
I came for a Workout not just Running

EC: Emeril, Full house, Shamwow, Dahmer, Fanny Pack
FNGs: Chubbs – First job was at a driving range Chubbs is from Happy Gilmore

Warm Up:
51 Side Straddle hops to honor our favorite salty Carpex Pax Lucky Charms

The Workout:

6 Rounds of 5 Exercises. Do one exercise every minute on the minute (EMOM)

Ice Skaters 30 Reps
Swings 30 Reps
Push Press 8 Each Arm
Burpees 20
Horned Squats 30 reps
Ice Skaters 20 Reps
Swings 20 Reps
Push Press 5 Each Arm
Burpees 10
Horned Squats 20 reps


6 Rounds EMOM
5 Push Press Each Arm
20 Swings


4 Minutes of Onnit’s Six-minute abs (2 Rounds)
10 Seconds Plank
10 Seconds Knees to Elbows
10 Seconds Mountain Climbers
20 Seconds Hug your knees situp
20 Seconds Freddie Mercury
20 Seconds Polish Twist
20 Seconds Bowl


Mulch Sign up and do it
T-Claps (Recognition):

Cobra Kai: Those that came to learn how to Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy

Man who lost his life in carjacking

FML takes over Paradise City

Warm Up: 187 took us through some warmups at the top of the ramp
The Workout: Pikachu started with 4 corner indian runs with 3 burpees and 5 merkins.  YHC then took us to the ramp for 7’s with burpees and merkins. Finished with Suicides on the ramp.
Mary: Skidmark took us out with Yoga

I like big tires and I cannot lie.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey towards rock pile, large circle around the island. SSH IC 20, Imperial Walkers IC 10,  Hillbilies IC 10, Moroccan Night Club IC 10, 5 burpees for late PAX, Mosey back to tires.
The Workout:  YHC explained how the tire exercises would work. There were a few audible mumbles after explaining each exercise…but no questions.  Once the ME starts neither rocks nor tires touch ground.  Only if Q of group calls exercise to include the coupon, was it allowed to touch the ground.  So during the rotation PAX had to pass the coupon to the next group.  5 burpees per drop to be tallied up and done at end…a few more audible mumbles.  After a quick count off in groups of three we sent Group 1 to the Tires. Group 2 to the Rockpile and Group 3 went on an Indian run.  2 Rocks per PAX. This is was a shared leadership experience. Rock exercises from each PAX calls exercise for reps or cadence. Too many to list but the normal staples were done (Curls/press/row/abs/forearm) until Indian run group relieves. Group 1 got 3 rounds of Rocks exercises in. (the goal was 4 but time did not allow) Rock Group sprints up the parking lot and relieves the Big Tire Group.  Big Tire Group. 3 PAX per tire.  For each exercises the tire only touches the ground for #2. 1. Tire press / Squat Jumps (touch tire) 10 reps (modified hold above head or at chin if too heavy to press) 2. Flip & Drag Tire from cone to cone / Abs (2x) One PAX flips tire up to next cone then other man drags it back. The PAX that aren’t flipping or dragging do abs awaiting their turn. We found this one to be very challenging and needed to pick up the six on occasion.  3.Bench Press & Rows / plank hold IC 10 count One PAX benches tire while other PAX rows, odd man out does a plank hold IC.  4. Shoulder shrugs / Derkins 10 reps (not sure if any group got to this one due to time). Indian run group (timer group) middle circle ,stop sign down to main parking lot then down to the rock pile circle.  They replace Rock group, Rock group sprints up a replaces tire group, tire group does Indian Run. Repeat cycle.

Mary: 35 burpees for dropped coupons during the workout
Announcements: Banks Road AO starting back up on Mondays. Continue to sign up for spreading mulch at Bass Lake. Come out to the Nest for continued CO-Q Duel.
T-Claps (Recognition): Those that EC’d. Thanks to Breach and Sprinkler for assisting in the CO-Q. Great work on the clothing drive last week.
Prayer:  Quiver’s Family member dealing with COVID. 1st day of school and families dealing with the new logistics of managing. Pray to God for your objective in life.

