

YHC decided to pull a MM2 workout. This is a MANHOLE MOOKIE Squared!! Worst ASS whipping I have ever had at an F# workout!!!! If you wonder what this is you should come post the next time Mookie has the Q. After all #itsthebestparkinglota0. Just ask M4life!! My plans changed after a text message early that morning due to the amount of PAX posting. 25 PAX showed up despite the fartsack comments were strong.


FNG: David Welcome TomTom    Another M4life University Recruit


Warm-Up: Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers and Cotton Pickers.


Workout: YHC had placed numerous papers all over the PVA at the Church. We split up into 2 groups. We had 3 Rounds of 6 stops. After completing Round 1 the PAX had to run backwards until all 6 stations were completed. The second round was karaoke and the third was moseying except between station 1 and 2. Bearcrawls, lunges or crawl bears. They could not be duplicated.



Round 1

20-Seal Claps

Round 2

20-Overhead Claps

Round 3

20-Fazio Arm Circles



Round 1

20-Box Cutters

Round 2

20-Hello Dolly

Round 3

20-Dying Cockroach Station



Round 1


Round 2

20-Big Boy Sit Ups

Round 3

20-Side Straddle Hops Station



Round 1

20-second plank chill cut

Round 2


Round 3

20-Crab Jacks



Round 1

20-Prisioner Squats

Round 2

10 Burpees

Round 3

20-Carolina Dry Docks





Round 1

20-Monkey Humpers

Round 2

20-Shoulder Taps

Round 3

20-Crab Humpers


All were done IC except Merkins and Burpees


Announcements: See Slack and FB


Prayers: Bronys answered prayers for a struggling child that has now turned 1, Pots cousin tumor. Prayers for all COVID families and the struggles it has caused.


Honor to lead!!

Honoring all responders in the 9/11 attacks!

16 PAX got out this am and Honored those of 9/11 at Disney. We reflected on 9/11 and the rich history and heritage of FDNY. Truly sad that so many lost their lives that day. We honored them with our workout.

FNG: Welcome (David) TomTom

Warn Up: Had several pieces of fire hose that the PAX picked up. Moseyed to the end of PVA. SSH IC to 20. Good morning and cotton pickers all while I was giving facts of 9/11.


Workout: Moseyed over to PVA near football field. More 9/11 facts while we did squats, Frankenstein’s and we paired up for a patty cake merkins around PVA.

Next up we headed over to the side of the school. Here we learned that FDNY Ladder-3 lost the most firefighters assigned to this Fire Station. 27 was the number for wall sits and BTW. Moseyed over to the steps in the parking lot where I nominated Fanny Pack to pick 5 people. Once this was done we went up the stairs and moseyed over to the tennis courts. Here I had hidden 5 Scott Air Packs with the bottles. Those lucky 5 were the winners of wearing these packs the rest of the workout. This was to make everyone aware of what it takes to wear this for long periods of time…and we did not even have on any gear. Once everyone donned their air packs we moseyed down the stairs over to the High School Parking Lot. I had 6 sections of hoses. We broke off in 2 groups at opposite ends of the PVA. Exercises were done while the group pulled the hose to the end of the lot…there we switched up. Keep in mind that we were still caring the hose on our shoulders. We did 2 rounds of this and pulled all 6 sections 50’ long over to the Abyss. Here YHC had lights set up on the steps where we traveled them top to bottom and did exercises at the top.


Mary: We did several exercises all while learning facts of 9/11.


My message was it never gets old helping others. The feeling and reward are great. Those first responders responded selfishly to help others not knowing so many would lose their lives on 9/11.

In this job you have a sense of fulfillment & purpose. You have a higher purpose and you have stuck up for the people around you. You have served the richest and poorest. Seen people at their worst. Firefighting is really one of those egalitarian careers that looks out for all.


Bottom line I get paid to ride a Big Red Firetruck!!

Announcements: See Slack or FB

Prayers: Pots has a cousin needing prayers.


Thanks for allowing me to lead this morning.

Red Trail of Tears (8/31/21)

YHC had a very late ask in the evening if I wanted the Q spot as it was open…Sure I said why not. I’d been kicking around a plan in my head for Prison Yard for the past month to shake it up a bit.  So 12 PAX gave it a “try”.

