
Cold Shock on the Yard

Much colder in the gloom today than in the recent couple weeks. Back to watching for black ice and frozen fingers. The number of inmates in the Yard was 9-er.

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio’s, Frankensteins, Willy Mays Hayes, SSH.
The Workout: Counter off by 4. Each group starts at a different rotation with a choice of pain heavy implements. The rotations were: Chest/Back, Arms, Legs, Shoulders. Each rotation was 3:30, then switch on. Pax choose their implement and exercise to target the noted area.

Once all rotations complete, we took a fellowship mosey of just under a mile.

Rinse and repeat the rotations once more.
Mary: LBC’s IC x30, Box Cutters ICx25, WW2’s x 20
Announcements: Sign up to Q…you’ll be glad you did and Pax will assist you.
T-Claps (Recognition): 2 Dollars still getting after it. Was great to welcome FRAM back into the gloom!
Prayer: Praises for this brotherhood of F3 and welcoming those coming back off injury, etc.

HS City Tour with some coloring inside the lines

FNGs: None

5 HIMs posted to DTT this morning;  A lot of hard work. YHC brought the music box.


10×3 ct Good Mornings, 10×3 ct Emperial Walkers, 10×3 ct Hillbilly’s,  20×3 ct SSH, 20 Fozzie Arm Circles, 10×3 ct Willy Maze Hays, 10x3ct Daisy Pickers,

The Workout

Run around downtown

Circle of Rock: (Rotate rocks between exercises).

3 set of 10 x 3 ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tri-cep Press, Wonder Bras, Bus Drivers,  Rutrows, and Ground Pounders.

4 sets of 10×3 ct Rock Press, 2 sets of Rock Spanks (with and w/o consent), 2 sets of 10×3 ct Mountain Climbers, 1 set of Skull Crushers, 10×3 ct Windshield Wipers, 10x3ct Box Cutters, 10×3 ct Rockies, 10×3 ct Homer to Marge w/rocks, 10x3ct American Hammers.

Run around downtown

Doin some lines:  Pax split up and do drills in the parking lot coloring inside the lines.  Run forward, side straddle to next line, run backwards, 5 Merkins side straddle to next line – rinse and repeat down the line.  Squat Hold till all PAX are finished.

COT: 1 set of: 10×3 ct Frankenstein’s, 20×3 ct SSH, 20×3 ct LBCs, 10×3 ct Freddie Mercuries, 10 sets of Boat Canoes, buttocks and Hamstring stretches

Announcements:  Q Swap end of July, Sleep in Heavenly Peace needs help with deliveries.

Prayer Requests:  Quiver’s daughter to develop good connections with friends and find a social grove, Walt’s family (Forcep’s 2nd Dad) passed away last week.

The Undertaker

After hearing about Summer Slam for a while YHC decided to pick up one of these Kung Pow Q’s to celebrate his favorite wrestler growing up – The Undertaker.

The pre-blast promised trying to kill pax – thankfully we didn’t accomplish that but we did celebrate accordingly.

FNGs: None today. I hear there’s a free F3 shirt if you bring an FNG to Kung Pow.

EC: YHC, Cupid, Cancun, Deadbolt (great work on 5 pack w/5 ECs!), Roger Roger, and MadDog.
Warm Up:

SSH x20

Daisy Picker x20

Good Morning x10

The Workout:

Pax were warned that The Undertaker attributed good cardio to his many years of success. Many remarks were had about that assuredly being the only thing.

1st Thing – mosey down the street to a nice hill near Bibleview ct. Pax were informed of The Streak – The Undertaker’s 21 match winning streak at WrestleMania, widely regarded as the greatest winning streak in sports history.

Special back blast reading bonus – the first pax to message me directly (Slack or Facebook) with the name of the wrestler that broke The Streak gets a free beer/lunch if you don’t drink)

To celebrate the 21 straight we did 21s on said hill – starting with 1x squat at the bottom and 20x LBCs at the top. It’s like 11s but a lot harder.

