
A Wet SW Dad’s Workout

FNGs: Welcome FNK Calico
Warm Up:
Mosey near amphitheater SSH, mountain climbers, arm circles.
Dad’s carried water balloons, water guns, etc.
The Workout:
A game of tag was started that ended up as a beach ball toss while PAX filled up some buckets of water for water guns.
There wasn’t a lot of structure here, just making sure some 2.0’s had fun and moved around a little.
First up we did a game of water balloon toss. Partners were instructed to take a step back after a successful catch. This quickly turned into a free for all water balloon fight. YHC audibled and instructed 2.0s to make their way around the cement pad with a water balloon like an animal that was called then throw the balloon at a dad, then dad’s got a turn. We did several rounds of this until balloons were gone. PAX and 2.0s cleaned up balloon pieces while YHC anchored a tarp down on the hill for a make ship slip-n-slide complete with buckets of water and dish soap. This was a hit and kept 2.0s engaged until time was up. The highlight for the dad’s was watching Bolt try and dive on the tarp multiple times while standing about 5 feet back. This ended up with Bobby Boucher giving a little help and guiding Bolt to actually dive on the tarp. With all 2.0s and YHC covered in wet grass and soap we gathered up all supplies and headed to the water spigot by the bridge.
Dads filled up buckets and dumped them on 2.0s to rinse off all the grass and soap until everyone was cleaned up. Then we headed back for COT at the tennis courts.
Announcements: See Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Good work by all in the rain.
New school year, COVID, travels, praise for new ripped jeans.

I believe the children are our are future… 1st 2.0 Workout of 2020

During one of the throwback week beatdowns Sir Dawg and YHC came to the realization that the first Dads workout of 2020 was to fall on the coming Saturday.  No pre-blast had been sent and no notion of a Q had been seen.  The 2.0s must be represented we thought!  So we made a pact to ensure that the event would take place as planned.  A little chatter on the slack channel and we HC’d but YHC had not put a ton of thought into what we would do.  Luckily Dawg had an idea and 16-bit also had some thoughts on what to do and he joined our merry band.  YHC decided to let it roll and simply made sure the pre-blasts were in place to make sure the 2.os weren’t lost in the wake of the Throwback week.


FNGs: Welcome Mater!, son of Fanny Pack

Warm Up:  We mozy’d on over to the shelter and out of the rain.  Dawg ran us through some warm-ups.

  • SSH
  • Good Mornings
  • Merkins
  • Backstrokes

The Workout:

Thang 1

DawgPound had devised a game.  Cones were layed out in a pattern distanced at a 2.0 sized bunny hop in a zigzag fashion.  Dads counted off.  Half the dads and their 2.0s lined up at one side of the zigzag, the other half of the group and their 2.0s at the other.  One at a time, a PAX from each end of the zigzag hopped down the pattern towards each other.  When they met, a round of rock-paper-scissors commenced.  The victor continued to move down the zigzag until meeting another PAX.  The loser would get down on the ground for 5 merkins.  Repeato until the crowd grew tired.  (this kept going and going, the 2.0s really seemed to enjoy the game)

Thang 2

Dads and 2.0 teamed up for relay rounds by 16-bit.

  • Round 1 – Dads\Balls to the Wall, 2.0s bear crawl to the opposite side of the shelter and back
  • Round 2 – 2.0 Wheelbarrows, Dads bear crawl return with 2.os on their backs
  • Round 3 – 2.0 BullFrogs, Dads duck walk back with 2.os on their backs

Thang 3

YHC hosted some random-o-rama moves contributed in a popcorn fashion from PAX in attendance

  • Squats with 2.0s on the shoulders
  • Curls with the Girls (really 2.0s girls or boys)
  • 2.0 swings (passing 2.0s through legs and then upward in the air)
  • Squats with 2.0s on backs
  • 2.0 Carry Mozy down path towards former Ivan lot
  • 2.0 Carry Indian Runs turn around at Ivan
  • 2.0 Mozy return to the shelter

Mary: Picking up the 6.  The 2.0s turned around and we all went back for the 6.  We talked about what it meant to pick up the 6 and how everyone can apply it at the next 2.0 workout or really in anything they do.  Always look for an opportunity to support someone that is behind you and help get them to where you are.  Leave no man behind, leave no man where you found them.


  • QSwap Weeks coming up
  • Opportunities to keep Dads workouts moving through the months – Sign-up on the Q Sheet
  • Shield Lock Challenge

T-Claps (Recognition):  Mater – this FNG stepped up and took us out in the prayer today.  He was locked in on the entire workout and has shown from the start that he is an F3 HIM.  Despite being named for trashing the quality of his Dad’s car.  The car that takes him cool places and gets him around town everyday :-P.  Great work today Mater!