Q-Duel Cletus – Sprinkler 1 year anniversary and the BIG 50!

EC:  Katniss, Boy George, Dahmer, Nemo, Norm, Flyby from Vasoline

FNGs: Welcome @Fanta
Warm Up:  Mosey to the far lot to keep the noise down a “little”.  10 X Fazio Arm circles FW & REV, 15X Overhead Claps, 10X Imperial Walkers, 10X Hillbillies, 20X SSH
The Workout:

It was a celebration week for Sprinkler.  He had his 1yr F3 anniversary this week and turned the big 50 today.  RESPECT!  What better way to celebrate than an F3 party!  41 STRONG today.  Nice showing F3Southwake, way to end the HS Q-Duel week!!!

Count off by 2’s and divide up.

1’s with Sprinkler and 2’s with YHC:

1’s stayed in place for Round 1 11’s , 2’s headed to the lot by the Rock Pile for Round 2 11’s

Well the plan is below, but since we split up I can’t speak for both groups.  I can say that there were a lot of bear crawls for the 2’s and a lot of modifying on the fly (for time!).  I heard group 1 got in a lot of Bear Crawls also and that was the main plan; so all went well.  The surprise for me was the Pavillion intermission which turned out to be a beast!  We had a Round 3 planned just in case, but not a chance on that one!  I’m sharing and saving the workout below because I would like to complete it as written sometime.  It’s a great start to a CASUP if you ask me!

We even had an FNG today.  Welcome Fanta, from San Diego and use to work for Pepsi!


Round 1
Merkins jog between sides
prisoner squats
Dips 10, 15, 20X w/ BTTW in-between
Rock Pile
2 sets
10 overhead press, 15 triceps curls, 20 curls for the girls
Round 2
Plank hold bear crawl in between
star Jumps
15 pickle pounders
2 sets omnit abs – 30 sec each – rocky boboa’s, spoon hold, American Hammers
15 box cutters
Round 3 if needed
trip around the soccer field
stack each corner
10 burpees,
15 diamond Merkins,
20 Monkey Humpers,
25 LBC’s


Mary:  1’s got in some work, 2’s did the rock work hoping to watch the 1’s bear crawl but didn’t happen
Announcements:  Bass lake mulch.  Sign up!, Q-Duel coming to FV next week.  Show some love, check Slack
T-Claps (Recognition):  41 strong!
Prayer:  Woodard family (good news on the no cancer front, keep the prayers coming), Prince Family fire dept chief, pray for recovery from Covid.  Etrade (Patricia), Dauber and family for their trip to Texas, Florence and family as he works in Wilmington for 14 weeks (you and Hardy will be missed at Cletus!)

Co-Q Duel Kickoff at Downtown Train

F3 Southwake Co-Q Duel got started in a big way at DT. Record attendance for this site that averages 3-5 #HIM as we had 36 strong post. Was excited to have our newly named Weasel Shaker, and a guy who has had a major impact on me over the past few years, Mookie as the surprise Co-Q. DT is sort of like a “poor man’s Disney”, lots of great rides available and I was looking forward to showing a couple of them off for all the new faces posting to DT for the 1st time. Mookie and I decided to do a little split Q so everyone had a chance to spend time with both of us, and we went with 2 DT classics – repeats on Cemetery Hill, and a visit the drug store. Mookie would lead the hill work and I would take drug store with a group switch in the middle. Quite the impressive scene as I headed back to the lot from EC to find guys looking for overflow parking. Was cool to see guys reconnecting and catching up a bit on life, with some great mumble chatter out there this morning. Thanks to all who posted and thanks for a solid start to the donations for Healing Transitions.