After ~15 minutes we audibled – none of us are The Undertaker and this was going to take too long. We had other career highlights to get to.

2nd Thing – we moseyed back to the pool parking lot. Pax were reminded that one of The Undertaker’s signature moves was the chokeslam. Chokeslamming each other seemed like a bad idea (especially on a day with no disclaimer) so instead we could lead with one strong hand. We did this by doing 10x Turkish Getups on one side (don’t worry though – the other side was promised to be fulfilled later). We then moseyed out of the neighborhood and crossed over to the church where we fulfilled our other 10x Turkish Getups (on the other side, unless your name is Cupid and apparently you can only do them on one side).

3rd Thing – one of the storylines most often remembered about The Undertaker was the one with his brother Kane. They frequently fought and partnered with each other. To celebrate this pax were told to partner up with someone of similar spead for a mix of competing and supporting – we raced to opposite ends of the parking lot and back (as in pax went opposite directions from their partners – apparently this was very confusing). Once they got back the winner plank holds until their partner gets back at which point they lift each other up with 5x Patty Cake Merkins. We repeated this 3x times.

4th Thing – Pax were reminded of two things. 1 – The time when “in nineteen ninety-eight when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table” and 2 – The Undertaker loved lightning and even once used it to destroy the ring. To honor these two things we were going to throw outselves on the ground to the tune of Thunderstruck – SSH the entire song and a Burpee everytime you hear Thunder or Thunderstruck.

Pax seemed smoked but we weren’t at the starting point so we moseyed back to the pool parking lot for some very limited Mary.


We continued celebrating The Streak with 21x IC of the following:

Low slow flutter


Crab cakes

Homer to marge (with some nice demonstration by Deadbolt)

Picklepounder (it is Mother’s day weekend)

Grasshopper 5k for Sergeant Rick Leach
T-Claps (Recognition):

Deadbolt for 5 pack + ECs

All the pax venturing outside of their norm for Main Event May

Caitlin and Kid Cracker and his team as they beging working to help her.

Ooohhh Yeeeeaah!

Today we celebrated the life and wrestling lore of none other than the Macho Man Randy Savage. Though we didn’t get to nearly as much as YHC had planned, we had a raucous group of PAX making noise all throughout the neighborhood we should be quiet in. But that’s the way the Macho Man lived…insane in the brain, flamboyant, say it if you want to, and badass to the core!

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings x10 IC, 10 Burpees OYO, a mosey down into the hood, and we all know that the Macho Man could party like a rock star so…Moroccan Nightclubs IC x10. Finished with a mosey to the final cul-de-sac.

The Workout: So Macho Man’s first famous feuds were with Tito Santana and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. Back then, the Macho Man was smaller, high-flying, and faster. We circled up for a fast-feet/up-down progression for about 3 minutes.

We then remembered Miss Elizabeth, such an important part of the Macho Man journey,  with Pickle Pounders x20 IC and Hello Dollys x15 IC.

PAX were instructed to return up the hill stopping at every “rope” (intersection) for some exercises, because Macho Man was never afraid to go to the top rope. Street 1: Star Jumps x15, Street 2: Squat Jumps x15, Street 3: Prisoner Squats x15, Street 4: The Top Rope, 15 Burpees OYO. Finished with 15 SSH IC before exiting the hood to go to church.

At the church parking lot, we referenced yet another famous feud with The Ultimate Warrior. If you remember, whenever the Ultimate Warrior would start his “comeback” in any match he would do something like an “airpress to the spirits” or whatever. So we did Jack Webb’s 1:3 ratio up to 5.

Now how did the Warrior always enter the ring? Running. Split PAX into 2 groups. 1 Group would Indian Run around the U at the church, while the other group did a suicide sprint to a series of 6 cones. Then, groups switched roles.

We did not forget that weird period where Macho was all in to Queen Sherri. Homer to Marge x 20 IC.