FNGs: None but we had a new guy for some EC…will continue to EH him.
Warm Up: Disclaimer on not really having a plan…but only kind of a plan. Mosey on the red trail to the twin peaks. 7 min jog. SSH 20 I/C
The Workout: 5 modes of conveyance up the first hill past the pond. At the top 2 squats with stack’ems (finished with 10 reps) each time to the top.   Mosey to the bottom do LBC until six is in. Rinse and repeat 5x.  Jog-up, Backwards jog, Bear crawl, Crab Walk (See Facebook post on whether is was ruled as cruel and unusual punishment) and Jailbreak.
Mary: 4 rounds.  Heel taps, half dead cockroach then with each leg up, butterfly, Freddie Mercury.
Announcements: Iron Pax Challenge, 9/11 hero’s run
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: American’s in Afghanistan, Country, Leaders

Everything but the Tire

YHC took the Q at Prison Yard as part of his self-imposed accountability to get out a bunch this week because…I’m fully healthy again and the body is cooperating, so no excuses! Lots of toys on the Yard today sponsored by YHC, Breach, and Sprinkler and we got to touch just about everything. YHC had a different plan in mind originally, but about 2 mins. before warm-ups, I changed my mind to challenge the “you vs. you” factor. Right now, there’s a lot of items that can be used on the Yard…concrete slabs of different sizes, bricks, pipes, parking signs, steel rebar… they are apparently doing some renovations at Hilltop Needmore. If YHC had known or had enough time to survey, I would’ve told the guys to keep it in the trucks and use what’s here. 12 Strong HIM posted for a mostly quiet battle against the self at Prison Yard today.

FNG’s: No new transfers
Warm Up: SSH x 35 IC, Good Morning’s x15 IC, Sir Fazio’s x 10 IC F/R, Merkins x 22.
The Workout: 14 total stations, 12 of which were set to be 100 rep count stations. The other two were quasi obstacle course style using Farmer’s Carry w/tractor weights, heavy bag carry or Railroad Iron Press x 20, an agility challenge (either ladder or burpee cones) and 1-2’s with the hand weights.

The other 12 stations for 100 reps goal count were: 25 lb. plate Halos, 25 lb. plate Bus Drivers, 45 lb. dumbbell triceps extensions, 15 lb. steel mace warrior squat, 20 lb. kettlebell Midget Cookie Pouch, 25 lb. kettlebell snatches, 40 lb. kettlebell swings, Pain Stick Shoulder Press, Pain Stick Curls for the Girls, Fire Hose Squats, and Blockees.

We did not take accountability counts at the end, but YHC got 7 full-stations, with 75 reps at 2 others. So for next time we do this, remember what you did, and do just a little bit more. I will add that YHC did not do the blockees, which I think was the beast of all the stations most likely.
Mary: Put the toys back into vehicles.
Announcements: Q Swap at Carpex in 2 weeks. Still a spot open at Ragnarok. Carpex Q’s come to us next week…get ready!
T-Claps (Recognition): Thanks Breach and Sprinkler for providing lots of coupons to use today!
Prayer: Those addicted…lots of OD calls to EMS these days right here in our community. Fram and his daughter reading…a praise!!! YHC celebrates 19 years of marriage…it takes work! YHC took us out…great to be back in the circle!

“Let this be your outlet”

FNGs: None
Warm Up: EC- YHC, Dahmer, Cancun, Yogurt, Swisher Sweets for a 2 mile EC. Also, Java & Warbucks on their bikes.  Nice work & the guys pushed me to the 2 mile PR 9:18 pace.

SSH (20), Frankensteins (10), Good mornings (15) & Willie Mays Hays (10).

The Workout: I decided not to over plan & not print out a sheet. This was a good idea & I didn’t think too much about it. It was time to dive in & focus on my weak points.

Indian run over to the dreaded hill towards Bass Lake/Greenway.

We paired up in twos. 5 rounds of hill sprints (what a rush).

Indian run back to the rock pile. Curls for the girls (20 X 2), tri-cep ext (20 X 2), Ruh Rohs (20 X 1), Bus drivers (20 X 1), shoulder press (20 X 2) & shoulder raises (20 X 1).

Pavilion area- Erkins (20 X 1), Derkins (20 X 1), Dips (20 X 1).

