want to Commit a Felony!

YHC cooked up a list of exercises that was sure to please this morning. Overall, a very quiet morning in the Underworld during the workout. Maybe it’s because we were staying busy and men were pushing themselves, rather than engaging in the mumblechatter. Either way, the heavy and hard tunes were blaring as 1 PAX noted, “I’ve never heard this Christmas Carol!” and “This Music makes me Want to Commit a Felony!”. 5 strong PAX worked their way through YHC’s Christmas List challenge. Every PAX completed it. Way to go men!

FNG’s: No. However, a few notable absences I won’t mention here…but next time you stand me up…

EC: Kettlebell swings x 500 w/ Emeril, Dawgpound, and YHC.
Warm Up: Good Mornings x 12, Imperial Walkers x 13, Sir Fazio’s F/R x 14, Frankensteins x15.
The Workout: This was a Christmas List 12×12 OYO Challenge. Every Exercise went up by 12 reps as we worked through the list. A few PAX started the list over again while waiting for the 6 to finish. Great work! Exercises were: 12 Burpees, 24 Wonderbras, 36 Bell Merkins, 48 Alt. Shoulder Press, 60 Midget Cookie Pouch, 72 Goblet Squats, 84 Lawnmowers, 96 Alt. Curls for the Girls, 108 Tricep Press, 120 Swings (like we needed more of that!), 132 Boobity-Boobity’s, 144 SSH.

Mary: Either built in or left out…not sure, but time expired.
Announcements: Beer Ruck Saturday at 1:00 from Bombshell, Christmas Party Dec. 17th…check the Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition): All the PAX for completing this challenge in the allotted time.
Prayer: YHC’s M and surgery on Dec. 21st. Those PAX sick, injured, spoken, unspoken. YHC took us out.

…and Emeril, even though you said like 7 times, “I ain’t got it today”…you did! Good work.

Gotta Finish what you Start

Day before Thanksgiving… the goal was to “empty the tank” as Yogurt says in order to make room for the next day’s goodies. YHC tweaked his knee a few days ago, so I wasn’t sure what “empty the tank” would be. After running some EC, YHC decided he would be good to go with the original plan. The plan would consist of some meat and potatoes of what a TBD workout typically offers.

FNG’s: None
Warm Up: SSH x 60, 12 counts of Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, Hillbillies, Squat Seal Claps, bent over over head Claps, Good Mornings. Shoulder Taps x 40.
The Workout: Moseyed to the ball field path where a deer was spotted. Started with 5 burpees then mosey to dugout for a 50 ct. People’s Chair. Back to start. 10 Burpees, Dugouts for 40 ct. Balls to the Wall. Back for 15 burpees and then 30 ct. People’s Chair. Finished with 20 burpees and a mosey for 20 ct. Balls to the Wall. To the rock pile we go.  Next Thang was a rock pile exercise circle with all Pax taking turns calling 25 ct. exercises. During this time, 1 Pax would take off to do a circle around the large lot with a back peddle run, side shuffle, sprint, and Bear Crawl. Exercises were: Curls for the Girls 2 rounds, Shoulder Press, Rock Burpees, Squats, Toe touches, Tricep Press x 2, Wonderbras, Bus Drivers, Midget Cookie Pouch, American Hammers, Rock Merkins, Ground Pounders, Rut Rows.
Mary: LSF x 30, LBC x 25, WW1x 20, H2M x15, Box Cutters x10, Absolutions x5.
Announcements: CSAUPS on deck… check Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition): Moped for getting back out in the Gloom.
Prayer: My M, 187 and his M, travel and safety mercies over the holiday. YHC took us out. So thankful for my F3 brothers and the friendship and accountability. Great work today!

Where’s Cupid!?

This morning, Men assembled for what was promised to be a no burpee beatdown.  But alas, our Q never showed.  There were many imitators…  It’s amazing how many tiny cars are out at 5:30, especially in the Teeter parking lot…  Even without our leader, the show must go on!

EC: ShamWow! 187

FNGs: No

Warm Up:  by ShamWow!