FNGs: Not today, but I noticed several of or newer guys out there this morning. and it’s great to see you all coming back and really getting to be part of F3.
Warm Up: Stayed at the flag knowing we would be opening the workout with a jog and we did some SSH, Good Mornings, Fazio Arm Circles, Mt Climbers and of course, a Nemo classic the Goofballs.
The Workout: Counted off by 2s to split the group and headed out on the jog towards Earp where 1 group veered off the tracks to head over to Cemetery Hill and the other headed up and along the back road to the drug store. Mookie took his group through hill repeats and focused on keeping together by adding sets of burpees at the bottom, merkins at the top and mixing in low slow flutters, shoulder taps and LBCs. Cemetery Hill is a DT favorite and I was glad to see Mookie pushing the PAX to put in the work on these repeats. At the drug store we worked through another DT classic set that really just involves doing a bunch of different stuff with little, if any, recovery. Without details of count/cadence it went something like this: BTTW, People’s Chair, BTTW, straight into plank, shoulder taps, plank, merkins, plank, nipplers, plank – then on the feet and hold out the arms, slow seal claps, hold out arms, overhead claps, hold out arms – then drop and bear crawl across lot, plank hold for 6 then merkins, then crab walk back. Recover, repeat. We worked in some SSH too, and 2nd set we stopped short of the bear crawls for time. After the full set at each spot, the groups met midway and swapped. Then we converged again for a fellowship jog back the flag.
Mary: Circled up and did a set of 6″ hold/low slow flutter, LBC, Homer to Marge, American Hammers. Then Mookie treated us to some clockwork merkins and closed us out with some good stretches.
Announcements: After name-o-rama we brought back a tradition I really like and we asked the 6th man in the count to tell us how he got his name and what he has appreciated about F3. Tetanus was the 6 in the circle and he explained his name and talked about how he appreciates the accountability and how he looks forward to posting. Co-Q Duel continues this and next week – head over to Nutcracker tomorrow for Moby and some surprise Co-Qs, Mulching Bass Lake going well.
T-Claps (Recognition): Guys out on EC, Boy George for posting after a tough 50k trail race this weekend, everyone who brought donations, Pikachu for a great setup for trunk coffee 2nd F
Prayer: Let’s keep Quiver’s uncle and family in our prayers as he recovers from covid, unspoken, YHC shared a message about the work we each need to put in to being good leaders. 10 count silent for unspoken and YHC took us out.

Honor to lead and to co-Q with Mookie, hope you all have a strong start to the week

Just a bit off

YHC decided to Q this workout with everything just being a little bit off. Seemed fitting given where things sit right now in our country, but more on that later.

EC was popular with YHC, Emeril, Skidmark, 187, Pablo, Cupid, and Dawgpound out for 2+ miles.

FNGs: None today
Warm Up:

0530 hit and we were off. Head towards the ramp and circle up at the first foul ball marker for SSH x10 IC. Continue around the park stopping at various spots we don’t usually stop at for Frankenstein’s x8 IC, Merkins x11, and Good Mornings x7 on Emeril’s count. We stopped at the top of the ramp for the main thing to kick off.
The Workout:

Starting from the top, run to the first foul ball marker, do 4x Merkins, then back to the top. Repeat for each foul ball marker and then all the way to the bottom (6 stops total). Pax picked up the six and then regrouped at the bottom.

YHC talked about some things seeming impossible at first (like running a marathon) and then told the pax our next exercise was to bear crawl the length of the ramp. Pax did a good job of pushing through and made it to the top – really made the legs sore!

We took a recovery mosey around the park stopping at the guard rail for Russian Dips x7 IC.

We moseyed back to the top of the ramp for round two on the foul ball marker hills, this time with 2x Squats.

This time when we regrouped at the bottom of the ramp we crab walked the entirety of the ramp, with the option for pax to switch forwards/backwards as they wished.

At the top we moseyed around clockwise one more time – YHC instructed the pax that we were going to practice our downhill finish now that we had sufficiently tired legs. Pax were told to keep good form and to roll through the entire downhill back to the basketball courts where we circled up for Mary.


LBC x10, Low Slow Flutter x10, Freddie Mercury s l o w x20

Mulch sign up – if you haven’t done it yet give it a shot!