Thunder Sprinkles – Great work being the accountability partner your Dad needed to get to the workout.  He wanted to go straight to Dunkin’ and you said “No way!  I need to get my workout on!”  Most 2.0s would have gone right for the Donuts

Prayer:  Service men and women.

3 Qs Are Better Than 1

We had some lines cross as we geared up for the Dads workout.  ShamWow! was volunteered following the last one but it was never documented on the Q-Sheet.  Warbucks jumped on it the night before since it was blank on the Q-sheet and I volunteered to assist since I wasn’t planning on running U-Turn.  We all had a quick chat the night before once the crossed lines were understood and we all took a piece to “Q”.  Good times were had by all and the weather was glorious.  Read below 🙂

FNGs: 0

Warm Up:  Good Mornings, Bear Crawls, Wheel Barrows, Random Ball Chasing, SSH

The Workout:

Thang 1 – ShamWow! Says – The only time that anyone listens to what ShamWow! says…  YHC got out first, point made (I never listen to ShamWow!)

Thang 2 – Zombie Dodgeball – Started with YHC.  He hit people with the ball until they were all hitting the other people with the ball.  We lost track of who was a Zombie and who wasnt until it was just chaos.  But fun chaos anyway.

Thang 3 – Dads vs Kids Dodgeball – At the core Dads were on one side of the tennis courts and the kids were on the other.  Get hit, sit on the fence and watch until all Dads or all kids are cleared from the game.  We played 3-4 variations of this where Dads were one-handed, Dads could only catch, and just normal Dodgeball.  It was fun, everyone won.

Thang 4 – Freeze Tag – Dads vs kids, get tagged and stop in your tracks with your legs shoulder-width apart.  If someone from your team passed under your legs you were unfrozen and back in the game.  We played this more than a few times.  Swish was a monster in this game, juking all over the place.

Mary: Animal Crawls – Animals were called, we crawled like that animal from one side of the courts to the other.

Announcements:  2nd F at Dunkin’

T-Claps (Recognition):  Swish – Nice jukes.

Prayer: The defending South Wake Beer Mile Champions.  The kids were all very worried about you…  Heard that Pikachu, Skidmark, Lipstick, and UTI were running against you this year :-O

World Cup Cardio For Dads and 2.0’s- 34 PAX Strong for Little Squirts workout

With the Women’s World Cup tomorrow, YHC and his co-Q 2.0- Sprinkles mapped out a soccer inspired cardio workout complete with a 2.0 vs. F3 Dads finisher. Arrived a few minutes early to chalk off the back parking lot of Ivan, for some later exercises, but as we started walking back, we realized that the soccer fields which were usually filled with tournament play were actually empty. This would provide the perfect opportunity for on-field drills after warm-up, which ended up working out better. Dads and 2.0’s started filing in and gathering at the flag. Lots of new 2.0 faces and soccer balls filled the grassy area next to the tennis courts.

YHC looked down at his watch and then checked with 187 on the time, who indicated my watch was off by about 1:10. With that, YHC and Sprinkles had PAX circle up for instruction. No FNG dads this morning, but 8 new 2.0’s. Did a quick check on exercises with the 2.0’s- demonstrating bunny hops, Side Strattle Hops, Bear Crawls as these would be integral to some of the exercises we would be performing this morning. With everyone on point, YHC and Sprinkles made their most aggressive move of the morning with a light stroll around the soccer fields. As we made our way toward the back lot of Ivan, YHC realized this may not have been a smart move considering the little legs out there this morning, but the dads were veterans and knew how to modify by picking up 2.0’s on shoulders to complete the run back to the flag.  T-Claps to those with multiples today to inspire the older ones back to the flag. Squat hold at the flag for the six and circled up for the following:

FNGs: Pastel, Boots, Warhol, Tumbles, Dory, Tea Time, Posada, Vanellope

Warm Up: Alex Morgan Inspired exercises for a 13 count for each of the following: SSH, Fazio Arms F\B, Goof Balls, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers. Not used to a 13 count, YHC struggled with cadence on half of the exercises and felt the need to stop at 10 and sometimes exceed 13 on a few occasions.

The Workout: With the soccer fields wide open, YHC and Sprinkles instructed PAX to grab all of the soccer balls and led them to the fields for a series of drills.

1st Drill- Up and Unders

With Pikachu and 187 holding a long wooden dowel horizontally, dads planked along the dowel line behind it. 2.0’s lined up about 20 yards in single file in the distance. As they were in line, they’d perform SSH’s and the person at the front of the line would sprint to the dowel, hop over it and then bear crawl through the tunnel of planked dads. Height of the dowel was adjusted per 2.0. Completed 1 round and switched up to the next exercise.