SSH, Smurf Jacks, Bent Overhead Claps, Overhead Claps, Seal Claps, Frankensteins, other stuff ShamWow told us to do…

The Workout:

POTS’s Contribution

  • Mozy to the GCF parking Lot
  • Partner Up for a DORA – 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats switching off with a partner that runs around the Jiffy Lube

UTI’s Contribution

  • Mozy to the bottom of “the same hill you ran last week”™
  • Sprint up “the same hill you ran last week”™
  • Mozy to the guardrail, 10x Dips, Erkins, Derkins for 2 rounds
  • Mozy to the bottom of “the same hill you ran last week”™
  • Sprint up “the same hill you ran last week”™
  • Mozy to the guardrail, 10x Dips, Erkins, Derkins for 2 rounds
  • Mozy to the bottom of “the same hill you ran last week”™
  • Sprint up “the same hill you ran last week”™

ShamWow!’s Contribution

  • Mozy to the damp dumpster wall behind the Teeter
  • Half the group on the wall for People’s Chair
  • Other Half completes 20 Shoulder Taps
  • And… Switch
  • Mozy back for Mary

Mary:  by ShamWow! – Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders… other stuff ShamWow told us to do…


Tuesday Oct 27th at 8PM – TEDTalk a week from Tuesday with Tetanus

T-Claps (Recognition):  Great work this morning men!  Good to see Walter White out with us again.


  • Prayers for 187’s wife, awaiting some results on a medical test
  • ShamWow’s wife, will have a procedure next month

No Running in the Cave

Lots of chat going into this workout about if YHC could Q a no running workout. Happy to hear that my reputation preceeds me – hopefully this broke the mold a bit.


None today
Warm Up:

SSH x50

Straight leg hinge x10 each leg

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 forward/backward

Spinal Twist x10

Windmill x10

The Workout:

5x burpees

5x turkish getups with the mace – pax were told they could all be on the same arm. They knew that that meant.

4 corners starting at the entrance to the parking deck – at each corner:

  • 10x ballistic curls IC
  • 10x switching lunges IC
  • 10x lever deadlift each side
  • 20x low slow flutter w/mace cantilevered overhead

To transition along the short way pax plank shuffled and pulled the mace through. This seemed like a good idea on paper but was actually terrible – mainly because of the noise.

To transition the long way pax performed walking grave diggers. T-claps to Dawgpound and Emeril for excellent form demonstration here.

After 1 lap we repeated 5x burpees and 5x turkish getups. We then did overhead press while moseying back to the far corner for another set of our exercises, then moseyed back to the start doing overhead press for our last set.


20x American Hammers (WITH MACE) – apparently this was a lot. Lots of mumble chatter, not a lot of hammers by the end.

20x dying cockroach (WITH MACE) – this was an awesome modification to this exercise. On softer ground would be nice, but this should come back.

20x Homer to Marge (WITH MACE) – nothing needs to be said.


Bass lake mulch is DONE. Huge t-claps to all pax that got out there, some 4+ times.

Holly Springs Food Cupboard workday coming up. Keep an eye out for an announcement from Dumbo.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Dawgpound and Emeril for recognizing the need for another no-running option and teaching us all how to (kinda) know what we’re doing with these maces.


Moby and his family for his dad’s passing. Fumunga and his M for their expecting.

YHC took us out.

We Got Geriatrics on this Wall

YHC was fired up to Q after the return from BRR where I learned to hate running even less. With somewhat of a last minute decision to Q today, YHC decided to add an extra mile to the EC stroll this morning to ponder what we’d get into.  It was a beautiful morning for running, with the air finally easier to breathe. On my travels, YHC came up with this…

FNG’s: nope

Warm-Up: SSH x 40, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Squatted Seal Claps x 15 each.  Mosey to the far end parking lot.
The Workout: 11’s.  Went between the end of the parking lot until about the center speed bump. We did Sumo Squat Jumps And Standard Merkins on the ends.

We then moseyed to the picnic shelter. We split into two groups. 1 group held Balls to the Wall while the other group did 1/3 count Jack Webb’s up to a 10 count.  Groups switch. Then…rinse and repeat.

Onto DORA. Partner runs loop around other shelter and back while partners work together to complete 100 irkins, 200 Freddie Mercury’s, and 300 squats.  Strong effort put in by all pax as we finished quite quickly.