Co-Q Duel weeks begin next week – All AOs closed except for the featured AOs listed. Go post somewhere you don’t go very often! See Slack or Facebook for details.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Snap for setting the pace on the ramp repeats. Dude is fast!

YHC talked about this workout being inspired by how things in our society right now just feel a little off. We certainly aren’t back to normal, but we still have to step up and be leaders in our communities, families, and workplaces. On that note YHC took us out.

Big Red or Little Pink?

YHC had pre-blasted that we’d possibly be grabbing some fresh air and that running was mostly off the table. That’s good because Chaps had reached out mentioning he was bringing an FNG, and like with all FNG’s we wanted him to come back! So running was mostly off the table except for Lucky Charms who did laps between all his sets…instead of just after the stacks. The rest of us ran minimally.

EC: YHC and Dahmer had some solid mumblechatter along the way!

FNG’s: Welcome Lil’ Teet! More on that later…
Warm Up: SSH x 30, Good Mornings, Imperial Walker’s, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio’s F/R, and Frankenstein’s
The Workout: Un-stacking and re-stacking 4 exercises in rounds. Round 1: Goblet Squat, Bell Merkin, Midget Cookie Pouch, Swings. Do all exercises in sequence for 20 reps, then 15 reps, then 10 reps. Run a lap. Round 2: Same procedure, but exercises change to Thrusters, Lunge with rotation, Lawnmower rows, and on your six pullovers. Unstack the reps and run a lap. Round 3: Repeato the procedure but exercises change to Figure 8’s, Halos, Boobity-Boobity’s, and Midget Love Handles. Run a lap. Basically, all pax got through three rounds and started re-stacking or almost completed round 4, which was to build up (10-15-20 reps) where we left off. I think Lucky almost got back to the first set…beast!

Mary: 20 Midget Cookie Pouches, 20 LSF’s with the Bell, Pickle Pounders, and plank hold for all pax 10 count. Have a nice day! So in naming our FNG, we ran into a bit of a SNAFU. He stated his hospital name, age, and said “Big Red”!  Man…that would’ve been a good name, but there is no naming yourself at F3. Lucky promptly said, “hey, what about Little Pink!” That would’ve been good too. But turns out, at some point in FNG’s life…he got to be a Chick Fil-A cow on a college campus and watched alot of hotties as he said walk around but he couldn’t schmooze with them. YHC offered the name “Hard-On” to alot of laughs. But in the end…Big = No, Cow = Teet, Lil’ = Not Big = Lil’ Teet!
Announcements: Mulching continues, sign up for the Derek Davis Memorial 5K to be run together on August 20th at Tiger Blood. Check the Slack!
T-Claps (Recognition): Good work Lil’ Teet…keep coming back. Good job on the EH Chaps!
Prayer: Our community, military, first responders, our nation for unity, our teachers for sanity. Pumpkin Spice and family continue to support a young man who’s in a tough spot and needs guidance. Honored to lead!

All Upper body at Ivan

FNGs: None
Warm Up:

Circled up at the top of the parking deck.

Foot Trace
Tootsie Rolls
Hip Barrels
Spinal Twist
Shoulder Shrug
Neck Stretch

The Workout:

5 Rounds of the following Exercises. 30 Seconds Reps 10 seconds rest

Kneeling Clean and Press
Push up On Bell
Bobbity to Bbbity
Shoulder Press
KB raises
Midget Cookie Pouches


Onnit 6 minute abs – Up to 6 minutes or 30 rounds. No stop keep ongoing
10 Second Plank
10 Second Plank knees to Elbows – Nice and Slow
10 Seconds Mountain Climbers – Nice and Slow
20 Seconds Situps Hug your knees
20 Second Bicycle nice and slow
20 Seconds Russian Twist
20 Seconds Bowl


Mulch Sign Up

T-Claps (Recognition):


Oh great :/

EC: Emeril, Dawgpound, Cupid, 187, Skidmark

YHC has three favorite exercises: The first is the merkin clock. We would not see that today, that comes out on special occasions. The second is the two man catch me if you can Indian Run. We commonly see that at Paradise City but not today. My third is the three man Indian Run. It is typically higher tempo with slight variations to pace. You really get a race feel when doing it. Start out fast, then run faster. I also like to make the three man indian run random grouping, it get’s people out of their comfort zone.