Mary: Call arounds at the tennis court. Cancun got us at the end!

Announcements: Run with 3-Alarm (Davis) every Tuesday at 6pm. Lookout for Yogurt’s posts.

My message at the end was “Let this be your outlet”. Tomorrow it will make one year that my family & I have been in HS. Prior, I did not have an outlet, was stressed out, angry & bitter. I would take things out verbally at times on my family. F3 has changed my life in so many ways. Thank you Pax for your friendship! It was an honor to lead this morning!

T-Claps (Recognition): Pumpkin Spice for not backing down & focusing on his weak points too. Boss Hog, Cyclops & Fireball for pushing through it.

Prayer: Cyclops wife, Shredder & many more for their mission trip to Mexico. My M & FIL on their trips home. Safe travels.

1776 – Celebration of Freedom

There are lots of ways one might choose to celebrate the freedom that we so often take for granted. The F3 way is to have a brutal beatdown that serves as a reminder that freedom isn’t free – it was purchased and preserved by countless patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice.

“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – John 15:13 (NLT)

YHC is truly grateful for my F3 brothers who push me to become a better version of myself – physically, mentally, and spiritually. Thanks for the push to get through the 1,776 reps! Keep up the great work HIM and keep pushing each other!

FNGs: Scissor Hands

Warm Up:
Pledge Of Allegiance
SSH x20 IC
Good Mornings x10 IC
Daisy Pickers x10 IC
Frankensteins x10 IC

The Workout:
THE 1776
– Start with 1,776 yard run (1.01 miles)

Set 1 (100 reps of each – break down into 5 sets of 20/ 10 sets of 10, etc.)
Side straddle hop – IC
Lunges – IC (100 each leg)
Set 2
Pull ups
Imperial walkers – IC
Set 3
Overhead claps – IC
Mountain climbers – IC
Set 4
Plank Jacks – IC
Step ups – IC (100 each leg)
Set 5
American night clubs
American get ups
American hammers
Ground pounders (mosey to the rock pile and choose wisely)
100 yard bear crawl
76 burpees
Badges of honor/pain
Patriot: partner up and each pax do half the reps
American eagle: complete all exercises flying solo

We walked the field and picked up trash

Q Swap with Carpex the last week of July

T-Claps (Recognition):
Several PAX did EC before the 2-hour beatdown. Impressive!

Doc & YHC moving soon
Martini – Kidney stones
Overturned vehicle on Piney Grove Wilbon
Family of Owen Reed Schroeder who was killed in Holly Springs – park bench dedicated in his memory

Technique wins at Kung Pow 6/18/21

Several days late on writing this BB, but YHC had rounded out my 2 year anniversary week at Kung Pow (Technically..May 29th.)

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey to rock pile over in the church parking lot. SSH, SFAC, Good mornings, Frankenstein’s, Daisy Pickers.
The Workout: Thang 1: Each PAX got a rock that fit in both hands. We circled up in the grass and worked Merkins, Abs and Legs.  Most exercises performed on my command, some I/C and a few OYO. Merkins (STD, Wide, Staggered and Diamond) Abs (LBC,6 in hold, Butterfly’s, WWII) Legs (Squat, Lunge, Toe Roll lunge, Calf Raises) Thang 2: Turkish Get-ups with Rocks 10 each arm, Touch the sky abs, Reverse Brokeback Merkins (Guy holding plank does push-up with feet on back) Mosey back to parking lot for Mary

Mary: Hold plank for 6. Lay on back and start to relax body and mentally give thanks for all good in your life and all the positive things that you bring to the day.
Announcements:  See slack
T-Claps (Recognition): Sprinkler & Pots for rolling with me all week.  Heard from Fanny Pack on how he got into F3 and how he got his name.
Prayer: Unspoken

14 PAX and 8 Respect at Kung POW!

Q #4 this week. I had a lot of support from repeat PAX and I appreciate that. I actually pulled this off site work out from Deadbolt from about a year ago.

FNG: Nope

Workout: We left the PVA and headed to towards Harris Teeter. We stopped every so often and did a number of warm ups along the route. We moseyed to the left of Town Hall Burger and we did a triangle workout.

At bottom of hill 10 IC monkey humpers-top of hill 5 burpees-behind shopping center 10 IC Merkins. Rinsed and Repeated 4 times. Ended up with 20 IC shoulder taps.