A quick mosey over to the rock pile for a reminder that Macho Man had also joined forces with, then split with Hulk Hogan…the largest pythons in the world baby! Curls for the Girls x 30.

Macho Man also got married to Miss Elizabeth shortly after the feud with Hogan. A famous scene unfolded in the WWF ring with the Macho lifting up Miss Elizabeth over his shoulders. Alternating Lunges IC x20, Overhead alternating presses with rocks x 20IC.

Unfortunately, YHC started running out of time here. But we didn’t want to forget that Macho Man got SWOLE!!!! in his later years of wrestling. Hand Release Merkins x 20. We finished with a mosey back to the flag.

Mary: 10 Burpees OYO upon return. Then, the entrance song for the Macho Man, Pomp and Circumstance, guided us for 4 minutes through a plank-o-rama, finishing with 20 Good Mornings. Have a Macho Day…Dig It!!!
Announcements: It’s on! May Monthly Challenge is live tomorrow.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: POTS son, going into the Air Force. Police around our country, Delaware Cop and family after tragic incidents. Truth in Nature (Roger Roger), a ministry for boys without fathers/dads. Gillette and shoulder surgery healing, as he walked up to the COT toward the end. YHC took us out!

We had a few Sprinkles at the Sprinkler Q

Rolled into Disney parking lot around 5:10 this morning. Fram’s car was on scene and he was off for EC. I started unloading all my toys and Pots showed up and assisted me.  I decided last night to mix it up a bit due to all the beat downs I have received this week already. Really, I think this was just as bad as Monday-Wednesday!

FNG: Nope

Warm Up: Moseyed a lap around the parking lot. 15 of the following IC: Jack Feet, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Merkins, Fazio Arm Circles, Frankenstein’s

The Workout: Had 10 stations prepared with “Toys” coupons. 100’ Firehose drag, Pallet Push(this was a crowd pleaser), tire flip(not your average car tire either), stair stepper machine, 25 and 10lb weight station, fire hose tote, Tractor Weight framers carry one each hand 60lbs each, Fanny Packs Favorite “Olde Roy” 70lb Railroad Iron for Bench Press.

The farmers carry was the timer. 2 PAX went around the parking lot opposite ways and when they met 5 burpees. Continued to starting point. Each PAX rotated until we made it around each station once. Rinse and Repeated. We then switched things up same stations but worked different parts of your body. The pallet push, tire flip and fire hose drag were no joke!! I am spent!

Mary: 15 IC Box Cutters, then Box Cutters, Low-Slow-Flutter and then Low-Slow-Flutter.

Announcements: See Slack

T-Claps: Fram EC this am. Fram and 187 seemed to be in some sort of a competition this morning. They were both on FIRE!!! DO NOT mess with these MEN!

Prayer: Fram’s Brother going through a divorce, Crab Legs. Thank God we have the ability to get up every morning and exercise and fellowship with one another!!

Honor to Lead today! Happy Easter Gents!

No merlot today

YHC swapped into this week’s Paradise City Q after Lipstick decided to visit the happiest place on earth. With my original workout planned scrapped by the date change the pre-blast just said I was going to try and make someone merlot. Spoiler alert – I failed again. One of these days…….


None today – sad. Need to go EH some sad clowns.
Warm Up:

Mosey to the top of the ramp – SSH x52 IC

Mosey to the bathroom parking lot – Good Morning x8 IC

Mosey to the far corner – Diamond Merkin x20

Mosey to the basketball court – Hillbillie x10 IC

Mosey to the bottom of the ramp – Imperial Walker x2 IC
The Workout:

Run hard up the ramp, recover down. At the bottom keep running down the hill until six gets to posts, then turn and run hard back to the top. At the top we worked through the following list (one bullet point per trip to the top):

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Burpees (I said it was because of mumblechatter but Pablo was right – we were doing them no matter what)
  • 10 Burpees

We then recovered on 10x Monkey Humpers IC, recovery moseyed to the top for 10x more Monkey Humpers IC, and then did the same thing but with the hard run down the ramp and the recovery up. Same 6 exercises at 10 reps at the bottom this time.