YHC promised no warm-up and to be ready at 0530. At 0529 it looked we had the final group there so we counted off in 4’s. A moan overtook the group as guys imagined what was about to happen. Some may have prayed for a good group of like paced Pax, then cursed the devil when the groups were established.

Group 1: Pablo, McNugget, Cupid
Group 2: Snap, Bondo, 16-bit
Group 3: Emeril, Katniss, Lucky Charms
Group 4: 187, Dawgpound, Skidmark

FNGs: none
Warm Up: none
The Workout: Three man Indian Run as promised with the group heading out on the Paradise City EC route. At the top of the first Bridgewater Hill stopped for 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 LBC’s. Continue three man Indian Run to the top of the next Bridgewater Hill for 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 LBCs. Three man Indian Run to fence at the bottom of the hill. Pax would be doing 11s back up this side of the Bridgewater hill.

Pax would run a three man Indian Run up the hill and complete Peter Parker Merkins. Then jail break down the hill for reverse lunges (L/R = 1). After a few loops Q audibled to only going up the hill halfway. At some point Dawgpound traded himself to Group 2 for Snap.

Whole group Indian Run to the top of bridgewater hill for 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 LBC’s. Continue 12 man Indian Run to the corner of Main St. then jail break back to the basketball courts.

Mary: Yoga stretching
Announcements: Mulch, Scramble week
T-Claps (Recognition): Cupid finishing his master’s.
Prayer: Piper (Bondo’s granddaughter), McKeon family

So this workout is FREE???

15 PAX including one FNG and a 2nd timer posted at Paradise City on the steamy morning. A few guys already lost the shirt once YHC took his off. FNG received the disclaimer at 0528. Today’s workout was a repeat from a previous AO in Carterico I led this past spring. The guys hated it so I knew it would be a great fit for PC. YHC mumbled to some PAX as we took off that the FNG had a good chance of merlot on this one. Here’s how the fun went down.

Bondo, Warren is 59 and survived without a merlot. However, he learned about a workout through HS Rec Center that he signed up and PAID money for. Little did he know our workout was free. M4L and YHC instructed him to Cxl his membership immediately and ask for a refund. Tell HSRC it was a horrible workout and they should Cxl this class.

Warm Up:
Butt kickers, High knees, Carioca
Circle up
Throwback for Blue Hen since he couldn’t make it.
Jacked Up
SSH x 20 IC
Plank Jacks x20 IC
Smurf Jacks x20 IC
Seal Jacks x20 IC
Red Bull Smurf Jacks x20 IC

The Workout:
Four corner stack’ems
C1 – diamond merkins x10
C2 – monkey humpers x10IC
C3 – crab cakes x10IC
C4 – Turkish getup x10
Run to C1 do exercise, back to start and same exercise.
Run to C2 do exercise, back to start and stack’em.
Repeat for C3 and C4, keep stacking

Black snake run to opposite parking lot

Split group in half
Loop burpees increasing merkins
10 burpees w/1 merkin (10)
9 burpees 2 merkins (18)
8 B 3 M (24)
7 B 4 M (28)
6 B 5 M (30)
Total 40 burpees and 110 merkins

Ramp belly sprints x3
Absolutions on recovery at bottom of ramp x5 (2 sets)

She fartsacked

See slack, HS/FV Q swap coming in August

T-Claps (Recognition):
EC HIM and Bondo jumping right in…RESPECT

COVID-19 battles, Clay’s family, Matt friend of Bondo, unspoken

Great job to all those men pushing themselves. Cupid said he set a bootcamp record for calories burned at 600+. There were a couple guys that should be challenging themselves more because they are stronger than what they think. Appreciate the opportunity to lead as always.

BS Out!