Thanks to Salty Pots we Indian Run 4 corners of parking lot split up into 2 groups performing random exercises all the way around for 2 times.

Started to head back and at every light pole we stopped and did a IC 10 count various exercises. Apparently I was not clear enough for every light pole, so I made it clear and we stopped at pole and did an exercise. This light pole workout was compliments of Dauber who made us do this at Kenny’s Grave in the rain.

Mary: Circled up for various exercises and stretching.

Announcements: Picnic tomorrow 11:00 am.

T-Claps: Woody who has been killing it! Gillette for coming out with injury. Pots for the support and EC all week running! Way to Be!!

Prayers: All those still missing in the collapse of the building in Florida. Injured PAX!


I appreciate the opportunity to Lead!!  #Roll Bengals!!!

Fuquay-Varina High School - Wikipedia

History Lessons in the QUAY!!

This mornings workout was a little different. I had pre-blasted we would be taking a tour of the History of the FD and learning about my story.

FNG: Nope

Workout: Moseyed to Milkove Shopping Center for a warmup. Merkins, side-straddle-hops and we learned it used to be a Piggly Wiggly and it burned down in 1987. Moseyed to First National Bank where stopped for the Pledge of Allegiance. “The Flag does not stand for skin color, race or religion. It stands for Freedom!!” We moseyed to Hardees Parking Lot and did some exercises. The PAX learned that the Hardees was the first fast food chain restaurant in Fuquay-Varina. Moseyed to the corner of Main & Academy Street. Here we showed off our gluts by doing Monkey Humpers and learned that in 1941 My grandpa opened up a Antique Furniture store called Hoke Powell Interiors. Later on, he sold appliances and TV’s. Off to TR Ashworth’s where the PAX learned that downtown Fuquay had burned 3 times, 1916 being the 1st time and the 2nd was at Proctor-Barbour Tractor Repair shop in 1946. In 1977 the entire block burned causing $500,000.00 in damage. Off to S. Fuquay Avenue where we stopped at DMV. This was the first Fire Department as well as Cultivate coffee shop across the street from DMV. It started out with 1 fire truck house under a tin awning for cover and then grew to a 2 truck fleet. The Fuquay Springs Fire Department official formed in 1925.

We then moseyed t 301 S. Fuquay Avenue where it is now Station #1 (Headquarters). The PAX performed many different exercises here and we even entered the apparatus bay to see our 1945 Mack fully restored this past January. They learned we run 2 Engines, 1 Ladder and a Rescue Company, Brush Truck for EMS calls out of this house. We have 2 other stations and Building Station 4 as we speak.

We left Station #1 and passed the F3 boys that meet for bible study. Stopped at Ashworth’s clothing to learn if you have expensive taste this is where you need to shop. (I can’t afford a tie in their) We headed back to the parking lot at the trot and ended the tour. The PAX found out how I became a fireman, and we were finished.

Mary: No Time

T-Claps: FRAM he is a BEAST wearing a pack with over 30 lbs all week at every workout!!

Announcements: Picnic Saturday

Prayers: Buford and his procedure, the force who was visiting from Metro co-worker who passed away.

I shared from Sunday “Who’s Beautification Process are you working for?

The World or the Kingdom of God!

You got to know where you are supposed to be!!

F3 has been amazing for me! Thanks for hearing my story. Honor to Lead!!!

Sharing Treasure @ AGS 6/13/21

Yogurt had sent me a message on Strava asking where I was finding all the golf balls and replied back that if he showed up to AGS on Sunday that I would show him one of my secret spots on the route.  Well Yogurt definitely showed up on Sunday and he also happened to find a golf ball in that exact area along with Pikachu.  I told them the rule going forward is that if they find a golf ball in that spot that they need to post in on Strava.  Yogurt posted his find, but Pikachu did not.  : P

FNGs: none

Warm Up: quick parking lot mosey, 10x good mornings, 10x imperial walkers, 25-30 OYO merkins

The Workout: 6mi or 3.5mi running route

Mary: 25-30x OYO merkins

Announcements: N/A

T-Claps (Recognition): treasure finds by Yogurt & Pikachu

Prayer: a successful Grasshopper 5k the day prior