So… more Wall work. This time it was 1 group doing People’s Chair while others did 25 count Dips. Switch groups. At this point, Sprinkler commented something about a lot of Wall work considering the presence of so many geriatrics…RESPECT! We repeated the above twice.
Mary: 15 counts of LBC, LSF, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, Chill-Cut hold, Dying Cockroach. Finished with 10 burpees OYO.
Announcements: Mulch Sign Up. Sunday Hilltop Needmore Ruck will be Adopt A Highway cleanup Q’d By LED.
T-Claps (Recognition): Pax for strong effort, especially the three Masters among us.
Prayer: Our brother Tetanus to heal up. Unspoken. Bondo stepped up to take us out.  Honor to lead fellas!

Are you the easy group?

5 for some ab work and hill repeats. Thanks for the strong effort, men!

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lap, SSH, Burpees, Merkins, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billies

The Workout:  Grabbed rock from rock pile and headed to traffic circle at the top of Library Hill.

Round 1: 50 LBCs in cadence, 50 mountain climbers in cadence, jog to pool area at the bottom of library hill, 1 minute plank hold, back to the top.

Round 2: WWII in cadence x 30 with rock, Freddie Mercury in cadence with rock, jog to pool area at the bottom of library hill, plank shoulder taps, back to the top.

Round 3: American Hammers x 30 in cadence with rock, heel taps x 30, jog to pool area at the bottom of library hill, homer to marge x 45 in cadence, back to the top.

Round 4: 6 inch leg hold, 120 seconds

Mary: 10 burpees OYO

Announcements: Mulching

T-Claps (Recognition): BRR and vBRR runners this past weekend.

Prayer: Nemo and his family, YHCs father-in-law and grandmother.

Running the Tables

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  As the Pax were anxious to try their luck at the tables, warm-up was kept to a minimum. SSHx15 IC; Good mornings x 10IC; Imperial walkers x 10IC; Hill billies x 10IC

The Workout: Pax split up into 3 groups and mingled around Casino Royale.  At station 1, Banana Seat treated the Pax to a round of TRX bands and table top work.  At Station 2, YHC dealt out some 11s and finished the round with some blackjack. At Station 3, the Pax ran the tables with Boy George with a mix of merkins (H.I.I.T. group).

Station 1 – various exercises with TRX bands and tabletops

Station 2

Rd 1 – 11s with Curls for the girls and LBCs (ran with coupon between islands).  Finished up with some blackjack. Dealer wins 10 burpees, Pax wins 5 burpees

Rd 2 – 11s with Tricep extensions and squats (ran with coupon between islands). Finished up with some blackjack. Dealer wins 10 turkish getups, Pax wins 5 turkish getups.

Rd 3 – 11s with rut rows and ww1s (ran with coupon between islands).  Finished up with some blackjack.  Dealer wins 20 second plank, Pax wins 10 second plank

Station 3

Using the path around the south end of the park (800m long)

First lap – merkin half mile with appearances by some of Boy George’s favorite characters.

100m runs with stops along the way for 8 different style of “merkins”

5 diamond merkins; 5 mike tysons; 5 wide grip merkins; 5 balls to the all derkins; 5 Peter Parker merkins; 5 Mickey mouse merkins; 5 Makhtar N’Diayes (former basketball player ho spent 2 seasons at Univ of Michigan then transferred to UNC); 5 irkins on the fence

Second lap – burpee pyramid with sprints

100m acceleration (increase speed with every 10 steps or so) followed by 100m mosey recovery

Corner 1 – 4 single merkin burpees; Corner 2 – 3 double merkin burpees; Corner 3 – 2 triple merkins burpees; Corner 1 – 1 quadruple merkin burpees

Mary: Finished up 1 round of blackjack.  Dealer wins 20 second plank, Pax wins 10 second plank

Announcements: Mulch at Bass Lake – signup slots still open for this weekend

T-Claps (Recognition): Nemo for going 10/10 for EC and workout during Q swap; Boy George for going 10/10 for workouts during Q swap.  For all the Pax that contributed to the clothing and hygiene product drive.

Prayer: Boy George