After another two sets of 10x Monkey Humpers for recovery we were tight on time.

Mosey to the bottom of the ramp – pax line up in plank hold. On YHC’s mark, set, go we jailbreaked to the basketball courts.

10x Homer to Marge (South Wake Style) IC, then 5x IC each leg and some yoga wrapped us up

3rd F projects in the coming weekends

187’s M for continued recovery

All our pax to go out in the world and lead

Gassed Out

EC:  Lipstick, Skidmark, Pikachu, Fanny Pack, Full House, YHC

FNGs:  Pre-blast rumors were told of 3 FNGs to be brought by Katniss and 187.  YHC was the source of said rumors and they were absolutely unfounded by anything resembling fact.  FULL DISCLOSURE:  These statements were made to ride the coat tails of Katniss’s awesome backblast and pump up the numbers for my Q.

As everyone arrived on this fine Monday morning to Paradise.  The air was cool and fresh.  This was fortunately not a morning where the smell of garbage from the landfill hung in the air.  The PAX assembled and intel on the need for gloves was requested.  YHC figured we would be on our hands a bit so better safe than sorry.  This info caught the ear of our resident Pokemon/Nantan – “Bear Crawls!?” he asked excitedly.  It wasn’t in the plan but this was the second Paradise in recent memory where Pikachu called out for Bear Crawls.  I would see what I could do, I told myself.

Warm Up:  A familiar mozy around Paradise.  We ran towards the bottom of the ramp, as we mozy’d a car was moving fast to arrive to Paradise “on-time”.  Bobby Dall emerged from the car and joined us.  Pikachu reiterated his desire for Bear Crawls.  “Bear Crawls up the ramp!?”  I was starting to feel as though I was in a warped version of Green Eggs and Ham.  “Would you?  Could You?  On a ramp?”  The run continued to the top of the ramp where Windmills were performed.  Something was said about “Recover”.  I guess if you need to recover from Windmills…  Skidmark… YHC pressed on and we continued to the back corner near the tennis courts,  On the way, Skidmark looked back on his childhood and ran with his arms spread as if he were a bird or a plane.  Arrival at our next stop, YHC called out Side Straddle Hops.  We went to 25, YHC shouted “RECOVER” followed by Side Straddle Hops.  Lipstick was provided with his typical 50 SSH to start his Monday, Skidmark was given a moment to recover.  We pressed on to the lot, just beyond the barrier outside of the basketball courts – Daisy Pickers.   Warm Up over…

The Workout:

Mozy to the tunnel opening.  PAX watched out on the bypass as THE LAW descended on one unlucky speeder.  YHC reflected on Bobby Dall’s entrance to Paradise this morning.  Lucky for him, no one was on Sportsmanship way this AM as they have been for the last few weeks.

Thing 1:  Tunnel time was not on the menu but the first event was added per request from Pikachu.  Bear Crawls repeats up the hill.  Followed by lunge walks down this hill.  PAX repeated 5x bear crawls with returns.  At some point during this event, the first foul smell was noted.  Did Lipstick, take a Lipstick in the tunnel again?  No time to investigate, let’s clear out – next thing.

Travel to the next thing was a weave through the Paradise lot along Sportsmanship Way, back towards the ramp, and then back towards Sportsmanship again, following the outer rim of the lot.  As we approached our destination, a release…  Warbucks owned it immediately and proclaimed that he was powered by Tijuana Flats.  Full House cried foul, based on his examinations their were notes of chocolate and blueberries.  Something was off and not just the smell.

Thing 2:  11s on the stairs.  WW2s at the bottom (10 to start), Burpees up top (1 to start) – MATH!  OYO!  LET’S GO!  As the PAX worked to finish their task, complaints continued about a specific aroma.  Lipstick was pretty far from the group but that never stopped him before.  Laettner proclaimed “When it’s me, I own it!”  Thing 2 – FIN

Mozy in reverse course around the outer rim of the Paradise lot until we are at the top of the Bear Crawl hill.