2nd Drill- Soccer Ball Toe Taps (New Mexico inspired)

Formed 5 lines of dads and 2.0’s 20 yards behind two soccer balls placed 10 ft apart. PAX in the lines planked, while leader in each line sprinted to the 1st ball and performed 13 toe taps before moving to the 2nd ball 10 feet ahead and performed 13 more toe taps, before filing back into the plank line. While in plank position, YHC, Pikachu, and Lipstick called out alternating plank exercises- Right Arm-Left Arm- Regular, Shoulder Taps, Merkins, and a questionable call for Pickle Pounders (Thanks, Lipstick- would not be an F3 workout without these). Completed 2 rounds before moving to the next exercise.

3rd Drill- Kick and Retrieve

3 Lines of PAX planked behind a soccer ball. Lead PAX would kick the soccer ball ahead about 10-15 years, while the PAX at the back of the line would get up and sprint forward to retrieve the ball and dribble it back to the lead PAX next in line and resume place at the front of the line to move their way back. This looked good on paper and on the field, until 187 pointed out that there was an error in the exercise design, which was causing him to continually kick and retrieve. In any event, we made it through somewhat of a cycle before calling a scrimmage of 2.0’s vs. Dads.

Let’s just say the dad’s were a bit competitive this morning. Some early scores and a dribbling masterpiece and goal put on by Pac-Man forced us to change the rules where adult PAX who were carrying a 2.0 would be considered a 2.0. It most be told that Pac-Man has serious soccer skills and if we were to give him a soccer ball at Paradise City, I guarantee he is 1-2 minutes faster than his normal pace time. An additional rule was also put in effect where adult PAX could only get 2 touches on the ball before having to pass or shoot. A big shout out to the Popinski and Boots tandem, who served as enforcers for the 2.o Team and also Tea Time showing off some sideline skills to a cross that should have been converted by Messi, but got a late jump.

9:45 hit and YHC notified PAX of time. PAX called for additional play and why not? We were having too much fun. Called game at 9:55. With soccer balls and water bottles retrieved, headed back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: Stretches OYO. Quick Count of PAX-34, Name-O-Rama, named 8 new 2.0’s

Announcements: F3 Dads camp coming up. Look on Slack and FB for updates or see M4L for further details.

T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX for coming out this morning to the workout. All of the 2.0’s for getting out there and having fun.

Prayer: Prayers for Pikachu’s wife who is experiencing back pain. Prayers for those healing from illness and injury. YHC took us out. On behalf of Sprinkles and YHC,  it was a pleasure and honor meeting with everyone and leading the workout.

2nd F- Freeze Pop Fellowship followed.


FNGs:  Welcome FNGs!

  • Shortcut – Katniss’s 2.0 William, he’s 14 and “he’s lazy and doesn’t like to do stuff”
  • Flower – Lipstick’s youngest 2.0.  He came prepared with his name and was excited to share.  There was some debate on if this was flour (cooking?) or flower (plant?) but he cleared it up for us.
  • Mickey – Warbuck’s youngest boy (for now), we nearly missed him in the FNG naming ceremony but he kept saying Mickey and so we named him.  Welcome Mickey!

Warm Up:  YHC asked the 2.0s how they wanted to warm up.  The first thing called out was LBCs but we got a quick veto from some of the Dads based on the wet conditions.  We went around the circle and tackled some Hillbillies, Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Frankensteins, Burpees, and whatever else was called out.

The Workout:  Modified kickball!!!  Lipstick helped to get the teams split up with Dads and their 2.0s together on each team splitting our 28 PAX to something of an even number.  Our new FNG (to be named Shortcut) opted to play against his dad (Katniss) and sister (Unicorn) however.

What was modified about the kickball you ask?  The ball was about 4x the size of your regular kickball.  The Dads owed 3 burpees per run scored on the opposing team (soon modified down to 1 burpee per score).  Also, Dads on the field had to complete 3 merkins per fair kick before fielding the ball to make sure there was some time to allow our 2.0s a fair shot at the base – if the ball was airborne, Dads could attempt to catch the ball without merkins.  We also found it useful to let a Dad or older 2.0 kick when the bases were loaded to clear the bases.

Luckily, the rain held off during the workout and the soccer turf was empty so we didn’t have to play on soggy ground.  45 mins proved to be the exact right amount of time to keep the Dads and the kids attention for our game today.  Donuts were already implanted in the minds of many.

Mary:  Kids ran the bases just like at the end of the Durham Bulls games.  We upped the rounds to 2x – cause why not try and empty the tank on these kids.

Announcements:  YHC forgot to run through these – sorry PAX

T-Claps (Recognition):  Great job Dads!  Thanks for coming out and spending time with the collective 2.0s I know it makes a difference for us and for them.

Prayer:  Prayers for 16-bit and his family.  He was set to lead the Dads workout today but a death in the family changed his plans.  He later posted to Slack that he and his kids had done their own workout prompted by the 2.0s – Great work 16-bit, Zookeeper, Linedrive, Catgirl, and FNG!!!