Thing 3 (appetizer):  Sprint up the hill to the back corner of the lot.

Mozy around the back and to the bottom of the ramp.

Thing 3:  In the events of the morning it became clear what these men needed.  Probiotics!  Yogurt wasn’t present so all I could do was provide the medicine he would normally prescribe after a workout at Paradise (or any Ting-based AO) – SPRINT REPEATS!!!  Regardless of the need for probiotics, YHC had already decided to incorporate Yogurt’s 7-minute routine to the Main Event.  It played out as it normally does EXCEPT…  Someone ripped one at the starting line and held up the launch to ensure everyone got a good wif… FOR SHAME!!!  (nice one bro)

Return to the lot for Mary

Mary:  Oops, Bear Crawl repeats took all the time we had for Mary – Let’s not forget Bobby Dall’s hurried (but late) entrance – 5 BURPEES!!!

AnnouncementsLONG ASS RUN this Saturday

Prayer:  YHC took us out – Great morning in the gloom!

We kicked off St. Patrick’s Day with a Boom!

Rolled into the Trot on this St. Patrick’s Day trying to sort out exactly what we were going to do today. After getting out and talking amongst the PAX I nearly forgot I had the Q when the time was near until Pots asked who had the Q.


FNG: None

Warm Up: Field Trip up to Wake Chapel Christian Church. BTW I have been going here all my life. If you are looking for a Church Family or want to visit, we would love to have you. Awesome Preacher who preached from the bible and the Word of God!! Circled up there for side straddle hops (21), Hillbillies & imperial walkers (21), Sir Fazio Arm Circles (21), Good Mornings (21)

The Workout: Counted off into 2 groups. Group 1 stayed at Pittsboro Street at the end of the cemetery doing AMRAP while Group 2 ran through the cemetery all the way to the other side of the church to the pedestrian drop off. (20) of each exercise and moseyed back up the stairs down the ramp back to group 1. Group 1 repeated every exercise done by group 2. We did a total of 4 circuits.

Monkey Humpers—Donkey Kicks

Low Slow Flutter—Merkins & Deep Squats

Nipplers—Shoulder Taps

The run was a little longer that I expected so we had to cut it short and hit the road. We moseyed across the street down Fayetteville Street. 1/3 of the way we stopped for lunges (3) and a push up. Rinsed and repeated. 1/2 way we stopped and 10 jump squats. Kidcracker and Breach were racing I think, and we all met at the American Flag in Varina. We then did dips, merkins, urkins and moseyed back to Possum Trot Parking Lot.

Mary: LBC (15), Homer to Marge (20), Chill Cut IC to (40) Have a Nice Day

Announcements: Jersey Mikes in Fuquay Has Teamed up with Military Men in Actions to raise Money for this Awesome organization. All proceeds got to them. March 31st. Come out and Show your support!!

T Claps: Fram for EC and He is back!!! Norm branched off a got some miles!

Prayer & Praise: Maggie Petterson neighbor of Roger Roger. Cousin of Roger Roger having health issues and a hard time. Crab legs, Bondo’s M having a procedure today. Pray that all goes well.

Bondo celebrating 35 years with his company and retiring June 30th! Congratulations! My son Will is celebrating his 21st Birthday today! God is Good!!

YHC took us out. It’s an Honor to be apart of F3!!

Buzzards with Random Counts

YHC cooked up a plan to get everyone here between 3-3.5 miles during the workout. Random counts at stops along the way were on the bill today as we primarily circled the soccer fields like buzzards in 8 Man Indian Run lines. Strong work put in by all PAX along the way. Bear crawls were a last minute consideration at the prodding of Pikachu during the Gloom, but ultimately time expired.

ECers’: Skidmark, Pikachu, Full House, U.T.I., and YHC.

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings x20 IC followed by a warm up mosey with stops along the way around the large lot in front of the ball fields. Warm-ups included: Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC (F/R), Imperial Walkers x10 IC, Hillbillies x10 IC, 10 Burpees for a very late arrival, and Windmills x10 IC.
The Workout: We counted off into two 8 man Indian Run lines. Every stop at the BBall Court would be 5 burpees, every time passing the flags at the stadium entrance would be 7 Star Jumps. Each time the Indian Run groups crossed paths, YHC would call an exercise. Exercises included: Merkins x30, Mountain Climbers x14 IC, SSH x40 IC, Prisoner Squats x37, Plank Jacks x17 IC, Hand Release Merkins x 21, Squat Jumps x17…I think. We circled a total of 4 times, switching directions halfway through.

Groups converged at the bottom of the ramp for 25 IC LSF’s led by Skidmark. We moved on to a series of short hill repeats up the ramp. Started at the first light pole with 14 merkins, ran to the top for 6 step-ups. Each time back we deleted a light pole and 1 merkin. Some PAX may have got down as low as 10 merkins before we had to call it quits at the top of the ramp and head back on a mosey to the BBall Court for Mary.
Mary: Homer to Marge x20 IC, Box Cutters x 20 IC
Announcements: TedTalk Tuesday about Shield Locks…tune in. Long Ass Run Saturday the 27th, check Slack for details.
T-Claps (Recognition): The HIM’s at Ting who just kept going today…several fellas were tired, YHC could tell…but we inspire eachother to move forward.
Prayer: Roger Roger cousin with stroke and brain tumor, his family friend Maggie (breast cancer). Dumbo stepped up to take us out. Strong work, YHC was blessed to lead today!

Why Would 21 PAX Post for a Wednesday Run? Must Be the Sprints!

Was looking forward to Q’ing R4TJ because I wanted to do two things: Launch a new route and bring back sprints. Needed to get off Crossway for some variety, but wanted to retain the elevation gain. Had lots of ideas, but when it came to mapping, it was challenging. Plus, I told Bobby Bouche that I’d map out a 3 mile option. Initial routes had too many turns, which lead to confusion and frustration. Finally occurred to me that Skymont to Daisy Grove was the perfect solution.

Must Be the Warm Up! Multiple PAX EC’d already. PAX kept rolling in as 0530 approached. Had to get in the middle of the parking lot where we could circle up. 21 PAX make a big circle. With so many EC’ers, I just wanted to warm up the remainder. SSH 25x, Daisy pickers 10x. We got a count and Bobby Bouche agreed to lead the 3.5-mile runners. We all took off. Felt like start of the HS Half.

Must Be the Route! HS Half start, climb Anchor Creek, right on Wellspring, down to the greenway, across the boardwalk. Beginning at the long boardwalk, Skymont goes straight up for a nice elevation gain. This is a very functional route. At the top of Skymont near Daisy Grove, 3.5-mile runners peel off at the greenway connection to Jones Park, head to HS Road, then follow Main back to Ting. At Daisy Grove, 5.5-mile runners turn left, make a couple of simple turns to get to Homegrown, then HS Road and Main to Ting. Finally, we all meet up at Ting for COT and sprints!

Must Be the Workout! This “one hour” run that goes by like nothing. Why? The chatter, the junk talking, the climbs, the descents, the sunrise, the picking up the six, getting to know new PAX, catching with PAX you haven’t seen in a while, and finally, the shenanigans—ask Lipstick and Roger Roger. I tried to run with as many people as possible, while turning back for the six regularly. This was fun.

Must Be the Mary! No, actually it couldn’t be, there was no Mary
Must Be the COT!

Announcements: Long A$$ Run, March 27, multiple mileage options accompanied by multiple starting points, all end in Durham
Prayer: Maggie P and family

Must Be the Sprints! Yes, it must be the Sprints! All 21 of us lined up for sprints, yes! Wait, that’s not what happened… But, shout out to Bobby Bouche, UTI, and Lipstick for hammering out some sprint to AC/DC Long Way to the Top.